Book Read Free


Page 20

by Lacey Black

  I take several deep gulps of air in the hallway, wondering how in the world I manage to not lose brain cells every Monday morning. Seriously, that woman is as scatterbrained as they come. Ear piercings take weeks to heal, does she think a clit has super powers and heals in twenty-four hours? And did she really think I’d want to talk about piercing her lady parts? Hell to the No!

  That’s an image I’m afraid I won’t be able to burn out of my head with a fire poker and a torch.

  Chapter Twenty – Brotherly Ad



  Mom: Jessica got a job at the Bellagio. You should head over for dinner and have a drink in the bar.

  Me: Mom, please respect my decision. I’m dating Sidney.

  Mom: I know, I know. But when that doesn’t work, then you’ll have Jessica waiting and ready to go!

  I’ve been staring at the screen for the last twenty minutes, wondering if I’ve actually dreamed up that text exchange. Mom has always been ruthless in getting what she wants, but this is bordering on obsession. I have no clue how to even reply to her.

  The thing I don’t understand is this: she picks all these different women for me, usually somehow affiliated to her circle of friends, but then isn’t happy with her choice once she’s forced them on me. Why the fuck is that? It’s definitely not something I encourage.

  It’s a control thing. She’s always wanted control of my life–hell, sometimes has even just taken it. I’ve never understood it. And my dad isn’t much help. Ol’ Daniel just smiles a knowing smile and shakes his head. No, he’s never let her constant hovering and tabs on my life really cause any damage, but he seldom steps in.

  I used to think she was just the boss of the family, but the older I got, the more I realized that wasn’t necessarily true. He just learned to pick his battles. In fact, when I was in high school, a few times when he would have man-to-man talks with Blake and me, he would always smile that same fatherly, knowing smile, and say that when you love someone, a man learns to pick his battles. I never really understood it–until now.

  Falling in love with Sidney–really, for the second time–has taught me that there is no limit to the things I would do for her, give her. Even if I haven’t bitten the bullet and told her how I feel, it’s only a matter of time.

  And who would have thought? Me, self-proclaimed playboy with a different woman on his arm every few weeks, falling in love with the girl next door. That’s the kinda shit they write about in romance novels. Not me. Never me. Blake? Hell yes. I expected this lifestyle from my big brother. I knew it that night he and Carly met and left Tara and me alone at the bar. I knew it the morning he told me about Natalia. And I knew it when both Carly and Nat were kidnapped. Not only did I hear it in his voice when he called, see it on his face when he walked me through what happened, and felt it seeping through his pours when he was shot, bleeding on the dirt floor. The only thing he was concerned about was whether they were okay.

  Now I know how he felt. I would do anything for Sidney and our unborn children.

  Except go have dinner and drinks at the Bellagio and see my ex.

  Fuck that.

  Before I can fire off a reply to my mom, a knock sounds at my door a second before my brother walks in. “Got a minute?” He’s sitting down a moment later, clearly not caring whether I’m available for a pow wow or not.


  “Scott called. He looked over the will and has some information. He wants to meet upstairs at Hunter Enterprises at four. Reid is going to be there since they have a meeting at 4:30.”

  “Fine,” I reply, glancing down at my phone. Sid’s working until six tonight so I have plenty of time to meet Scott and get back to Sidney’s condo for dinner.

  “What’s going on with you? Why do you keep looking at your phone?”

  “I was checking the time.”

  “But you’re holding it like it’s about to tell you the secret location of Jimmy Hoffa’s body.”

  Dropping my phone on the desk, I run my hands across my tired face. “Mom’s still trying to hook me up with Jessica.”

  “Are you shittin’ me?” Blake replies, leaning back and getting comfy.

  “Wish I were. She’s trying to convince me to go meet her at the Bellagio tonight. How in the hell did you deal with her when you started seeing Carly?”

  “Well, if you recall, the first time Mom met Carly, I was laid up in a hospital bed. And I was telling her that we were going to get married.”

