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Talosian Chronicles 1: Olympus

Page 6

by Ben Winston

  Bill and Julie were holding hands and smiling widely on the other couch, as they watched. Julie was crying happy tears.

  Ian handed a ring to each of the women. “Oly please translate for the Laskars.” He switched to Talosian. “I accept this ring as an outward sign of our love. I accept the love and the commitment of my chosen life mates. I accept the responsibility of protection, and the offer of comfort. I offer in return my love, and life to share, in happiness, and in sorrow, for the rest of my life.” He slipped his ring on his left ring finger.

  The ladies each repeated his words and slipped their rings on as well. The newly bonded group exchanged kisses, and Oly announced that he had officially recorded the bonding.

  Bill and Julie rose to congratulate the happy group and welcome their new son and daughters-in-law.

  “Hey! I get to call you mom and dad now!” Beth teased.

  “Don’t you dare!” Julie said, in mock threat.

  “Ian,” Bill said, “I don’t mean to interrupt what you have planned, but I’m supposed to pick Janet up at the airport tonight.”

  “Do you think she’d accept all this?” Ian asked the couple.

  “I think so,” Julie said. “I know she's always been a fan of science fiction stuff, so I think she'll accept this. As for the group relationship, yeah, I know she'll accept that.” ”

  “What time is she due in?” Beth asked.

  “About nine, right now she’s stuck in Denver on a layover.” Bill said.

  Ian grinned, “Oly, let’s go get her. Make like a private jet and land at Denver International Airport.” He turned to the Laskars, “Can either of you get her on the phone?”

  Bill pulled out his cell and looked at it with a frown, “Well, I guess that answers that question. ‘No Service’.”

  Ian chuckled, “Just tell Oly the number you want to call and he’ll connect you.”

  Bill rattled off the number and Oly nodded to him. “Tell her to go to private gate twelve-B; we’ll be there in twenty five minutes.”

  While Bill talked to lover, everyone watched the reentry and the rapid decent. When Bill got off the phone with Janet, he asked Ian, “Won’t somebody notice that we just dropped out of orbit to land at the airport?”

  “Everything is computerized Bill, you should know that. Oly is the only AI in the system. He can make them believe anything he wants them to. As for somebody seeing the ship, what they will see will be something perfectly normal, like a Boeing 727 or something like that. No one will notice as long as they don’t try to either service the craft or refuel it.”

  “Well shouldn’t either you or Cindy be on the bridge to fly?” Julie asked.

  “Actually neither of us are qualified to pilot the shuttle yet, Cindy’s learning, but for now, Oly has to fly it,” Ian said nodding to the AI.

  “Oh, but didn’t she just fly us up here?” Julie asked.

  “No, Oly did. Cindy was up there so he could show her more about how to fly. She’s been going through ground school since Saturday night,” Ian explained.

  “You mean she’s only been training for three nights?” Julie said fearfully.

  “I guess we should explain a little more about how the Talosian method of teaching works,” Ian replied and began telling them about dream learning. He finished up as Oly announced that they would be landing in just a few minutes.

  Chapter Eight

  Janet Laskar had a somewhat sad look to her, but tried her best to hide it. Ian and Bill both got her bags from the taxi and carried them to the ‘plane’. Once she climbed aboard though, her entire expression changed to one of awe, and pleasure. “God-dammit! I knew it! I knew that old bugger wasn’t jerkin’ my chain!”

  Ian looked at her with concern. “Mrs. Laskar, please don’t take offense, but what are you talking about?”

  Janet laughed. "My last name is actually Larson, but I'll accept Laskar. As for what I'm talking about - believe it or not, an old shaman told me." As she spoke, her voice changed to imitate mannerisms of the old Indian shaman.

  "He told me about how great white men had fought a losing battle, they came here to save their people. Save them they did, but lost themselves in the process. They came from a great mountain far away, the mountain held the power of life, and of death.

