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Baby, You're the Best

Page 15

by Mary B. Morrison

  Guys didn’t have to do much to be presentable. LB had on blue denims, a tapered short-sleeved T-shirt that showed off his well-defined biceps. His shirt was tucked behind his big belt buckle that had a cross on it. The rest of his tee hung over the sides and back of his jeans. I gave him another hug so I could inhale his cologne again and press against his dick imprint. He didn’t appear to be as hung as Spencer but I’d underestimated the size of a few guys. Depending on his expansion, his dick could be a keeper.

  “You smell good enough to eat,” I told him, sliding my hand down his spine to his butt. “Nice whip.” It was true. His silver Mustang with black leather interior was hot.

  I’d seen passive women in Atlanta get pushed out of the way in a nanosecond. A thirsty bitch would get drenched with semen and left ass up to dry. I’d never allowed either to happen to me.

  LB opened my door, waited until I was settled into the passenger seat, then closed it. Easing on my sunglasses, I watched him proudly walk in front of his car. He was more attractive than I remembered. Depending on how well our date went, I might give slim sexy some pussy.

  “Where to?” he asked, starting the engine. “I’ll make three suggestions but before you decide, we’re only dropping in for appetizers and drinks, then we’re headed to . . . I can’t tell you. What’s it going to be? Ray’s on the River, Cheesecake Bistro at Atlantic Station, 10th and Piedmont, or you can choose a different spot.”

  I laughed. “10th and Piedmont? Really?”

  “No, I’m not gay. What difference does it make where we eat long as the food and drinks are good? If we go, you’ll see for yourself that I’m not suspect. Down-low dudes don’t take chicks to gay spots. Besides, I know how you females think every man in the ATL is bisexual, on the low, or straight-up gay. For the record, in case you’re one of those females that try a bruh, all you need to know is nothing goes in my ass. Now where’s it going to be?”

  Something was going in his ass and he was going to like it. “Ray’s on the River,” I said, not wanting to deal with the weekend crowd at Atlantic Station. “We need to make time to visit my mom? I have to check on her.” Actually, Domino was the one I wanted to see me.

  “I can make that happen,” LB said, stopping at the red light. “But we’re going to have to cut drinks short. Cool?”

  “Cool.” But I wasn’t asking.

  He glanced at me, then shook his head. He valet-parked his silver mustang. The waterfall behind the host stand flowed down the wall. He had some class. I prayed he wasn’t trying to impress me and this would end up being the best place he’d take me.

  “Bar area, inside or out?” he asked, pointing to the right.

  “Definitely inside.”

  He sat beside me at the highboy table. Scooted his stool so close to mine our thighs touched.

  “Hope you don’t mind but I like sitting next to my date.”

  Any closer he’d be on my lap. Exhaling, I moved my chair a few inches away from his. “This is better.”

  “That’s cool,” he said.

  There was a moment of awkward silence until the waitress took our drink order. I hated when dudes got quiet and had that underlying pissed off attitude. A few pertinent things were discussed during our telephone conversations throughout the week. He’d grown up in a small town outside of Atlanta, called Warner Robins. His dad was a civilian employee for the Air Force. His mom managed the Carrabba’s in Macon.

  I’d told him the basics about my mom and sisters. Nothing to tell him about my dad except “I never met him.” I knew his abandonment influenced my distrust of men. If my father could walk away from me without remorse, he represented a lot of men.

  We ordered from the appetizer menu. Right now I was more enthused about my mai tai than LB. Hopefully that would change soon.

  “So you graduated from Clark but you bartend at a restaurant. Why?”

  He stared me down. “It pays the bills. That’s why. Gives me flexibility to job-search.” Sighing, he said, “Tell me more about yourself.”

  This dude had issues. I was here; I’d make the most of my time. He already knew I was in grad school. He knew where I lived. He’d informally met my mother and sisters. I told him, “I enjoy hiking, weekend getaways to places like the DR, Jamaica, Paris. New York and Miami are cool if I’m chilling stateside. Want to go to Dubai, Greece, Venice, Australia. And I’m passionate about everything I do.” I looked into his eyes, then moaned, “Everything.”

