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Page 5

by Lacey Black

  “Good God, are you kidding me?” she demands, her eyes fierce with loyalty. “Give me that,” she says as I reach into my bag for my phone. Before I can move my hand, Cassidy grabs the device and answers.

  “What the hell do you want, asshole? Don’t you have someone else to bother?” she says, spewing hatred and venom through the phone.

  She listens for a few seconds before her demeanor completely changes. Her face drains of color and her mouth falls open in shock. Fear that something is wrong with Jacobi grabs ahold and won’t let go. Cassidy stares across the table at me, listening intently to whoever is on the other line. But the way she holds my eyes, I know something has happened.

  “Okay, we’re on our way back,” she says into the phone before hanging up. “Come on,” she says to me, pulling a few bills out of her purse to cover our lunch.

  “What’s wrong? Is it Jacobi?” I hold my breath while I wait.

  “No, Jacobi’s fine. We need to go back to the office. Something happened.”

  That’s all she says.

  I step inline beside her as we quickly make our way back to the hotel. My heart is racing and my mind is all over the damn place. If it’s not Jacobi, then what? I’m no closer to an answer as we approach The Diamond. Nothing seems amiss. No police, no ambulance, no commotion. Maybe I’m way off base here and there isn’t really anything wrong. I could be worrying about nothing. Yet, that doesn’t explain the nagging feeling at the back of my mind that there is something brewing.

  I walk through the front door, following closely behind my friend and assistant.

  I guess there’s only one way to find out.

  Chapter Four – A Face Of The Past


  I walk through the glass front doors of The Diamond and straight to the hallway that leads to the security room. This may not be my first time in the hotel, but I still read everything I could on this property before I made the trip.

  Security is housed in a decent sized room with half a dozen television monitors that help our guys keep track of the different areas of the hotel. Regular patrols are conducted, but this assists them to maintain an eagle eye throughout the building.

  While most of Thomas Securities clients are corporate offices, we do have a few smaller hotels. A few slot machines here or there we can monitor, but we’re not in the business of providing security for a casino. There are too many elements that we’d have no control over when you involve unlimited amounts of alcohol and the prospect of striking it rich with a single roll of the dice, pull of the handle, or hand of cards.

  The Diamond falls into the category of small hotel. While there are a few slot machines located off the dining room, The Diamond is known as a wedding or party venue. The dining room is massive with gold, glimmering chandeliers and velvet covered chairs. The gardens out back are exquisite with lush greenery and colorful blooms as far as the eye can see. A large fountain adorns the center of the garden and is usually the backdrop for outdoor weddings. I’ve been to a few back in the day, but none as of recent.

  Using the card kept in the file, I let myself into the security room. Rocco and Chaz are both inside, keeping watch of the building on the monitors. Spence is seated at a small table filling out the stack of paperwork that accompanies any incident. He nods his head as I make my way towards the two guys monitoring the building.

  “Guys,” I say, extending my hand towards two of our first Thomas Securities’ employees.

  “Hey, boss.” Rocco stands as he shakes my hand, his knuckles barely swollen from the thrown punch.

  “How’s everything going?” I ask.

  “Quiet right now,” Chaz replies. “Spence has Pauly out walking the building while we wait to sign off on the paperwork.”

  “We’ll make this quick and get you guys back out there.” With that, I turn and head to the table and sit across from Spence.

  “I’m almost done. I don’t see any reason for disciplinary action. Everything’s here,” Spence says as he hands me the completed forms.

  Skimming over the first page, I say, “If everything went down the way Blake says, I’m sure you’re right. I’m not here for that anyway. I guess the guy has requested our presence.”

  Spence signs his name to the last page and turns his full attention towards me. “Yeah, he has. I’ve dealt with this guy since we got the contract and he’s never been a problem. He’s completely full of himself and likes to test the boundaries, but I never pegged him for a dumbass stupid enough to take a swing at Rocco.”

