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O.U.R.S Page 10

by Yalu Taylors

  I find myself hours later walking around in a daze. The memory replaying itself over and over again in my mind. Hunter, Zack and Zayne know, I see it in their eyes when they look at me. I’ve been avoiding everyone since dinner. I can’t face them, it hurts too much. I walk around the forest getting both lost physically and mentally. I trip over tree roots but keep moving anyway. I stumble down a small incline and look down at my feet. My shoes are getting wet because I’m standing in a stream. I grab my mobile and stare at the screen. I feel a compulsion to text someone but I don’t know who or why. The phone buzzes in my hand and I open the text.

  Hunter: Tessa is awake and doing fine.

  I stare at the screen for a few minutes then pull my arm back and launch the phone into the stream in front of me. If I don’t have a phone, I can’t betray her again. If I stay away from everyone I can’t hurt anyone else. With my mind made up, I head back through the forest. It takes me over an hour to find my way back to the bunk house I was assigned to share with Hunter. Hunter opens the door just after I closed it and I stare at him. “Nathan’s body has been buried in the compound cemetery.” I shrug, I don’t care about that bastard. Hunter looks at me a moment then squares his shoulders. He faces me dead on and looks right into my eyes. “We know what you did.” He turns back around and walks out, my fears confirmed.

  Why haven’t they told her? I’ve been asking myself the same question repeatedly for half an hour now. She doesn’t know. In a way I’m glad, it means I get to keep her love for just a while longer. But, on the other hand, I’m still lying to her. “She will forgive me.” I have to have hope. I turn to pace back the other way and jump as the door opens. “No she won’t. What you did is unforgivable.” I shake my head. “You betrayed us all, you had our memories wiped. If we had have had our memories we would have known to be wary of Peter and Shaun. We would have known that Samantha wasn’t Frank. You messed with all of us and you put Tessandra in danger, Lachlan.” Hunter is shouting now. I back away as I see the dangerous glint in his eyes, his temper is on the edge of blowing up. I’ve only seen him lose it once and the guy on the receiving end didn’t make it out of the hospital for nearly a week.

  I back away as he prowls closer. “If you hadn’t had our memories wiped we would have known how to look after her. If you hadn’t have been so selfish, we could have been with her, but now, now we have to let her go. We have to hand her over to Ace. He gets to watch out for her. He gets to make her happy and we all have to step back and watch it happen. Because of you.” He pokes my chest and I feel something go pop inside. It isn’t a physical feeling, but an emotional one. The moment he said that we have to watch while someone else takes care of our girl my heart breaks. I sink to the floor, tears of agony streaming down my face. I cannot live without her. She is my everything. I tell him everything I remembered. “I just hope it was worth it Braydon. What ever you got out of it. I hope they paid you well.” He walks away and I begin to laugh hysterically. “They took away our first kiss, that wasn’t payment. That was torture. Knowing that I had shared something so special but not feeling anything from it. You have no idea what I have done, just so I can be with her. We can be with her. I love her Hunter. I love her.” His fist collides with my jaw and I fall back, my head hitting the hardwood floor beneath me. “You, ugh! You’re not even worth it.” He walks out the door and I lie there, my jaw throbbing in time to the rhythm of my broken heart.

  Memories of Tessa when she was Hallie run through my mind. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had multi-hued hair that shone in the light or dimmed in the dark. She was always fun and vibrant, up for any adventure. Over the five years we spent in that hell hole, she was my friend, my love, my everything. Right up until that day. But she isn’t my Hallie anymore, my Hallie has been gone for over seven years. I will get my Tessie back. I will fight for her. She’s mine.

  Chapter 15


  I watch Hunter as he walks away from Braydon’s room. I heard every word they said. Braydon wiped everyone’s memories, including mine. He tricked us all because he was hurt that I had rejected him when we were just kids. The moment the words were spoken a flood of memories hit me like a sledge hammer. I drop to the ground mimicking Braydon’s position without meaning to. My head feels like it is going to explode. I try to breathe through the pain but it’s too much. Fire erupts from every pore of my skin. I’m surrounded by a halo of light and every bit of hurt is feeding it. With every memory that comes back, I feel more and more powerful. They say knowledge is power, well they weren’t wrong in this instance. The rage turns to pain and that too feeds the fires but this time they turn blue instead of orange. I hear a voice in the distance but it means nothing to me in this moment. The hurt fades and peace washes over me. The fire around me changes again, this time to a beautiful soft yellow glow. I stand up and shake my arms out, the last of the fire withdrawing back into my skin.

