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Page 12

by Lacey Black

  We’re still, a tangled mix of arms and legs as we try to regain composure of our breathing. Luke’s body is heavy atop mine, but that’s okay. It actually feels really good. Too good.

  “I should move, but I can’t seem to find the ability,” he says, his warm breath fanning across my cheek.

  “Mmmm,” I respond, unable to formulate words.

  “Don’t do that,” he says as he flexes his hips once more. “When you do, it causes your muscles to tighten around my cock, and that makes me want to do dirty, naughty things to you.”

  His dirty words cause my heart to beat faster and my body to stir to life once again. The thought of Luke moving inside of me causes heat to flood my bloodstream, waking my body for the possibility of a repeat. So I moan again.

  “I think you like that idea, don’t you? I can feel your pussy tightening around me, especially when I talk to you and say wicked things.” Luke gazes down at me, a gleam in his eyes telling me he is in no way finished with me tonight.

  “I have an idea. How about I get rid of the condom, you get the pie, and meet me in bed. I seem to have an appetite for both the pie and you. Let’s see what we can do with that, shall we?” he asks, his green eyes laced with both humor and desire.

  When Luke gets up, my body instantly mourns the loss of his presence. In just the shortest amount of time, I’ve already come to want him in ways I’ve never experienced. I glance around for something to cover myself with as he leans back on his haunches. His shirt is within reach, so I grab it and attempt to cover my nakedness.

  “Don’t do that,” he says with a smile, his eyes feasting on my girls once more. “I like you naked,” he adds as he pulls out of me and glances down.

  The smile leaves his face instantly.

  “Shit.” That’s all he says.

  Worried green eyes clash with mine, and I’m instantly on edge. I don’t have time to ask what’s wrong when he speaks again.

  “I didn’t wear a rubber.”

  Chapter Twelve – Oh, Shit!


  I stare down at my rapidly softening dick in disbelief as if a rubber might magically appear. But it doesn’t. I’ve never not suited up before, so why in the actual fuck would I forget now?

  Two words.

  Sidney Rogen.

  She wreaks havoc on my mind, causing all thoughts to be made with my little head and not the big one. She’s hypnotized me with her brains and beauty, rendering me completely useless when it comes to thinking. Sure, many beautiful women have transfixed me, but never have I been left brainless by just the slightest touch. Her eyes pull me in, refusing to let go, but when she touches me? All bets are off. That’s why I needed to take her hands out of the equation before. I can’t think when she touches me.

  And apparently, I don’t think at all when it comes to her.

  Case and point: the lack of protection.

  I should have realized the instant I slid inside her warm, tight pussy, but I was so spellbound at the thought of being inside of her again, that it didn’t compute that I wasn’t suited up for the occasion. And damn it all to hell if my traitorous dick isn’t getting all worked up again at the thought of sliding back inside her body.

  “I should go clean up,” I say, jumping up and heading towards the bathroom.

  Sidney has my shirt still clutched against her chest, as if to shield herself from whatever is about to come. The look of fear and worry on her gorgeous face is enough to cause my steps to falter. There’s so much I should probably say, but I need to clean up and cover my dick before I can do it. Little Luke is almost standing at full attention, and I’m desperately going to need to rein him in if I’m going to have this conversation with Sidney. Grabbing my jeans, I slip into the downstairs bathroom.

  Splashing cold water on my face does nothing to cool my body temperature. It’s sky high; part anxiety, part desire to go back in there and have another round with Sid. But the fact that we just fucked without a condom keeps me rooted in place. I’ve never gone bareback before. Never have I given any woman the power to dictate my future. I’m always in control.

  But now? I’m a flag in the wind, whipping around by some force bigger than me. And that’s Sidney. She’s a force much greater than I was prepared for. Sex. I can handle sex. It’s not like I haven’t had enough of it with gorgeous women in the past, but Sidney isn’t just any gorgeous woman. She has always been far superior to anyone else, even me.

