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50 SHADES of EROTICA: Mega Collection of 50 Erotic Stories

Page 25

by Lexi Hunt

  “Hank, can you help me in the barn for a minute?” Willow asked.

  “Sure Willow, I’ll be glad to,” he said as he entered the airy structure. He didn’t see her at first, but he whirled when the barn door closed behind him and Willow was lifting her tee shirt over her head. She cornered him before he could do more than stammer. In seconds she was on her knees and sucking the second hard cock she had handled in her life. This one was bigger, and the man smell was stronger.

  Willow felt like a goddess.

  Hank had never been the object of a woman’s lust…he had never really had a relationship before, just the attentions of the rodeo groupies and truck stop whores he had known over the years. Willow was the first female who had ever volunteered to blown him, and she was certainly the first who really wanted to. The result was a mind altering experience for the fifty year old ranch hand. When Willow kept her mouth glued to his cock when he erupted, Hank’s knees buckled and only the board wall of the barn held him up. Willow left him in the barn, a catlike smile on her face. She knew that she loved sucking cock, and she was wondering who the next recipient of her new found skill would be.

  Hank had known Willow’s mother all of her life, and he had known her stepfather for years. There was no way he could face them after what he had allowed the teenager to do. He headed for the bunkhouse and packed his few belongings. He tossed them and his saddle gear into the back of his battered old Ford pickup and rattled down the long driveway, headed for the next dusty spread in his circle. He had no regrets…that had been one helluva blow job. He began to whistle.

  Angelique Carlson leaned on the corral fence and watched as her husband Doug rode tiredly across the huge pasture. He climbed off his horse and immediately slipped off his saddle and bridle, turning the beautiful animal loose in the corral to get a drink of water from the trough. He walked into the tack room with the saddle over his shoulder and the bridle in his hand.

  Angelique followed him inside and watched as he wiped down the leather. “Hank’s gone,” she said in a miserable voice.

  “Shit!” Doug said, looking up at her.

  “It’s ok honey,” Angelique said, though he could see plainly that it was not at all ok. “I’ll just put off the show and do it some other time.” She had been invited to show her artwork at a very prestigious show in Denver; it was the big break she had been waiting for, and they had been scratching and saving for months to have enough for her to make the trip and transport her works. There was barely enough money left to hire the hands they would need for the end of summer roundup…the once a year revenue generator that made the payment on the ranch and supported them all year. There would not be enough to hire someone to replace Hank for the week or so of hard labor it would take to get the roundup camp in shape for the hands after the hard winter.

  “No you won’t,” Doug said determinedly, “I’ll take Willow along and it will just take us a little longer to get it ready.”

  “Really?” Angelique asked tearfully, “It would be a lot easier if Willow and I both went up to help.”

  “Willow and I will get the job done,” Doug said, knowing that the bulk of the backbreaking labor would fall on his own shoulders, “you won’t be offered another chance like this and we both know it.”

  Right now she had an interested sponsor; they both knew that in the Art World, the interest of a sponsor was the first step to making any real money.

  Willow was saddened that Hank had found it necessary to leave after their tryst in the barn, she had really enjoyed it and it had seemed like he had too. She readily agreed to help Doug at the range camp up in the mountains. It was a beautiful, isolated place and she loved to watch the horses running free, and the prospect of spending a week or so with her great looking stepfather was suddenly very intriguing. He wasn’t her real daddy after all. When he stood up to leave the table, she took a long look at the lump in front of his jeans. It was much larger than Hank’s or Billy’s.

  The buckskin mare was smooth gaited and comfortable to ride but she was very spirited. Willow had been riding her for five years and they were a good match for each other. The ride up to the range camp was a long one, and Willow and Doug bantered back and forth the whole way. She had dressed in tight jeans and boots, but she wore only a middie tee shirt without a bra…and Doug watched her taut boobs bounce out of the corner of his eyes. If he hadn’t noticed that she was a young woman before, he knew it now. She wore a cowboy hat over her long dark red hair and she frequently lifted it to wipe the sweat from her forehead…and to give Doug a better look at her hard flat belly and her firm young breasts. Several times she noticed that Doug had to rearrange his cock in his pants, so she knew she was having the desired effect on him.

  They had their dinner under the stars that first night, and they used the cut and seasoned wood by the kitchen cabin to heat water for the shower. Doug had built a campfire outside because the range shack was too musty and smelly to sleep in without airing it out first, and the bunkhouse was in the same shape.

  Willow took the first shower, and she came out toweling her hair and wearing only an old thin white cotton tee shirt. She deliberately left her panties off, and she knew Doug was getting flashes of her sparse pussy hair and the pale globes of her ass. When he came back outside, he quickly climbed into his sleeping bag and took off his jeans. They chattered back and forth for a few minutes while the fire died down, and the night temperature began to drop.

  When it was cold enough to be believable, Willow climbed out of her bag and stood beside Doug’s. “I must have been still wet when I got in it,” she said, “I’m freezing and I need to get in with you!”

  “But…” Doug started, and Willow reached down and unzipped his bag.

