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O.U.R.S Page 9

by Yalu Taylors

  Nathan opens the door and we file through the door into what looks like a storage room. I look around for an exit but only see shelves and supplies. Worried I am being setup I spin around quickly to face the others. When I open my mouth Troy points to the wall behind the shelves on my left. A hard to see line goes along the wall in the shape of a door. I snap my jaw shut and hold my hand up in the gesture to proceed and Nathan looks over the entire frame of the shelving unit, he smiles and places his hand on a section of the metal shelf. Watch him stand there for a moment with a blank look on his face and suddenly the door clicks open.

  We proceed into the next room and I blink a few times. I’ve never seen so many computers in one room before. Cables run along every wall and across to each computer. Our intel had the server room in the basement but here it is in the front of the building.

  Nathan gets to work hacking into the systems to try and locate Hunter and the others. We all wait quietly while he searches and within a few minutes our patience is rewarded. “Second floor, we’ll have to go passed the guard room to get to the stairwell for the second floor. The elevator open’s out right in the Ultra training room so that’s not an option.” Nathan whispers. I nod and we all head back the way we came. Troy scouts ahead of us to see if there is anyone in our path. Cedric and I follow Nathan. We only make it as far as the guard room before we run into four Ultra agents and a guard.

  I don’t have much time to react. My healing is useless in a fight. My fire is weak but I can still throw a fireball. I see the first Ultra throwing around electricity. I look at my tiny fireball then at the ceiling. If I can alert Nathan, we can turn on the sprinklers and stop the electricity guy. Hopefully he’ll be too scared of frying his own people. I’m about to get Nathan’s attention when he goes flying passed me. He hits the wall behind us and passes out. I’m torn between helping him and dealing with the electricity wielder. Quickly, I throw a fireball the size of a coin at the smoke alarm. The sprinklers go off and I run over to Nathan. As I heal him, I look around for the others. Cedric is pinned down behind a desk. A huge guy wearing the guards uniform is blocking his exit. At first I can’t see Troy but then I notice droplets of water falling in an unusual pattern. He’s sneaking up on the fourth Ultra agent. Nathan and I are out in the open and if I don’t get him to safety we’ll both be caught.

  I look around again, this time searching for a safe spot to hide. I see a vending machine that hasn’t been installed yet, off to my left. There’s enough room behind it to stash Nathan until he comes to. As I’m dragging him I can’t help thinking that Hunter could have done this easily. Tessa’s powers would have been really useful too. With Nathan safely out of the way, I turn back around. Troy has taken down one of the Ultra team and Cedric is no longer hiding but fighting. The guard goes down as I watch and the last three Ultra agents just stand there. I’m confused why they aren’t doing anything. Troy reappears next to me and we both stare at the Ultra agents. “What is happening?” My voice sounds frantic, even to my own ears. “What took you guys so long?” I look up at the doorway and frown. “Zack? Zayne? We were just coming to rescue you guys.” As I speak Hunter walks through the door as well. Followed by Ace and his team. “I guess the rescue is a success.” Nathan deadpans as he crawls out from behind the vending machine. “What did I miss?”

  Chapter 13


  I wake up to find another one of those damn bracelets on my wrist and that I am in a strange room. I sit up and look around, but nothing looks familiar. The bed is like the ones you see on TV in war movies. Plain metal frame with no mattress just a canvas sling and a sleeping bag. Only other thing in the room is a small locker against the wall. I get up and walk over to the door. I think about checking the place out but I have no idea who took me or how I got here so I phase and the bracelet falls off. Once I’m able to I teleport, I head back to the last place I remember. There’s no sign of Braydon at the rest stop but I’m worried something may have happened to him so I go searching. I check all the bathroom stalls in both the men’s and the ladies but find nothing. I’m just rounding the corner to the disabled toilet when a car pulls up. Thinking it could be Braydon returning to find me, I rush out to see.

