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Uncovering Secrets: The Third Novel in the Rosemont Series

Page 19

by Barbara Hinske

  Maggie intended to spend only a couple of hours at her office. Her desk was covered with messages and mail, which she carefully moved to one side so she could concentrate on signing checks. She was sliding the stack back into place when her eye fell on the message from Alex Scanlon marked urgent.

  Maggie hesitated, then picked up the phone and placed a call to him.

  “I thought you were on vacation,” he said. “You shouldn’t be calling me from Town Hall.”

  “Your message is marked urgent, and I was here for a few minutes anyway, so I thought I should return your call. What’s up?”

  “We got the documents from the offshore banks. They finally complied with the court’s orders. Boxes and boxes of documents.”

  “Thank goodness,” Maggie replied. “I’m so glad to hear it. What have you found so far?”

  “We’ve only started to go through them,” Alex said. “Forest Smith and the paralegal team are making the first pass through them. I’ll review anything that they think might be significant. So far, we’ve only found items that put the finger on William Wheeler.”

  “That’s disappointing. We both know he wasn’t smart enough to pull this off by himself.”

  “We’ve just begun. Don’t despair. We’re going through every inch of paper with a fine-toothed comb.”

  “Good,” Maggie said. “I was going to call you today, anyway. Would you and Marc join us for brunch on Easter Sunday?”

  “Thanks, Maggie. We’d love to. I’m sorry that Aaron was too wrapped up preparing for his boards to make the trip, but we’d love to see Susan and Mike and his family.” Alex hesitated. “I know that I’ve been short with you lately, and I’m sorry. I’ve never worked so hard in my life. I’ve been testy with everybody, which is no excuse. I just want you to know that Marc and I both miss you. We became very close when we stayed with you all those months and neither of us want to lose that.”

  “This past year has turned all of us inside out,” Maggie replied. “None of us has been at our best. I miss both of you, too. I think of you as part of my family. It’ll be good to have you there on Sunday.”

  “What do you want us to bring?”

  “How about some good champagne? Let’s celebrate the progress we have made this year.”

  Once she returned that first phone call, the stack got the best of Maggie and she spent the rest of the day in her office, feverishly returning calls and emails. She knew it was time to quit when she saw the text from Mike telling her that they were on their way home. She forced herself to sweep the unanswered mail into the box at the edge of her desk, log off her computer, and head for the door.

  Frank Haynes stepped out of his office as she approached the elevator.

  “Mayor Martin,” he called. “I thought you were off this week, preparing for the extravaganza at Rosemont on Saturday.”

  “Will we see you there, Frank? Will you be courting the press again, like you did last year?”

  Haynes bristled. Maybe he had misled that reporter and taken too much credit for last year’s successful carnival. He’d also donated prizes worth more than a thousand dollars. Didn’t that entitle him to some recognition? “I’ll be there to present the prizes I’m donating again this year,” he answered stiffly. “If the press deems that newsworthy, who am I to complain?”

  Maggie eyed him steadily but held her tongue. She didn’t want to stir up trouble with him. They stepped onto the elevator together.

  “What are you donating this year?” she asked.

  Haynes hesitated a split second. In truth, he hadn’t given it a moment’s thought and didn’t know what he’d be bringing. “The usual fare—tablets, e-readers, a television. And I think I’ll add a bike this year. What do you think?”

  “Bikes are always popular in the spring.”

  “And Forever Friends will donate coupons for a free dog or cat.”

  The elevator stopped on the ground floor and they exited into the lobby.

  “You can drop everything off at Rosemont tomorrow night. We’re having pizza for everybody who’s helping. You didn’t come last year, but why don’t you join us tomorrow?”

  “I’ll see what I can do,” Haynes replied, knowing he’d like nothing less.


  Maggie slept fitfully the night before the Easter carnival, waking almost every hour. Her lack of involvement in the planning process was driving her crazy. Once a control freak, always a control freak, she told herself. She looked at her bedside clock at four fifty-five and decided it was time to get up.

