Honey Hill House

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Honey Hill House Page 10

by Lisa Ireland

  Mitch smiled at her. ‘You’ve dealt with way worse things than that. You’ll find a way to get through this. And I’ll be here to help you.’

  Bea let out a big breath. Of course Mitch was right. This was by no means the worst thing that had ever happened to her. But she was tired of fighting all the time. Dulili was supposed to be her fresh start. All the crap from her life with Jason was supposed to be firmly in the past. ‘Thanks but I don’t see what you can do. I can’t let you invest in Honey Hill House. You understand that now, right? I need to be totally in control of my own finances. It’s not that I don’t trust you, Mitch. I just never want to rely on anyone else ever again.’

  ‘There are other ways of helping.’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘Well I might need to think about that. But for starters I can recommend a good accountant. My friend Fiona has her own practice in Orange. She’s super smart and very easy to talk to. I’m sure if I called her she’d fit you in ASAP. What do you think?’

  ‘I guess it couldn’t hurt.’

  ‘Well, that’s a start. Now, should we crack open this second bottle or will I put the kettle on?’

  Suddenly Bea felt as if a large weight had been lifted from her shoulders. ‘Tea would be the sensible choice, but you know what? Let’s walk on the wild side.’

  Chapter 10

  Mitch welcomed the distraction of opening the wine. He needed a moment to process what he’d just heard and what he was feeling. He was grateful that it was a corked bottle and not a screw top as it gave him the chance to head into the kitchen for a moment while he retrieved the corkscrew.

  ‘Second drawer down,’ Bea called from the living room.

  ‘No worries,’ he replied, struggling to keep his voice light and cheery.

  ‘Back in a tic,’ she said, and he heard her get up and walk in the direction of the bathroom.

  Bloody hell, what a night. He needed to tread carefully now, because today everything had changed. From the moment he’d taken her in his arms at the mailbox Mitch had realised this thing he had for Bea was way more than a schoolboy crush. When she told him about the tax bill and that it meant she’d have to leave, the resulting panic he felt made him realise he couldn’t lose her. He was crazy, head over heels in love with this woman and there was no way he was going to give up on her without a fight.

  Everything she’d told him tonight had reinforced his feelings. My God, she was amazing, far from the ‘dippy hippy’ he’d once imagined her to be. She was a warrior, proud and strong. The trouble was that those very qualities he so admired about her were preventing her from accepting his help.

  There had to be some way for Bea to stay in Dulili. He’d call Fiona first thing and ask her for a favour. At least then they’d know what they were facing. Beyond that it was hard to know what to do. But there would be a solution, he was sure of it. After all Bea had sacrificed, it wasn’t fair for her to lose Honey Hill House as well. He would do everything in his power to make sure that didn’t happen.

  The more pressing problem was whether or not to act on his feelings. More than anything he wanted to take her in his arms and comfort her. No, that was bullshit. He wanted more than that. He wanted to kiss those ruby red lips of hers. He wanted to strip off the layers of clothes she hid beneath and let her know just how desirable she truly was. He wasn’t sure what lay beneath her woolly jumper. She hadn’t elaborated on her breast surgery and what it had entailed. It wasn’t something he knew much about. But he did know this much, breasts or no breasts, scars or none, Bea was the woman for him.

  * * *

  ‘Did you find it?’ Bea asked.


  She walked into the kitchen to find Mitch staring blankly into space. Was it any wonder? Poor guy. She’d droned on and on for hours about her pathetic marriage and her health problems. Hardly scintillating dinner conversation. ‘The corkscrew. You’ve been in here for ages.’

  ‘Have I? Sorry. I was just—’

  ‘Planning your escape? I honestly don’t blame you.’ She laughed as she opened the drawer to retrieve the corkscrew.

  ‘No. Quite the opposite. I was working out how I could keep you from leaving Dulili. I don’t want to lose … the town to lose you.’ His voice came out thick and raspy. Maybe it was the wine.

  ‘How about this? No more talk of my troubles tonight. Let’s change the subject and pretend that awful bill doesn’t exist.’ She waved the corkscrew in the air. ‘Come back in the living room and help me forget my woes for a bit.’

