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Page 5

by Yalu Taylors

  I’m mumbling to myself as I turn to face the targets head on. I throw the fireball and Quinn yells out that I throw like a girl. “Nah, really?” I throw harder this time and the fireball hits the top edge of the target. As I work to perfect my aim I ask the questions which have been plaguing my mind. “What is the plan for fighting J.O.Y and the Ultra teams? Are we going on a rescue mission or is this just us trying to get rid of J.O.Y for good?” Ace answers me just as Kalum knocks my fireball off course.

  “Hey!” I throw another one and then a third straight after. The first is taken out by Kalum but the second hits the target dead centre. “We have been asked to investigate a possible sighting of another female subject located at the Mulwar Facility.” I’m about to ask who asked them to investigate when I remember that Ace takes orders from my father Frank. I throw another fireball and lower my voice. “Will we see him?” I mustn’t have lowered my voice enough because Braydon asks who we are talking about. “She was just asking what we did with Peter.” Ace lies. Braydon shakes his head and tells me not to worry about him. “He’s living a normal life far away from us.”

  At first I was a little bored with the repetitive exercises the guys had me doing with my powers but then they introduced me to something fun.

  The guys had me wait in the lounge room, facing the window, as they all ran off, to hide around the house. I count to thirty and turn around. I listen carefully to the silence, trying to pick up any of their movements. I hear a creak coming from upstairs so I close my eyes and teleport to the bedroom I was sleeping in. Braydon smiles at me from the bed and I wink as I call out that I found him. I give him a quick kiss and keep going.

  The jerk twins broke the rules and hid outside near the heater. If it hadn’t been for me walking passed the window at the same time they did, I never would have thought to look there. After calling out their names, I teleport to the downstairs bathroom and peek around the corner. Ace is sitting under the steps an unlit cigarette hanging out of his mouth. “You smoke?” I ask tilting my head to the side. “Nope, used to, every now and then I’ll pull this one out and just hold it. It reminds me of why I quit.”

  I step closer and look into his eyes. “Why’s that?” He gets up and calls out.

  “I’m out.” In a lower tone he says. “I lost someone I thought I was in love with. Now run along, the others will be getting impatient. Tessa?” I look up at him as he climbs the stairs. “There’s a games room at the end of this hall.” I teleport to the room and stare in awe. Zack and Zayne are quietly playing a game of cards. “Found you both.” I teleport out and land on the top of the stairs. Ace is only just reaching the top. “Thanks.”

  “No worries baby.” He winks at me and goes off to the room he’s been staying in. Braydon, Zack and Zayne go passed the stairs to the lounge room and I head off down the upstairs hall. I hear a sound off to my left and I quickly teleport in that direction. I end up in a bedroom that has everything black. Black bedding, black curtains, black lamp, dresser, wardrobe, everything is black. I look around but can’t see anyone. I’m almost positive it’s Kalum’s room but he’s no where in sight. I go back to the hall and look around. A sound comes from off to my left and I quickly zap to it.

  Declan smiles as he makes his way into the kitchen. “Got bored waiting.” He waves me over. “I’ll start lunch, do you want to round them all up?” I nod and go searching for the ones I’ve already found.

  Zack, Zayne and Braydon were easy to find. They had stayed in the lounge room like they were supposed to once they were found. Ace however disappeared upstairs. I zap up to the hall just outside of his room. I knock twice then turn the handle and nearly loose all thought. Ace is standing there with nothing on. His back is to the door and I don’t think he heard me knock or come in. I study the lines of his muscles along his back for a moment, before realizing how rude I’m being. I zap myself back to the other side of the door and call out this time. “Ace, lunch is being cooked now.”

  Someone taps me on my shoulder and I nearly scream. Kalum smiles at me and whispers. “You were caught, you know.” I blush from head to toe and zap to the library room down the hall. Hunter is sitting in a big black recliner reading a book. “Guess I found you. Lunch is being cooked.” I zap away again and then stop as it occurs to me how easy teleportation is compared to the rest of my powers.

