Lingering Touch - A Story of Young Love
Page 16
I explored the city, stopping at fancy building like the state capital building to look around. The Frost Bank Tower was like something out of a fairytale, and I loved it from the moment I saw it. But my favorite was the One Congress Plaza. It was a gorgeous, especially when it lit up in the night. Bright blue against navy. It was absolutely beautiful, and I spent almost every night gazing up at it before going to bed. The window of my room offered a perfect view of the city, and every night I couldn't resist coming home early to watch the city light up from my window. Honestly, it was magic.
It had been five days, and I still was dreading coming home. I still hadn't picked up my phone from where it lay disregarded in the corner of my room. Doing so would possibly persuade me into wanting to go home, which I wasn't ready to do yet. I missed my friends, but being alone with no responsibilities or cares was so liberating. I wasn't ready to let that go, not yet.
One night I came home, exhausted from running around all day. I had visited the top rated cafés in the city, wandered around downtown for a good three hours, and stopped at a shopping mall to look at the latest fashions, though I didn't dare buy anything for myself. I only got enough cash out of the ATM in Arizona for the hotel, and spending more would mean having to get more money, which could be tracked. I doubted my father would care enough to actually try looking for me, but I was still terrified at the thought. Right now, Texas was my sanctuary. I didn't want anyone invading.
I took a hot bubbly bath, soaking up all the nutrients the bath salts I put in had to offer. My feet were aching from walking around so much in the past few days, I was grateful I'd thought far enough ahead to bring flats, instead of packing all heels. Soon the water grew cold and my fingers and toes turned into prunes, but I wasn't ready to get out quite yet. I ran a hot shower and lingered under the massaging water for as long as it took for me to completely relax.
Getting out, I smiled to myself and looking in the foggy mirror. My distorted reflection grinned back at me. Had it been over a week since I purged? Considering what had happened the past little while, I saw that as a huge accomplishment. I was doing so good, in fact, that I thought I'd endulge myself with a little treat. Wrapped in a fluffy towel, I danced over to the little telephone in my room, calling down for a dessert to be sent to my room. I figured I'd have a while before they brought it up, so I sat on the edge of the bed and stared out the grand window at my beautiful city.
After just one minute though, there was a knock at the door. That was the fastest room service I'd ever had! Holding the towel more securely, I ran a finger through my dripping hair self consciously. I opened the door, ready to allow in a cart topped with a warm, molten lava cake, but instead yelped and jumped back.
There, standing in my doorway, stood none other than Trevor Rushton, looking apologetic, concerned, and shocked, (probably at seeing me in just a towel… awkward.) The shock on my face must have matched his, because all I could do was stare at him with my mouth gaped open. What the hell was he doing here?
Chapter 17 - Final Chapter
"What are you doing here, Trevor?" I demanded, holding the towel tightly and backing away slightly. Shock briefly registered across Trevor's face before he averted his eyes, choosing to look at his feet. His cheeks flushed as he rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.
"Er, I can see I've caught you at a bad time…"
"You think?" The sarcasm lacing my voice was enough to make him look up sharply. Thankfully his gaze didn't lower from my eyes.
"Well why would you be answering the door in—" Trevor stopped suddenly, his eyes widening. His mouth set in a hard line and he looked away. "None of my business." He dismissed the subject.
Oh my gosh… "You think I'm expecting… someone?" I asked sharply. His shrug confirmed my accusation and I raised an eyebrow mockingly. "Why, Trevor Allan Rushton, are you jealous?" I smirked and folded my arms.
"Jealous?" He sputtered, eyebrows furrowing cutely. I grinned and sat down casually on my bed. Just as I was about to tease him some more he looked at me curiously. "How did you know my middle name?"
"Read your journal," I reminded him under my breath, twisting to grab the T.V. remote from the bedside table. After, I'd already spilled to him that I did. It still made him mad though, apparently.
The anger faded quickly from his features and he suddenly just looked tired and wary. "Listen, Ari, I don't want to fight. I just wanted to make sure you were OK." I froze, my eyes still on the screen, but not seeing anything. Was he suggesting—was he worried about me? My heart skipped a beat at the thought of him coming all this way just to see if I was Ok. But then… how did he know I was here anyway? Why didn't he just call?
"Because I kinda deleted your number from my phone… and I was too much of a jerk to ask Amber for it…" he stated sheepishly. I must have asked those questions out loud.
"B-but how—"
"Do you remember when we ditched school, after the newspaper posted that article about me?" Trevor interrupted me, the last few words coming out in a huff.
"Yes, but what—"
"And we looked up songs on your laptop at your house?" I did remember, Red Hot Chili Peppers has been one of my favorite bands since.
"Well, yeah I guess but—"
"When you first opened your laptop, I saw a picture of this hotel. Then after your dad… well, you know. When you stayed at my house, you were sleep talking, or at least I think you were. You told me you'd always wanted to go to Texas," He said carefully.