  As I gaze at my flushed cheeks and my sweaty hair, I realize I have a decision to make. I can run away as fast as my legs will take me, or I can go back in there and talk this out with her. Running doesn’t seem like the right choice, even though it’s the option I would usually take. Sidney is my friend, first and foremost, and I’m not about to damage that friendship more than I probably already have by freaking out.

  But, shit, this is scary. I mean, can you blame me?

  I take a leak, slip on my jeans, and grab my phone. I see three missed calls from my mom and a handful of text messages. Glancing at the messages, I realize they’re nothing that can’t wait until I’ve dealt with my issue with Sidney, so I head back out to face her. I have some serious apologizing to do for hightailing it out of the living room as soon as I realized my slip-up. If I know her as well as I used to, she’s probably freaking out as well.

  The kitchen is empty, as well as the living room. My socks and shoes are still cast to the side of the room, but her clothes and the woman herself are nowhere to be seen. I head towards the stairs next, taking them two at a time.

  Soft light permeates into the hallway from the master suite through the door. When I approach, I see her silhouette across the room, bathed in light filtering into the room from the en suite bathroom. She’s sitting on the bed, her head bowed down as if in deep thought. The entire picture causes air to still in my lungs, my heart to rapidly beat.

  She’s breathtaking. She’s so goddamn beautiful that I can’t even breathe. And the sadness on her face causes my gut to tighten. I did that. I hurt her. By running away without talking to her and not protecting her. But I needed a minute to collect my thoughts, dammit.

  “Sid?” I ask as I step into her room.

  She glances up, surprised by my presence. “I’m sorry,” she says, gripping her robe and pulling it tightly around her chest as if to shield herself from some imaginary hurt. “I thought you left.”

  “Left? Why would I leave?” I ask, dumbfounded.

  Her eyes divert from my face as she seems to contemplate her words. “I guess I just thought that we had our fun and you were done.”

  Her words are like a lightning strike to my entire body, mostly because they’re true. She knows me well. She knows I’m all about having fun, but that I cut tail before there’s time to cuddle or spoon. Sidney knows this because I was the same way back in school. Yeah, I had a girlfriend senior year, but that was just a formality. We didn’t snuggle after sex. It was all sex. Plain and simple. It was just exclusive sex until one of us was ready to move on.

  Without waiting to be invited in, I walk, determined, towards her. The bed dips under my weight and Sidney’s smaller body slides towards me. Instinct has me wanting to put my arm around her and pull her closer, but I don’t. We need to talk first.

  “Listen, first things first. You need to know that I’m clean. I’ve never had sex without a condom before, ever. We have regular testing through work. I can show you the results from my last exam about two months ago if you want.”

  She glances up at me. “I believe you. I’m clean too. I was tested after I left Mick.”

  Just the mention of his name causes my blood pressure to skyrocket.

  “Okay. I just didn’t want you to worry about that. When I said I had never done it without one, I meant it. Are you on the pill?” I ask, praying she says yes.

  But her answer is a gentle shake of her head. Okay.

  “If something happens from this, well, we’ll cross
that bridge when we get there. Just know that I won’t freak out and leave you high and dry,” I tell her.

  Sidney’s eyebrows rise.

  “Well, I might freak out a little,” I confess. Honestly, I probably will. The thought of having a child scares the living shit out of me, but when Sidney completes that picture, it doesn’t seem as scary.

  “I’m sure it’s going to be fine,” she says.

  “I’m sure you’re right. I’m sure you won’t get…you know.” I can’t even say the word. It’s frightening.

  Sidney nods vigorously. “This was my fault,” I tell her. “You just get me all sorts of crazy that I can’t think straight when I’m around you.”

  She looks at me like she doesn’t believe a word I’m saying. And that pisses me off. That Sidney doesn’t know how gorgeous she is, that some asshole has never made her feel like she’s the only woman in the world, makes me mad on her behalf. Because she’s so much more than book-smart with nice legs. She’s funny and sexy and interesting and sexy and loyal and so sexy. She’s everything I’d want in a woman, a wife; if I were looking to settle down, that is.

