by Robin Laine
“Tell me about this young man of yours,” Mrs. Zwayer asks me as we sit on her couch.
I feel my cheeks heat as I think of what to say about Evan. I think of how his kisses turn my insides out. How just the touch of his hand sets my nerve endings alive. “Evan is amazing, Mama Z. He has a boyish charm mixed with sexy man. He’s makes me laugh, has a generous heart, and he has the greatest smile. It comes from deep within him and lights up his whole face. We have the greatest conversations. He saw me at my absolute worst last week, and he still wants to see me again.
As much as I keep fighting with myself to keep my heart safe, he’s slowly worming his way in. It’s scary. I could really fall for him. He’s the kind of man I should be falling for. I’m not sure I can tear down these walls I have around my heart, though.”
“I understand, dear. Here’s the thing, though, if you don’t give Evan a chance to prove he can keep your heart safe, you may end up losing a chance at something that can be real and everlasting. I’m a firm believer that there is someone out there for everyone. We’re all just halves of one whole. What if he’s the one who is meant to complete you?” She reaches over and pats the back of my hand.
“What if,” I whisper back.
“How was he with Tyler?”
“So adorable! Evan was great with him the other night. That’s another thing that worries me. I don’t want Tyler to get attached to him. Not right now while everything is so new.”
“Evan is coming over tonight?” Mrs. Zwayer asks.
“Yes. I’m still not feeling great, so we’re having dinner at my place,” I tell her. “My mom is coming by to pick Tyler up for a sleepover in an hour.
“Then there’s nothing to worry about at the moment. Don’t over think anything and just enjoy your evening.” Mrs. Zwayer wraps me in a strong, loving hug for a moment before letting go. Tyler and I say our goodbyes before walking to our apartment.
Chapter 10
Opening my front door later that evening, expecting to see my mom, I’m shocked to see Evan standing there. He’s not supposed to be here for another thirty minutes. I just ordered dinner, and was going to clean up Tyler’s toys from the living room floor. A nervousness flutters through me from the sight of him. His hair is still damp from a shower, falling over his forehead. He looks casual as can be with his right forearm resting against the doorjamb. It’s amazing how such a simple stance can be so sexy. I’m completely awestruck, and pretty sure I may be drooling. Mischief flashes through his eyes as he scrapes his teeth over his bottom lip. “So, are you going to let me in, or you are you just going to stand there staring at me?”
“Oh, yeah, sure, come on in. Just don’t look at the mess. Thanks for coming here.” I begin to quickly snatch up toys, loading up my arms, when Evan grabs me around the waist to pull my back to his front. Toys held tight to my chest, breath stilling in my lungs, his lips brush along the shell of my ear.
“Drop the toys Azley, I don’t care if your place is a mess. I only care about seeing you. If the only way I can do that means I have to come over here and sit on your couch all night, then that’s what I’m going to do.”
The toys fall to the floor at my feet. His arm doesn’t let me go and I make no move to leave the comfort it holds me in. How can I be so lost already to this heady feeling I have when he’s near me?
“I ordered Chinese food, is that okay?” I turn my head to look over my shoulder. Evan simply nods and loosens his grip on me. His hand drifts to my waist, squeezing it gently before letting go. His whiskey eyes lock on to mine, holding me in their spell. He dips his head to give me a quick kiss when he finds what he’s looking for. I can’t help the grin that overtakes my face.
“Much better. You’re so beautiful, but when you smile, you’re absolutely gorgeous.” A blush spreads over my cheeks at his words.
Tyler comes barreling into the room, making a beeline for me. As soon he sees Evan, he veers his way to leap at him. “Evan! You come and play twains with me?”
“Not tonight. How ya’ doing little buddy?”
“I has to take medcine cause I has bees in my mouth and they hawt.” Tyler scrunches his nose as Evan looks to me for clarification, confusion written in his furrowed brow.