  “The evil ones that had beaten the great white men will come again, and the mountain will be calling the children home to restore this world, and fight the evil ones. Your children, and your children's children, will be called by the mountain; even you will be called, but might not hear.

  “The mountain will come from its hiding place, and many evil ones will die, but many of the children will die as well. Look to the young, old man. He will know the right path. He will guide the children." Her voice changed back into her own.

  "Since then I would get flashes of images, just like freeze frames really. Over time I pieced things together, and I listened for that damned mountain. I listened real hard.

  “Damn Shaman was speaking metaphorically. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve had the power of clairvoyance. Not that it was ever something I could control mind you, but still it’s helped out from time to time.

  “I knew Jenny would be married to a man as well as other women. That the small family would grow in both lovers and children. I know there are many great battles coming, one of which will destroy our way of life and millions will die. It was all so vague that I didn’t get many details. Though I know that we all play important parts in what is yet to come.”

  While she had been talking, Ian had led her to one of the couches and she sat down. A nod to Oly got them airborne again and returned them to orbit.

  “Can I get something to drink?” Janet asked.

  “Sure, what would you like?” Ian asked.

  “A Pepsi would be good, but I’ll take whatever you’ve got on board,” she replied.

  Everyone else asked for something as well, and Ian got the orders out of the replicator.

  “Wow, that’s a handy device,” Janet commented.

  “Janet, I have the same gift as you. I’ve known I would marry Ian since I was eleven. But that’s the only really long term premonition I’ve ever had, and it was so fuzzy I didn’t even understand it at first,” Jenny said.

  “That’s just the way it works, dear. It’ll get stronger as you get older. So, who’s going to tell me what’s really going on?” Janet asked.

  The replicator slot opened again to reveal another communicator and a set of lenses for Janet as Oly began to speak. This time, he included the information on how the dream teaching worked and he explained about replicators.

  When he’d finished, Ian stood. “I hate to cut this short, but we have a wedding to prepare for. Our appointment is in an hour and a half.”

  “An hour and a half! Ian you beast! We can’t get Jenny ready that fast!” Beth said. “We don’t even have a dress for her! And what about the rest of us? You expect us to go to your wedding looking like the Beverly Hillbillies?”

  Ian just pointed to the replicator. “There are two sleeping rooms and a bathroom on board as well. In the front bedroom, you’ll find a very diverse make-up kit. Anything else you need, you should be able to get from the replicator, including a Valium to calm down.” He turned to Jenny, and looked in her eyes. “I know this isn’t the ‘ideal’ wedding, but we can do this as formal as you want. We can do the white dress and tux, or we can just put on nice slacks and shirts. I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “I think I’d like the dress and tux. That’s how I first saw us in my visions,” she said meekly.

  He gently led her over to one of the ‘windows’. “Do you have an idea of what the dress looked like?” Ian asked as he noticed the rest of the girls followed, even Janet had gotten up to gather around them.

  As Jenny started describing the gown, Oly changed the view to display images of Jenny wearing different dresses. The more she described the more detail Oly added. Pretty soon the other girls were helping her
, and Ian quietly stepped away to give them room. Ian sat back down with Bill and finished his soda.

  “You had to know you were kicking a hornet’s nest with that ‘hour and a half’ thing,” Bill said.

  “I kind of figured, yeah. That’s why the reservations are really two and a half hours from now. In addition to giving away the bride, how do you feel about being best man?”

  “I’d be honored, Ian,” Bill said.

  Ian winked, “At least I won’t be the only one in a penguin suit.”

  Even with the extra hour Ian had added in, they still managed to arrive at the chapel only five minutes early. Beth gave Ian a dirty look when she found out about the deception, but quickly got over it.

  They filled out the paperwork, and the ceremony was on. Bill guided Jenny down the aisle and Ian thought Bill’s chest would start popping buttons on his shirt any minute. Bill handed Jenny off to Ian, then took his place beside the groom. Beth and Cindy stood to Jenny’s side, and the minister began the ceremony.

