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Page 15

by Lacey Black

  The kiss is timid at first, but with one swipe of my tongue along the seam of his mouth, it quickly turns ravenous. Our lips crash and our tongues duel for the lead as we’re both consumed with a crazed passion that neither of us can fight.

  While holding himself up on his elbow, Luke’s hand finally returns to my chest. He rolls my nipples between deft fingers, my body climbing higher and higher towards release. I’ve never been so turned on before by someone merely touching my breasts. But Luke is showing me just how sensitive and sensual they can be. Maybe it’s the pregnancy, maybe it’s just him, but either way he has me two seconds away from screaming his name from the rafters while I come.

  And we’re still wearing a layer of clothing.

  I arch my back, bringing my pelvis within contact of his covered hard-on. I suck on his lower lip as spasms of pleasure start to ricochet through my body. Luke groans in my mouth, but I don’t relax the suction of my mouth on his. His fingers tighten painfully around a nipple just as his hips flex, driving his erection against my swollen, wet pussy. I detonate like a firework. Bright white light temporarily blinds me as I ride wave after wave of glorious pleasure. It’s a tsunami of pleasure, one that seems to show no sign of slowing down.

  “I need to be inside you. Right. Fucking. Now.” Luke’s words are direct, his body on the verge of out of control.

  Too weak to open my eyes, I hear rather than see him remove his shorts. My legs are spread wide as I wait for what’s to come next. My mind might be stalled, a little slow to catch up, but my body is primed and ready for him.

  “Open your eyes,” he demands.

  His gaze is fierce and full of passion as I catch sight of him. He slides along my wetness before gently pushing forward, my body stretching to accommodate him. His face is tight with desire as he moves his body until he’s fully seated within me. I couldn’t look away if I tried. I’m captivated by those deep green eyes, transfixed by the intensity in his stare.

  “You’re still pulsing. Jeezus Christ, I can feel you throbbing around my cock.” Luke breaks eye contact only to close his eyes, reveling in the feel of my body wrapped around his in the most intimate way possible. Euphoria is written all over his handsome face, and it’s a heady feeling knowing that I put that look there.

  He gently pulls back until he’s almost completely out before thrusting back inside of me. “So fucking tight.” Thrust. “So fucking wet.” Thrust. “So fucking perfect.” Thrust. “Your pussy feels fucking amazing wrapped around my cock. So fucking good.”

  Those words are the accelerant my body craves. I ignite into flames of passion with each dirty word, each thrust of his lean hips, each second that he’s buried inside me. I’m seconds away from another mind-alternating orgasm, and I just pray that he’s right there with me. There’s nothing sexier than Luke Thomas getting off at the same time I am.

  My body starts to coil tighter and tighter. He must sense my pending orgasm because he switches up his position a little bit, freeing up his hands. Gripping my hips firmly, he thrusts forward, burying himself as deeply as possible. The angle causes his dick to slide along that magical place inside me. The orgasm rips through my body like an exorcism. I feel myself squeeze him like a vise as I shout his name repeatedly, pulsing and milking his dick with my internal muscles.

  Luke’s orgasm is right behind mine. He shouts a forceful groan as he pumps his hips relentlessly into my body. They both seem to last forever as wave after wave of aftershocks wrack through our bodies.

  Neither of us speaks a word, but they’re not necessary. Without pulling out, he turns us so that we’re facing one another, one leg still wrapped firmly around his hip.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asks, sliding his lips gently across my cheek.

  “Not in the least bit. That was amazing.”

  “It was. But I shouldn’t have been that rough with you. I could have hurt you,” he says tenderly. The softness and concern in his gaze causes tears to well in my own eyes.

  “You can’t hurt me. You would never hurt me.”

  “Never intentionally,” he admits. “The thought of hurting you, physically or emotionally, makes my chest hurt and it’s hard to breathe. I’d rather die than hurt you, angel.”

  This time, the tears welling in my eyes start to slip out. “I care more about you than I’ve ever cared about anyone. You’re my best friend,” he confesses, and those words have never sounded so sweet.

