Unwell (The Un Series Book 1)

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Unwell (The Un Series Book 1) Page 10

by Robin Laine

  We spend the rest of the afternoon sitting on the back porch, watching Tyler play in the dirt with the toy trains I bought for him.


  For the last two months, Azley and I have been spending as much time together as we can manage. She doesn’t always have a babysitter for Tyler, but that’s fine with me. I enjoy getting to know him as much as I do his mother. He loves going to my place to ride Chewy, and I love teaching him about horses. On nights Azley can get a babysitter, we find different things to do other than dinner and a movie. My girl likes trying new things. When she mentioned to me she had never been bowling, I decided it was time for her to learn. Didn’t take too long to realize she was a disaster at it when she attempted to throw the ball, and it went flying backwards instead, landing an inch from my foot. Despite that incident, and eventually having the bumper guards put up for her, we had a fun night.

  Now I’m sitting at the table in the fire station kitchen, decompressing with the guys after a long day of battling a structural fire. I’m exhausted and hungry, ready to collapse in my bunk. Everyone turns to stare as my phone goes off, the song Sugar playing to a now quiet room. I look at the screen, see Azley’s name and smirk. Shit, she must have programmed the song under her number when we were hanging out at my house last weekend. Had to have been when I was riding Tyler around the paddock. That’s the only time she was alone with my phone.

  “What’s up, Sugar?” I glare at the guys when they burst out laughing at my greeting, flipping them off as I stand to walk somewhere more private.

  “We’re still going out tomorrow night, right?” She asks tentatively.

  “We are. Why do you ask?”

  “I was thinking, instead of going to a club, maybe we could go to my favorite wine bar? It’s more intimate, and they have a jazz quartet playing. I’m not feeling up to being surrounded by a bunch of sweaty bodies and having loud music pounding in my ears.”

  “I like that idea, Sugar. Anything you want, you know I’ll make it happen,” I tell her.

  “Great! What time should I expect you?”

  “I’ll pick you up at eight. I have to get going now, need to get some rest before we get another call,” I tell her and we say our goodbyes. Heading up to my bunk to crash, I pray we don’t get a call before this shift ends in three hours. Today’s five alarm fire was the biggest we’ve had in a while. An apartment complex still under construction, with only the wood framing completed, so it burned hotter and faster. Add in the high winds we had today, it was difficult getting it under control. Thankfully we had no casualties, but five firefighters from various crews were either injured with burns or suffered smoke inhalation. I can’t wait to head home and start my weekend.

  As Azley answers the door the next night, I’m blown away by her stunning looks. She stands before me in a slinky purple dress that hugs her curves and stops just above her knees. The straps are so thin, I could snap them apart with the flick of my wrist. The neckline is v-shaped, going low enough the tops of her beautiful breasts are exposed. I take my time, roaming my eyes slowly over every inch of her shapely form.

  Shit, I don’t know whether to take her out and show her off, or call it a night and take her right now against the wall. Wrapping my hand around the back of her neck, my eyes make contact with hers before I pull her in for a deep kiss. Her arms twine around my neck as she pushes her body into mine and I start to lose control. Needing to dampen this fire burning hot between us, I release her and drag in a deep breath to collect myself. I promised my girl a night out. “Hey gorgeous, you ready to go?”

  Azley’s eyes are glazed over, and it takes a few moments for her to reply, “Yes, I just need to grab my wrap and clutch.” Once she has her things and locks up, I grab her hand to lead her out to my truck, lifting her in by the waist. Once she’s settled, I climb in behind the wheel and drive us to Uncorked. It’s an eclectic little wine bar in Tempe, with backless cushions set around low, round, coffee table sized pieces that look like the top knob of a wine cork scattered around the small space. It’s not a place I would normally frequent, but it’s one of her favorite places and she was excited to bring me here.

  We’re standing at the bar, waiting for our next round of drinks. All night I’ve been watching man after man walk up to her and try to chat her up, with me standing next to her. The last guy didn’t even care that my arm was wrapped around her waist. I’ve had enough of this bullshit. This stops now or I’m going to punch the next fucker in the face. I back Azley up against the bar, grab her face and slam my mouth against hers. She lets me in immediately then pushes me back. She’s trying to look mad, but I can see a fire burning in her eyes and it has nothing to do with anger.