  I burst out laughing. “Oh shit, I forgot about that part. You were all drugged up on painkillers, I’m pretty sure Mom thought it was just the meds talking.”

  “I know. That’s why I was so adamant when I told her. I knew she’d try to control every detail about my relationship with Carly, so the only thing I could do was tell Mom that Carly was a major player. She wasn’t some girl I was seeing or screwing. I was completely in love with her and would have fucking married her in that damned hospital room if I could have.”

  “Best proposal ever. I mean, what girl could say no to a man holed up in a hospital bed, after being shot and almost bleeding to death, while she was just rescued from kidnappers.”

  He looks over at me with the same green eyes I see in my reflection every morning. They’re filled with conviction. “I knew she was scared, but I wasn’t going to let her run. I needed her too much. Still do.”

  He’s right. Carly was scared, but not of him. Blake lied to her because of his job. He wasn’t able to tell her what he was really up to, and when it finally all came out, he was left alone. Well, not alone really since he moved into my place for a bit until everything was sorted out and they moved into their new home.

  It’s not really the same thing as my situation with Sid. I’m not lying to her to protect her. It’s more like an omission to protect me. Because for every ounce that I love her, I’m still terrified of fucking it up and losing her.

  “I just wish Mom would actually hear my words when I tell her to back off. The thing last week at dinner was horrible enough, but now texting me and trying to push someone off on me? And an ex to boot. Especially her. I’m sure Mom would love to hear how she was blowing Trevor Hanson in the back seat of his car twenty minutes after breaking up with me.”

  “You ever gonna tell me what happened that night?”


  “Come on. I know something happened. You went outside with Jess and never came back in. Your text said you broke up, but for a while that night I wasn’t buying it. I thought for sure you were the one getting head.”

  “Nope,” I tell him, recalling how I found Sidney crying in the fort.

  “I get nothing,” he says, fretting upset, even though his eyes are filled with laughter.

  Something makes me want to throw him a bone. Even though I’d never disclose the dirty details of that final night with Sidney, I still want to let him know that something did happen that night. “I fell in love that night.”

  If Blake’s surprised, he doesn’t show it. The former FBI agent in him is showing his ugly head as he schools his face of indifference and any emotion. We’re at a standoff, neither one of us speaking. It’s something I’ve engaged in numerous times over our lifetime together. Finally, he speaks. “Sidney.”

  I’m unable to mask my surprise. “What makes you say that?”

  “There was always something between you two. Even as a kid, I could see it. I loved that little girl, but in a completely different way than you. I started to see the difference in high school, but really started to pay attention that first year I went away to college. Every time I came home, it was like watching The Hallmark Channel when she was around.”

  “Whatever,” I mumble lamely.

  “You love her now?”

  I shrug my shoulder.

  “What, you don’t know?” he asks, sitting up a little straighter and looking agitated.

  “I know, I just think that if I’m goin
g to say something like that for the very first time, she should be around to hear it, ya know?”

  “I hear ya,” Blake says as he stands up and heads towards the door. When he’s almost there, he turns and asks, “But you are gonna tell her, right?”

  Unable to speak words, I nod my head.

  “Good, because the last thing you want to do is wait until it’s almost too late. Don’t do what I did. It almost cost me everything.” His look is direct and punches my gut, my lungs, and my heart. Simultaneously.

  “I won’t,” I croak out over my too-dry throat.

  “Good.” Turning to leave, he stops once more. “Be out front at five ‘til. We’ll ride up to his floor together.”

  And with that, he’s gone, and I’m left with two hours to kill and no way to get my mind back on work. The only thing I can think about is the fact that I’m in love with Sidney and no fucking clue what to do about it.