  “Good to know. I’ll save ya a trip and take the paperwork back to Blake,” I respond, gathering up the documents after Rocco and Chaz provide their signatures and slipping them into the folder Spence produced.

  “Thanks, man. Good luck with Mick.” Spence nods.

  “Mick. Who names their kid Mick Richards? It’s like a horrible Rolling Stones parody.”

  Spence laughs. “You’re too young to know anything about the Rolling Stones, kid.”

  “I’m definitely not too young to appreciate good music,” I say before opening the door. With a head nod to all three gentlemen, I head out into the hallway.

  According to the layout of the hotel in the file, the executive suites are located on the fourth floor. I slip inside the first available elevator and press the button. The elevator is quiet and swift as it takes me upward three more floors. The door swooshes open, depositing me in quiet.

  A large reception area is directly before me. The brunette sitting behind the mahogany desk looks up from her computer screen, watching as I walk towards her position. She’s wearing a silky ivory top with pearl buttons stretched nicely across ample tits, and her eyes warm and smile inviting as I approach.

  “Good afternoon. Can I help you?” she coos, her eyes raking over my towering body.

  “Yes, ma’am, I’m here to meet with Mick Richards.” My eyes drop down and enjoy an appreciative glance to the valley between her creamy breasts.

  “Ah, Mr. Richards. You must be from Thomas Securities?” she questions with a flirtatious grin.

  “I’m Luke Thomas.”

  “Well, follow me, Mr. Thomas. Mr. Richards has been in the conference room for the last hour.” I follow behind the brunette beauty, enjoying the shit out of the sway of her hips and the seductive crisscross of her legs as she walks.

  We reach the last doorway on the right, and she slowly pushes it open. The first thing I notice is the smell. The gorgeous conference room decorated in dark green and shades of browns reeks of stale whiskey and cigarettes. A loud snore bellows from the man passed out on the massive table.

  “He was requesting to see his wife before he passed out on the table. I’ve been trying to hunt her down, so as soon as she arrives, I’ll send her in.”

  “Thank you,” I reply as I slip inside the room.

  “I also have a call in to Penny. She’s working off-site at the moment, but I expect to hear from her soon. My name is Tina. I’ll be out front. Just give me a holler if you should need anything,” she says with a wink before stepping into the hallway, pulling the door closed behind her as she goes.

  Sighing deeply, I approach the man passed out atop the table. There’s no way in hell I’m waiting for him to come to, so I decide to take the direct approach. Walking directly up to the table, I slam my hand down on the hard wood and yell. “Hey!”

  The man startles and almost falls off the table in a haste of haphazardly flying limbs, curse words spilling from his dry mouth. Even though I don’t smile, I take a bit of pride in his reaction and the fact that he about busted his ass on the imported tile.

  The man I know as Mick grabs his head and gingerly drops down into one of the leather seats. If I were in a giving mood, I’d have Tina bring in a bottle of water and some aspirin. And maybe I would have if the ass hadn’t taken a swing at one of my guys. Instead I smile inwardly when he groans in discomfort and has a hard time focusing with the sunlight poring throu
gh the windows.

  Dropping in the chair across from him, I set my hands on the table and prepare to wait him out. Mick requested this meeting, and there’s no way in hell I’m initiating any conversation in an effort of being polite or cutting to the chase. Even with his rumpled appearance, I can tell he is a bit older than me, mid-thirties maybe. His dark hair is a mess and his clothes wrinkled. Mick looks to be a man suffering from a two-day alcohol-induced bender.

  “Where’s Blake?” he mumbles, closing his eyes for a brief moment.

  “Busy. I’m Luke Thomas. How can I help you?”

  “I’m not speaking to you until I see my wife.”

  I stare across the table, refusing to let this man’s demands derail the direction of this meeting. “I’m here at your request, Mr. Richards. I’m not sure what your wife has to do with this.”

  “Oh, believe me. She has everything to do with why we’re here.”