  “What the fuck was that, Evan?”

  “Just letting every asshole in this bar know you're taken.”

  “Oh? I didn’t take you for the insecure, jealous jerk.” Her lips twitch, telling me she enjoyed that display of what she thinks is jealousy.

  “Let me make this clear so you understand once and for all, Sugar. That wasn’t insecurity or jealousy, that was me staking my claim. I’ll be damned if I will sit by and continue to watch even one more asshole try to hit on you. You’re mine, Azley. Get that through your head right now, because I don’t like repeating myself.”

  “Well, at least you didn’t piss on my leg or try to fuck me in public.”

  I can’t contain my laughter as I pull her into my arms and kiss her forehead. I lean back to study her face. She was right about getting what looks like hives. It’s contained to just her cheeks and nose, almost more like a sunburn than a rash but it’s raised so I know it’s not a burn. She’s been absently scratching the rash all night, and not even her makeup covers it completely. Her face falls slightly, switching from vibrant to exhausted. This happens to her all too frequently. One minute she’s full of energy, the next she’s ready to drop where she stands. I run my thumbs over her cheeks before leaning in and giving her a gentle kiss on the lips.

  “How about we call it a night? We have a big day tomorrow and I want you thoroughly rested.”

  “That sounds like a great idea. I feel like I could fall asleep right here. Take me home my big, strong, protective man.” She giggles at her own words as she loops her arm through mine and we leave this god forsaken place.

  Chapter 12


  Shit! I can’t find my keys! I’ve been looking for them for twenty minutes and we’re supposed to be at Evan’s parents’ house in thirty minutes. Evan was supposed to pick us up today, but he called last night to let me know he needed to be at his parents’ house early to help his dad and brothers fix the railing on their deck. The keys seem to have disappeared into some ghostly abyss. The one place I have been dreading to look now sits before me, Tyler’s toy box. The big box that sits in the corner of his room and holds the less played with toys. It’s over-flowing with the large trucks, cars, balls, stuffed animals, and those little prizes from kids’ meal boxes.

  I kneel on the floor in front of it and start flinging toys to the side and over my head. Now is not the time for a careful search. I grab the battery-operated monkey that my mom bought Tyler for his birthday and pause for just a moment before tossing it over my shoulder. It immediately goes off with a crazy sounding monkey laugh, as if it’s mocking me and my fruitless search. I continue with the digging and finally, at the very bottom, lay my car keys! I snatch them up before running out of the bedroom to grab Tyler, buckle him into his seat, then hit the road.

  I pull up in front of Evan’s parents’ house Saturday afternoon. This will be the first time I meet them. The first time they meet Tyler. I’m so nervous my palms are slippery from sweat. What if they don’t like me? What if they think I’m only interested in finding a father for my son? What if… fuck, I don’t know. So many scenarios run through my mind. All of them ending with me fleeing the house in tears, never to see Evan again. I take a deep breath while wiping my hands on the legs of my jeans, exhaling slowly to
calm my nerves. I open my car door, checking my purse to make sure my keys are in there. Shit, they’re not. I yank the key from the ignition and toss them in.

  Climbing out of my car, I open the back door to pull Tyler from his car seat and then bump the door closed with my hip. I walk slowly up to the front door, trepidation weighing heavy in my footsteps. It swings open before I can even knock, revealing Evan looking devilishly handsome in low slung jeans, a fitted heather grey t-shirt that shows off the cut plains of his chest, and his leather wrist bands. The left side of his mouth curls up into that sexy smirk he shows only me, and his eyes twinkle with mischief. He opens his arms, and I’m suddenly at ease as I fall into him. Arms wrapped around my waist squeeze me tight for just a moment before letting go.

  “What took you so long?” Evan whispers before kissing me on the forehead.

  “What do you mean? I’m not that late, am I?” I give him a curious look.