  “It’s true,” I say as I lean down and swipe my lips across hers, winding my hand into the locks of her hair and holding on to her head. “You are amazing, do you hear me?” She smiles against my lips. “You make me want to forget every rule I’ve ever set in place for myself and just be with you.”

  My words are shocking, even to my own ears, but that doesn’t make them any less true. She doesn’t ask me what those rules are, because she already knows them. She knows me. I really wish I was capable of giving her the forever she seeks, but I’m just not built that way. I’m not like Blake and Carly with their perfect house, their perfect family, their perfect life. I live in the here and now, and the here and now is sliding her hand up my pant leg towards my dick.

  When she hesitantly brushes her hand across my crotch, I’m already hard and ready to go another round. Her lips are soft and warm as she takes control of the kiss. She’s shy in a way that’s both refreshing and exciting, and even though my body craves to take control, I don’t. I let her explore my mouth with her own. I let her take the lead.

  Sidney straddles my lap, the warmth of her pussy just within reach of my dick. Well, if my pants weren’t in the way. I lean back and rest on my hands as she slides her own hands up my neck and into my hair. I’m lost in a world of lust as she teasingly places open-mouthed kisses along my jaw and down my neck. Her thin fingers glide down my chest, exploring each ridge of my abs. Her touch is fucking magic.

  “Your body is crazy hot,” she whispers, sliding forward just a hair more until she’s sitting directly on my erection and wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “So is yours, angel.” It takes every ounce of self-control I can muster up to keep from grabbing her and ravishing her.

  Her lips return to mine in another kiss, yet this one contains an urgency that wasn’t present before. Finally having enough of sitting idly by, I grab the knot of her robe and pull it open. Soft flesh and hard nipples greet me, making my mouth water.

  Flipping around, I move us until she’s beneath me, legs wrapped around my hips once more. Her hands are in my hair again, caressing and stroking my skull. A shiver arcs through me at the simple rightness of this moment.

  My lips are desperate to touch hers. They contain less urgency but no less necessity than before. She’s quickly becoming my air, and I don’t have the time right now to care or worry about that thought.

  “Sidney, I need you to know that I wasn’t going to leave, not without speaking to you first. I would never just slip out of your door while your back was turned without saying goodbye to you. You’re not a hook-up, okay? You’ve never been a random girl and never will be. You’ve always been special to me.”

  A single tear slips from the corner of her aqua eye and slides down into red hair. The freckles on her nose seem brighter somehow, like rays of sunshine reflecting from within. My heart jerks in my chest, and I’m not sure why.


  Yes, I do.

  I’m just nowhere near ready to acknowledge it.

  So I deflect my feelings in favor of more nakedness. Glancing over, I see the white Styrofoam containing the pie. Reaching over, I run my finger through the white confection and smear it on her lips. She tries not to smile as I lean down and lick off the meringue. I make sure to kiss her thoroughly before grabbing another finger of food, this time the yellow lemon filling.

  I have big plans for this pie.

  Rising up to my knees, I rub it around her nipples. My tongue is practically hanging out of my head like that dog cartoon I used to watch when I was a kid. I repeat the process, this time trailing the finger down from her belly button to her sweet pussy. Sidney wriggles beneath me, giggling as I cover her clit with dessert.

  She looks good enough to eat.

  So I do.

  Damn, I fucking love pie.

  * * *

  I’m past the moment where I’d usually take off, but instead, my arms are wrapped tightly around Sidney’s still-pulsing body. My dick is nestled between the globes of her fine ass, which is one of its favorite places to be. The little bastard is hard again, even though I just had her every which way to Sunday–and then back again. Her breath has evened out, but I don’t think she’s sleeping yet. Running a single finger down her arm, I feel her shudder every now and again.