“He’s teething, so I had to give him something to ease the pain. He doesn’t like the taste of it.”
“I see. Well, I hope you’re feeling better now. No one likes it when the bees in their mouth hurt.” Evan ruffles Tyler’s curly hair then proceeds to tickle his belly. Tyler squeals with laughter, and I just stand back watching them.
The doorbell rings again right before my mom walks through the door. I’m not prepared for this! For her and Evan to meet already. Shit! This is why he wasn’t supposed to be here yet.
“Azley, are you going to introduce me, or just stand there looking like a fish out of water?” My mom’s question jolts me out of my shock and I take Tyler from Evan’s arms.
“Yes, of course, Mom this is Evan Brooks. Evan, my mom, Kayla.” They greet each other as I hug Tyler close to me. Please don’t ask embarrassing questions, mom.
“Nice to meet you, Evan. Azley has told me so little about you.” My head drops as I shake it side to side. Why is she doing this to me? She knows everything about him that I do; she’s just trying to get Evan to give up information.
“I’m sure that’s because there isn’t much to tell right now. We’re still getting to know each other.” Evan winks at me before continuing on, “She’s told me a lot about you, Kayla. Very nice to meet you, too.”
“Tyler, where is your bag? You and I have a date with a mouse and pizza.” Thank God, she’s switching gears. Tyler wiggles out of my arms and runs to the couch, where his bag is sitting.
“Here, Gamma, is heavy.” He lets out a loud grunt while pulling on the straps of his bag. Frustrated when it doesn’t budge, he sighs and turns to my mom with a pout on his lips.
Mom feigns shocked horror, pressing her hands to her cheeks, “Oh, you poor baby! Whatever will you do?”
“Don't wowy, you help me.” He bats his eyelashes at her, swings his arms side to side, and grins. I bust out laughing, wondering when my son became such a little manipulator and flirt.
“Of course, I will. Let’s get going, there’s fun out there to be had.” My mom grabs Tyler’s bag and then his hand before walking out the door. I manage to get a quick hug from him, but no kiss because he’s in a hurry to spend time with his partner in crime.
Shortly after they leave, our food finally arrives. I grab my purse from the kitchen counter, but Evan’s long legs have him at the door and he’s pulling it open. “I’ve got it Evan, my treat.”
“Put your money away, Sugar. As much as I like the idea you want to pay, I’m not letting you,” He pulls out his wallet and pays for dinner despite my repeated protests. “
I invited you over, it’s only fair that I pay.” Evan closes the door and turns to face me. He doesn’t say a word as he walks towards me, backing me into the wall.
Once he has me pinned between him and the wall, he braces the hand not holding the bags over my head. Eyes locked on each other, neither of us moving or speaking. Two stubborn people in a silent war of wills. He leans in as his eyes roam over my face. Breath caught in my throat, butterflies fluttering wildly in my belly, anticipation courses through me as I wonder what he is going to do or say. “You really are stubborn,” he whispers. “Despite where we are, Azley, this is a date, and I pay for my dates.”
I swallow hard as he stands to his full height, towering over me. Dominating, but not threatening; a quiet assertiveness. When he lifts the bags to hand them to me, all I can do is take the food from him and walk to the kitchen. Once I have the bags set on the table, Evan helps me unpack them. I grab plates from the cabinet and place them on my kitchen table. The aroma of the sweet and sour chicken hits my nose when I open one of the containers and I’m in heaven from the scents of the sauce and pineapples.
; Evan mutters “what the hell” under his breath right before I hear a bunch of soft plops hitting the table along with crinkling of plastic. I stop opening the containers and turn to face him. He’s dumped a bag of about ten fortune cookies, staring at the pile with a mixture of curiosity and confusion. I see what the problem is. Or, at least what he thinks is the problem. With a giggle, I tell him, “They always send extras. Tatum has a fascination for the fortunes. I’ll give them to her next time I see her.”
