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Page 3

by Jodi Kae

  Slipping back into my own room, I sit down on the cushion in the opposite corner and just watch the sleeping Tori. She has dried tear tracks on her face, and I wonder if that is because of what I did to her or the reaction she had to the intimacy we shared. I can’t imagine that a virgin understands why her body reacted the way it did even though her mind was checked out. I feel a pull to this small, fragile woman that I can’t explain.

  Women have never been hard to come by due to my access to them at The X Club, but I have never felt such a connection to one before. I need to get Tori out of here before I am forced to take her virginity to save her life. I can’t imagine taking a woman under these circumstances. One who is being held against her will, performing acts of submission; not by choice but survival, and afraid of being raped daily.


  Am I so repulsive to this guard that he would rather have sex with the raped captive than me? It’s hard to explain, even to myself, why I’m butt hurt over that idea. Crying has never been something I’ve done very often, but hearing Jax say he needs to blow off steam with the redhead, has my eyes leaking against my will. It has not been hard to keep my emotions in check when it comes to the other guards in this place, but with him, it might be impossible. These men are monsters who abuse and rape women, but this man comes in here and shows me nothing but kindness and pleasure that I didn’t know was attainable. Maybe this is a form of Stockholm syndrome I am suffering from. Maybe this is a common form of training so the captive women will feel emotion toward their captors and choose to stay with them. In a good cop / bad cop scenario, a perp will always lean toward cooperating with the good cop.

  I feel a little stupid now for falling for their tactics. In my child development studies, it taught me about positive and negative reinforcement and how they can alter a child’s reactions to certain situations. How in the hell did I not pick up on this before I became emotionally weak by Jax? Humiliation now has me more determined to shut down all emotion in my situation. It is the only thing I can control where my fate is concerned. Feel nothing.

  Chapter Three


  *a cunning plan of action designed to turn a situation to one’s own advantage. *an activity done for amusement.

  She sleeps like the dead and hasn’t even moved since I molested her six hours ago. Knowing these bastard guards, they probably haven’t let these women sleep in peace without the fear of being accosted or abused. So why is she sleeping so well knowing that I’m in the room?

  A knock at the door has me jumping up quickly. I open the door to see the guard they call Slim shifting nervously. “Yeah.” Slim’s eyes shift toward the living room and back to me.

  “Um.....Sully is on the phone for you.”

  Following Slim to the phone, I wonder what the big boss has to say to me. I have plenty to tell him about what goes on in this house that he probably doesn’t know. “Jax here.”

  “Jax, it’s Sully. The guys are telling me a few things that are happening, or not happening in The House that is delaying the progress of training. I don’t need to tell you that I took a chance on bringing you into the fold and so far it is not paying off for me. My buyer watched a video of some of your training and said the only action he saw was a little foreplay before you rushed from the room. Need I remind you that we brought you in to teach this sub how to give sexual pleasure? I hope you have a good reason for the delay, because if you don’t, and progress is not made, you’ll be food for the fishes.

  These bloody blokes in this house think they can sell me down the river when they have participated in more infractions than I have. “Well Mr. Vrennikov, the first delay I’m having is the need to care for one of the sick girls who seem to have been repeatedly raped by your men. When I checked on her, she was suffering a high fever, which I would suspect comes from contracting S.T.D’s from your men. I thought the process of this organization is to make money, but that won’t be happening with unhealthy or dead girls. Second, Slim decided to tell the product I’m training about her dead sister and that sent her over the edge. She hasn’t been eating or drinking and has basically become mute. In order to train her properly, I need a fully functioning slave. I’m going to need three or four extra days just to pull T...the product out of her shell.”

  “Which damn girl did they rape and do you have proof?”

  “Only Slims word, Sir. He told me they were looking forward to having a go at my project because they were getting bored of the redhead.”