  Ian and Jenny had taken their bonding rings off and gave them to Bill before they got to the little chapel. Now, he solemnly presented them back to the couple on a velvet pillow provided by the chapel. Ian and Jenny were officially made husband and wife in the tearful presence of their families, and witnesses provided by the chapel.

  When they got back out to the truck, Ian asked them what they wanted to do now. “I wasn’t sure what everyone would want to do, so I made dinner reservations at the Mirage. We can go see a show, or just retire to our suites, also at the Mirage. Or... we can take the shuttle back up and spend the night in orbit. Ladies, it’s your wedding night, I’ll let you pick.”

  “The rest sounds pretty good, but I’m wondering if Oly can turn off the gravity in one of the staterooms on the shuttle,” Cindy said, grinning.

  “I think that would be kind of awkward.” Jenny said.

  Cindy’s grin grew bigger, “Maybe, but it's something I've always wanted to try.”

  Beth chuckled, “Ian, I think we’ve created a monster,” she looked thoughtful for a minute. “How about we go to dinner at the Mirage, but spend the night in orbit,” Beth suggested.

  Cindy put on a fake pout. The rest of the girls just laughed, but agreed.

  “You know, we could always make a quick run to the ship and get Talena out of the freezer.” Ian asked as he got in behind the wheel.

  “Someone’s already up there? If they need rescuing, why are we still down here?” Bill was beginning to sound a little anxious, and his tone along with the statement got everyone else’s attention.

  “Talena, a young, female pilot trainee, was put into cryo-sleep by Commander Zeus over four thousand years ago. She’s been waiting for us to come and free her,” Ian explained to the three new people. “She’s now an orphan, and all alone. Her mother and her girlfriend died when Olympus was attacked. Zeus didn’t have the heart to grant her request to commit suicide, so he added this to his plan. She was to go into cryo to ‘help’ the new Commander. I imagine she expected to never be awakened, especially after so many years. We’ll have to remember that for her, the death of her mother and lover are still fresh in her mind.”

  “So what are we waiting for? I’d have already gotten her out of there,” Julie said.

  “Beth needed to have more medical knowledge to handle it if something has gone wrong. Talena is in stasis; she’s not going anywhere or getting any worse. Oly says that Beth is ready, so I was considering a run up to the ship tonight. I thought I’d ask you folks if you’d be willing to tag along.” Ian said.

  “I certainly don’t mind,” Janet said.

  “I’d like to see the ship. I guess even with everything you’ve shown us tonight, that would sure make it seem more real to me,” Julie said.

  Bill grinned, “I think you knew my answer before you ever asked the question.”

  “Well then, let’s have dinner, and get going,” Ian said.

  “You know, I think we can eat just as well on the shuttle,” Jenny said looking at her two wives with raised eyebrows.

  Cindy and Beth looked at each other and smiled. “Head for the shuttle, Ian,” Cindy said.

  “Oly, please call and cancel our reservations, we’re on our way back to the shuttle,” Ian called on his communit.

  “I will get it warmed up, Sir,” Oly replied.

  “What’s the status of the diagnostics I asked for?”

  “It has just gotten underway. The repair of the drones took longer than I calculated.”

  “Has the level three diagnostic been run on the main medbay yet?” Ian asked.

  “It is in progress; however, some faults have been detected and repaired.”

  “We’re planning on getting Talena out of cryo tonight; is there enough working equipment for that?” Ian asked, not particularly liking what he was hearing.

  “Yes sir. Three portable Autodoc units are ready, as well as seven chambers in the main facility. I will have a gurney and portable diagnostic equipment in the cryo-sleep facility by the time you get to the ship.”

  “Thanks, Oly. Williams out.”

  “What was that all about?” Jenny asked.