  “I watched you sitting in your car. I wasn’t sure if you were going to climb out, or take off.” Understanding hits, and I lower my face in shame to look at my shoes. Did I remember to wear shoes? Ah yes, I did. They’re cute too. A finger rests under my chin before raising it so I’m face to face with him once more. I give him an innocent smile, then rise up on my toes to press a quick kiss to his lips.

  “Sorry, I’m just nervous. I want to make a good impression, and worry I’ll do or say something to make a fool of myself. Like trip and fall flat on my face. What if they think my hives are contagious? They won’t want to come anywhere near me.” I’m blabbering, making up lame ass excuses, and I can’t seem to stop myself so Evan does it for me.

  “Stop, Azley! Just stop. They’re going to love you, and they’re going love Tyler. Come on in and meet everyone. I promise, everything will be fine. If you do happen to fall down, I’ll be there to pick you back up.” He leads me into his parents’ kitchen and begins introducing me to everyone. “Mom, Scott, this is Azley and her son, Tyler.”

  A big burly man is leaning forward on the counter with his arms resting on top. His curly hair is mostly gray, and he has laugh lines surrounding the outer corners of his deep brown eyes. He doesn’t say a word, just continues leaning on the counter. He straightens up quickly when the woman next to him swats him on the butt. He’s nearly as tall as Evan’s six foot three height, and if I didn’t already know his biological father had passed away, I’d say he is where Evan got his size from. He reaches across the counter to offer me his hand in greeting. “Hi Azley, I’m Scott. Very nice to meet you.”

  “Scott, where are your manners. Now I know where these boys get it from. Forgive my husband. He was literally raised in a barn. I’m Ellen, and it is such a pleasure to finally meet the woman who stole my son’s heart.” She walks around the counter toward me with a cheerful smile spread across her face and her arms open before enveloping both me and my son in a warm hug. She’s beautiful, with gray streaks lining her brown hair that’s a little darker than Evan’s. She has the same whiskey colored eyes he has, but that’s where the similarities end. She is shorter than me, a little plump but still curvy, and her cheeks have a natural rose tint.

  I hug her back timidly before stepping back into Evan, resting my back against his front. It’s not lost on me what she said about stealing his heart. Nerves start firing off again, making me feel uneasy, so I turn my head to look at his face. His jaw is set tight and he’s glaring at his mom. His mom must be reading into something the wrong way.

  “Mom, we’ve talked about this. No more. Azley, these are my idiot brothers. You already know Parker, and that ugly runt over there is Crosby,” he teases.

  “Fuck off, dude. You’re uglier than I am,” he jokes back, laughing.

  “Language, there’s a child in this house.” Ellen fires at him.

  Crosby is far from ugly. If anything, they could be twins, with Evan being a little bulkier and a couple inches taller than Crosby. He has the same golden brown hair and sculpted face. I make eye contact with him and freeze. Shit! I recognize him from Lust, and by the look in his eyes, he recognizes me too. The smile that graced his face moments ago, falls slightly. He reaches his hand out to me in greeting and I take it, giving it a quick shake before letting go, “Azley, it’s nice to finally meet you. I have to say; you look very familiar. Haven’t we met before?”

  Recovering from the shock, I grasp his hand in a soft shake before quickly letting go. He’s toying with me. Trying to get me to say aloud what he already knows. I’m not ashamed of my past. Not ashamed of what I had to do in order to take care of myself and my son. By the look in his eyes, though, I can tell he thinks I should be. I haven’t had this conversation with Evan yet, and have no desire to have it here, in front of his family. So, I plaster a fake smile on and lie through my teeth.

  “No, I don’t think we have. It’s nice to meet you as well.”

  Parker walks over, pulls me into a hug and whispers, “Don’t let mom scare you off. She means well, just gets excited when one of us brings a girl around. Which is never by the way.” He releases me with a wink and I turn back to Evan, reaching for his hand. I need to feel grounded right now. The need to flee is growing, and if I don’t anchor myself to him I just might do that.

  Scott and Ellen direct us out to the back patio where dinner is currently sitting on the grill sizzling. The smell of the steaks hits my nose; the delicious mix of pepper, garlic and meat, and my stomach gives a tiny rumble of hunger. Thankfully, no one hears it. On the table is a spread of potato salad, mixed greens, rolls, and a pitcher of iced tea. Scott pulls the steaks off the grill and sets them in the middle of the table as everyone takes a seat. Evan pulls a chair out for me, kissing me on the top of the head before sitting in the chair next to me.