  “Tessie? I look at Braydon, really look at him and the image in front of me doesn’t feel right. I hold my hands out and watch fascinated as the Braydon I thought I knew, changes into a completely different man. Braydon now looks more like an elf than ever before. “You’re older.” I state calmly. He hangs his head and nods. “T? Are you okay?” I turn to face Hunter and he too looks wrong. I again hold my hands out and stare in awe as I see what he really looks like. He’s still Hunter but the subtle aging makes him look more dignified. “You, are older as well.” I state. I look from one to the other. They are both around Ace’s age now, but it doesn’t change anything for me. No matter how much they lied to me, I still love them. I stare at the two guys and my heart aches to not be in their arms. I shake my head and turn my back to both of them. “I’m no ones to look after you know.” I wave my hand behind me and a jet of air pushes both guys onto the ground. “I can and will take care of myself.”

  I walk over to the infirmary and poke my head inside. I smile as I find the jerk twins. “You two, come with me.” They follow me without question. I walk over to the barracks where the guys sleep and the door opens before I touch it. “You two, come along.” Zack and Zayne join the ranks and I go to the kitchen. I have no idea how I know where everyone is but the knowledge is inside my head. “Declan, Ace, Kalum.” The three of them come outside carrying a loaded tray of food each. Still no one speaks. I walk back over to where I left Hunter and Braydon and I stand over the top of them. They are still on the ground being held down by my air power. “Right, you seven over there with them.” They all walk over and sit down beside Hunter and Braydon.

  “Braydon, did you make a deal with J.O.Y to become a mole within the Genetic Liberation Group in exchange for having memories from when we were kids removed?” He nods his head, so I continue. “Did you at any time deliberately harm or put in danger anyone within our group?” He shakes his head. “Did you intend to hurt or split the group up at any time?” He nods his head and my heart sinks. “I never lost my memories, well not all of them. Yesterday I decided to hand you over to the GLG, I didn’t want you in harms way and I thought if I rescued everyone, they would forgive me once I came clean about why I did what I did.” He talks fast and I watch as everyone else glares at him. “Okay let’s do this like children then.” I put my hand in the air and ask. “Who here has done something that could be considered a betrayal to the group, no matter how small it may have been.” I watch as they all hesitate. “Be honest now.” One by one they all raise their hands. I keep mine in the air even though it is starting to ache.

  I wait until they all lower their arms again. “Who here has told a lie to another member of the group?” This time they all raise their hands without hesitation. “How many of you have feelings of a romantic nature towards me?” Yeah I know, selfish question but I need them all to see what I have already figured out. The only one’s who lower their hands are Declan and Kalum. I’m not surprised at all. They all look around and at first Hunter glares at Ace, and the jerk twins. Then I see the understandin
g dawn on his face. “We all do what we do because we have feelings for you.” I release the air-bonds and walk away. I have nothing more to say and they need time to come to terms with what each of them have done in the past to each other.

  As I’m passing a group of guys from the GLG, the little boy that had the hopeful eyes runs up to me. “Are you really Hallie? Because I always thought Hallie would be taller and that she would be way prettier.” I laugh. His instant dislike for me is perfect right now. “I’m short because good things always come in small packages and if I were too pretty, no one would be game enough to talk to me.” I smile at him and he smiles back. “I like you.” He hugs my leg then runs off in the opposite direction. “I like you too munchkin.” I mumble as I continue on my way. I get to the mess hall behind the kitchens and walk in. Every pair of eyes in there, turn toward me. “So who is in charge around here?” Five guys all identical stand and walk over to me, I’m standing in the doorway so I step aside thinking they wish to leave. They kneel in front of me and raise their heads. “You are, Princess.” I shake my head. “Nope, find ten trustworthy people, bring them to the barracks I’m staying in.” I have a plan but I’m not sure it will work. I have no intention of being in charge but I do want to help.