  “God damn it! You tell those sons-a-bitches that they will be dealing with me when I come in next Saturday. I am too busy looking for my missing product to come in sooner than that. What the hell were they thinking? I can’t sell product with diseases. As for the extra time, I can only give you until next Saturday. My buyer wants his delivery a week from Monday, so that means I have to ship her in a week. He is paying for a well-trained slave Jax, make it happen.” Click

  Shit! There is no way in hell I’m taking Tori’s virginity anytime in the next week, and especially not on camera for these Peeping Tom bastards. They are just going to have to be happy with some incredibly hot foreplay. She is extremely responsive, so I know we can put on a good show. Unfortunately, she has already retreated into her head, almost like subspace but without the screaming orgasm. Turning around, I see a very nervous Slim. He should be nervous because he’s gonna be the first one I kill.

  “Jax, it wasn’t me who told Sully, it was Jones. He watches the videos and forwards them to potential clients. He was bragging about how he could do a better job, and if he got rid of you, maybe Sully would let him have a shot at training her.”

  He looks like he’s about to piss himself and I’m in no mood to see it or smell it. “Slim is it?” He nods as if ecstatic that I remembered his name. “You go up and tell the rest of the guards that the women are off limits to any of them until Sully returns to deal with what they’ve done to the redhead. They are no longer trainers of any kind, only guards. Do you understand? He nods again. “Also, I need you to be my look out. If any of them decide to act against me in any way, I need to know about it. If you do this for me, I won’t go to your wife about your activities here when my job here is done.” He pales, swallows hard, but nods in agreement. “You are also in charge of keeping all the women fed decent meals and plenty of water. For the redhead, she needs a steady supply of Advil until her fever breaks, and penicillin if you can get some. Then we will assess the damage you men have done to Sully’s profits.” He turns and scurries up the stairs like the rat bastard he is.


  Loud, angry voices startle me awake, and I crawl to the door to hear more. That is definitely Jax talking to someone, but it’s a one-sided conversation. Why is he defending the captive women and to whom? Since when do guards give a rats-ass about the slave’s mental health or physical well-being? How in the hell did I end up with a sexual dominant slave trainer with a conscience? Oh my God! He has ordered for all of us to go untouched by the others. Does that include me too, or does he just feel bad for the sick woman? I can play sick with the best of them. In elementary school, when I was being bullied, I faked nausea for a whole week so I could stay home. My mom finally took me to the doctor, and he told her I was fine. She was mad, so I had to confess everything and then she was even madder. She went to the school to fix the problem and after that, I became the most popular kid because the bully who picked on me daily was sent to another school.

  Shit, shit shit! He’s coming back. Rushing back to the mattress, I throw myself down and cover myself with the sheet just as the door opens.


  Okay, new plan. When Savage arrives in Montauk on Sunday, I will convince Sully that I need someone I trust to come into the house to protect the women and watch my back. I don’t think these men will like their favorite toy being taken from them, and right now I think I’m one against fourteen men.

  Walking back into my room, I see that Tori has finally moved pos
itions. As I move closer, I see perspiration on her face, and she looks a little pale. “Shit!” Is she getting sick too? I bend down to touch her forehead and feel no fever, but she is clammy. I notice the pulse in her neck is going a hundred miles an hour. What is she up to? Either she’s excited to see me or nervous about getting caught doing something she shouldn’t, or maybe both?

  I decide to test my theory, so I place my hand on her ass over the sheet and rub circles with my palm. A little flinch in her eyelids is the only reaction I get so I get a little more brazen. Grabbing the top sheet, I slowly pull it down her body to expose perfection. She was clinging to it like a lifeline but wisely lets it go to keep up her ruse. I wonder how far she will let me go before she pretends to wake up. I kinda like this game, and I’m excited to see who can hold out the longest and win the prize. Just as the sheet clears her body, she stretches, still pretending to be asleep, and rolls over to give me her back. I smile. She doesn’t seem to realize that as a sexual dominant, there are many things I can do to her that will bring her unimaginable pleasure. She presses her body as close to the wall as possible; I’m sure to get far away from me. I just take that as an invitation and spoon my body right behind hers. Her breath catches, and she stiffens a little but still makes no move to let me know she’s awake.