  Maggie padded noiselessly down the stairs, leaving Eve snoring in her basket, and started a pot of coffee. Her kitchen looked like a foreign land, every surface covered with boxes and bags, filled with who-knew-what. She spotted a row of pink bakery boxes and pulled one down from the top of the stack. She carefully lifted one corner of the box and was greeted with the sight she’d been hoping for—an entire box of Laura’s banana muffins—half plain and half with chocolate chips.

  Maggie told herself she shouldn’t as she carefully loosened the tape and extracted one of the muffins—with chocolate (eureka!). She shook the box to re-distribute the remaining muffins and cover her tracks, feeling sheepish as she did so. Surely one muffin for breakfast was allowed?

  Maggie bundled herself into a shawl that hung by her kitchen door and took her coffee and muffin to the back lawn. She walked to the end and perched on the top of the low stone wall that marked the end of the lawn and the beginning of the woods. The rising sun hit the dew and set it sparkling like a net of diamonds. She pulled off a chunk of the muffin and popped it into her mouth, savoring the heady aroma of her coffee and feeling the contentment borne of the knowledge that she was exactly where she was meant to be, doing what she was meant to do.


  By the time Maggie fed the kittens and made her way upstairs to collect Eve, the light was on under Susan’s door, and she heard the low tenor of Mike’s voice, admonishing his girls to be quiet and let their mother sleep. She knocked softly and opened the door. “I need some help. Can I steal these two?” she asked, pointing to Sophie and Sarah. Mike gave her a silent thumbs-up and herded the girls out the door.

  “Let’s feed Eve, and then we can all come back upstairs and get ready in my room. How does that sound?” she asked, and they both nodded vigorously. “We can feed the kittens,” Sophie offered.

  “Not this morning,” Maggie responded quickly. “I’ve already done that. They’re tucked away in the laundry room for the day, and I don’t want you letting them out. With all the commotion around here today, they could easily get lost. We don’t want that, do we?” She fixed them with a stern glance.

  “We won’t, Gramma,” Sarah answered seriously.


  Getting ready with her two granddaughters underfoot took almost twice as long, but Maggie finally managed to pull herself together and stepped onto the back lawn as Sam Torres pulled up in his pickup truck, followed closely by George Holmes and Tim Knudsen. Within thirty minutes, everyone who had any part in planning the carnival was on site and setting up whatever was needed. Maggie was prepared to lend a hand, but every offer of help was declined with the assertion that they were “all set.”

  Maggie wandered to her perch at the bottom of the lawn and surveyed the scene. The gables and peaks of Rosemont were silhouetted against an azure sky. A light breeze fluttered the streamers and skirted tables that now dotted the lawn. John, Alex, Marc, and Susan were hiding eggs. She waved to John, and he made his way toward her.

  “You’ve done it again, my dear,” he said as he gathered her in his arms.

  “I haven’t done one single solitary thing.” Maggie declared. “The others deserve all the credit this time.” She swept her hand to indicate the group scurrying to and fro on the lawn, finalizing preparations for the opening of the carnival, a matter of minutes away.

  “Isn’t that the definition of true success? To leave a legacy that lives on after you?” John surv
eyed the scene.

  Maggie turned her face to his. “Dr. Allen—you are the kindest, wisest man on earth.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. “I hope you’re right.”

  “I know I am.” He pointed to the twins. “Sophie and Sarah are having a blast. They’ll remember this—and be telling their grandchildren about it—when they’re your age.”

  “I don’t know about that. But I hope so.”

  John cocked his head to the woods behind them. “Want to hide out in there and neck while all this is going on? Nobody’d ever notice we’re gone.”

  Maggie laughed. “It’s tempting, but you’ll just have to wait until Monday when everyone’s gone home. We’d better get going. The gates open in ten minutes.”


  Sophie and Sarah were, indeed, having the time of their lives. They won the three-legged race easily, taking advantage of the special teamwork that comes so naturally to twins. They were headed to the lemonade stand when they noticed a cluster of children gathered around a boy and a one-eyed dog under a banner that read “Mercy Hospital: A Child’s Place.”