“So, what, she believes them? Tell me she knows these are a crock of shit.” The look on Evan’s face has now transformed into total disbelief. My giggles have now turned in to a full-blown laugh. Tatum completely believes in those things. The reason our favorite restaurant sends so many is because we are such good customers. Tatum cannot go a morning without cracking open a cookie and reading the day’s fortune. She plans everything she does around them.
We sit down and dish food onto our own plates. The conversation is light, and while we don’t delve into anything too deep I’m fascinated as he tells me more about his family. I do find it concerning that his mom is pushing him to find someone to settle down with because she wants grandkids. I only thought girls had to deal with that. I guess with not having any daughters, his mom must think she has no choice but to bug him. Hopefully she doesn’t conclude that Tyler and I are a ready-made family for Evan.
“How did your appointment go today?” he asks, knowing I saw my doctor today.
“Same as always. I’m anemic, here’s some iron. The pain is just stress related, he can recommend a counselor if I would like to talk one. You don’t think this is in my head, do you?” I look up to face him, not sure why I’m suddenly worried he might think I’m crazy.
Evan gets a serious look in his eyes, “No, Sugar, I don’t think you’re crazy. I do think you need to find a different doctor.”
“Thank you for that. I guess the more they say it, the more I start to believe it and I don’t want to believe it.” He runs a finger down the side of my face, over my bottom lip, and my breath catches. I think he may kiss me, but he just gives me that sexy smirk of his and continues eating.
I’m enjoying this time spent with Evan. It’s easy, comforting, and I can see myself falling for this gorgeous man if I let myself. Thing is, I think I want to. No matter how many times I tell myself I don’t want that kind of complication in my life again, I can’t help but want it. With him, my mind starts battling with my heart. My head telling me to put on the breaks, my heart telling me to just let go. I don’t understand what he sees in me. We met once, under a disastrous circumstance on my part. He was my savior that night, but I never expected to see him again let alone be exploring a possible relationship with him. He should be wooing someone who has her shit together. Someone who can give him all of her time.
“What’s going on in that head of yours, Azley? You checked out on me.”
“What do you see in me Evan? I have to admit I’m struggling here. There’s nothing exceptional about me. I’m just a single mom who barely makes it through the day. My life is ugly. And before you think or say it, I’m not talking about my son. I cancel dates because my health is out of whack, and I have no clue what’s going on with it.” I shrug my shoulders, not knowing how to put into words what is basically a storm of thoughts in my head.
“There is nothing ugly about your life, Azley. I understand about the cancellations, they can’t be helped.” He leans in to whisper in my ear, “And another thing, you are so, so wrong about not being exceptional. I happen to find you very exceptional. There’s something special about you. I don't know how to explain it or the why, it’s just how it is.”
“There are things you don’t know about me. I have a past that I may not be ashamed of, one some people may think I should be ashamed of, but I’m not comfortable talking about it either. I try to be strong, put on a front of being perfectly put together, but I’m not as strong as I would like to be. I don’t want to fall for you, trying my damnedest not to. I don’t need you in my life and at the same time I want you to be. I’m afraid of getting hurt again, and I also don’t want to hurt you.” Fear has me not making sense. Fear for my heart, fear for my wellbeing. Self-sabotage some would say.
He pulls me from my chair and into his lap, wrapping his strong arms around me. “It's ok if you hurt me, Azley.”
“It's not ok if you hurt me, Evan. I’m tired of the hurt.” My eyes close as I rest my forehead against his shoulder.
“I see what you’re trying to do. You can’t get rid of me that easy. I know I don’t know a lot about you, but I want to change that. I want to know your head, and your heart. Then eventually, I want to know you so intimately, we won’t know where one of us ends and the other begins.” He lifts my face to place a kiss against my nose and I melt just a little more. Damn this man, damn his swoony words.
“Fortune cookie time,” I say to change the topic. “Pick one and tell me what it says.”