  No, no, no, no, no! He wasn’t supposed to see that as an invitation. Oh my God! His body is so warm. Didn’t he implement a no-touching rule? Why does that not include me? I’m not ready to have this taken from me. It is supposed to be my choice, and I sure don’t want people watching my loss of innocence.

  Ohshitohshitohshit! His hand is so hot on my ass. He could give a hot stone massage with those things. My mind is reluctant. However, my body relaxes back into his hold. I feel hot, wet kisses along my shoulder and up to my neck. As he moves my hair out of his way, his hot, minty breath heats my neck and sends chills down my spine. I know I need to disconnect my body from my mind so I feel nothing, except I can’t seem to get either to get on board with that plan. His hand kneads my ass and slowly inches its way up my spine to massage the tense muscles there. I moan giving myself away, and he chuckles. What the hell is he laughing at? Does he think I’m weak, that I’m a slave to pleasure like he is trying to make me?

  He rolls me to my back, but I still refuse to open my eyes. This may be the worst choice I can make, because without seeing the monster that is touching me, my mind imagines a gorgeous Viking god. Blonde hair, gray eyes, scruffy face, shit! The face in my mind is his. Lips brush mine softly, causing me to gasp. Taking advantage, he deepens the kiss, and I am lost. Never before have I felt like this from just a kiss. His hand trails down the center of my chest, never touching where I want him the most. Soon his fingers are tracing my belly button, and the anticipation is killing me at the thought of where he will go next. Why the hell do I want him to go there next? This man is here to teach me how to please others. He doesn’t give a shit about me. He doesn’t care that I have lost the best sister anyone could ever have or that she was my best chance for a rescue. He doesn’t care that I have lost my mother to a tragedy and that I will soon lose my father to another one. My father will be devastated when he finds out what happened to us. We barely brought him back from the loss of our mother four years ago.

  Tears leak from my eyes at the loss of control I feel. His hand has frozen in place, so I crack open an eye to see what the delay of my molestation is. Our gazes lock and I only see pity reflected in his.

  “Just get this over with,” I cry. “I can’t keep feeling like I will be safe from you, and then I’m not.”

  “Son of a bitch!” He curses.

  I flinch, afraid that he will strike me for my defiance, but he does the unexpected. Moving his hand back up my body to cup my face, he turns my head towards him.

  “Love, I am not going to hurt you. This is just for show while the camera is on and they are watching my progress with you. I have bought us some time, and we can go slow, but we still need to perform for them and make it look believable, okay?”

  I don’t understand why he is saying these things, but wanting so desperately to believe him, makes my tears come faster. I nod my head except he makes no move to continue what he started. Can I believe this man? Does he really not want to hurt me or take advantage of me? Maybe he doesn’t like his job.

  “Listen carefully, Love; I am going to place my hand back on your private parts. I will try not to touch your intimate parts other than my hand on top, however, from the camera’s angle, it will look like I am. I am going to need the expression on your face to be one of pleasure. You can fake moan and squirm around to make it look like you are enjoying yourself. These buyers just want a believable show. Okay?”

  I nod, but as he moves his hand back to my private place, there is no pretending enjoyment. He moves in to kiss me again, and my body turns molten. As my lips move with his, my body develops a mind of its own. I have never felt anything like this before and the craving to have him touch me is overwhelming. He has given me a choice and my choice right now is to feel contact for the first time.

  Chapter Four


  *uncertainty about what is happening, intended, or required. *a situation of panic or disorder. *a disorderly jumble. *the state of being bewildered or unclear in one’s mind about something. *the mistaking of one person or thing for another.

  Holy shit! I have never been paralyzed before now. I would hold her like this for the rest of my life just to see that look on her face. Gods in heaven, how did I deserve this? I was hoping for a believable act for the camera. What I got was addicting. I could do this every day and not even care about slaking my own lusts because I’m pretty sure I acted like a teenager all over again. I am so enraptured by her.