  After lunch they taught me a game they used to play when they were kids, it was very similar to tag but they shoot each other with very low charged powers. We start out in teams, Hunter, Ace, Zack and Zayne on my team. The jerk twins, Kalum, Declan and Braydon on the other. Zack and Zayne show me how to create an illusion by making us a paintball style arena in the big open field out the back of the house. I try but nothing happens when I do it. They decide to leave it at that and we get started on the game.

  I charge up a tiny bit of electricity and the tiny spark starts growing into something bigger. It explodes on me so I try messing with my water power instead. I create little bubbles of water and hurl them across the field aiming for the guys on the other team. After about ten minutes of this the guys decide we should switch it up a bit. The call a free for all and I quickly duck down beside the closest cover.

  Ace runs passed a small electrical ball in his hands, I toss my water ball at him and laugh as he yelps at the current now zapping him where ever he got wet. Zack and Zayne run by me a few minutes later and I toss the water at them as well. They both whirl around and I’m covered from head to toe in sand before I can even blink. I shake myself off and gather the water balls into a larger one. I then call up a couple of really small yellow flames. I tap them a couple of times to make sure they wont burn anyone then toss first the fire then the huge water ball at the twins. They yelp at the fire but as soon as they realise it’s all show they start stalking towards me. They look up too late as the giant water ball splashes down on top of them.

  It’s then I realise that these games we’ve been playing have a purpose. The guys have been teaching me finer control over my powers. We continue to play games that would require powers and they managed to keep me occupied for two whole days. I’m pretty confident with my fire, water and teleportation but when it comes to mind control, I’m too scared to do anything with it.

  Zack and Zayne have me practicing on the jerk twins. “Focus your thoughts on what you want the person to do.” He stares at the jerk twins for a moment then they start dancing around making chicken sounds. I laugh but something about mind control really freaks me out. “I think I’d rather find other ways to do things. This just isn’t me, I’m sorry guys but I can’t make someone go through all that.” I feel the tears burning the back of my throat as I wait for them to push me into messing with this power. To my surprise they both smile and give me big hugs. I thank the jerk twins and apologize for wasting their time. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. “Don’t worry about it Honey, I think it might be because you didn’t like having your memories wiped. It’s understandable that you wouldn’t want to do something like that to someone else. You will have to get control of it one day but perhaps for today, we’ll call it.”

  Braydon and Hunter still want me to practice more before they’ll let me go with them on the investigation missions though. Zack and Zayne have been taking off with Kalum at random times checking out possible locations of this female test subject but none of the leads have panned out. I’m sitting in the lounge relaxing after playing with Hunter’s strength power. Braydon comes in with an excited look on his face. “What’s up?” He looks at me for a minute then stalks over to me. He pulls me to my feet and leads me into the kitchen. “The others are going to be stuck in town for the night, so it’s just you and me Tessie.” I’m curious what he has planned but decide to let him have his fun and surprise me.

  I sit on the edge of the kitchen counter as he starts pulling ingredients from the fridge. He sets the chopping board up and passes me the knife. I hop down and start chopping the vegetables while he moves over to the st
ove. Neither of us say a word as we work. The quiet is comfortable and relaxing after spending so much time with all of the others around. When we finish our preparations, Braydon starts cooking, he maneuvers me so that I’m standing in front of the stove with him at my back. Having him so close reminds me of the times when other people have come up to me from behind and it has me trying to think of why I don’t feel the same annoyance when my guys do it. “What are you frowning about?” Braydon smoothes his finger between my brows. I explain what I was thinking and he smiles. “Maybe it’s because you actually trust us.” I shrug and continue stirring the food.

  After dinner Braydon runs me a bath and tells me to enjoy my relaxing soak. I’ve been dying to try out the tub ever since we got here but with so many guys using all the hot water I haven’t had a chance. I smile to myself as I soak in the bubbles. The bathroom is a beautiful design, it’s walls are a very soft blue that offsets the pale green of the counter. The sink and tub are porcelain white and the shower is amazing, with twin shower heads that have multiple settings on them. I’m about to get out of the tub when I hear a knock on the door. “Tessie? Did you fall asleep in there?” I giggle because if I had have stayed in the tub much longer, I probably would have. “No, I’m getting out now.” I quickly dress and make my way over to the bedroom, Braydon is standing beside the bed holding a DVD in one hand and a packet of white chocolate in the other. I smile at his thoughtfulness and sit propped against the pillows.