  He smiled. I knew the second “everything” would get his dick hard. I wanted to let him know, “I love men with money who don’t mind spending it on me,” but I could sense my opening LB’s wallet in that kind of way would’ve made him uptight so I asked, “Where are some of the places you’ve applied?”


  “Job. You mentioned you were looking.”

  “Oh, yeah. Chosen, um—”

  I had to interrupt. “Really?”

  Nodding, he said, “Really.”

  “The modeling agency, Chosen?”

  He put his hand under his chin, turned sideways, looked up, then laughed. “Relax, girl. I invited you out.”

  I pressed my lips together and smiled.

  “Damn, don’t do that. That’s the same exact way Spence smiles.” He asked, “You ever think about living elsewhere?”

  I shook my head. “I love ATL. Can’t imagine being far away from my family.”

  I could have aunts, uncles, cousins on my father’s side in Los Angeles, Chicago, New Orleans. Forget my daddy! Fuckin’ deadbeat!

  LB wrapped his arm around my waist, then drew me closer to him. What was up with his needing to have my body touching his?

  Deciding to relax, I asked, “If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?”


  “Stop. You’re kidding, right?”

  He shook his head. “I’m afraid to fly.”

  “So you’ve never been on a plane?”

  Slowly, he shook his head.

  “Do you like dating older women?”

  “You wondering why Spencer is attracted to your mom?”

  “I am.”

  “I’ve dated older but not more than three years. Spencer didn’t start dating older until after his moms passed seven years ago. Venus Domino was his everything. She made a big deal out of everything. Christmas. Halloween. Thanksgiving. His and her birthdays. They went to the movies together once a month. Mother’s Day he always designed her the coolest outfit to wear. Most of the times he picked out her clothes. All the things he did with his mom I’ve never seen him do on the regular with any female. Your mom is a good distraction from that crazy chick Char . . . I know I’m lucky to be close to and to have both of my parents living.”

  That was the most attentive I’d been since I’d spoken my first word over the phone with LB. I should thank him. Char was good enough for now. Charmaine? Charla? Charissa? I’d find out from Spencer who LB had referred to.

  “How long ago did your last relationship end? Why? Do you still have sex with her?” I started massaging his hand, wrist, forearm, then caressed his fingers one at a time.

  “Whoa, slow down,” he said, laughing.

  I let go.

  “No, don’t stop touching me. That feels great. I mean on all the questions.”

  Ordering another round of drinks, LB answered each of my questions. Three months. His ex had met some movie producer. And they hadn’t had sex since she’d left him. He didn’t seem bitter about her upgrade.

  LB leaned in for a kiss. I gave him a sample of what he could get later if he didn’t fuck things up. For the moment, he’d taken my mind off of Spencer.

  “If we’re going to make it to our final destination on time,” he said, holding up two tickets, “we’d better get going.”

  This guy might be a decent catch. Someone new to have a lil fun with. Closing out the tab, we got back in his Mustang, then headed to my mom’s.



  “Would you mind going to church with me tomorrow?” Fabulous asked. Pinning up her hair she covered it with a cap.

  Her naked body was close to mine. My dick pointed north. I gave Fabulous a long hug, then told her, “You are so beautiful.”

  Sunday morning service was about twenty-four hours away. Maybe stepping foot into a tabernacle would do my soul good. I was glad Fabulous had asked and that she wasn’t telling me we were going to church. I had reasonable time to consider her request. Too many women in this Bible Belt had tried to force religion on me.

  All that “I can’t be with a man who doesn’t praise the Lord. A man who doesn’t believe in God doesn’t belong with me.” I hated that hypercritical BS.

  I was a decent person who intended to treat others right but sometimes I failed. I didn’t know a single person who came out of the womb a Christian. And the ones singing the loudest were lip-synching.

  I held Fabulous’s hand until she took two steps down into the bubbling water, then I did the same. The large pink shower cap on her head leaned against my chest. We were chilling in her Jacuzzi for the seventh or eighth time since I’d been here.

