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Dear Dumb Diary Year Two #6: Live Each Day to the Dumbest

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by Jim Benton

  dumbly danced with Angeline, and we all dumbly

  danced with Dicky. He challenged Isabella to a dance-

  off, which he might have actually won, except that

  halfway through he started coughing up some wig

  hair that had accidentally gotten into his oatmeal

  cookies. Huh.

  I honestly can’t remember when I’ve had a

  dumber time.

  Saturday 28

  Dear Dumb Diary,

  Mom got out Grandpa’s diary this morning

  and we curled up on the couch and read parts of it


  She had never read it before, and when I told

  her how surprised I was that Grandpa was kind of a

  big, fluffy bunny when it came to Grandma,

  she said that Dad was the same way.

  “Your dad cried during Bambi,” Mom said. “I

  didn’t want him to feel weird about it, so I had to

  cry, too. I just thought about my favorite shoes

  getting ruined.”

  We looked through the diary and she really

  and truly cried and laughed, and then I cried and

  laughed, too. In the end, I think she laughed more

  than she cried, and she even started snorting

  and cackling like she used to. I think it might

  have been Grandpa’s dumbness that really helped

  her the most.

  She seemed less like a little girl that had lost

  her mom forever, and more like a little girl that

  would never lose her mom again.

  Later on, I started thinking back on all the

  things I’ve done — the smart things, the dumb things,

  the super- dumb things, the extra -super -dumb

  things — and I realized that often the dumb things

  lead me to something smart.

  It’s not that smartness is bad. Smartness is

  critical, but it’s like dumbness is this magical thing.

  At first you resent and regret it, but eventually, you

  realize you need it in order to get to the smart part.

  And maybe sometimes the dumbness is

  even the best part of your day. Or your week. Or

  your life.

  I never should have tried to abandon it. I

  really thought it was a change for the better, but I

  think sometimes it’s actually better to change

  for the worse.

  Thanks for listening, Dumb Diary,

  How Dumb Can You Be?

  Jamie tries to live each day to the dumbest — but

  can you? Try to choose the dumbest response to

  each situation below!

  1.) Your crush asks you to the school dance. You:

  a. Smile and say, “Have your people call my

  people and we’ll set it up.”

  b. Look at the floor and mumble, “Sure.”

  c. Point down the hall and shout, “Whoa, is that

  a koala in a top hat?” and then run in the

  other direction before you have to say

  anything else.

  2.) Your mom tells you to clean your room. What

  do you do?

  a. Shove everything in the closet and announce

  that you’re done.

  b. Start cleaning, but get distracted by painting

  your dog’s toenails.

  c. Tell her that if it’s your room, you get to

  decide what it looks like, and if it’s not your

  room, the owner should have to clean it.

  3.) It’s school picture day . . . but you spill juice on

  your favorite sweater on the way to school. What

  do you do?

  a. Keep the sweater on. Your mom will flip when

  she sees the picture!

  b. Shove the sweater in your locker and have

  your picture taken in the slightly less dirty

  T-shirt you wore underneath.

  c. Run to the cafeteria and spill everything you

  can find on your sweater. Now it looks like

  modern art!

  4.) Your crazy aunt is coming to visit, and she’s

  staying in your room while you sleep on the

  couch. What do you do?

  a. Booby- trap your room and pretend you have

  no idea why she’s covered with mustard and

  glitter when she comes out.

  b. Grin and bear it. It’s only for a few days, and

  at least you can make fun of her behind her


  c. Feed your dog a half-dozen bean burritos and

  laugh as you watch him curl up at the foot of

  her bed to sleep.

  5.) You’re on vacation with your family, but your bag

  got lost at the airport. What’s your plan?

  a. Grab any other bag. Something will fit.

  b. See how many different ways you can use the

  T-shirt, jeans, sweater, and jacket you wore

  on the plane. Jacket pants? Jeans on the

  head? The possibilities are endless!

  c. Wear some of your mom’s extra stuff, even

  though it’s way too big. At least you’re not

  around anyone you know! (And “accidentally”

  break the camera, just to make sure there’s

  no photo evidence.)

  6.) The sixth cutest guy in your grade sits down at

  your lunch table. You:

  a. Tell him it costs a dollar to sit there.

  b. Faint. This is sometimes for the best.

  c. Try not to blind him with your most charming


  7.) You have a big math test coming up. How do you


  a. Make up fabulous song and dance numbers to

  help you memorize your times tables. No one

  will mind if you have to do them during the test.

  b. Study all night, and then accidentally fall

  asleep the minute the test is passed out.

  c. Look over your notes a few times and hope for

  the best.

