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Page 13

by M. T. Ossler

  The horses are absolutely the best part around here. We stayed with them for a while brushing and feeding them. Sundance takes a liking to me, and Gio said he doesn’t like anyone. He nuzzled up to me the second I entered his stall. Gio stayed by the door the whole time observing our interaction. I brushed him and talked to him for a while. He’s my favorite too, and I can’t wait to ride him. Soon, Sam said I could ride in a couple of weeks.

  We’re eating dinner with everyone in the dining hall. In the middle of dinner, Throttle tells everyone his story of what happened this morning. Not leaving a single part out for Jules and Gigi about how I acted in the hall outside our room with that whore. The girls get a kick out of the way I acted, and the guys are razzing me about it. Gio says I shocked him with the way I spoke to her. The pride he’s bestowing upon me as the guy’s joke with him is heartwarming.

  This is definitely not my normal behavior, Gio, Jules, and Gigi know that. The guys, on the other hand, don’t know me well, yet.

  I had to stick up for myself and my man to that whore. That bitch needed to be put her in her place. I have always received respect from the people around me and damn it, I demand it for myself. Respect is earned, and I will always show it, which means I will receive it.

  Chapter 11


  The next week Gio and I build a routine. I wake up in his arms every morning, then we head downstairs to have breakfast with everyone. I have met a lot of the guys and some of their ol’ladies. I’ve officially met Gator, the President of the clubs, and found out Sam with him, but not officially like I am with Gio. They are what some people would call ‘friends with benefits.' The guys have been great at keeping their distance from me, respecting my boundaries. If I had to guess, I would say that Gio had a talk with them to make me feel comfortable around them.

  After breakfast, we head to the shooting range. The first two days it was just Gio and me, now we take Gigi with us.

  We spend an hour there before heading to the gym for an hour. I have been in bed for so long I need to build up my strength.

  I’m taking some control back in my life.

  Gigi leaves us after the range to rides the horse with Jules. I want to ride with her, but Sam says I should wait another two weeks until I’m back to full strength before getting on a horse.

  When we finish at the gym, we shower, separately, then Gio and I have a quick lunch. After lunch, I spend time in our room by myself reading on my IPad. He leaves me then to take care of his club business. Sometimes Gigi and Jules and I hang out walking around the grounds, or we watch Jules sketch dressed. I’m still not back 100 percent, but I’m getting there faster than I imagined possible.

  Dinner is always in the dining hall with everyone. I like the guys and their ol’ ladies. The guys have been keeping the club whores away from me. That part I still haven’t wrapped my head around. I know my father and uncles had whores in their lives, but they kept them separate from their families. The club whores live here and are around the ol’ ladies sometimes. I can’t say I like that part very much, but that’s the way things work around here. They’re all family, and I miss mine. Gigi and Jules seem to be enjoying it here too.

  Sam started me on my new meds a week ago, they took a couple of days to kick in, and they appear to be helping. She said I’m healed, physically and she likes the improvement in me. Getting out of the room and being around people is helping. She still insists I speak with a counselor, but I’m just not there yet. I’m becoming a little bit more comfortable with the guys, which helps. I know Gio’s glad I’m interacting with his brothers. I can tell it means the world to him that I’ve involved myself in his life.

  I haven’t told Gio what happened to me that night, only Jules and Sam know. I want to confide in him, so he knows the facts, and we have no secrets, but I’m not ready yet. I trust him implicitly it’s not that, I just can’t keep saying the words out loud again. I’ll tell him soon. Gigi, on the other hand, will never know if I have anything to say about it. Gio and Jules say I’m wrong, but they accept my decision because it’s my truth to tell not theirs.

  Gio is still looking for my brothers and Cesare. Today he got a good lead on all of them and is close to getting a message to my brothers. I haven’t seen Gigi smile a real happy smile in weeks, it was so good to see.