  “Argue with me when I’m warm,” she said,climbing inside the bag with him and zipping it up. She snuggled next to him as they spooned in the warm bag. It took very little time before Doug’s cock rose against her ass. He tried to back away from her, but she was relentless, and she finally trapped the thick cock between her ass cheeks.

  Willow giggled. “Why Daddy, I do believe you’re having dirty thoughts about your little girl!”

  “This isn’t funny Willow,” Doug growled.

  “I didn’t mean it to be funny Daddy, I want to fuck you!”

  “Willow, I’m your stepfather…and what the hell would your mother say?” Willow knew she had him now. She turned in the sleeping bag and slid downwards. When she got to the fly of his boxers she pulled his swollen cock from inside and held him in both hands. Doug moaned as she handled him, he kept saying no but his rigid penis was saying anything but…and his protests stopped entirely when she sucked him deep into her mouth.

  Doug was doing something that Billy and Hank had not, he was holding her head as he helplessly fucked her mouth as if it was a pussy. “Oh shit Willow I’m gonna cum!” he groaned as his hips worked his cock in and out of her mouth. She hummed her pleasure and approval. His cock was lurching in her mouth and she knew his cum would be pouring over her tongue soon. She renewed her sucking. The explosion, when it came, was hot and thick and saltier than Hank’s and Billy’s had been. Her hands squeezed his full balls and milked him until he was empty.

  “Daddy,” she whispered as she rubbed her hard belly against his cock, her body now fully naked inside the bag.

  “What Willow?” He sounded a little mad, either at himself or her, she wasn’t sure.

  She reached up with her lips and kissed him. He became less distant and began to return her kiss before she stopped and whispered in his ear. “Your cum tasted good Daddy.”

  “Oh god!” Doug groaned. Willow lifted one leg and guided his huge cock into her wet pussy. With another loud groan, Doug rolled her onto her back and began to fuck her.

  Willow was so hot that she began to cum almost immediately. Her eyes rolled back in her head. God, Doug was so much better than Billy had been!

  “I’m going to school this fall Daddy,” she told him two days l
ater. They had spent as much time fucking as they had working.

  “I’m glad to hear that Willow,” Doug said earnestly. “I love your mother, but this would be too easy to get used to. I love you too baby girl, but not the same way…but I have to admit this last couple of days has blurred the distinction.”

  “I never intended to try to take you away from Mom,” she said seriously, “but I have to admit that it’s going to be hard to do without this for the rest of the summer.” She was holding his erection in one soft hand.

  Doug grinned as he pushed her head gently down to where she truly wanted to be. He gasped as she took him into her willing mouth. “I didn’t say you’d have to do without baby!”



  Elaine lusted after her stepfather, it was as simple as that. She wasn’t sure how she could entice him into fucking her, after all, he could have any woman he wanted. It didn’t matter, one way or another she was going to have her way with him…all she had to do was spring the Daddy Trap.

  Elaine lay naked in the hotel room bed, her slender legs parted wide, the fingers of one hand busily rubbing her swollen clit while the fingers of her other hand pinched the nipples of her tiny breasts. She ran fantasy scenarios through her mind as she masturbated, each one bringing her closer to the good orgasm she felt building. The idea that he could come through the door at any time added a dimension of thrill to what she was doing.

  Her bright blonde hair was spread out over her pillow, her violet eyes closed and her full generous lips were parted as her ragged breathing grew louder. Her toes curled as she pictured his hard body between her legs and his swollen erection rubbing between the lips of her pussy and against the engorged nubbin of her clit. She could imagine the forelock of his dark wavy hair as it fell down over his icy blue eyes while he strained to tease her with his cock. With her eyes closed she could easily picture the hard muscles of his abs rippling with the strain. With a massive shudder, Elaine was cumming.

  “Daddy!” she cried out, calling the name of her dream lover as the wetness leaked from her spasming pussy. Her fingers were deep inside her and she kept them there until her body was still again.

  He wasn’t her real dad, he was her stepfather, and she had been in love with him since the first time she had met him. Mom was a flight attendant and she had met him on a flight back from the Caribbean.

  The love affair and courtship had been brief and they had been married just after he had closed a deal on some oil leases in Peru. Elaine had met him at the wedding and Mom had announced that she was taking a leave of absence from her job.

  Jack had moved from Midland, Texas to Destin, Florida because it was home for his new wife Marie and her daughter Elaine. He wasn’t ultra-rich, but he was more than ‘comfortable’. He was able to write a check for the purchase of the penthouse condo on the beach in Destin where they lived now without bothering to sell the huge ranch in Midland. After a year of tanning and parties, Marie had become bored and decided to return to her job. Elaine had watched her mother around the pool and at parties, and she had a good idea why Marie was going to go back to work. Her mother was a serious flirt…and from the furtive gropings and the way she enticed men to look at her, there was likely more to it than Elaine was certain of. More than once she had found her mother outside on the roof patio of the penthouse with her clothes disarrayed and a flushed look on her face, and there was always a nice looking man with an embarrassed flush on his face. As far as Elaine was concerned, her Mom’s actions made Jack fair game.