  “I missed you,” I whisper, the tears falling in earnest now.

  “I missed you, too,” he says as he pulls me close. “I thought about you every day. That first summer, I couldn’t go to sleep without wondering where you were. I should have kept in contact. I’m sorry, angel. I should have called you, but I didn’t. I was a stupid kid who was afraid of how strongly he felt for you.”

  Luke swipes a few tears from my face. “Now you’re here, in my arms, with my dick buried inside you,” he says with a chuckle before sobering. “And we’re having a baby.”

  “Are you okay with that?” I hold my breath as I await his answer.

  But I don’t have to wait long. He responds almost instantly. “Yes, angel, I’m okay with that. If it were anyone else, I’d be a bit more freaked out. But it’s you. Knowing that you’ll be by my side, that we’ll be going through this together, somehow makes it all okay. We can do this. Together.”


  * * *

  “Sidney, you have a visitor,” Cassidy says, with a smile, through the speaker on my desk.

  The clock on the wall reads two-thirty, but that can’t be right. There’s no way this day has skated away from me. My list of tasks still to do for the day barely has anything crossed off it. My nine o’clock appointment with a bride and her mother turned into a two-hour bitch fest where they complained about practically every amenity the hotel had to offer. Yet, oddly enough, they refused to even consider another venue. While I’m all about accommodating my brides on their biggest day ever, I draw the line at wallpapering the entire dining hall and replanting the rose garden because yellow messes with the bride’s aura.

  Those two hours left me with a horrible headache, nausea that wouldn’t settle, and far enough behind that I wasn’t sure I’d see the light of day today at all. I’ve been sipping on ginger ale and munching on a cold grilled cheese sandwich that Cass picked me up from our favorite deli down the block for the better part of two hours. Fortunately, I haven’t thrown up since arriving at work at eight this morning, but I haven’t been able to shake the nausea.

  I take a small sip of lukewarm liquid as my door pushes open and Luke strolls in. It’s been a week since we discovered that I’m pregnant, and he’s been nothing but supportive and attentive. He’s like a walking Hallmark Card for impending fatherhood. We both agreed not to say anything about my pregnancy just yet. I’ve scheduled an appointment with a female obstetrician from my regular gyno’s office. Once we get that appointment taken care of, then we’ll discuss telling our family and friends.

  And really, there isn’t a lot to tell. I’m pretty sure Cass already suspects as much, considering I throw up or am nauseated daily. I’ll tell Jacobi, and I’m hopeful that he’ll be as excited as I’ve come to be. Heaven knows he’s a huge Luke fan. That leaves a call to my mother, and a courtesy mention to Penny. As my employer, she should know about my pending maternity leave, but that’s as far as it goes.

  Luke has a small group of family and friends as well. The thought of telling his parents terrifies me as much as I think it does him. He’s never outright said, but I can see the creases forming around his eyes when we talk about telling his mother. It’s an additional stress factor that I wasn’t expecting, and pray it goes better than I’m anticipating. Janice can be cold and impersonal, but hovers over Luke as if he were a toddler feeding himself for the first time.

  Blake and his wife, Carly, should be easy to tell, especially because they’re expecting as well, along with a few friends t
hat I’ve met recently when we ran into them while having a beer at a local pub. No, I wasn’t drinking, of course, but I was craving a big cheeseburger with pepper jack cheese and chili cheese fries. I also paid dearly for it at about three a.m. when it decided to make a reappearance.

  “You look beautiful,” Luke says as he sets the bag on my desk and kisses my lips.

  “I think you’re full of it,” I tell him, standing up and facing him. I’m sure half of my makeup has sweated off; a side effect of my constant state of nausea. My hair is flat and my skin chalky. The only thing I’ve got going for me right now is the fact that my boobs seem to be on the verge of bursting through my button-up top. Luke notices this point and blatantly stares his fill at the strained buttons and the gaps that display a hint of white lace.