  About half way through the movie Braydon pulls me in tight against him. He leans in and kisses my eyelids, then slowly kisses along my cheek to my lips. The kiss deepens quickly and continues past the point where we usually stop. He slowly pulls back, staring into my eyes. “Please.” I’m not entirely sure what I am asking for, but I say it again as my hands grope for his shirt. I pull him to me and again we are kissing. Before I can get my thoughts together, I’m pulling his shirt over his head and running my hands along his sculpted abs. He responds by growling low in his throat and skims his hands from my hips to the hollow of my throat. It’s a teasing I’ve never experienced before. His hands are gentle yet rough at the same time and I’m nervous about what to do next.

  He looks me in the eyes as though he is checking to make sure I’m okay with what he is doing. He roams his hands up closer to my breasts, it tickles slightly as he brushes against the underside of my breasts. “Are you sure Tessie?” He asks, his breath coming in short fast gasps. “Yes.” I answer as he leans in and kisses me again.

  What starts out slow soon builds to a frenzy. It almost seems like his strong capable hands are everywhere at once. Gentle yet demanding, he begins to stroke my flesh using his hands, layer upon layer of delightful goosebumps cover my skin sending a tingle right to my core. His lips create a trail of heated kisses along my stomach, he follows that by kissing across both of my hips and before I can be embarrassed about where he is going he starts to use his tongue in my most intimate of areas. Fire erupts along my flesh, making me feel like I’m about to combust. Something strong is building within me and it breaks with the first touch of his tongue to my clit. My whole body goes rigid then I feel an almost overwhelming sense of euphoria.

  The sensation begins to build again as he continues his ministrations. Too soon he brings his kisses back up along my stomach to my breasts. “So beautiful. I’m going to make you feel so good my love.” He breaths the words against my flesh making me squirm. His fingers gently stroking and pumping in and out of me in a teasing rhythm. “Please, don’t stop.” I whimper and beg. He begins to give my nipples attention as well and they harden as he creates small wet circles around them. I’m about to combust again from the combined stimulation of his tongue and his fingers that are working their magic down below.

  He whispers against my skin and I cry out from the pleasure his words and fingers are invoking. “It's all right, I’ll take care of you my love, don’t fight it, let it all go.” He sits back and I hear a crinkle of foil. I open my eyes to see what he is doing, I watch fascinated as he slowly rolls the condom down his length. “Are you sure?” I nod and he pauses his movements. I look deep into his eyes and he asks me again if I’m sure. “Yes, I’m sure. Please.” After that all I am capable of is a nod and a keening sound as his fingers continue to drive me wild.

  At first there is just the feel of his mouth on my breasts and his fingers delving into my wet centre as he brings me close to the edge once again, but then he moves up, hovering above me. He rubs himself against my folds, teasingly. Then slowly gently he eases his way inside me. I feel a stretch then his lips devour mine and a sharp short pain goes through my core. He stills and waits for the pain to subside, I squirm a bit as the pain goes away and Braydon takes this as his cue to start moving again. Kissing every where he can reach and worshiping me with every movement of his body within mine. A sweet almost painful spasm grips me as he moves himself in and out. At first he’s moving slowly, almost clumsily but then he goes faster and his thrusts become more frantic as though he is driving towards something by pumping into me. The frenzy creates a much more intense feeling inside of my and I feel a heat pooling within me. I cry out his name as I begin to fly, losing all sense of time and reality. We collapse and he rolls so he’s facing me. My breathing begins to even out and he kisses me softly.

  He jumps from the bed, goes into the bathroom and returns moments later with a damp cloth. He gently cleans between my legs and I blush as I notice the blood. He tosses the cloth into the clothes basket and returns to the bed, pulling me tight against his body. At some point I must have fallen asleep, his arms wrapped tight around my waist, keeping me as close to him as I can get. “I love you.” I hear him whisper into the darkness before sleep once again takes me under.