Gesturing towards me, he says, “Ladies first.”
I make a show of slowly breaking the cookie apart. Once I have it reduced into tiny pieces, I pull the slip out and suck in a deep breath when I read what it says, “Open your heart, it can always be closed again.” Well, if that isn’t a bit in accordance with the conversation we just had.
“Alright, my turn.” Evan hums as he cracks his cookie open with one hand, show off, his lips transforming into a crooked grin as his eyes sparkle while he reads his fortune, “Endurance and persistence will be rewarded. Hmm.”
Hmm? That’s all he has to say about that? What the hell does hmm mean. I search his face to see if I can decipher his meaning and am met with a determined look in return. His eyes and body language are saying game on, as if a gauntlet has been thrown down and he’s preparing himself for battle. Game on indeed. I never took much stock in Tatum’s assumption that these fortunes mean anything, but after everything that was said, and the words written on these stupid pieces of paper, I can’t help but think she is right. At least in this instance; it seems quite prophetic.
“How about a movie?” I ask as I scoot my chair and grab our plates to put in the sink.
“Sounds like a plan. What did you have in mind?”
“Good question, I have no idea,” I say as I finish clearing the table. “You can search the on-demand channel if you’d like. Just don’t pick anything…”
“Sappy or mushy,” Evan finishes for me. I giggle at the fact that he remembers this about me.
“Exactly. I’ll be there in a minute.”
Half way through the action film we picked, I’m cuddled into Evan’s side. His right arm is draped around my shoulders, my right hand on his thigh with my fingers resting just above his knee, absently rubbing back and forth across the material. Evan moves my hand before leaning forward to pick up a magnetic drawing board that was left on my coffee table and wags his eyebrows at me. Since we’re sitting next to each other, he turns sideways so his back is against the arm of the couch. He uses the attached pen to either write or draw something, peeking over at me every few seconds. I’m curious as to what he is doing so I rise on my knees to try and peek. He quickly places the toy against him and shakes his head no, chiding me with a tsk. I fall backwards onto my butt and cross my arms in a mock pout. “You’re cute when you do that. Keep doing it,” he laughs.
He finally turns the board around and shows me what he’s done. A crudely drawn picture that looks like a profile of two people kissing. I can’t help the giggle that sneaks passed my lips as I grab it. The eyes are just blobs, the noses smashed together, and the lips are so thin they’re just a single line crossing the two faces. I drag the built-in slide eraser across the board and start drawing my own picture. I make two stick figures, because seriously I can’t draw for shit. They’re standing next to each other holding hands. What can I say, I’m trying to be good here? I pass the board back to Evan and he just shakes his head as if disappointed.
He moves the pen around the boar
d after erasing what I drew. He takes his time, going slow as he draws his new creation. When he finally finishes, he hands the board back over to me. My lips twitch as I stare at his picture. He went the stick figure route, only he added clothing and hair so you could tell the difference between the sexes. The figures are facing each other and the man, which is twice as tall as the woman, is holding his hand out with a triangle balanced on top. The man has a heart on his chest, and three little hearts surround the woman’s head. Above the triangle is one word, kiss.
“Where have you been all my life?” I whisper as I lock eyes with Evan. I’m afraid to speak any louder for fear it will ruin this quiet yet powerful moment.
“Waiting for you to come find me.” The tone of his voice is serious. His body taut with frustration. His eyes full of hunger.
The sexual tension between us is sparking with electricity. My body is aching for his touch; desire for him superseding every other thought and want. God, if he doesn’t touch me, take me, make me his, I may explode into a thousand tiny pieces from the overwhelming frustration. I drop the toy to the floor as Evan lifts off of the couch and leans over me, forcing me to lay back. My heart is pounding as he braces his arms on both sides of my head, his breathing ragged as if he’s struggling to hold back. Our eyes lock and I can see the moment when he gives in. His whiskey eyes darken, captivating me in their depths.