My cheeks burned at the memory. He conveniently forgot to mention the fact that I also kissed him that night, but judging from the look on his face, I'm sure he remembered it. I thought I was asleep, I thought it was a dream. "Uh-huh…" I mumbled, suddenly fascinated with the bedspread beneath me.
Before Trevor could say another word, a polite voice sounded from the hall. It was so quiet I couldn't understand more than it was a boy's voice. Trevor's face hardened at the mysterious visitor but he stepped aside, stiffly.
A guy about Austin's age peered cautiously through the door, wheeling a cart with a tray ahead of him. My dessert! I had completely forgotten I ordered a molten lava cake before Trevor showed up. At seeing my choice of attire, the guy's eyes widened and he whipped his head back to Trevor, then again at me. The guy focused on his shoes and pushed the cart in just enough that it wasn't blocking the doorway and stumbled out, muttering apologies the whole time.
I couldn't help but giggle at the flustered boy, biting my thumb in an attempt to stifle my laughter. Trevor eventually eased into a smile as well and poked his head in.
"Chocolate, huh?" He smirked, leaning against the door frame. I shrugged in reply and flounced over to my dessert, the sweet smell washing over me. I closed my eyes and sighed, smiling lightly.
"Get out," I ordered, pointing at the open bathroom door and trying to hide a smile. Trevor grinned in relief and shut the bedroom door behind him, retreating into the bathroom.
I shook my head in disbelief. Trevor followed me to Texas? He had no way of knowing for sure this was where I even was, yet he came anyway. Despite myself, a smile crept on my face and my cheeks heated up. How amusing that he found me dripping wet and practically naked.
I found some decent clothing and dressed myself quickly, calling to Trev that he could come out now. He nodded appreciatively and stood awkwardly at the door. What now?
"Um, want some cake?" I offered with a slight smile. He nodded enthusiastically, glad to be rid of the awkward silence hanging in the air.
"I hope you don't mind that I just kind of… showed up." Trevor started, biting his lip.
I took a bit of the gooey chocolate cake sighed in satisfaction. Trev burst out laughing, and I looked sharply up at him.
"What?" I asked defensively, frowning.
"Oh nothing, just that you sound like you're seriously enjoying that cake…" He hid another fit of laughter behind a fake cough. When I glared at him he held his hands up in surrender. "Come on Ari, you moaned
like some porn star when you got a piece of that," He laughed harder at his innuendo. I, however, didn't find it very funny.
"Did not," I argued, turning away and crossing my arms stubbornly.
"Ok, whatever you say." He smirked and took a bite of my cake and moaned, imitating me. I groaned, if that's what I really sounded like… Well, then he had good reason to make fun of me.
I hit his arm and snatched the cake, placing it on my lap. "Hey!" Trevor exclaimed, reaching for it, but I easily swung the plate out of his grasp, giggling mischievously.
After a moment of laughing and teasing each other, we lapsed into silence. The air grew tense and I bit my lip. Were we supposed to talk about what happened? I felt horrible about the whole thing but I didn't want to ruin this small moment of happiness. Trevor seemed to be equally troubled. We avoided eye contact and finished the cake quietly.
"So…" Trevor said.
"So…" I said.
I sucked in a breath. Guess the happy moment's gone. "Trev, I am so sorry. I was a jerk, and I can't believe I even did that, and I just—" I was cut off as Trevor leaned forward and smashed his lips against mine. I melted into the kiss. Was this really happening? I didn't care I had imagined the whole thing, all I cared about was his lips on mine and the happy feeling spreading through my heart.
Too soon, the kiss ended and Trevor looked at me fervently. "I love you, Ariana. I have since the moment I saw you. You're amazing, and I only hope you still feel the same way about me. I want to move to Texas with you, and I want to find your long-lost mother with you. I always want to be with you. I love being with you. I love you."
In the silence that followed, I'm not sure who felt more awkward. Trevor had just spilled his guts to me, but on the other hand, I had done the same to him not too long ago and he had turned me down. I didn't notice the tears forming in my eyes until he gently rubbed his thumb across my cheek and pulled it away wet.
He chuckled a little and rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess it's a little too late, huh?" He asked, forcing another laugh. The pain behind his words was plausible, and I hiccupped before I could start bawling all-out.
"No," I whispered, smiling lightly. "Of course it's not too late. I love you, too."
And then I kissed him.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Matchmaker Extraordinaire
Chapter 2 - The New Kid
Chapter 3 - Coconut Shampoo
Chapter 4 - Top Dog
Chapter 5 - First Date
Chapter 6 - First Kiss
Chapter 7 - Cherries and Chocolate
Chapter 8 - Never Good Enough
Chapter 9 - Welcome Home, Dad
Chapter 10 – Makeovers
Chapter 11 - I Love You
Chapter 12 - Last Night
Chapter 13 - How Well Do You Know Your Best Friend?
Chapter 14 – Betrayal
Chapter 15 - Surprise!
Chapter 16 - Adventure is Out There!
Chapter 17 - Final Chapter