  I can tell she is humiliated by her actions, and I never want her to feel that way for taking what she needs. To save her the embarrassment, I will let her believe that I thought it was all an act.

  “Love, that was incredible. You did really well. The buyers are going to be very pleased, and Sully may even want us to train a little longer to perfect your responses.”

  Her response was absolutely perfect, but with keeping the ruse of her faking, I decide to play along. She blushes again, so I decide to give her some time alone to adjust. “Do you need to use the bathroom before I go?” At her nod, I move to my feet and help her up. She is clinging to the sheet, so I wrap it around her, and we move out into the living room. The bathroom is on the wall nearest to the rooms on this end of the basement, so we don’t have to go far. Inside is a small shower that has Dove shampoo and conditioner on the ledge.

  “You may take a shower, and I will guard the door for your privacy.”

  She looks at me as if that is a foreign concept. These bastard guards probably made the women keep the door open at all times for their own little peep show. Bastards!

  “Are you leaving me?” She whispers, terror written all over her face.

  “No, Love, I will be right outside the whole time.”

  Her muscles relax, and it pleases me to know that she is beginning to trust me a little. At this point, I would do anything for this woman. I even plan to commit murder for her. Derek would laugh his ass off if he saw me now. Big bad Dom being brought to his knees by a scrap of a woman.

  Just as the door closes, Slim comes down the stairs carrying a tray with five plates full of food. I’m not sure if he made them himself, but they look damn good. There are sandwiches loaded with turkey, lettuce, tomato and avocado, along with cups of soup. Hanging from his arm is a plastic grocery store bag full of bottled water. Smart man, not really, but he follows orders well.

  “I....I....have the food you asked for and some water.”

  “Just leave it outside my door and I will make sure they get it.”

  “You’re not supposed to leave the door closed.”

  He quickly glances away from me to the closed bathroom door.

  “Just in
case they’re suicidal and all.”

  At my look, he shifts his feet nervously.

  “Um...did you tell Sully about me and the redhead? Not that I expect you to lie, but did you name names.”

  “I told him that you are the one that told me about the guards, but I didn’t give him specific names. I meant what I said, if you watch my back, I won’t tell your wife about you and the activities happening here when my job here is done.” I need all the help in this house that I can get, at least until Savage gets here. Making an alliance with the enemy is my only option right now. Unfortunately for all of these men, it will be too late for penance when the walls come crumbling down.

  He moves slowly to my door and sets down the food then pauses as if thinking of what else to say. He returns to the living room and stops again.

  “So....Mac and Jones are thinking of ways to get rid of you. They don’t talk much around me, but the others have repeated a few things. They have been talking about an ambush and dumping you in the ocean. Also about telling Sully that you’ve done something against the rules so he would get rid of you. They plan to act by Tuesday or Wednesday. I Just thought you’d want to know.”

  “Thanks. Just keep listening for me.” He nods and moves his way up the stairs. Jones is the one who watches the videos. However, I haven’t met Mac. At least I have until Tuesday to get prepared. Savage will be introduced on Sunday, so I know together we can handle the guys in The House.

  Tori steps from the bathroom and steam billows out from behind her. She smells fresh and clean, and the color of her skin has even improved. Her long dark hair is slicked back from her face, showing her incredible delicate features. This woman is beyond gorgeous. However, I can tell from her actions that these guards have made her feel less than human. Wrapped in a towel, she moves past me with her head bent down and heads to our room. The tray is on the floor blocking her way, so she just stands there. I’m sure if she picks up the tray, she’ll lose the towel. Since giving her the sheet, she has had some sort of barrier between her and the rest of the world, a security blanket of sorts. She is probably feeling very exposed and vulnerable after what we just shared. I move to her side, pick up the tray and bag of water, and open the door. She quickly moves inside and heads for her cushion.


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