  I head back to the barracks and find all my guys, both Hunter’s group and Ace’s group sitting on the steps waiting for me. Hunter and Ace stand and greet me. “We need to talk T.” Hunter states. I notice Braydon is with them but he is hanging back behind the two groups. “You lot patch things up?” I get nods from all of them, so I walk inside. “We have about an hour before the GLG bring in their leaders. I want to know if you all are going to start fighting or if you are all going to work together?” Together, choruses out from all of them. “Well you are all forgiven for your parts in all of this, but I need you all to be honest from now on. Don’t go doing things just to keep me safe and don’t go being dicks and thinking you all know what is best for me.” Okay so I had no plan on what I was going to say to all of them. I’m still a little lost when it comes to the whole Ace and his friends being interested in me as well. I have to admit though, I do have feelings for them as well, but I don’t know if I love them like I do Braydon, Hunter, Zack and Zayne.

  A knock comes on the door and Ace is the first to jump up to answer. “Hey Sexy, you order ten hunks?” I splutter out a laugh. Braydon and Hunter both growl, then look at each other, they turn their heads away when they see me watching them. I guess it will take longer for those two to patch things up than it will with the others. The quintuplets from the mess hall come in and I smile. Their denim-blue eyes are sparkling with mischief and it is making me curious who they have chosen as their leaders. Behind them are another group of five. Each as different as my guys.

  The Quints introduce themselves, not that I could tell who is who. Daniel, Jake, Mike, Tom, and Will. The other guys list off their own names as well Mitch, Jarad, Tony, Conner, Leo. Mitch is the eldest of the group, he looks to be in his late thirties, his skin is dark bronze and his dark hair has faded highlights as though he had spent a lot of time in the sun over the summer. I had met Jarad earlier when I first came to the compound, his biker style looks and dopey smile aren’t so bad now that I’m seeing him from a different light. When I first saw him come in I almost screamed, but then I remembered it had been Nathan not Jarad. None of us knew that Nathan had the power to morph. I bring my thoughts back to the here and now. Tony is the youngest, he doesn’t look any older than I am. His dark mahogany hair has streaks of red and his skin is a really pale white. Conner and Leo are twins, they both have red hair and huge muscles with a really dark brown tan.

  “So why are we all here?” I look to the quints and they smile at me. “We didn’t tell them a thing.” Another of the quints shakes his head, “We probably would have if we knew exactly what was going on ourselves. We just told them the sexy Princess wanted to see them.” I giggle, they are almost as cheeky as the jerk twins. “Well guys you are all here because I’m not your leader, I’m not a princess and I don’t want to be, Nathan was your leader and I’m very sorry he chose to betray you all but with him gone you need a new leader. I’m suggesting that instead of having one person in charge who can be corrupted easily, you have a committee.” The entire room bursts out with objections to me not being their leader and I hold up my hand to silence them. “I am not the leader. No one person should ever rule over anyone.” I lower my hand and Quinn and Phoenix call out. “Except in the bedroom Tessa, we’ll be your slaves then.” I look at the floor and count to ten before continuing. “Everyone here will rule over the GLG together. I will help where I can but everything important should be voted on so that it will always be a fair decision. In saying that, I have the first matter that requires a vote.” I wait for them to all chill out for a moment then hit them with the biggest problem we all face as powered people. “J.O.Y and the O.U.R.S groups need to be brought down. All of their facilities need to be shut down and all the powered people being held hostage need to be set free.”

  With my speech over I walk over and sit between Hunter and Braydon on the bunk bed. Braydon looks at me out the corner of his eye as I grab his hand and link our fingers. Hunter, on my right does the same. Zack and Zayne kneel up behind me and place a hand on each of my shoulders. Ace, Kalum, Declan, Quinn and Phoenix sit down on the floor in front of us. The GLG guys all stare at us as a group and I’m not sure what is going through their heads but they all look curious, not freaked out. I smile as I make a plan in my head about how we can take down J.O.Y and the Ultra’s. We have enough manpower, (pun intended) to take down all of the facilities in one hit but it is going to take a lot of planning and hopefully no more near death experiences. I laugh to myself at how horrible the last few months have been so far. I don’t think anyone normal would have been able to stay sane throughout all this. Then again I’m not exactly sane though am I?