  I wake the next morning to the sound of arguing. “Just answer the question Braydon. Why is she naked?” I blush from top to bottom as I realise I’m no longer covered by the blankets. Braydon shushes Hunter and I cringe as Hunter starts yelling at Braydon. “We all promised we would talk about it before any of us went that far with her.” I sit up, pulling the blanket over myself and watch as Hunter starts to pace. “Should we keep this from Zack and Zayne? This will be the second time you’ve broken a promise to them.” It’s those words that make me notice that Hunter isn’t jealous. He’s angry because Braydon broke a promise. I decide to step in and get this over with, after all it wasn’t their choice to make. “I’m not going to lie to them.” The bedroom door opens and Zack and Zayne walk in. “Lie to who?” Zayne asks. Zack looks over at me then rounds on Braydon. “Tell me you were at least gentle.” My embarrassment increases as Braydon tells them that he was in fact gentle with me. For some reason though I’m not embarrassed about them knowing or discussing it, more so about them having known I was a virgin.

  Zayne walks over to the bed and kisses me gently on the cheek. “Good morning Babe. I hope he at least let you experience an orgasm or two.” He whispers as Zack and Braydon continue arguing. Hunter comes over and asks if I’m alright and if I need anything. He’s being really sweet but I shake my head, telling him I’m fine. Zayne looks at me curiously then calls Braydon and Zack over to the bed. The four of them sit down and face me, I get the feeling we are about to have a serious talk. Zayne opens his mouth then closes it again. He takes a deep breath. “Do you want Braydon to heal you?” Heal me? I’m frowning in confusion. I wasn’t hurt exactly, a little sore from having just lost my virginity but nothing that needs healing. Zayne coughs and looks at Zack. “Oh. Um, He means do you want Braydon to heal you down there, so that you aren’t sore.” Zack blushes as he speaks and Zayne hides his face. I shake my head, I’m too afraid of healing that particular area. What if he heals my hymen? Would I have to lose my virginity all over again? “No I’m good.” I smile as I speak to put them all at ease. “Not exactly the first conversation I’d expected to have on my eighteenth birthday.” I joke as they all stare at me.

  Choruses of happy birthday ring out as they all pretend t
o have not known it was my birthday. They all scramble off the bed, making excuses about having something to do that can’t wait. They each give me a kiss before leaving the room and I smile to myself as I flop back down on the bed. “I could get used to this.” I think to myself as I drift back off to sleep.

  The guys woke me up with presents and lots of food. I stare at the presents not really knowing what to do. This is the first birthday, that I can remember where I have been given presents. Do I open them in front of everyone or do I wait until they leave, then open them? I have absolutely no idea, so when Braydon nudges my shoulder and tells me to open them, I am extremely grateful. Braydon hands me a little box with silver-blue wrapping. I carefully pull the tape off, trying my hardest not to rip the paper. Inside the little blue box is a set of little heart earrings. Engraved on the heart is an X and the number five. I smile as I lift them out and put them in my ears. “They are beautiful, thank you.” I lean forward and give him a kiss, the blanket drops exposing my bare breasts. I go to pull it back up but Hunter stops me. “No need to cover up with us T, we don’t mind the view.” He winks at me and hands me a red covered box. I open it, again being careful of the paper and inside is a notebook with a picture of the five of us together at their old house on the cover.

  After Hunter collects his kiss, Zack leans forward and hands me a heavy wooden box. On the top is an engraved heart, but this time there are four little roses surrounding it. I open the lid and gasp, inside is a set of the most beautiful pens I’ve ever seen. Each one is a different colour and engraved on each is a heart with a tiny rose. I look closer at the rose and notice that it is the exact rose I drew at school. “They are…” I take a deep breath and finish lamely with the word beautiful. Zack kisses me softly on the cheek and motions for Zayne to hand me his present. I open the gold wrapping and inside is a silver necklace, it’s only the size of a dollar coin but the rose is so detailed I’m tempted to sniff it to see if it’s real.


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