  “Tessa?” I look up at the stranger, he’s huge, wearing a leather jacket and jeans and covered from neck to toe in tattoos. I have no idea who this guy is and I have no intention of hanging around to find out. He takes a step closer to me and I teleport to the inside of the bathroom at the Coles shopping centre. Before I can even leave the stall, Biker dude appears right next to me. “How the fuck?” He clamps his hand over my mouth and teleports me right back to the tiny bedroom. “Dude, I am so not into you. Quit following me.” I phase as he reaches for me and my mood plummets. The high low of going from teleporting to phasing is messing with my head too much for me to do it again so I just back away and stand there glaring. Biker dude stands still with a strange look on his face. “You’re glowing.” I glance at my hand from beneath my lashes. “No shit Sher…Hic…Lock.” I hiccup again and release the phase so I can teleport. No way am I going to face off with someone if I have the damn hiccups.

  I teleport on the spot and wait a beat before speaking. “Who the fuck are you and what is with everyone kidnapping me? Can’t a girl just catch a break?” He smiles at me and it’s the goofiest smile ever. “Well Dopey, you going to answer me?” His smile grows showing off a golden front tooth. “You are just like your mother, you know that?” I heave a sigh. “Which one? The dead one or the fake one?” I snidely ask and his smile falters. “Well Tori is a bitch but no, I think your smartass attitude is from Kelly for sure. She was the most difficult person I ever met.” I take a closer look at him, he doesn’t look old enough to have known my mother. “Who are you?” His goofy smile returns and he holds out his hand. “Jarad McNelly. Second in command. Welcome to the GLG, Tessandra. We’ve waited a long time for you.” I shake my head as I decline his proffered handshake. “Nope, not joining.” I phase out and move back a couple of steps towards the door. “You going to tell me where Braydon is?” He nods his head then steps closer to me. I feel like a cornered rabbit. I phase right through the door and stop dead in my tracks.

  Hundreds of men and boys as young as five, are standing in orderly rows, all facing the doorway I just came through. As I stare out at the multitude of faces, Jarad whispers in my ear next to me. “Frank built all this for you, Princess.” He grabs my hand and I flinch but don’t pull away. “Hallie has returned to us.” He lifts our linked arms into the air as every guy in front of us begins cheering. The happiness and excitement on their faces has me blushing from head to toe. I try to phase but it doesn’t help, I can still feel their eyes on me. I step back through the closed door and solidify myself. I have no idea what to do. I should leave, find my guys. An image of the smallest boy down the front of the ranks pops into my head. His angelic face and tight blonde curls looking up at me like I was some kind of savior. His expression was so hopeful, my heart burns at the thought of disappointing someone so sweet and innocent. I sink down onto the tiny bed, with my head in my hands. Hope springs to life within me. Maybe these people can help me my guys.

  A gentle knock comes from the other side of the door before it flies open. “You’re still here?” Jarad’s grey eyes are filled with the same hope, I saw in the little boys eyes. “Do you know where Braydon is? I need to get my friends out of the Mulwar facility.” I almost said I need to get my boyfriends out but I’m not sure how people would take that around here. “Your friends are all in the infirmary. I can take you to them if you like.” He talks like he is part of the military. I follow him out of the room and across the now empty courtyard.

  As we walk I look around me. The entire place looks like it was built by hand. Each barracks is plain, with a single door at the front. I count them as we pass and by the time I’ve reached thirty, Jarad stops walking and points to a slightly larger building. I walk up the two steps to the verandah and stand there in
front of the door, not sure what the protocol here is. Jarad comes up behind me and I snap. “Don’t fucking stand behind me. I can’t stand people behind me.” He lifts his foot but doesn’t make it any further. The door bursts open and Seven guys barge their way passed him.

  Hunter reaches me first, wrapping me up in a big hug. I breath in his musk and sigh, happy to be reunited with him. I’m pulled away by Zack and Zayne, who squish me between them. They let go all too soon but the blow is softened by Braydon’s kiss on my lips. Before I can lose myself in the kiss, I’m being pulled out of his arms and into Ace’s. I blink a few times before relaxing, I missed him too weirdly enough. Ace lets go and the jerk twins, Quinn and Phoenix, squish me between them. “We missed your sexy ass more than those guys did. You ready to ditch the kids yet?” I laugh and playfully swat them both at the same time. Kalum and Declan give me quick hugs as well. I feel so loved right now.