  Nights are the best part of my day, sleeping in Gio’s arms half on top of his hard body keeps the demons away. I love kissing him good night too, it’s pretty awesome, even though he kisses me every chance he gets, at night it’s different. We’re alone, and it causes my body to ignite sparks of heat for him, ones I’ve never felt before. I like the way he makes my body feel alive and on fire with a burning ache. I wear one of his shirts with my capris to bed, and he wears sweatpants and a t-shirt. The only skin to skin contact we have is our lips and hands.

  You would think after everything I’ve been through I would be scared of these feelings and run from them. But I’m not scared, and I don’t want to run anywhere except to Gio. I know in my heart of hearts he would never hurt me or push me to do anything I’m not ready for. Mostly I’m comfortable with him, and I trust him immensely. That’s got to count for something.

  He hasn’t touched me, and we haven’t been naked. I wish he would do something, my body aching for his touch. I know he won’t touch me, though he respects me too much, and I love him more and more every day for it.

  Tomorrow is my birthday, and Gio planned a special private dinner for us here at the clubhouse. He arranged for us to have to bar to ourselves for the evening. He said being that it’s a Tuesday night no one will care if we take it over for the evening.

  I can’t wait to spend my 23rd birthday on a date with Gio, my ol’man. I like teasing him by saying that a lot to him, which means I am his ol’lady. I prefer girlfriend, but that’s not how things work in the club life.

  Apparently, ol’lady means more to the club than just a girlfriend. They see it as a lifelong commitment that we have made to each other, similar to marriage just without all the legal papers. He said for now anyway, he’ll be putting a ring on my finger and making it official in the eyes of the law and God. We have wasted too many years, and he doesn’t want to waste anymore. I look forward to that day.

  I wake up alone in bed under the covers with Gio’s pillow in my arms. I sit up fully waking myself up and take a few minutes in the bathroom. Seeing that it’s early, 9:12, I decided to get back into bed and grab my IPad to download a few more books. In the middle of my search, the door swings open shocking me. Gio walks in with my sister, Jules and a few of the guys filling the rooms extra space. Gio’s holding a tray of pancakes with candles in the middle in one hand and flowers in the other. Once everyone piles in the room, they all start to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to me.

  I’m so touched by this new family I’ve inherited, I can’t hold back the tears. I’m full on ugly crying in front of everyone. Gio hands the tray and flowers off to Gator and strolls over to me sitting beside me taking me in his arms. I rest my head on his chest and stare everyone in our room. Jules and Gigi follow him sitting on the other side of me on the big bed. I take my baby sister under my arms as she cries too. Gio holds us both, and I hold Jules’ hand.

  When they finish singing, I look at everyone in the room. Through my tears, I say, “Thank you, not just for this, for everything you have all done. You’ve all gone above and beyond for us without even knowing us, and I’m so grateful to have you in our lives.” After my little speech, Gator comes over to us with the tray and places the flowers on the nightstand. “We’re all family here, sweetheart, and like any family, we take care of our own. We’re glad you’re here, all of you. Happy Birthday, Bella,” he says lower the tray for me to blow out my candles. I close my eyes and make my wish. My wish is for the guys’ safe return to Gigi and me, and for Gio to find Ces. I blow out the candles in one breath. The guys whistle and shout out some obscene things. I can’t seem to take the smile off
my face, I’m so happy.

  After a few minutes, they all clear out of the room leaving us alone. It’s just Gio, Jules, Gigi, and me now.

  “Happy birthday, sissy, I love you,” Gigi says hugging me. “Thank you, baby girl, I love you too.”

  “Happy Birthday, Bells,” Jules says as Gigi leaning her head on my shoulder. Gio moves to sit in front of me. Jules is sitting in front Gigi now and the tray of pancakes in the middle of the bed.

  “Happy birthday, Princess, too many more together,” Gio says taking my face in his hands and kissing me softly on the lips.

  Then he stuffs a piece of pancake with whip cream in my mouth and continues to feed himself and me until the pancakes are gone. Jules and Gigi eat theirs watching us, and we chat. When we finish, Gio removes the trays from the bed.

