Book Read Free


Page 23

by Lacey Black

  I laugh at the picture she painted in my head. “I can imagine the manager not wanting to upset the pregnant customer.”

  Carly smiles. “She’s a mother of four so she completely understood my need for the bread bowl.”

  Lunch arrives just a few minutes later. The soup is steaming from within the fluffy breading. When I dip my spoon inside and scoop my first bite, cheese strings from my utensil to the soup, creating a long cord of gooey, melted cheese. My taste buds practically explode in pleasure as I take the first bite.

  “Good, isn’t it?” she mumbles, her mouth full of bread.

  “So stinking good. I can see why you come here all the time.”

  “I’m glad you like it as much as me. Now I have someone to meet for lunch here. Blake likes it, but complains about the amount of cheese. Says it’s too much. How in the hell can you have too much cheese?” she asks, dumbfounded.

  “Agreed,” I groan as I bite into the soup-drenched bread.

  We eat for a few minutes in silence, each one stuffing as much food into our faces as we can. When I’m finishing up my soup, I finally ask, “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Of course.”

  “What’s the deal with Janice? I mean, I know she’s always been…like she is, but since I missed about ten years of Luke’s life, I’m just wondering if she’s always been this overbearing.”

  “Oh, definitely. When I first met her, she hated me.” I’m shocked by her candor. “I could tell right away that she thought I wasn’t good enough for Blake.”

  “What happened?” I ask, suddenly not hungry for any more bread.

  “Well,” she starts, pushing her own bowl away, “I met her when Blake was in the hospital after being shot. She practically stormed into the room and started making demands. I was exhausted and scared, and when she walked in, I just didn’t know what to do. Luke actually talked me off the ledge and kept me from running for the door. Blake got on her about treating me respectfully, and even told her we were going to get married; and this is before we were engaged. He just shouted it out, and she was outraged.”

  “What changed?” I asked, not understanding how anyone could not like Carly.

  “Natalia entered the room. When she arrived, Blake introduced her to his mom and dad. Everything just sort of…changed at that moment. It wasn’t just two of us, but we were a family.”

  “I’m glad she finally warmed up to you.”

  “Oh, I still don’t think she likes me much, just tolerates me for Blake and Nat’s sake. She’s incredibly difficult to deal with sometimes, but I realized right away that I would have to stand up for myself or she would steamroll me over and not think twice about it.”

  “That’s how she was when we were little. I was a little afraid of her, actually.”

  “I can see that. And for as bad as we have it, for you it’ll be worse. I don’t know why, but for some reason she treats Luke as if he were still a toddler. I know it drives Blake nuts, and from what I’ve heard, Luke’s fed up with it too.”

  “He is. He says he’s standing up to her more now than ever before. He doesn’t even know why she hovers so much, but he’s definitely sick of it.”

  “Good for him for standing up to her. And Daniel is so amazing. He’s supportive and always smiles. I don’t know how he deals with her craziness.”

  “Maybe they balance each other out?” I suggest, thinking about Luke’s and my situation. We’re as different as night and day, but seem to balance each other out in the end.

  “Something. That man is a saint, though. Just don’t let her cause problems between you and Luke. She’s trying everything she can to push you away right now, but don’t let her. Be tough, stand your ground,” she says, while looking over the dessert card attached to a metal holder on the napkin dispenser. “This shortcake sounds good.”

  “Shortcake?” I ask, my mind instantly bouncing from Luke’s crazy mother to one of his favorite desserts.

  “Oh boy, look who’s here,” Carly says, smiling over my shoulder.

  I glance around and my eyes instantly collide with my favorite pair of green ones. His are smiling, even though he’s clearly surprised to see me. He’s following his brother and heading towards our booth.

  “Why am I not surprised to find you here,” Blake says as he slides into the booth beside his wife, kissing her soundly on the lips.

  “I needed soup,” she says when the kiss ends.

  “Hey.” Luke scoots into the booth beside me, leaning over and kissing my cheek. “I didn’t expect you to be here.”

  “Carly called and invited me to lunch,” I answer, inhaling the intoxicating scent of his cologne.

  “Let me guess, cheesy soup in a big bread bowl?” Blake asks with a knowing smile.

  “I was tired of listening to you bitch about constipation from the cheese so I found a new lunch date,” Carly sasses.