  “So Lach, you ready to tell us what happened yet?” I frown and look at Jarad. “How many time do I have to…” I spin and stare at Braydon as his voice trails off. An image goes through my head, a young boy around eight or nine. I hear someone call out to him. “Lach, wait up. I can’t run that fast.” The little girls voice sounds eerily familiar. I blink and the vision fades back into the here and now. “Lach? As in Lachlan?” Hunter asks and I look up at his face, he’s frowning in thought. I go from face to face and each of my guys look like they are waking up from a nightmare. “What the fuck did you do?” Zayne shouts. Zack steps up to Braydon and punches him right in the nose. I gasp, Zack is not a violent person.

  Hunter turns his back on Braydon and starts to walk away. “Come on guys, I think we may have some explaining to do to T.” Ace grabs my left hand and Zayne grabs my right. I follow along with them not really sure what else to do. I look back at Braydon and find him on the ground with his head in his hands. I pull free and run back to him. “Someone tell me what is going on.” I demand. Braydon’s face turns up to me, tears streaming down his elf-like cheeks. “I’m so sorry Tessie. Please don’t hate me. I love you, I swear I have always loved you. I only did it because I thought we’d all be safe. Please Hallie.” He reaches out to touch my leg but Hunter snaps his hand out, backhanding Braydon across the face. “Don’t you ever touch her again. You are not to even look at her. What you did is beyond wrong. It’s was pure evil.” Hunter grabs my arm and I let him drag me away. I stare at Braydon until we turn a corner and he’s no longer in sight.

  “What did he do?” This is the tenth time I’ve asked in the last five minutes. Hunter led me to one of the barracks with six bunk beds inside. I’ve been pacing back and forth trying to get answers but so far no one is talking. “Hunter.” I snap, using my gruffest voice. “He betrayed us all Tessa.” Hunter gets up and leaves me standing there even more confused than I was before. “Will any of you tell me what is going on or do I need to go hunt down Braydon to get answers?” They all shout as one. “No.” Ace adds, “You stay that hell away from him Tess. That kid is bad news.” Their aggressive response has me lost for words and even more confused. How can they go from being best friends with someone to hating them, all within the space of a few seconds?

  I walk outside, hoping to catch Hunter but there’s no sign of him. I close my eyes and lean over the railing with my back to the door. I feel a set of arms wrap around my waist but the smell coming off them is unfamiliar. I phase and spin around. Jarad stands there smiling at me with a creepy glint in his eyes. “Hi Tessandra. I’ve been looking for you.” He’s too close. I try to step back but my lower back hits the railing. “What? Only your friends can hug you?” I don’t know what is going on but something doesn’t feel right. I open my mouth to shout for the guys but something jabs into the side of my thigh. “Don’t worry Tessandra, they won’t miss you.” The guy in front of me blurs and his face changes to someone with horribly scarred features. I blink and he looks normal again but his eyes are seriously creepy. He stalks closer as my vision starts to go black around the edges. I feel something poke into my stomach and look down between us. His hand turns red as my blood seeps out from around the knife. “Samantha sends her regards, Tessandra.”

  I cry out and he slams his hand over my mouth. The door flies open and Zack, Zayne, Ace, Kalum, Declan and the jerk twins come running out. They stand there staring at the guy who has hold of me and I struggle against his hold. The knife digs in deeper and he turns his wrist, twisting. I know something is very wrong when the pain suddenly stops. “Nathan?” Zack asks at the same time Hunter screams out my name. Ace steps towards Nathan and I and Nathan gives the blade another twist. I cock my head to the side and stare down at the river of blood soaking through my clothes. “Why can’t I feel anything?” I ask In wonder. “Tessie?” I hear Braydon’s voice and I go to turn around in a daze. “Don’t move Princess, I wouldn’t want this to be over so soon.” Everything around me starts spinning and I stare into the haze of my vision. Then I feel a jolt of electricity and everything goes dark.

  “Tessa? Can you hear me?” I blink a few times and look around me. Braydon is kneeling beside me, his hand clasped tightly around mine. I try to sit up but am pushed back down by a large hand. I blink again and my sight clears enough for me to see passed Braydon. Hunter, Zack and Zayne are all hovering behind him. Each with a differing worried look on their face. “What?” I cough and Braydon presses his hand against my sternum. “Justh resth Tethie.” Braydon’s side effect kicks in making it hard for me to understand his slurred speech. He shakes his head in frustration and stands up. I watch in silence as he waves to the others to come forward. They group around me as Hunter bends down and picks me up. I look over his shoulder but can’t see Braydon anywhere. “Where’d he go?” I ask in a small voice. “Don’t worry about that right now Honey.” Zack says gently.