  He grinned. ‘Deal.’

  With the mood somewhat lightened, Mitch made his way back to the living room and Bea followed behind, corkscrew in hand. In their absence Rosie had decided to make the couch her own, stretching out and taking up all the room.

  ‘Oi, you. Shove over. Give us some room,’ Mitch said, giving the pup a gentle push. Rosie yawned and did as she was told, but instead of curling up in the middle of the couch where she’d been all night she moved to one end and curled herself into a tight ball. Mitch raised his eyebrows. ‘That wasn’t what I meant,’ he said, but he made no move to shift her.

  Did it matter if they had to sit so close to each other? It wasn’t as if Mitch was about to put the moves on her. Not after the conversation they’d just had. If he’d ever been attracted to her—which she very much doubted—there couldn’t be a more serious passion killer than an hour’s discussion on your ex-husband, topped off with a side of breast-removal surgery. In fact, she could probably give classes: How to Turn a Guy Off in Two Easy Steps. ‘Leave her there. She looks so comfy. And I promise I won’t bite.’

  He gave an awkward sort of chuckle. ‘Let’s get this bottle open then.’ He took the corkscrew from her hand and then went about removing the cork from the bottle. He poured two glasses and handed her one. ‘Cheers.’

  ‘What shall we drink to?’

  He paused for a moment, looking as there was something he wanted to say, but changed his mind. ‘To new beginnings,’ he said, eventually.

  ‘Yes, to new beginnings and new friends.’ She lifted her glass in a salute before taking a sip. Clearly she was on the edge of her alcohol limit because instead of the ladylike sip she’d intended to take, she partially missed her mouth, sending droplets of red wine dribbling down her chin. Before she’d had time to set her glass down, Mitch reached across and placed his hand beneath her chin. He swiped the drops away with his thumb. ‘There you go,’ he said softly.

  Her body reacted immediately, a tantalising quiver of electricity shooting across the skin as he touched. When he made no attempt to remove his hand she looked up to meet his gaze. There was no mistaking the desire in his eyes. ‘Hey,’ she said. ‘What’s going on here?’

  ‘I’m thinking very seriously about kissing you.’

  Her heart began to hammer so hard it felt like it was beating in her throat. ‘Mitch,’ she whispered. ‘I don’t think that’s such a good idea.’

  ‘Really?’ he said, inching closer. ‘I happen to think it’s the best idea I’ve had in a long time.’

  Suddenly she couldn’t think of a reason not to let him kiss her. All her concerns about them being neighbours were irrelevant now. For despite Mitch’s optimism, Bea knew there was no way she’d be able to keep Honey Hill House. It was only a matter of time before she admitted defeat and called the removalists. So why not indulge in a little harmless flirtation? It’d had been such a long time since a man had shown any real interest in her.

  She closed her eyes and waited.

  He moved so close that she could feel his breath mingling with her own. His hand gently reached for hers and he took it as he tenderly laid his lips on hers. At first he was careful, his lips gently brushing against her. The sweetness of his kiss conveyed his respect, and his reluctance to cause her further pain. Once again she felt the tears begin to well.

  To hell with that. She was not some fragile piece of china that needed to be handled with care. She wanted to be kissed li
ke a woman, not a precious princess. She wanted a man who was overcome with desire for her. A man who would tear off her clothes hungrily and throw her down on the bed. A man who couldn’t get enough of her.

  She responded by deepening the kiss. She let go of his hand and cradled his head, drawing him even closer. His arms enveloped her as his mouth moved to trail kisses from her earlobe along her neck. When the neckline of her jumper restricted him from going further he slid his hands under the waistband and began to tug the garment upwards.

  Bea froze. What would happen if Mitch saw her naked? How would he react to the fact that she had scar tissue where most women had breasts? What if he was repulsed by the sight of her? ‘Stop,’ she said, pulling away.

  He immediately withdrew his hands.

  ‘I’m sorry. I thought that was what you wanted. I shouldn’t have rushed you. We can take things slow if you like.’