  They hung back and watched as children waited in line for their turn to spend time with the dog. The last child in line, younger than most, was accompanied by a girl close to Sophie and Sarah’s age.

  Sarah caught the older girl’s eye and smiled. “Are you going to see the dog?” she asked.

  Marissa Nash nodded. “My sister met him when she was in the hospital, and that boy told her that Dodger would be here. My mom wasn’t going to let us come until my sister wanted to pet the therapy dog.”

  “Where’s your mom?” Sophie asked, looking around.

  “She’s not here,” Marissa replied. “She started to come with us, then changed her mind. She said we could stay if my brother and I watched Nicole the whole time. Sean took off the minute our mom left, and now I’m stuck with her.”

  “That’s not fair,” Sophie stated flatly. “Have you played any of the games?”

  Marissa shook her head.

  “What’s wrong with your sister?” Sarah asked.

  “I’m not sure, but she’s been sick a lot, and she’s been in the hospital twice. Mommy told us that the doctor can fix it, but they haven’t found the right pill yet.”

  Sarah and Sophie nodded, absorbing the information. “Why don’t we all go around together?” Sarah proposed. “One of us can always be with Nicole, and we can take turns doing stuff.”

  Marissa beamed. The instant bond that children so easily form was made, and the girls were inseparable for the remainder of the carnival. Sophie even helped Nicole collect enough eggs to finish sixth in the egg hunt. Susan was manning the prize table when the four girls ventured over to select Nicole’s trinket.

  “I wondered where the two of you had gotten off to. I see you’ve made some new friends,” she said, smiling at Marissa and Nicole.

  “This is my aunt Susan,” Sophie said proudly.

  “And who are you two lovely ladies?” Susan asked.

  “I’m Marissa Nash, and this is my sister Nicole.”

  Susan looked at Nicole carefully and asked, “Did you come to see that doggy today?” Nicole nodded. “He’s really special, isn’t he? So calm and gentle.” Nicole nodded again and sat down on the grass.

  “Have you had fun today?” she asked, directing the question to Marissa.

  “Loads of fun,” she said, turning to Sophie and Sarah, and the three girls giggled.

  “And we’re going to get together again when we come back for the wedding. We already asked Mommy if we could have a sleep over at Rosemont with Marissa. She said, ‘We’ll see.’” Sarah supplied in a tone that indicated she thought the plan was set in stone.

  “Sounds like a perfect idea to me,” Susan said, awash with the fond remembrance of those special “vacation friends” she’d made when she was their age. “Are you going to the egg toss? It’s about to start.”

  The three older girls set out across the lawn, but Nicole stayed put. Marissa turned back and pulled her sister’s hand. “Don’t feel good,” Nicole protested.

  “Oh, come on, Nicole. You can do it. Just one more game?”

  Susan walked around the table and crouched down to where Nicole was sitting. “Do you need a rest, sweetie? Do you want to stay with me and help with the prizes while your sister goes with my nieces?” Susan turned to Marissa. “Would that be all right with you? She’ll be safe with me, and I’ll be right here the whole time.”

  Marissa looked at her sister. “Will you stay with the nice lady?” Nicole nodded almost imperceptibly. Marissa needed no further confirmation. She planted a quick kiss on her sister’s head and tore after Sophie and Sarah.


  Frank Haynes pulled his Mercedes sedan into the familiar berm of the road that ran below Rosemont. He rolled his windows down to let the breeze blow through the car as he sat and spied on the sea of activity on the back lawn. The jumbled voices of the crowd were pierced by an occasional cheer and round of applause. He could almost make out the words that George Holmes was delivering through that megaphone. Would he allow this carnival to continue if he were the owner of Rosemont? He didn’t think so.

  Haynes checked his Rolex. Time to make his entrance.

  Parking by the front door, he looked up to examine the façade of Rosemont. All of this should be his. He fought the bile rising in his throat and skirted the house to enter the back lawn. He paused at the edge of the house and forced his features into a pleasant expression.