  Zayne taps my shoulder and I jump. “Tessa? The guys want to know if you have a plan.” I nod my head. “I have a plan but it’s going to take a lot of hard work and everyone cooperating to pull it off.” We begin working out the details and everyone joins in. The first thing we need is to make sure that all the GLG members are properly trained. Hunter, Braydon and one of the quints (Daniel, I think) volunteer to begin testing and training the troops. Zack, Zayne, Jake and Mike, offer to gather a team to build more accommodations suitable for housing more people. Ace, Kalum, Mitch and Leo offer to go gathering, clothes, food, bedding, and first aid items. The jerk twins do their twin speak and ask. “Why do we need first aid supplies? We all have powers, some of us even have healing abilities.” I shake my head at their lack of forethought.

  “If we rely solely on our powers and find something that can’t be healed or too many people need healing then we’ll lose people and drain the healers before they are really needed. This isn’t a short term solution, we are aiming for. We want something that will work for the long haul.” I explain and everyone stares at me like I’ve grown a second head. “What?” Ace walks over and gives me a side hug. “When did you get so smart?” I playfully punch him in the arm and tell him to bugger off and get to work. Tom, Will and the jerk twins are sent out to find people within the GLG and those outside of it, who can provide counselling and help us with triage preparations. Jarad, Tony and Conner I save for last, they’ll be helping me set up records of everyone we have and known locations of every facility run by J.O.Y and their affiliates. We’ll also be looking into finding a group of adults who want to assist with the kids. It would be so much easier if there were more female subjects but so far there have only been a few and those ones were all corrupted by J.O.Y.

  I find myself sitting at a desk taking names, ages and powers. By the time I get through all one hundred and twenty-two, it feels like there were millions of them. My hands are cramped fro using the keyboard and my lower back hurts. I stand up and stretch just as Zack and Zayne come in. “You look like you could use a break Honey.” I nod
and follow them outside. We lean against the railing. I didn’t realise just how late it was getting until I notice the sun beginning to set. Zack suggests getting some to-go food and going to the rooms to relax. I’m loving that idea right now.

  The twins take me to a different room tonight, I follow them inside and gasp. “The guys had it set up for you, you can change things up if you don’t like it.” I stare in awe. The walls are painted a fresh pale blue. The smell of paint still lingers in the air around me. It’s not strong but its there. The big bed in the middle of the room is decorated with a beautiful night sky bedspread and matching pillows. Two frilly dark sapphire throw pillows are placed on the bed precisely in the middle of the two pillows. I smile to myself as I take off my shoes. The small wooden wardrobe sits against the wall to my left and a single recliner next to a small glass coffee table to my right. “It’s perfect.” I notice a white door at the back of the room hidden slightly behind the bed. “You have your own bathroom through there. It’s the only building with it’s own but you are the only female so everyone thought it would be best if you had this bunkhouse.” I walk over to the bed and flop facedown on the covers. I hear the door click shut and think they have left me to myself for now.

  The bed dips on either side of me and although I know it’s Zack and Zayne, I still flinch. I feel both of them ease closer, my face still buried in the bedspread. “Relax Honey.” Zack’s hands begin to knead the tender flesh of my lower spine while Zayne’s massage my shoulders. “You think this would be better without the shirt in the way.” Zack asks it so casually I don’t think twice. I lift my chest off the bed and they pull my shirt off. I’m gently pressed back down onto the bed and they continue to massage my flesh. I moan as Zack hits a sore spot and works the pain away. “These are in the way too Babe.” I feel a tug at my waist where my jeans sit and lift my hips without thinking. Zayne pulls my jeans off and begins massaging my ankles, then my calves. He works his way up my legs as Zack does the same from my lower back to my shoulders.


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