  * * *

  Reid’s assistant escorts us into his office. There was a time, not so long ago, that I would have watched the swing of her ass as she led me down the hallway. Now, an appreciative glance is all she gets. We step inside the large room complete with massive desk, conference-style table, and a fucking elevator. He has his own elevator. Well, of course Reid Hunter has his own elevator. Even though Blake has been here several times, this is my first time seeing the lair of the infamous Reid Hunter, and I’m not disappointed in the least.

  A polished man stands up when we enter the room, and immediately shakes hands with my brother. His smile is warm and friendly as he shifts it towards me. “Scott Dixon,” he says as he extends his hand.

  “Luke Thomas.”

  “Nice to meet you,” he says.

  “Thanks for helping me out and taking a look at that,” I reply, nodding towards the folder in his hand, which presumably holds a copy of the will that I gave Blake.

  “It was my pleasure, actually. I worked a short time with a large wills and probate firm upon graduation, so this was a nice change compared to the contracts Hunter has me working on lately.”

  “You don’t mind me sitting in for this, do you, Luke?” Reid asks, coming around his desk and shaking my hand.

  “No. I wouldn’t mind having your input if it comes to that,” I tell him as we head towards the conference table.

  “Well, my motives are slightly personal. I had approached Rogen prior to his death about acquiring The Diamond. He stood firm that the business was his daughter’s and wouldn’t even consider selling,” he states as he takes his place at the helm of the table. In his designer suit, Reid looks every bit as powerful as his reputation claims.

  “Interesting,” I mumble, trying to recall what Sidney had told me about her family’s hotel that first afternoon we had coffee.

  “Everything with the will seems legit,” Scott begins. “Carlton made sure all I’s were dotted and all T’s were crossed. He left the entire business at a fifty-fifty split to his two children, Sidney Rogen and Jacobi Rogen.”

  “Wait. What?” I ask, remembering how Sidney said the hotel was left to Penny.

  “Yep, it’s right here. They both retain a joint split of The Diamond, as well as any assets pertaining to the business. In the event that Jacobi is a minor at the time of Carlton’s death, he named Sidney as the executor and to make decisions on his behalf.”

  “That can’t be right. Sidney said it was left to Penny and that, as a stipulation for her and her brother to get their inheritance, she was to leave school and work at the hotel for, like, five years.”

  “I don’t see anything that states that in this document. In fact, it’s the amendment that was signed a little over a year ago that really caught my attention.”

  Reid sits casually at the head of the table, but his eyes are accessing. “Hold up, Scott.” He looks pointedly at me. “You’re saying you don’t think Sidney is aware that she’s the owner of that hotel?”

  “I honestly don’t think so. She was told that she has to work there in order for the inheritance to go through. In fact, I think they told her that if she doesn’t, it would null and void Jacobi’s portion of the inheritance, as well. She doesn’t care so much for it herself, but wouldn’t be responsible for her brother not getting what is rightfully his.”

  “Sounds like something fishy is definitely going on here,” Blake contributes.

  “Fishy?” I mumble to my brother with raised eyebrow.

  “Fuck off. I’m trying not to swear as much because it never fails that Nat always hears and then repeats it,” Blake says back.

  “Anyway, I agree,” Scott starts, pulling our attention back to him. “I have a document signed by Sidney Rogen that states she’s forfeiting her ownership stake in The Diamond to her husband, one Mick Richards.”

  “Son of a bitch.” My blood pressure spikes and my fists tighten.

  “You’re saying you don’t think she’s aware of said document?” Scott asks, sliding a copy of the document across the table. It looks like her signature, but I’ve only seen her sign it a few times so I can’t be sure.

  “I don’t know why she would sign that and then tell me some elaborate story about having to work there for her brother’s inheritance. She’s not a fan of working there period. She was finishing up her Doctorate at Brown. Why the hell would she give that up if she didn’t have to, especially being so close to finishing?” I ask aloud, though it’s primarily to myself.

  “Here’s the thing that piqued my interested. The document she signed? It was signed on their wedding day.”