  Cool jets of water pressurized a bruh’s asshole. Warm water swirled around my nuts. I had to have the cleanest rectum in Roswell. I couldn’t lie, my shit felt damn near sterile. Fabulous’s ass eased between my inner thighs. I wanted to stick my dick in her back door.

  I kissed the back of her neck, then asked, “You ready to try anal?”

  She rubbed the outside of my thigh. “Almost. I won’t make you wait much longer. Just not right now.”

  I’d never seen swivel barstools in a home Jacuzzi like the ones Fabulous had in her Jacuzzi outside by the pool. A wet bar in a Jacuzzi was the kind of shit I expected in Jamaica. Not at somebody’s crib. This chick had her place laid out like a man cave.

  Kicking back with my new side trumped sucking up liquor, watching sexy babes prance in front of me in shoestring bikinis while I was on vacation in Rio last year. I had to end it with Charlotte before I could ask Fabulous to be my woman.

  “Let me know what you decide about church. Either way, I’m going,” she said. Her hands were on my knees.

  Nothing against getting the word in but I preferred to read the Bible. Do my own interpreting. A lot of these guys in the ATL were standing in pulpits, sitting on pews, humming along with the choir, shouting in response to the pastor’s words, clapping their hands, stomping their feet, but soon as the doors of the church were closed, they were hitting the streets in search of something. Pussy. Dick. Alcohol. Drugs. God knew their hearts but they wouldn’t think about the Lord until the following Sunday, or if they were cumming or they got into trouble.

  Thinking of trouble I thought about Alexis. My dick got hard. “If going to church is what you want, let’s do it,” I told Fabulous. “I’m here for you.”

  She slid forward, put her hand underneath my balls. My head pressed against the opening of her rectum. Damn! I wanted in.

  Leaning forward a little more, she asked, “Why are you so good to me?” then she started massaging my nuts.

  Her nails grazed my asshole. Precum seeped into the water, I kissed the nape of her neck, then answered her question with one. “Why are you so good for me?”

  Fabulous began crying. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I work hard. I raised my girls. I can do everything well except choose a man.” She moved her hand. The back of her head fell against my chest.

  Wanting her to put her hand back, I had to focus on her concerns. She’d shed a lot of tears over the last seven days. She hadn’t gone upstairs since the day the coroners carried Fortune out in a body bag. I only went up there when she specifically needed something. We’d slept in the downstairs bedrooms. All four of them.

  “It’s time for you to close this chapter,” I told her.

  She stared over her shoulder at me. “What are you saying?”

  “Not us. It’s time to take Mercedes’s advice and put your house on the market.” Getting out of the house would be good for both of us but outside of church, I was not trying to run into Charlotte.

  There were moments when the pain she’d shared with me had become my sorrow. If Fabulous could be that transparent with me, I was ready to level the emotions and open up.

  I told her, “You’re not alone. I feel lost at times. Can I share something with you?”

  She gave a slow nod. I was glad she didn’t face me. Looking into her eyes would make telling my story harder.

  “I want you to share everything with me, Spencer. Even if this”—using the back side of her fingers she rubbed my chest in front of my heart—“is just for the moment. You have no idea how much you’ve helped me through this abusive situation.”

  “I was too young to protect my mom. But”—I exhaled—“you’re a strong woman. My mom was too.”

  I didn’t expect Fabulous to start crying again. I hadn’t hit Charlotte but I knew I’d hurt my boo. Fabulous’s tears were different from Charlotte’s. My gurl cried to get her way. I hadn’t responded to any of Charlotte’s texts or calls since I’d deplaned. Fabulous was releasing pain.

  Wiping Fabulous’s tears with my wet fingers, I told her, “Let it out. Time heals all wounds.” I just wasn’t sure how long it took to mend a broken heart. Years? A lifetime? “God doesn’t take any of us before He’s ready. Fortune’s time was up.” I hugged her waist, pulled her back to my chest.

  Exhaling, I tried hard to convince myself it was my mother’s time. Silencing my sniffles, I let my tears flow because Fabulous couldn’t see them falling onto her plastic cap.