  She creased her brow in confusion. What did he mean? Was he talking about having sex or something more? Because this wasn’t about anything more than giving in to desire without consequences. ‘Mitch, I do want to kiss you. More than kiss you in fact, but you know this isn’t going anywhere right? You know that I can’t stay in Dulili?’

  ‘We’ll see about that.’ He reached for her again.

  She shimmied away. ‘I’m serious. I mean if I were staying this probably wouldn’t be a great idea, with us being neighbours and all.’

  ‘Bea, can we just forget about all that for a little while? I’m attracted to you. To be honest I started to fall for you way back when I saw you fixing the back door.’ He grinned. ‘Girls who know their way around a power tool are very sexy, you know.’

  She smiled, grateful for his attempt at lightening the mood. ‘Obviously we’re attracted to each other, but I don’t see where this can go. Both of us have been hurt before.’

  ‘Let’s not worry about that tonight. You think you’re moving and all we can have is a one-night stand. Well, I’m telling you right now, that’s not what I want. But if it’s all I can ever have I’ll take it. I want you Bea. I want all of you.’

  Suddenly she felt stone cold sober. His honesty was disarming. No man she’d ever known had been prepared to lay his feelings out like that. Okay, so it wasn’t as if she had lots of experience with men, and apparently Jason wasn’t a stellar example, but her girlfriends were always dissecting conversations they had with men, trying to analyse what their latest lover really wanted.

  ‘What are you thinking?’

  Mitch had been honest. It was only fair that she respond in kind. ‘I’m scared,’ she said.

  He nodded. ‘That’s understandable. I’m scared too. But we can make a pact that tonight is a guilt-free zone. No promises. No lies. Just the two of us showing each other how much we care. Let’s not worry about the future, or the past. Let’s just be happy right now.’

  She nodded slowly. He didn’t have to convince her of the merits of sleeping with him. Every fibre of her body was aching for his touch. But there was still the matter of him seeing her as she really was. ‘Okay. But it’s not just that. Honestly Mitch, this is hard to admit but I’m terrified that when you take my top off you’ll be repulsed by what you see.’

  He reached over and grabbed her hand. ‘There is absolutely no way that is going to happen.’

  ‘You understand that there’s nothing there, right? My breasts are gone. These…’ she placed her hand on her prosthesis, ‘… are fakes. Pretend boobs so my clothes fit properly, but when you undo my bra, it all comes off and there’s nothing there. Are you sure you can deal with that?’

  He didn’t flinch, or even blink an eye. ‘I’m attracted to you, Bea. All of you. I love the way you swear under your breath in Italian and that you talk to the pot when you’re cooking. I love that you’re the most vocal supporter the Demons have ever had. I love that when life threw you a curve ball, you decided to pick yourself up and make a fresh start. You’re strong and brave and clumsy and silly and funny. These are the things that make me happy when I’m with you. There’s nothing under that jumper that scares me.’ He placed his hand on her chest, right above the fake mounds. ‘This is what I’m interested in, not these.’ He gave one of her falsies a squeeze.

  She burst out laughing even while her eyes were filling with tears. This man was worth taking a risk for, but she had to make sure he knew what he was getting into. ‘Are you sure? Because it’s not exactly pretty under there. I mean, I’m used to it. I kind of like my scars. The way I look at it I owe my life to them. But I can see how it might be a turn-off for other people.’

  ‘I’m sure. I don’t think there’s anything about you that could turn me off.’

  She leaned in close. ‘I think maybe you’d better kiss me then.’

  He obliged, kissing her tenderly at first then deepening the kiss as she responded to him. Her hands slid down to his waistband and she tugged at his shirt until she’d freed it from his jeans. Now, with her hand on his bare chest, she could feel his heart thumping. This was real. He wanted her. This beautiful man desired her. And he’d already told her he was hoping for more than a one-night stand. Maybe…


  She wouldn’t spoil this moment by overthinking it. They’d worry about tomorrow when it came.

  He pulled back gently. ‘Hey,’ he said. ‘I do have one small request.’

  ‘What’s that?’

  He nodded his head toward Rosie. ‘Not here … not in front of the pup. It just doesn’t feel right.’