  “They’re wedding day?” I ask, my gut tightening at the reminder that Sidney married the fucker.

  “Yeah, just struck me as odd. Unless she gave him a hotel as a wedding gift, it’s just an odd time to meet with an attorney and sign documents transferring her portion of ownership to him. Not to mention that it’s signed in her married name, which means that this document was signed sometime after they said I do.”

  “Who has a meeting after getting married? I’m a businessman, and even I’m not cold enough, nor stupid enough for that,” Reid adds.

  “My suggestion is to investigate the origin of this document. You need to find out if Sidney had a meeting or signed a document after their wedding,” Scott suggests.

  “I can have Tanner do more snooping around,” Blake says, speaking of the head of investigations for our company. He’s former special forces intel and damn good at his job. He can find out just about anything on anyone, given a long enough thread.

  “Do it,” I say. “I knew something was off on this entire thing, but now I’m certain.” It makes me sick to think that Mick and Penny have been fucking around with her since her father’s death.

  “What about the brother?” Reid asks Scott.

  “There’s no mention of him in the amendment, so it’s safe to assume Sidney still has legal guardianship of his half of the company.”

  “But if something has been going on, I think it’s safe to say that Sidney needs to make sure she doesn’t sign anything further without reading it thoroughly. If they want that company bad enough, all it would take now is her signature on some waiver that says she doesn’t want to be his guardian anymore. I’m assuming the mother would become executor.” I can see why Reid is the successful businessman that he is.

  “True.” Scott stares directly at me. “Talk to her about that document. See if she remembers signing anything on their wedding night. If not, then we’ll start looking at this matter as an illegal signature obtained without her knowledge. It’s harder to fight, but it can be done.” He stands up and hands me the folder. “Your copies. And make sure she doesn’t sign anything else.”

  Ten minutes later, Blake and I are walking back into our fourth floor office. My gut churns with uneasiness as I think about the conversation to come. No way in hell I want to tell her what’s going on and risk upsetting her. But I need answers and she’s the only one who can give them to me. Plus, if I’m g
oing to protect Jacobi’s inheritance too, I’m going to have to make her aware of the situation at hand.

  “You heading to her place tonight?” Blake asks, grabbing messages off our receptionist’s desk.

  “Yeah. I was going to make her dinner. She’s not puking as much as she was, thanks to the meds they put her on, but she’s exhausted all the time. She practically falls asleep standing up lately.”

  “I don’t miss those days,” he says, stopping to read one of the notes. “Keep your chin up, though. Soon, she’ll be in the second trimester and that switch flips. She’ll be begging you to take her every time you turn around.”

  Sure, I’d love to get her naked more often, but I won’t risk her health to do it. If she’s too tired, then it’s a cold shower for me. Her health and that of our babies’ is more important than getting my dick wet; even though, it wasn’t that long ago that the mere idea of babies would have caused me to break out in hives.

  Huh, look at me. All mature and shit.

  Blake heads towards his office to finish up for the day. “Hey, don’t forget to ask her about signing that paper. I’ve got Tanner looking into it, but we’ll know we’re heading in the right direction once we know whether or not it’s legit she signed it.”

  “I’m on it. I’ll talk to her tonight at dinner.”

  Throwing a wave over my shoulder, I grab a few things from my office and head down to my truck. Tossing the folder onto the passenger seat, I boot up my phone. I’ve got thirty minutes until Sid’s off work, which doesn’t leave me much time for dinner. Instead, I dial my favorite Thai place and order takeout.

  That takes care of the first order of business.

  Now to flush out the snake.

  Chapter Twenty-One – Practice Makes Perfect


  Jacobi talks nonstop the entire ride up to my penthouse. A younger couple who lives a few floors down smiles absently in the corner, but doesn’t make eye contact with me or the little chatterbox beside me. I’d usually be completely enthralled with his story, but exhaustion has the best of me right now. I’m barely able to keep my eyes open as I lean against the wall of the elevator.


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