  “This is so surreal…” I say, and everyone stares at me. “Why’s that, Princess?” Gio asks with a raised eyebrow. I take Gigi under my arm and grab Jules, hand in one and Gio’s in my other. “Because of this, of you all,” I take a breath. “The four of us, it’s always going to be just us.” I look at Gio, not wanting him to feel as if I’m leaving his family out. “We have your brothers too, and I’m grateful for the extended family. But you three are the closest family that I have left right now. Hopeful we can find Ces soon and have him here with us. I just don’t ever want to lose you three. We’ve lost so much, and I couldn’t take losing you three on top of all that.”

  “You’re not going to lose us, baby.” Gio takes my face in his hands still looking into my eyes and kisses me with love, adoration, and loyalty.

  Gigi lightens the mood after my little speech yelling for us to stop kissing in front of her. “Eww, my eyes stop.” She giggles, a cute sound coming from her. God bless her little soul. Oh, how I love my baby sister.

  We spend the next twenty minutes together, then Gio shoos them out. He has a special day planned for me. Once the girls leave the room, Gio hands me two gifts. I tear into the first one with a huge smile on my face.

  My first gift is a Harley Davison black tank top. On the front bottom left corner, it says ‘Harley Davidson’ with angel wings on the sides in red and white bling stones. It also has a skull in pink bling stones in the center.

  My second gift is a pair of Harley Davison black leather ankle boots. They have two small belt buckles with the Harley emblem in between them and a 4” thick heel.

  He states both gifts are for me to wear today and to wear a pair of jeans with them. I grab my ripped Hollister super skinny faded jeans and go to the bathroom to dress. On my way to the bathroom, he says I should braid my hair.

  After dressing and French braiding my hair, he takes me downstairs and outside. Jules is waiting with for us on the back of Ace’s bike, and Gigi’s on the back of Dusty’s bike.

  Seeing his shiny black Harley Street Glider, I know now why he bought me these gifts and had me do my hair this way. He wants me on the back of his bike. That makes me feel both excited and nervous at the same time. I’m thrilled he wants me on his bike with him, holding onto him and cuddling up on his back. But I’m scared because I’ve never been one before.

  I squeeze Gio’s hand tightly, nervous, as my breathing accelerates. My baby sister has never been on a bike before and is too young to be on the back of one. Couldn’t this be really dangerous? Everyone has helmets on, but it still makes me uncomfortable.

  “What’s wrong, Princess?” Gio senses my discomfort. I look down at my new boots not wanting him to see my face and how scared I am. “I’ve never been on a bike before, and Gigi’s too young. I’m scared, can’t we just take your SUV instead,” I whisper hearing Dusty laughing next to us. The bikes are close to each other in a row. We’re standing behind Gio’s, he’s the only one that heard the last part of what I’ve said.

  Before Gio can answer Dusty pipes in, “Then I’d say it’s the perfect day to pop that cherry, little lady.” I wince and his choice of words, but quickly dismiss it before my sister notices. Gio punches him in the arm, Jules and Ace yell at him calling him an “Asshole.” I know he didn’t mean anything by it or know what happened to me, but what he said did hurt me.

  I lift my head and look at my sister with disappointment in her eyes. I pull myself together and shake off the nerves.

  Then I look at Dusty with a nervous smile not wanting to worry them or upset Gigi. “You’re right. Let’s go,” I say, and Gigi giggles behind him and I join her as Gio watches me warily. He can tell I’m putting on an act for Gigi and I’m scared shitless.

  I settle on the bike behind Gio, and the seat is comfortable, I even have a back rest. He hands me a pair of black Harley Davidson sunglasses with skulls on the side in pink blind stone and pink lenses.

  Gio takes my hand in his and stares in my eyes a second. “Trust me, Princess, it safe. Hold on to me tight, you’ll enjoy the ride.” I smile at him, and he kisses me on the lips softly. “I trust you. I love you, Gio,” I say against his lips. It feels so good and right to finally be able to say those words to him after all these years.

  He pulls back to look in my eyes. “I love you too,” he says placing a kiss on my nose causing me to giggle and release some of my tension. It’s freeing to act this way with him and feel happiness in my heart.

  Even with his brothers, my best friend, and my sister watching us.