  “That wounds me, love. You know I’d endure any amount of constipation if it made you happy.”

  “Why are we talking about your bowels right before we eat? Can we not talk about the effects of cheese on Blake before I’ve even looked at the menu?” Luke begs.

  Carly and I share a knowing smile before conversation turns to work. They’re filling us in on a few big jobs they have on the horizon, one to overhaul security at one of Vegas’ biggest hotels. From what I’ve gathered, Thomas Securities has definitely grown in the last year, so much so that they’re contemplating adding another floor to their lease agreement with Reid Hunter.

  “We need to bring on more managers to oversee the jobs. Security help is easy to find with our network of former military or police, but I foresee us needing a few people in the office to oversee and coordinate with our site managers. Luke and I are on the phone all fucking day as it is. It’d be nice to have another man or two. Maybe even someone who can coordinate logistics and numbers.”

  “Numbers?” I ask, my ears instantly perking up.

  “Yeah, someone to help with budgets and P&L sheets. Right now we have an accountant who’s helping but we need someone almost on a full-time basis. In-house,” he says before ordering a big greasy cheeseburger and fries.

  Luke absently orders the same. His eyes are focused on me. There’s questions there, as if he’s sliding pieces of a puzzle together to fit just right.

  “Oh, that reminds me,” I say, “Scott Dixon called and he’s going to be in my office at ten tomorrow morning to go over the case. He must have something, right? I mean, why else would he need to see me so quickly?”

  “I’m sure everything is fine, angel. I’ll be there.”

  “You don’t have to,” I defend. “I know you’re busy.”

  “I said I’ll be there,” he answers with a kiss. “Unless you don’t want me to be.”

  “No, I kinda want you there.” And I honestly do. Luke has this comforting effect on me, even when I’m dealing with crap that I’d rather not mess with. Namely: anything Mick’s name is attached to.

  “Do you want me to be there?” Blake asks from across the table. “I can rearrange a few things and be there at ten.”

  “No, but thank you. I think we’ll be okay. But, really, thank you for the offer.”

  “Anytime, kid. You need anything at all, you just call me.”

  Luke growls across the table at his brother.

  “Oh, knock it off, baby. I’m just offering to help your woman. Besides, I have my own who keeps me plenty occupied,” Blake mumbles as he kisses Carly’s shoulder. They’re so affectionate with each other. Even just the few times we’ve interacted, I can see how completely and totally in love with each other they are.

  Longing settles in my stomach. I want that. I want that with Luke. And even though I’m completely in love with him, I’m still not sure there’s a solid future ahead for us. He’s always been the loose cannon, the fly by the seat of your pants kinda guy. I’m grounded and need the security of stability. Sometimes we’r
e like night and day. Maybe that’s the real attraction for Janice and Daniel. They balance each other out.

  But is there a balance for Luke and me?

  God, I hope so, because a life without him seems a far worse fate than death. Call me dramatic, but I’ve come to depend on him, as my friend, my lover, my everything. He’s my best friend and losing him once was one of the most painful things I’ve endured. Losing him twice? That would be catastrophic.

  And I just don’t think I’m strong enough to handle it a second time.

  Chapter Twenty-Four – Justice Best Served Cold


  I’m late. I fucking hate being late. It’s a byproduct of my former line of work that has carried over into my everyday life, as well as my business dealings. Tardiness makes me crazy, especially if I’m the one doing the waiting. But that’s not why smoke is rolling out of my ears when I finally pull into the valet parking of The Diamond. I normally wouldn’t bother with such elaborate amenities, but traffic was a bitch and an accident on Prospect had me caged in like an animal with nowhere to go. The fact that Sid’s meeting with Scott started ten damn minutes ago leaves me with little choice on the parking front.

  I’m in a damn hurry.

  I haven’t felt this anxious for something in a long time. Anxious to find the bastard that tried stealing Sid’s hotel. Anxious to make him pay, preferably with me spending a few minutes with him, one-on-one, before they slap the handcuffs on his wrists. Anxious to rid all of the stresses from her life so that she’s able to breathe a little easier.