  As she lay panting on her bed, Elaine kept trying to imagine Jack naked. Her phone rang and she checked the caller I.D. “Hi Sissy!” she answered. “No, I’m in my bedroom.” Sissy said something into the phone and Elaine flushed. “Yes I am,” she said, “and yes, I’m naked as a jaybird!” Sissy was enamored with Jack and had a major crush on him, as did all of Elaine’s girlfriends…they enjoyed teasing her enormously and frequently called to get updates on when he would be home. Destin was pretty much famous for the small swimsuits wore on it’s beaches, but the suits Elaine’s girlfriends wore at her private pool on the penthouse deck would have been more at home on St Tropez or Saint Martin’s. Here in Destin they would be a free ride to the County Jail. Elaine let Sissy know that Jack would be tied up today, but she didn’t tell her why. Elaine had plans of her own.

  Elaine rose and carefully put on her waterproof makeup, selecting a bright white micro-bikini that covered nothing really and enhanced all the places a good stepdad should never look. She shrugged into a white terry cloth robe and went to the living room to watch the big flatscreen TV and wait for Jack to come home.

  Jack was talking amiably to Marie on his cell phone when he walked through the door, and he hung up as soon as he got inside. “Long day?” Elaine asked him when he smiled and said hello to her.

  “The usual,” he said. With no apparent change in his good mood, he told Elaine that Marie would be staying in Puerto Rico on her four day mandated crew rest instead of coming home.

  “You mean she found some other rich guy to fuck around with?” Elaine asked shrewishly. She loved her mom, but sometimes the way Marie treated Jack pissed her off.

  “I don’t expect money is a consideration anymore,” Jack said with a cheerful grin, “Especially if he’s young, hung, and good looking!”

  “You’re unbelievable!” Elaine said, “She’s out there screwing around on you and you sit here smiling about it!”

  He crossed the room and touched her nose lightly with a forefinger and kissed her forehead. “I could explain it to you pumpkin, but I’m not sure you’re ready to understand the concept.”

  “Why don’t I get us a beer and meet you at the hot tub and you can try me?” she said, “Since she’s not coming home tonight, you don’t have anything else to do…and I really do want to understand. I’m over eighteen now!” She gazed into his sparkling eyes. “I’m not even a virgin anymore.”

  Jack studied her a moment, and then shook his head. “Okay, fine honey, I’ll give it a try. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.” If he had read any double meaning into her ‘try me’ he didn’t give any sign of it.

  When she came out with the two icy Corona beers on a tray with lime slices on a tiny plate, he was already in the bubbling water and leaning back comfortably. She couldn’t see what he was wearing for a swimsuit, but his bare muscled chest shone in the late afternoon sun. She handed him one of the beers and set the tray on the table next to the hot tub. After he had taken a deep swallow and set the beer down, Elaine made a big show of shrugging her terry cloth robe off and folding it up before laying it across a lounge chair. She was certain he had seen every miniscule inch of the microbikini by the time she got into the water and faced him. “So what is it I need to understand?” she asked drily.

  “Apparently not as much as I expected to have to tell you,” Jack said just as drily. “I had forgotten that you are a young woman and not just a girl anymore. The swimsuit you’re almost wearing reminded me. You are a remarkably striking young woman Elaine.”

  The compliment made her blush, but she managed to thank him, though she stammered like a schoolgirl.

  “Your mother has enormous sexual appetites,” Jack said calmly, “as do I. She tells me all about her little trysts when we are in bed together, and we both find her adventures exciting.”

  “What about you, do you tell her about your adventures?”

  “If she asks me, or if I think a particular adventure would strike her fancy.” He grinned. “None of your friends has done anything worse than flirt so far,” he said, “except Sissy, who keeps finding ways to lose her bikini top whenever I’m in the pool.”

  Elaine giggled. Sissy did the top trick whenever she wanted to get any guy’s attention, whether they were in pool, in the Gulf of Mexico, or on one of the clear spring fed creeks covering the Panhandle.

  “She thinks you’re hot Daddy, and she talks about fucking you all the time.”

/>   Jack laughed and lifted his beer bottle. Elaine lifted hers and they clinked the two necks together. “It’s nice to be popular,” he said.

  “So you and Mom are Swingers?” Elaine had to ask, putting off the burning question she really wanted to ask him.

  “Not swingers really,” Jack said, “but I really want to watch her having sex with another man.”

  Elaine was shaken, this was a side of Jack she had never seen, and it was making her hot as hell. She drained half of her beer in one gulp. Working up her nerve, she stood slowly in the hot tub and posed for him. What little the micro-bikini had covered was now exposed after getting wet. “So what do you think of this?” she asked him in a voice husky with desire.

  “I think it would look very good lying on the patio deck,” Jack said, “you don’t need it to attract my attention, if that’s what it was for.”

  Elaine reached for the single tie that held the tiny suit in place and slowly peeled it off her body. Her bright blonde hair hung to her breasts, and she gathered it up and tied a knot in it, leaving her long elegant neck exposed and thrusting her tiny breasts up and outward.


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