  “Listen,” I start, going from zero to agitated real fricking quick. “I don’t give a shit about whatever marriage issues you’re having right now. I’m here to talk about what happened before with my security team. If you don’t start speaking, I’m going to pull my men from your building.”

  He drops his head once more before steeling his gaze and facing me head on. “I want to file assault charges against your employee.” His voice cracks slightly, but again, I don’t care enough to get him a drink.

  “Not going to happen. You took the first swing.”

  “He taunted me.”

  “Try again,” I tell him, giving him a direct look.

  “He -” he starts before I cut him off.

  “Listen, Mr. Richards. This is how this is going to play out. You are going to drop all this nonsense about assault charges. My man only responded to a situation that you started and provoked. You’re going to keep your nose down and stay the hell away from my security team. If you don’t, I will annul the contract in which your company signed and hold you financially responsible for the cancellation clause within that document.”

  Mick stares at me with hollow, haunted eyes. He looks like a man caged, trapped by some unknown factor. During my time with the Bureau, I learned that men like this are the ones you really want to keep an eye on. He’s being driven by something, but that source remains a mystery.

  Finally, whether he’s starting to sober up or consider the situation at hand, he sits up taller in his seat. Firm, steady hands attempt to smooth some of the wrinkles on the front of his light blue collared dress shirt. His brown eyes appear clearer than they did just a few minutes ago. I can clearly see the professional, regal man coming to life now. A man who is used to being in charge.

  “I understand. I don’t think there’s any reason to renegotiate the terms of the contract. The Diamond looks to retain your services within the hotel, and I assure you that this situation won’t happen again.”

  I stare over at Mick, gauging his sincerity. His dark eyes hold my gaze, unwavering and direct. “I appreciate it. I’m sure there won’t be any future problems between Thomas Securities and The Diamond, but if issues continue to arise, we will have no choice but to terminate the agreement.”

  “I’m sure that won’t be necessary,” he states before standing up.

  Following suit, I stand and prepare to leave. “Can I ask you one more question?” When I get nothing more than a nod, I continue, “Is there a reason you requested this meeting with my brother or myself? Spence has been your contact and he is more than capable of resolving any issues that may develop.”

  “In business, I prefer to avoid the middle man, if at all possible. I learned a lot from my time working under Mr. Rogen and he always went straight to the top.”

  I nod, not really knowing what to say to that. I remember Sidney’s dad as a shark in business. In a place like Las Vegas, you have to be cutthroat and ruthless to get ahead. Hotels are a dime a dozen around here, and he was always looking for any way to edge out the competition. I’m sure if Mick is anything like Carlton Rogen, he’s a hard-nosed man with a sense for business.

  I’m gathering up the folders I brought when I hear the door open. Assuming it’s Tina, I keep my head down and proceed to the end of the table. As soon as I get to my truck, I’m going to call Blake and give him a report on the situation here. I’m sure Blake will agree with my decision to maintain our partnership with The Diamond, but will also back me 100% if I should feel the need to terminate this job. We’ve always clicked when it comes to the safety of our employees and our business mission.

  Anxious to get the hell out of this hotel, I’m pulled from my thoughts when Mick speaks. “Ah, here she is. My lovely wife.”

  It’s the way he says that word, full of disdain and sarcasm that draws my attention towards the doorway. I do a double take as I glance up at the woman who looks nothing like Tina. Surely my mind is playing tricks on me, like a mirage after spending a day wandering the desert. There’s no way in hell the vision is real.

  Because if she is that means Mick’s wife is the only woman I dream about.

  Sidney Rogen.

  Chapter Five – Learn From Your Mistakes


  When I step into the conference room, I see the man I am still legally bound to. Mick looks as if he hasn’t slept in days, showered in a bottle of scotch, and is wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday. His hair sticks up at odd angles, and his eyes surrounded with extra lines. He looks nothing like the man I used to wake up next to, even if that was only for a very short period of time.

  Movement to my right catches my eye, and I swear I’m seeing things. As if my mind has conjured up an image from my dreams, Luke Thomas is standing before me, rugged and more handsome than I could have possibly fantasized. Dark hair, a solid build, and the most striking green eyes you could imagine, he’s a vision of perfection.