  Haynes shook hands as he made his way to George Holmes, the carnival’s de facto master of ceremonies. Holmes handed the megaphone to Haynes and said, “Try not to take all the credit this year, will you, Frank?”

  Haynes glared at him as he grabbed the megaphone. “Citizens of Westbury,” Haynes intoned, “we’ve had a beautiful day again at Rosemont, haven’t we? Have you all had fun?” He was greeted with whistles and cheers in response. Haynes scanned the crowd and stopped when he spied the reporter from the Westbury Gazette.

  “Mayor Martin,” he called. “Where are you, Maggie? Let’s get her up here to show our appreciation, shall we?” An enthusiastic round of applause spread through the crowd.

  Joan Torres went to the admission table where Maggie was tallying the gate receipts with Tim Knudsen and snagged her by the arm. “You’re being summoned,” she leaned in to whisper in Maggie’s ear. “Looks like he’s taking the high road this year and giving you the recognition you deserve.”

  “Don’t believe it for a minute,” Maggie whispered back. “He’s up to something.” She joined Frank Haynes as he yelled, “Another round of applause for our own Mayor Maggie Martin,” and posed with her for the newspaper’s photographer.

  Maggie extricated herself as soon as the picture was taken and moved off to the side.

  “I now have the distinct pleasure of doing one of my favorite duties on behalf of Haynes Enterprises,” he continued. “Giving things away! This year has been another banner year for my company. To thank all of you for your support, we’re giving away more prizes than ever.” He paused and motioned for applause. “We’ve got a flat screen television, a tablet, an e-reader, and both a boy’s and a girl’s bike.” He pointed to the table behind him where the prizes were displayed.

  “Does everyone have their raffle tickets out? Who wants to draw the winners for us?” He scanned the crowd and his eyes fell on David Wheeler. “How about David Wheeler, everyone? He was kind enough to come out today with his therapy dog, Dodger. They’re right over there,” he said pointing to the boy who was now trying to make himself invisible.

  “Come on, David,” John Allen called and escorted the boy to the fish bowl on the prize table. He took Dodger from David and went to stand with Maggie.

  “Haynes knows how to work a crowd when he wants to, doesn’t he?” he said softly.

  “That’s an understatement. I can’t tell when he’s being genuine. I’m firmly convinced he’s a snake—like when he called m
e up there for applause. He just wanted our picture in the paper together. But then he’s nice to David, and I believe he really means it.” She sighed. “You never know with Frank.”

  They turned back to the scene unfolding in front of them as David Wheeler drew the winning tickets and Frank Haynes read the numbers. After all the winners had been announced, the crowd began to disperse.

  “Looks like another successful fundraiser at Rosemont,” John said. “I’m going to help the winners carry that television to their car.”

  Maggie nodded. She weaved through the crowd, searching for Frank Haynes, and found him peering into the French doors to the library.

  “Looking for something, Frank?” she said as he started and turned to her with an unsettling expression of longing.

  He cleared his throat. “I was remembering that time I rescued you from the attic.” He turned to the door and pointed. “I was wondering if this was the door I unlocked to get in.”

  Maggie frowned. “This door doesn’t have an exterior lock. You came in through the kitchen door—on the other side of the house. Don’t you remember?”

  “Now that you mention it, yes.” He slapped his hand on his pants pocket and withdrew the keys to his car. “I’d better be going. I have another engagement,” he lied.

  Maggie intended to mention the odd encounter to John but the scene slipped from her mind as Rosemont was once more engrossed in the kind of controlled chaos that marks a circus breaking camp. She and Tim Knudsen totaled the day’s donations while the others restored order to the back lawn. It was suppertime when everything was back in place, and Tim Knudsen announced that they’d almost doubled the prior year’s take, raising twenty thousand dollars for the pension fund.

  Alex Scanlon went into the kitchen and returned with three bottles of champagne and a stack of plastic glasses. “I think we deserve to toast ourselves, don’t you?”


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