  “Tell me about Jacobi. How was your day earlier?” I ask glancing over at her alarm clock. “I mean yesterday,” I add since it’s after one a.m.

  She sighs deeply. “I hate sending him home. It guts me every time I have to help him pack up his things and send him back to Penny. He doesn’t want to go, and it breaks my heart.”

  “Why doesn’t he want to go back?” I ask, thinking about the warm smile, the light freckles, and the reddish gold hair that mirrors Sidney’s.

  “Penny’s just…well, she’s selfish, to be blunt. She’s not a bad mom, really, she’s just very self-centered. When my dad was alive, it was always about her and she doesn’t know how to be anything other than the center of attention. Jacobi has everything he could possibly want, but the one thing that matters.” Her words wound my heart.

  “Her time.”

  “Exactly. It was the same way when I was a child. My dad didn’t know how to give love without giving possessions. What he never knew was that if he just sat with me and watched a movie or took me to the park, that would have meant more to me than any fancy dress or any new gadget ever would have.”

  “I’m sorry, Sid,” I say automatically, wrapping my arms tighter around her smaller body.

  “Don’t be sorry. It is what it is–or was.”

  “What happened to him? Heart attack, right?” I ask, continuing to stroke the softness on her arm.

  “Yeah, massive heart attack.” She glances over her shoulder and looks into my eyes. “He died while having sex.”

  It takes me a moment to register her words. “I’m sure Penny was distraught.”

  “I’m sure she was. Especially when she got the call.”

  We stare at each other for several seconds. My mouth opens a few times, but no words emerge.

  “Her name was Layla. She was a showgirl in one of the shows he was trying to book for the hotel. Fitting, isn’t it?” she asks, edginess mixed with her sorrow. “Anyway, Penny called me and told me I had to come home. I was working towards my doctorate at Brown and could see the finish line in sight.”

  “You walked away.”

  “I had to. I had no choice. In his will, he left the hotel to Penny and a huge inheritance to Jacobi and myself. While I’ve never cared about the money, I don’t want Jacobi to miss out on his birthright.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, intrigued by this entire situation.

  “There was a clause in the inheritance that the only way Jacobi or I get our share was if I came back and worked at the hotel for five
years. Jacobi is supposed to complete college–business school, of course–and then must return to the hotel to man the throne with his mother, or Mick, in the absence of Penny. But she’s not going anywhere. She wants the hotel too much,” she says without the hardness in her voice. It’s like she’s accepted her fate, and that’s that. “It’s a package deal. We must both complete the clause or neither of us wind up with anything.”

  That doesn’t sound right, does it? I mean, I’m not a lawyer or anything, but that seems a little far-fetched to me. Why lump them together in the inheritance? Why not say she gets hers if she does her thing, and he gets his? Why make it a joint effort, especially with the age difference between Sidney and Jacobi? Can she quit after her five years are up or must she stay on until he’s finished with college and works his five years?

  The whole things just seems wrong to me. It doesn’t add up.

  “I’m sorry you weren’t able to finish school. I know how much it meant to you.”

  “The bright side is that I really get to spend time with Jacobi. Before it happened, I was away at school and wanted nothing to do with my dad. I had met Jacobi a few times, but I was too young to see how wonderful he was. So when I moved back here, I realized that he was in the same boat that I was in at his age. I started spending as much time with him as I could, and the next thing I knew, he was happier with me than with Penny.” Sidney clamps her hand over her mouth. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I know Penny tries, in her own way, she just doesn’t get it.”

  “He’s lucky to have you,” I say, meaning every word.

  “I’m lucky to have him,” she retorts. The love and compassion reflecting in her eyes does that trippy, summersaulty thing to my heart again. The way she says it reminds me of how Blake talks about Nat and Carly. It’s an all-consuming, encompassing kind of love.

  My heart stutters a beat. I want her to have that same look when she’s talking about me.


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