  8.) The most perfectly perfect girl in school assaults

  you with a hair flip of her signature shampoo

  fragrance. You:

  a. Gasp and fall to the ground, choking.

  b. Try to hold your breath.

  c. Spray her with a bottle of your own concoction

  that you keep in your backpack for just such

  an occasion.

  Make Your Own Dumb Posters

  Making school posters isn’t for amateurs! Sketch

  some posters advertising the teams and events

  below. (Feel free to add as much glitter as you dare.)

  Mathletes: Just like athletes, but not in any way fun

  to watch!

  Join the soccer team!

  Considered a sport in several countries.

  Wherefore art thou, old- timey actors? Don’t miss

  the Drama Club auditions for Romeo and Juliet!

  Winter Carnival — making hypothermia fun again!

  School Mascot Needed!

  Qualifications: enthusiasm, ability to cartwheel

  and breathe under forty pounds of felt

  Join the Cooking Club!

  Hey, try not to accidentally poison anyone, okay?

  Don’t miss the book that started it

  all — Jamie Kelly’s very first diary!

  Turn the page to sneak a peek inside the first diary

  of Jamie Kelly, who promises that everything she

  writes is true . . . or at least as true as it needs to be.

  (But Jamie has no idea that anybody is reading her

  diaries — so please, please, please don’t tell her.)

  Dear Dumb Diary,

  Today Hudson Rivers (eighth cutest guy in my

  grade) talked
to me in the hall. Normally, this would

  have no effect on me at all, since there is still a

  chance that Cute Guys One Through Seven might

  actually talk to me one day. But when Hudson said,

  “Hey,” today, I could tell that he was totally in love

  with me, and I felt that I had an obligation to be

  irresistible for his benefit.

  So just as I’m about to say something cool

  back to Hudson (Maybe even something REALLY

  cool. We’ll never know for sure now.), Angeline

  comes around the corner with her jillion cute things

  dangling from her backpack, and intentionally looks


  scorpion-like behavior on her part made me forget

  what I was going to say, so the only thing that came

  out of my mouth was a gush of air without any

  words in it. Not like this mattered, because he was

  staring at Angeline the same way Stinker was

  staring at the ball a couple days ago.

  Don’t miss all the books

  in this delicious series!

  Four girls, one charm

  bracelet, and a little

  bit of luck . . .

  From the author of It’s Raining

  Cupcakes comes a charming series

  about how anything is possible when

  you have great friends!

  Some guys just can’t

  win…but Danny never

  stops trying!

  Graphic novels by #1

  New York Times

  bestselling author

  Raina Telgemeier

  This is the true story of how Raina

  severely injured her two front teeth

  when she was in the sixth grade,

  and the dental drama - on top of boy

  confusion, a major earthquake, and

  friends who turn out to be not so

  friendly - that followed!

  Callie is the set designer for her

  middle school’s spring musical, and

  is determined to create a set worthy

  of Broadway. But between the onstage

  AND offstage drama that occurs once

  the actors are chosen, it’s going to be

  a long way until opening night!

  “Charming characters, hilarious illustrations,

  and a big bunch of fun!”

  -Dav Pilkey, creator of Captain Underpants


  Join Blizz Richards as he keeps the world safe for goblins,

  sea monsters, unicorns, and Bigfeet of all kinds!

  About Jim Benton

  Jim Benton is not a middle-school girl, but do

  not hold that against him. He has managed to

  make a living out of being funny, anyway.

  He is the creator of many licensed properties,

  some for big kids, some for little kids, and some

  for grown-ups who, frankly, are probably behaving

  like little kids.

  You may already know his properties: It’s

  Happy Bunny™ or Catwad™, and of course you

  already know about Dear Dumb Diary.

  He’s created a kids’ TV series, designed

  clothing, and written books.

  Jim Benton lives in Michigan with his spectac-

  ular wife and kids. They do not have a dog, and

  they especially do not have a vengeful beagle.

  This is his first series for Scholastic.

  Jamie Kelly has no idea that Jim Benton, or

  you, or anybody is reading her diaries. So, please,

  please, please don’t tell her.

  Jim Benton’s Tales from Mackerel Middle School

  I’m sorry, is my dumbness

  bothering you?

  Dear Dumb Diary,

  I kept thinking about how things were so different in the

  olden times when my grandma went to school. The Internet

  hadn’t been invented yet, and there were maybe three television

  channels, and I seriously doubt that there were any of the high-

  quality chewing gums that modern humans require.

  Try to imagine this.

  You know how you get impatient waiting ten seconds for your

  computer to start? My grandma had to wait fifty years for

  hers to start.

  Maybe that’s why she seemed a little dumb to me.




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