  I place the sunglasses on then he places the helmet over my head and secures it under my chin. It’s a black half helmet with ‘Princess’ written on the front is light pink stone. My helmet also has wings on the side with light pink and white stones. “I had this made for you, baby, for when you’re on my bike.” He tells me, and I thank him as I wrap my arms around his waist holding on to him tight. Then we’re off to destination unknown.

  The ride on his bike is smooth and having the wind on your face is a new and enjoyable experience. I love it, the bike, the man, and the ride. We ride for over an hour, and then we pull up to what looks like a house with a wraparound porch with tables and chairs outside. We’re across from a beautiful beach.

  As we dismount from the bikes, my legs are a little wobbly. Gio grabs me around my waist holding onto me till my legs wake up.

  I see the sign for the restaurant, it’s a seafood restaurant.

  “Where are we?” I ask Gio as he takes my hand and I grab Gigi’s hand. “Saint Augustine Beach, baby,” Gio says as we enter the double doors. A lovely older woman in her sixties seats us in the back at a long rectangular table.

  I’m sitting directly across from Jules, Gigi’s on my left, with Ace across from her, Gio is on my right at the head on the table and at other end is Dusty.

  We sit and enjoy each other’s company as we eat some of the best seafood I have ever had. I stay quiet and observe everyone. I can see that Jules and Ace are very comfortable together, I like it. His eyes are constantly on her, especial when he thinks no one is looking. The look in his eyes tells me he wants more than just to be friends with her, he really likes her. Jules blushes when he touches her or she notices him looking at her. If you didn’t know her, you wouldn’t see it, but I know her well, and I see straight through her. She’s so crushing on him and him on her. I wish Ces were here to see this. He always said Jules and I would live together with a ton of animals when we get older. We would be two old women with cats and dogs.

  If I’m not mistaken, I would say it was deeper than a crush on her end. I’ll just have to wait and see how it all plays out. She deserves someone in her life, especial after the way I’ve turned her whole world upside down.

  The other thing I observe and I’m not sure how I feel about it yet, is Dusty watching my sister like a hawk. It’s not just with a keep an eye out for danger kind of look either, there’s lust in his eyes. I know he’s eighteen and it’s the same age difference between Gio and me, but she’s only thirteen. I’ll have a talk with Gio about Dusty’s intention and having him back off. He can entertain her in five years not before then. I will hav
e his balls in a vice grip if he touches her before then and I’m sure Gio will stand with me on this issue.

  After lunch, Jules suggests a walk on the beach. It’s a beautiful day out with a nice breeze, so we all agree. Jules and I haven’t been to the beach since before Gigi was born, Gigi has never been. Dad put a pool in for us at home, but we very rarely use it. Only on our Memorial Day and 4th of July parties.

  July 4th will be here in less than two weeks, and this will be the first time without our family. Hell, this is my first birthday without them, and Gio has done a decent job of distracting me. I’ll have to ask Gio if his club has a party or if we can do something for Gigi to keep her mind distracted.

  Gigi is awfully excited to see the sand and ocean for the first time. She runs ahead of us with Dusty on her heels. Jules and I remove our boots and socks before running after her with Gio and Ace on our heels.

  We catch up with them at the edge of the ocean. The waves are splashing around our feet soaking the bottom of our jeans. Gigi’s giggling and splashing in the water soaking the legs of her jeans. She’s acting like a teenager that she hasn’t been able to be in the last few weeks. It makes us all laugh seeing her so happy.

  “Hey, Mini Princess do you want me to get you a swim suit? You can go in before we leave,” Gio asks, and her face lights up even more. She darts to him lunging herself into his arms, and I stand back watching them interact. I’m falling in love with him a little more seeing how much he cares about my sister. “Yes, Gio, please,” she answers him all excited. “Sure, there’s a store across the street. I’ll go will Bella and get you one.” I saw that little boutique when we cruised down the road, and I was curious about it. “Thank you, Gio,” she says kissing him on the cheek as he places her back on her feet. Then he takes my hand leading back the way we came.


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