  Ian frowned. “I ordered some diagnostic tests run on certain parts of the ship. I’d intended them to be finished before anyone went aboard, but that’s not going to happen. So... I’m sorry guys, but I’ll have to ask you to stay on the shuttle for the time being. Beth, Jenny and I will go get Talena out of Cryo, and get her ready to travel. Cindy, I would like you to pull the hummer out of the cargo bay so we can get the portable autodoc aboard.”

  “If it isn’t safe, are you sure you should be going in either? Like you said, Talena isn’t going anywhere or getting any worse,” Janet said.

  Ian sighed. “I know, and I agree with you, but I just can’t kick the feeling we need to get her out of there as soon as possible. The cryo-sleep pods were only designed for about a hundred years of use. She’s already exceeded that by more than forty times. With what I’m hearing from Oly about those diagnostics, the cryo-sleep system could be ready to go down as well.”

  They drove in silence for a time. “Ian, thank you for today. It was the best surprise I’ve had in a long time,” Jenny said, to be quickly endorsed by Beth and Cindy.

  Once they got back to the shuttle and had taken off, Bill, Julie and Janet all feigned being tired. Something no one believed for a second.

  “What about dinner?” Jenny teased. “You know you're probably going to need the energy!”

  “I told you they’d know!” Janet said, and slapped Bill's shoulder.

  Ian went over to the replicator. “Computer, duty cover-all’s with rank insignia for Commander, one pair of black cotton socks, and a pair of ship boots,” Ian took his order into the front stateroom to change.

  The girls must have followed his example because very shortly all three women were in there with him, getting changed. When Jenny took her dress back to the replicator for disintegration, she asked the computer to store it in her personal file.

  Ian ordered a steak, baked beans and Beth’s potato salad with a glass of iced tea. When he sat down to eat, again the others followed his example. Conversation was light and teasing, but Ian could tell that there was an undercurrent of excitement to it as well.

  Oly joined them, eating a holographic meal so he didn’t look out of place. “Sir, you told me what departments to put Bill and Julie in, but you didn’t clarify rank for them, also, what position did you have in mind for Janet.”

  Before Ian could answer, Jenny piped up. “Ian, Janet should be our lead recruiter and ship’s counselor. She’s got a degree in psychology and with her clairvoyance, she might be able to see who would be a good person to recruit.”

  “Okay, love, but what about rank? A counselor isn’t listed as normal ship’s compliment,” Ian asked.

  “Well, I think she should remain a civilian, but have the honorary rank of Major. Since she’s head of recruiting, and personnel is under
my duties, we can work together,” Jenny said, smiling at her 'Aunt'.

  “Okay, we’ll see how that works. Now, as for Bill and Julie, they would both be department heads, and that holds the rank of Major, but they’re normally called ‘Chief’. Am I correct, Oly?” Ian asked.

  “Yes sir,” Oly replied.

  “Okay, they are both to be listed as Majors, and heads of those departments mentioned before. Also, as the results of the diagnostics come in, I would like you to share those results with the head of that department, if we have one. As well as myself and the first officer,” Ian ordered.

  “Once Janet has gotten the initial information please give her a list of the positions available on the ship, with priority going to Engineering personnel as well as pilots.” Ian looked over to Janet, “I’ll let you figure out the best way to get people recruited, however, I’d prefer no kidnappings, and no lying. I know that might make your job more difficult, and I’m sorry. I’ve always believed you can’t build a good relationship with someone based on lies. When you do get someone, hand it off to Julie, and she can get them up to the ship and get them settled.”

  “Ian, we’re going to need a base of operations on the planet as well. I mean yeah, it’s all well and good to just swoop down in a shuttle and pick people up, but a mysterious rendezvous in the middle of the night is going to either spook people, or convince them we are a bunch of flakes,” Janet said.

  “Yeah, I kinda thought that might be the case too, and I’m trying to think of a way to accomplish that. For now, all I can come up with is creating a corporation to ‘hire’ the people we recruit. But I can’t think of a reasonable and believable purpose for the corporation to have,” Ian said.

  Bill finally spoke up, “Oly, you’ve been monitoring the planet for a long time correct?”


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