  Bea laughed. ‘Yeah. I guess you’re right. How about we leave Rosie here where she’s comfy and we retire to the bedroom?’

  ‘Sounds good to me.’

  She took him by the hand and led him to her room. He went to flick on the light as they entered, but she shook her head. ‘Leave them off.’

  ‘Really? I don’t want to make love in the dark. I want to see you. To look in your eyes. Please don’t be afraid. I’m promise you every inch of you will be beautiful to me.’

  She sat down on the bed and reached for her beside lamp. ‘Okay, but leave the main light off. It’s too harsh. I think the lamplight is more romantic.’

  He nodded his approval as he closed the door behind them. He stood in front of her. ‘Would it be easier if I went first?’

  She giggled. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘How about I do a little striptease for your pleasure?’

  She grinned. ‘Oh my God. Really? You’d do that?’

  ‘I’d love too.’

  ‘Why thank you sir. Actually, now it’s my turn to make a request.’


  She leaped up and went to the rickety Queen Anne wardrobe that housed all her accessories and dug around for a moment in the dim light until she found what she was looking for. Once located, she popped the cowboy hat on her head and jumped back onto the bed, propping herself up on the mountain of soft white pillows at the head of the bed as she tossed the hat to Mitch. ‘Can you wear this?’

  He laughed. ‘Can I ask how it is that you just happen to have a cowboy hat conveniently stashed in your wardrobe?’

  The hat was joke gift. She’d almost thrown it out. Right now she was congratulating herself for her sentimental hoarding tendency. ‘My girlfriends gave it to me before I left Melbourne. There was quite a bit of discussion about kissing cowboys, and how I needed a hat to fit in here.’

  ‘Ah I see. Well then…’ he put the hat on and winked, ‘… let me be your cowboy tonight.’

  ‘Would you like some music to get you started, Cowboy Mitch?’

  ‘Yeah, that’d be great.’

  She leaned over and pulled her iPod out of the bedside drawer. ‘Anything particular you had in mind?’

  He shook his head. ‘You pick.’

  She scrolled through her favourite playlists for what seemed an age but nothing stood out as being just right. In desperation she clicked on the classic rock playlist and there it was. She began to laugh as she popped the iPod into it
s dock.

  Mitch raised his eyebrows and then joined in her laughter as Joe Cocker’s You can leave your hat on began to play. He started to sway in time to the music, as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt. When it was fully undone, he dropped his shoulders and let it fall to the floor. With that he turned so that he had his back to her and began to shake his butt. Bea couldn’t help but laugh. Mitch responded by turning back to face her and unbuttoning his jeans. Slowly he unzipped, teasing her a little by moving the zipper down then up again.

  ‘Take ‘em off,’ she called, holding her belly, which was aching from laughing so much.

  Mitch obliged, peeling off his jeans, while all the time keeping time with the beat. Funny as it was, she had to admit he wasn’t a bad dancer. And his performance had achieved what she’d never thought possible—instead of feeling scared and anxious, she felt happy and relaxed. Ready to take the next step.

  The song was ramping up for its finale and so, it seemed, was Mitch. He had his back to her again and now—dear God! —he was removing his boxers. Turned out she was right all along. He did have a magnificent butt. As the song finished he removed the hat from his head and after strategically placing it in front of him turned to face her.

  She applauded and wolf-whistled, before patting the bed beside her. ‘Come here,’ she said giggling.

  ‘What are you laughing at?’

  ‘You did a great job. You know, maybe you’ve missed your calling. If you ever decide on a career change I reckon Manpower might just snap you up. I do have one tiny criticism, though.’ She pointed to his feet. ‘Socks on is a deal breaker, I’m afraid.’

  He looked down at his feet. ‘Have a heart. I couldn’t work out a sexy way to take them off.’

  She laughed. He looked so sweet and vulnerable standing there in his socks with nothing but a hat for modesty. To remove the socks he’d have to put the hat down and reveal all in the process. ‘I’ll make a deal with you,’ she said. ‘If you take off your socks, I’ll take off my top.’


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