  The conversation is light hearted. Ellen asks me about Tyler, and I can’t help but gush about him. When she holds her hands out to him and beckons him over to her, I’m stunned for a moment, at a loss for words, because he climbs down from my lap and goes straight to her. He never goes to strangers. Usually, he shies away from people he doesn’t know. He lets her lift him onto her lap, giggling and talking with her.

  “I’ll help you clear the dishes, Mrs. Smith.” I say once everyone is done eating. I stand with my plate in hand, reaching for Evan’s when he lays his hand over mine, stopping me.

  “You sit and relax. It’s the boys job to clear the table.” After I retake my seat, he leans over, giving a gentle kiss to my cheek.

  Evan, Crosby, and Parker help their step-dad clear the table. It only takes them a minute to take everything into the kitchen. Evan’s mom stands before asking, “Okay everyone, who’s ready for some dessert? I made an apple and pear cobbler.”

  “Cobbler sounds great, Mom,” Crosby tells her, “but I actually have a craving for some cookies. How about you, Azley? Don’t cookies sound fantastic?”

  His question rocks me out of sorts. I stand too fast, knocking my chair back hard. It screeches on the tile, sounding like nails on a chalkboard, and I cringe. “Sorry, if you’ll excuse me, I just really need to wash up Tyler. Could someone direct me to the restroom please?”

  Crosby lets loose a bark of laughter, then points to the hall behind me, “It’s the first door on the right.”

  Evan rises from his seat, turning to look at me with curiosity burning in his gaze. “Are you alright? You look a little flush.”

  “Yes, of course. I just…” I turn away from his gaze, pick up my son and head toward the bathroom. Once inside, I lock the door and turn on the faucet. Splashing warm water over my face, I can’t help but wonder what Crosby is up to. Why does he keep trying to provoke me? It’s not like I did anything wrong! I didn’t do private lap dances. I didn’t date the customers. I just danced on a stage with a fucking pole! I may have stripped down to nearly naked, but I didn’t prostitute myself out. He’s making me question my choices, my morality, and I don’t like it. Not one single bit.

  I find a clean washcloth under the sink and wet it so
I can clean Tyler’s face. The sound of raised voices floats down the hall once I’ve turned the water off. I slowly open the door and make my way down the hall. Stopping at the entryway to the kitchen, I see Evan and Crosby toe to toe, Crosby getting into Evan’s face.

  “She’s a fucking stripper, Evan! You brought a stripper into our parents’ home.” Cut.

  “I don’t know what the hell your problem with Azley is, Crosby, but you have no right saying that kind of shit about her. She’s a single mom who teaches dance classes, not a damn stripper!”

  “She is! I’ve seen her! Does she know how much money this family is worth? Did you ever think that maybe that’s why she’s with you? Fuck, she’s probably just looking for a daddy for her kid.” Salt. “Someone to give her money, and once she bleeds you dry, she’ll move on to the next dumbass. For Christ’s sake, she goes by the name Cookie! That’s her damn theme song.” Lemon.

  My hands fly to my mouth, barely containing the pained whimper escaping passed my lips. Is that what he thinks of me? That I’m some kind of gold digger? I’ve never asked for a damn dime from Evan. I would never do that. The pain radiating through my body from those accusations, from the picture Crosby just painted of me, can’t be contained. The next cry bursts through and all heads turn to me. The stares range from horror to disgust. I shake my head back and forth. This can’t be happening. My eyes plead with Evan’s. To get me out of here like he promised he would. To comfort me. But he doesn’t. He does nothing but stand there with an undecipherable look on his handsome face.

  “Is what he’s saying true, Azley?” Not Sugar, just Azley, and I’m bleeding inside from the wound created by Crosby’s words.

  “Not anymore. I used to strip, when Tyler was just a baby, but not anymore,” I whisper.

  “For my brother?” he yells. Rage, the look on his face is rage. One I never want to see again; won’t ever see again after today.


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