  “You are ravishing. I could eat you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and never get my fill,” he whispers, my body flaring to life as he runs his lips down the column of my neck. Chills spread through my body as he grips my hips and pulls me flush against his hard body. And boy do I mean hard.

  “You brought a cucumber with you,” I tease.

  “That is no vegetable, angel. That is one very hard, very big cock who hasn’t let me stop thinking about you bent over the armrest of the couch this morning.”

  Warmth floods my cheeks and my core as vivid images of our morning flash through my mind. After we woke, I went downstairs to start the coffee while Luke showered. I was coming through the living room on my way to deliver his coffee when he met me in the middle of the room. His towel hung low on his hips with that perfect V disappearing behind the soft cotton wrapped around him. I instantly wanted him, and if the way the towel started to tent was any indication, I’d say he quickly wanted me as well.

  “Maybe we’ll have to replay that scene later this evening,” I whisper as I paw at the erection between us. Luke growls against my lips before taking them in a bruising kiss that leaves me breathless.

  “This is not why I stopped by,” he says after kissing me senseless.

  “Why did you?”

  “To bring you this,” he says, reaching for the bag he deposited on my desk. Luke pulls out a couple of bottles of ginger ale, as well as a box of crackers, mints, and gum.

  “If I wasn’t so nauseous, I’d be a little concerned about the state of my breath. Are you trying to tell me something?” I retort.

  “Never. I love your post-vomit morning breath,” he replies with a smile.

  Laughter bubbles from my chest. “That’s gross. There’s no way you like that.”

  “I know what I don’t like and that is seeing you so ill all the time. Have you called the doctor?” His green eyes are full of concern as he rubs light circles across my shoulders.

  “Oh God, don’t stop.” My eyes flutter closed and waves of pleasure ripple through my exhausted body.

  “That’s my favorite phrase,” he quips. “Come here,” he says as he turns me away from him. Luke slides my hair to the side, which gives him free reign at my shoulders. Slowly, he kneads and works the knotted muscles. Tension ebbs my body in waves. It’s as if I’m finally able to relax for the first time in weeks.

  “The doctor. Did you call?” he asks quietly as if not to disrupt my quiet meditation.

  “I talked to the nurse. She told me to keep pushing the liquids so I don’t get dehydrated. She moved up my appointment from next Friday to this coming Monday. The doctor can give me something for the nausea if necessary. Usually by the time the second trimester hits, the sickness should fade, she said. Seriously, this feels so good.”

  “My hands are always available and able, angel,” he says as he lightly places kisses at the base of my neck without removing his hands.

  “This is the best massage in the history of all massages.”

  He turns me around so that I’m facing him and leans in for another kiss. “Well, there’s more where that came from later tonight.”

  “Well, well, well. What do we have here? Inappropriate behavior within the workplace? Naughty, naughty, Sidney.” The little hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as his voice heckles through me like nails on a chalkboard.

  “There is nothing inappropriate about a back massage, and what are you doing in here? Where is Cassidy?” I ask, looking over his shoulder and towards my assistant’s unmanned desk.

  “No clue where your riff raff employee is, Sid. It’s not my job to keep track of her,” Mick snipes as he steps further into my office.

  “What are you doing down here?” I ask. “We don’t have an appointment,” I remind him.

  “No, we don’t. I was coming down here to discuss something work-related. Imagine my surprise when I walk in and find you sucking face with security.”

  “We were hardly -” I start but am cut off.

  “And imagine my greater surprise when I discover that my wife is keeping a secret.” The smugness on his face is enough to cause my normally easy going self to resort to the verge of violence.

  “Ex-wife.” Luke’s tone is flat and firm. One word meant as a warning. I can practically feel the anger rolling off of him in waves.

  “Details,” Mick says with a dismissive hand. “Apparently my ex-wife has been a very busy girl, considering our divorce has been final mere weeks.”