  Chapter 14


  Nathan thrusts the dagger in harder, twisting it in her flesh. I can’t watch, I’m sick to my stomach as I hear something crunch inside her. I bend at the waist and start to heave. This is just too much, I can’t keep going through this. My stomach empties and I glance back just in time to see Ace hit Nathan with an electrical charge strong enough to kill. His hand on the knife drops and I watch in stunned disbelief as Tessie jerks around. Some of the electricity must have hit her as well. I swallow and run, closing the distance between us as fast as I can. I hesitate for a second, unsure if it’s safe to touch her yet. I’m unsure how but I make it to her before any of the others. I shake my head confused because they were all standing closer to her than I was. I’m in panic mode, my thoughts going through my mind faster than the events that are unfolding before me. I grab her hand and send my healing through her, feeling within my mind where the damage is. “Please don’t die.” Her heart falters and I rush through, pouring more and more power into her. She begins to glow but I don’t dare let go. I can feel her own powers fighting mine. I strengthen my resolve and push harder on my own powers. “Come on Tessie. Stop fighting me and let me heal you.” My hands burn with the intensity of the power between us, yet still I press on. Her chest lifts and her breathing begins to even out. “Tessie?” I call her name but she still isn’t responding. I flood her body with my healing power, trying to find anything else that could possibly be wrong. “Stay with us Tessie. Please stay with me.” A tear falls down my cheek and I hold on tightly to her hand, refusing to let go. My mind cracks and I begin to see things behind my now closed eyes.

  I tag Hallie and then run. She laughs and tells me it’s not fair, because she can’t run that fast. I laugh and we run around the corner. I turn around fast and her back hits the wall. I lean in close, my breath coming out fast. I slam my mouth onto hers and our teeth click. It’s not the most graceful first kiss but it’s something I will remember for the rest of my life. She pulls her head back only seconds after our lips touch. I stare into Hallie’s eyes, she looks up at me with a sad smile. “I’m sorry Lach, I just don’t see you that way. I remember thinking t
hat day, that I would never be able to face her again. She has been everything to me since before I can remember she was always there. My best friend, my partner in crime, my love. I stand there crying as she walks away from me. I slide down the wall until I’m sitting on the ground. My hands shake as I stare at them. “Why doesn’t she love me back?” I’m mumbling but I’m too upset to care. “What did I do so wrong?” I question everything I’ve ever said and done. Hallie is my everything. She was there for me when I was hurting. She was there for me when I was scared. When I woke up from a nightmare after they pushed us too hard. She’s always been there for me. Why would she say that she doesn’t feel the same?

  Not ten minutes later I hear footsteps approaching me. I look up hoping it’s my Hallie come back to take those words back. Instead I come face to face with Samantha and Peter. “We can take the pain away, my dear. All you have to do is say the words and we can take it all away.” I nod my head, I have nothing to lose and never feeling like this again would be worth it. I tell her it’s what I want and she smiles at me in a predatory way. I’ve signed a deal with the devil herself but right now I would do anything to take the pain away. She tells me that it won’t hurt and afterwards I’ll be free from the heartache. I nod my head and Peter steps into my line of sight. “Ready?” A single tear rolls down my cheek as I nod and look Peter right in the eyes.

  The memory fades and I stare down at Tessie, I really did betray them all. I’ve been the leak in our system. The mole that J.O.Y planted. I can’t trust anything I have done. It was all a lie, a manipulation. I think back over every move I’ve made. Every time I’ve come close to completing the mission for the GLG, I sabotaged it. I always found a way to keep her away from the GLG, I thought I had been doing it so I could be with her. I thought I had been keeping her safe. Keeping her where I wanted her but I had been doing what J.O.Y wanted all along. I look down at Tessie and a single tear drops when she opens her eyes. I let her hand go and step back. Hunter and the others close the gaps around her and as soon as she is out of sight, I run.


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