  “Sid?” he asks, his shock as equally evident as my own.

  “You know my wife?” The question pulls my gaze away from the man before me and towards the detested man behind him.

  “Don’t call me that,” I whisper harshly.

  “Why ever not, darling? You are, in fact, my wife.” The cocky, self-satisfying smirk Mick gives me turns my stomach, my lunch threatening to make a reappearance.


  “Oh, not yet, sweetness. I believe we are still legally wed.”

  “A technicality. It’ll be over soon enough,” I retort, my eyes zeroing in on Mick’s disastrous appearance.

  “We’ll see,” he quips with another grin. “I’m so glad you’re here, love. I was hoping you would join me for dinner this evening so we could go over a few things with the hotel.” Mick tries to smooth out the wrinkles on his dress shirt, but the act is fruitless.

  “If you want to discuss anything regarding the business, then we will meet here during regular office hours. I will not meet you during my personal time,” I remind him. It’s not like it isn’t the first time he’s tried to meet me for a drink or a meal after hours to discuss business. Not happening.

  “Tsk, tsk, sweetums. I’m sure Penny would find it disapproving if you weren’t putting the business your dear father built first on your priorities. I have a rather busy schedule this week, but I’d be willing to meet with you afterwards to go over a few things.”

  “What things? What could we possibly have to discuss that wouldn’t involve Penny, seeing as she’s the CEO. I’m just in charge of events, or did you forget that?” I snarl back. There’s something about this man that gets under my skin, gets my blood pumping, and gets my heart racing. And not in the good way.

  “You’ll just have to join me to find out,” he replies with a wicked smile. It’s a smile that used to excite me. It used to cause my knees to shake and my body to become alive with want. Now, the sight of that smile causes nothing but heartburn and nausea.

  “Have your secretary call Cassidy and schedule an appointment. It’s the only way I’ll be meeting
with you.”

  Mick advances on me slowly, causing me to take mirroring steps backwards. When I do, Luke appears in my peripheral vision. The look on his face, as he watches Mick advance on me, is predatory. He looks like he’s about to attack, step in and defend my honor if Mick so much as touches a single hair on my head.

  Now that thought excites me.

  The idea of Luke Thomas jumping to my defense where my soon-to-be ex-husband is concerned causes my heart to race and my body to hum with excitement. It’s an excitement I haven’t felt in a long time. Sure, I wanted Mick sexually (a long, long time ago) and a few other men in the past, but there’s been no one who makes me feel this way like Luke.

  I give Luke a look and turn back to my future ex-husband. “Make the appointment. I won’t see you any other way,” I state matter-of-factly before turning and heading out the door.

  It shuts behind me with a distinctive thud, cutting off the two men who’ve caused me more sleepless nights than anyone else. I take several deep, calming breaths and close my eyes in an effort to squash my racing heart. Nothing works. The only thing I can think of is Luke Thomas standing on the other side of the solid wood door.

  Before I’m ready, the door behind me opens. I can feel his presence, smell the cleanliness of his soap and the spiciness of his cologne. Without even laying a finger on me, I feel Luke’s presence more now than if he was actually touching me. His gaze peruses me, the faintest caress with his eyes. I don’t have to turn around to confirm it; I feel it.

  “You married that tool?” he asks softly, but his words cut right through me like a razor blade.

  “It was a mistake in a moment of weakness. One I’m trying to rectify.” My words are strong even though I feel anything but. My world has been knocked off its axis with Luke’s reappearance, and I’m still trying to process.

  Slowly, I turn around and face him. His eyes touch every part of me from my designer shoes to my wrap dress. Goose bumps pepper my skin as his gaze lingers a little too long on my chest. My traitorous nipples tighten uncontrollably under the intensity of his stare. And if the way he hisses between his clenched teeth is any indication, I’d say my reaction to him isn’t as concealed as I had hoped.


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