  “The divorce may have only recently finalized, but the marriage was over long before. What I do and who I do it with is my business. You lost the right to question or comment long before the ink dried on those papers.” I’m amazed at how calm my voice sounds. Mick has always had this natural ability to play at my nerves, especially early in the divorce proceedings, which is probably why it took as long as it did. After it stalled and was continued time and time again, that’s when I finally developed a backbone and started firing back.

  “Prickly,” Mick says with a smile. “I have always liked that about you.”

  Luke growls.

  “Sid, I stepped into the restroom while Luke was -” Cass says as she makes her way into my office, stopping mid-sentence when she sees she’s late to the party. “Oh.”

  Silence fills the room as tension buzzes around like bees at a picnic.

  “Well, as much fun as this little reunion has been, I have work to do. I’m sure you remember what that is, right, Sid? Maybe if you quit sucking the help’s face, you’ll recall what we’re paying you to do.” With a smirk firmly locked on his face, Mick turns to leave.

  “Actually, Mick,” Luke starts, taking a step around me and walking towards the other man. I can’t miss the way Mick seems to take a tentative, retreating step backwards the closer Luke gets. “I’m as far from the help as they come. I am not on your payroll. I am the owner of a company your firm has contracted. I hope, that in the future, when speaking to Ms. Rogen, you’ll remember to treat her with the utmost respect and politeness she deserves. Because if you don’t, well, that’s when I step in. And you don’t want me to step in.” Luke’s words slice through the air like a missile and land directly on their intended target.

  Mick visibly swallows, nerves radiating off him like a furnace. Before he can show too much weakness, he slams his smug exterior back in place, and says, “Congratulations.” With that, he throws a smirk my way and exits the room the same way he arrived.

  “I hate that man,” Cassidy mumbles, breaking through the silence.

  “You’re not the only one.” I turn my full attention on Luke.

  The only tell to the extent of his irritation is the tick of his jaw and the tightness around his mouth. Otherwise, Luke appears cool as a cucumber.

  “What did he even want? Just to come down here and ruffle your feathers?” Cassidy asks.

  “Who knows what he wanted. He never said.” My gut tightens at the thought of Mick knowing about the baby, and it’s not nausea. It’s nerves because for some reason, I just don’t trust him.

  “Are you going to be all right?” Luke asks, taking both of my shoulders in his big hands.
  “I’ll be fine. I’m just going to snack on yummy, bland crackers,” I tell him, offering him the best reassuring smile I can muster.

  “Dinner tonight. I’ll bring something with me so we can stay in.” His piercing green eyes cut through the fatigue and the worry and warm my heart. “We can snuggle on the couch and get some rest,” he whispers, placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

  Before he can turn and leave, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his head down to my lips. The kiss is sweet and tender, but still manages to pack a punch that does wonders to my libido and my poor, comfy cotton panties. Hey, don’t judge. When your head is hanging in the toilet more often than not, the last thing a girl wants is to have a string flossing her ass.

  “I’ll see you later,” he mumbles against my lips before turning to leave, my eyes glued to the ass of his jeans the entire way.

  “That man is hotter than the Sahara desert in July.”

  Cassidy’s words cause a bubble of laughter to erupt from my chest, and once I start laughing, I can’t seem to stop. Our mixed fits of giggles fills my office. Suddenly, everything I’ve been stressing about releases into uncontrollable laughter. The unexpected pregnancy, Mick’s taunts and refusal to leave me alone, the fear of the unknown, it all finally comes to a head. Maybe that makes me a little crazy that I’m laughing at the mess I’ve made of my life, but it sure beats the hell out of crying.

  “Seriously, Sid. You are one lucky bitch.”

  “Yes, yes I am,” I confirm as I swipe away tears. “He’s the hottest man I’ve ever known.”

  “That he is. So when were you going to tell me about the you-know-what?” she asks, pointing down to my stomach.

  My eyes linger a few extra moments at my still-flat gut. “I’m sorry, Cass. I’m not trying to keep it from you. We just decided to wait until after I go see the doctor on Monday.”


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