  “I don’t know, Spencer. I don’t know what to believe when it comes to men. What did you want to share?”

  There was no easy way to tell Fabulous. “I was molested as a child.”

  Slowly she faced me. “Are you serious? A woman stole your innocence?”

  I shook my head. Her eyelids stretched wide as I revealed, “My uncle. I’ve never told anyone. I just feel like you’ve shared so much with me that I could trust you. Please, do me one favor.”

  “Anything,” she said.

  “Don’t you ever tell anyone. I never even told my mother. And please don’t ever throw this in my face. Ever.” In the heat of an argument, women had a way of using a man’s weakness against him.

  Fabulous sat on my lap, wrapped her legs around my waist, then kissed me tenderly. She leaned my head on her shoulder and the howl that came out of me was that of twenty years of pent-up shame, hurt, and anger. I cried like a newborn baby for at least fifteen minutes.

  The doorbell sounded. Fabulous looked at me. I could tell she wasn’t expecting anyone. “They can go away,” she said.

  I shook my head. “It’s okay.” I needed a reason to stop crying.

  We put on our white bathrobes. Blake cleaned my face with a cool towel.

  “You sure you want me to answer the door?” she asked.

  “Let’s go,” I said then thought, oh shit! What if it’s my boo? Heading toward the door behind Fabulous, I insisted, “Let me get that for you.”

  I couldn’t put it past Charlotte to have figured out where I was. She had her ways. I had mine, too. Before peeping through the hole, I told Fabulous, “We’re getting you a video surveillance system.”

  She frowned. “But I’m selling this place.” Abruptly, she chuckled. I didn’t understand the humor she got from my comment until she said, “Fortune is dead, Spencer.”

  I’m not but I might be if it’s Charlotte, I thought.

  The doorbell rang again. “I can hear you two. Open up.”

  Damn, once I saw who it was I wanted to close the door. “What’s up, LB?” I looked at Alexis with that little-ass lemony outfit. Did that woman ever cover her ass? “Hi, Alexis,” I said, swinging the door wide to let them in.

  “You got it, Spence. We’re just stopping by. Alexis wanted to check on her mom. Hell, I needed to check on you,” LB said, then laughed. “Y
ou looking all like it’s spa day up in here, bruh.”

  It wasn’t Comedy Central up in here and I wasn’t offended. Post my confession I could use a little humor. He was my boy and all. “Cool,” was all I said.

  Alexis hugged her mom. “You look good, Mama.” She held on for a moment.

  Fabulous embraced her daughter a few seconds after Alexis had let go. “I’m glad you stopped by, baby. Where are you guys headed?”

  Alexis stepped to me, opened her arms, wrapped them around my back. “Thanks for taking such good care of my mother.”

  Her ear was pressed to my chest at the opening of the robe. I didn’t want to seem rude, so I gave her a light one-arm hug. Those firm twenty-seven-year-old bra-free titties with erect nipples were damn near in my stomach, inches above my dick. She knew what the fuck she was doing.

  I took a step back to give my dick some space. Picturing Alexis’s pussy in front of my face that day we were on the porch, my shit started rising. These Atlanta chicks had their way of getting a man’s dick hard on the under. The sensation started to make my pole hard enough to wave a flag. A snapshot of Fabulous’s face a week ago made me go flaccid instantly. Calmly, I took another step back.

  Had to be careful not to send LB any questionable signals. At least not from my standpoint. He could think whatever he wanted about Alexis. He had the gurl he wanted. I had her mother. This wasn’t my first glimpse of the sneaky assertive side of Alexis but I was familiar with her kind.

  “We’re headed to . . .” Alexis paused, then looked at LB.

  “Fine, it was supposed to be a surprise. We’re going to—”

  Fabulous interrupted, “Then don’t tell us. We’re going to church tomorrow. You’re welcome to join us if you have time in the morning,” she said, looking at Alexis then LB.

  “Of course we will, Mama,” Alexis said with no consideration for my boy. “Spencer, will you be there?”


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