  My gait is long as I make my way into the hotel. The familiar concierge waves as my hurried strides take me towards Sidney. My heart rate starts to pick up the closer I get to her and Scott. Wouldn’t it be fucking grand if the bastard was thrown in jail and the hotel was restored to her and her brother’s possession? Well, it would, and I won’t settle for anything less than that. He serves to pay, and she deserves what’s hers.

  And me? What do I deserve? I deserve the girl. The family we’re building, even if it wasn’t on the radar anytime soon. This prick is just one thing standing in the way of what I want. Once I rid the world of Mick Richards–figuratively, people. No, I won’t be offing anyone anytime soon–I’ll be free to claim what’s mine.

  Sidney’s mine. I’ve already decided. I’m in love with her, not willing to let her go. Once all of this added drama bullshit is behind us, I’m going to tell her how I feel and pray she feels the same way. Though, the cocky asshole in me is pretty sure she does. I see it in her eyes and smile. She looks at me now like I hung the fucking moon, which causes a reaction in both my chest and my pants.

  We’ve got a few things to figure out, but I’m all in, ready to throw all of my chips on the table. Maybe that’s why the thought of settling down has always been so catastrophic in my mind. It’s not the future itself that scared me, it was the woman beside me. Or lack of one specific woman, that is. Now that Sidney’s rightfully at my side, everything clicks into place like Legos. My future looks pretty fucking good, especially when I think about that ultrasound picture I’ve got in my wallet.

  Cassidy is seated at her desk when I arrive and offers me a warm smile. “They’ve already started, but I’ve been instructed to let you in as soon as you arrive.”

  Offering a friendly smile in return, I head around her desk and approach the door. I rap my knuckles against the heavy wood, but push it open without waiting for a response. Sidney, Scott, and another gentleman I don’t know are all seated at a small conference room table stuffed in the corner of her office. There’s a few papers spread out on the table, but all eyes are on me.

  “Sorry I’m late,” I state, placing a kiss on her forehead before taking the seat beside her.

  “No problem. I was just going over a few discrepancies that my team discovered, which you’re already aware of. Luke Thomas, meet Joshua Carter. He’s a colleague of mine who specializes in cases like this.”

  After shaking hands with the man across from me, he picks up where Scott left off. “I’ve looked over everything Scott and his team have gathered, and am eager to take your case. In fact, I’m excited about it. I spoke with Ms. Rogen yesterday afternoon briefly and already put several balls into motion. A judge has signed subpoenas for Mick Richards, Penny Rogen, and a Mr. Collin Darlinger, who was the witnessing attorney when the amendment was supposedly signed. I chatted with the judge, showed him what we’re dealing with, and he basically issued everything we need. I foresee this moving swiftly now that we’ve set things in motion.”

  “Told you this guy was good,” Scott says with a smirk.

  “We appreciate you doing everything you’ve done thus far,” I tell him as Sidney nods in agreement.

  “Should be interesting,” he says with a chuckle.

  “No kidding,” Sid mumbles.

  “How long until this is over?” I ask Scott.

  “Hard to say, really. If Mick cooperates, it’ll be over quickly.”

  “Fat chance of that. If this is anything like my divorce, he’ll draw it out as long as humanly possible. Anything he can to do to make my life hell.” My eyes sweep over her from head to toe. Her red hair is piled high on top of her head, her outfit is professional, and her makeup subtle, yet unable to hide the lines of exhaustion around her eyes. She’s worn down, and this entire mess isn’t helping.

  “Well, good thing for you, I love to apply pressure when needed. I won’t let him draw this out. I want a happy ending for you, Ms. Rogen, and I plan to do whatever it takes to achieve that as quickly as possible.” Joshua Carter looks straight at Sid and then at me. His eyes tell me everything I need to know; that he’s not just blowing smoke up our asses and looking to make as much as he can from our case. He wants an ending and he wants it to be successful.

  “I appreciate you meeting with us this morning, Ms. Rogen. I’ll be in touch as soon as I know more.” Joshua stands up, gathering his paperwork.

  “Thank you so much,” Sid starts as she stands. “And please call me Sidney.”

  Handshakes are extended all around with a few pleasantries not pertaining to the case. After a few minutes, Scott and Joshua head out of her office, leaving us in silence. It’s the easiest thing in the world to pull her into my arms and hold her. She comes willingly.

  Her shoulders are tight with tension that I can feel radiate from her body. I’m familiar with the feeling. Hell, when Blake was undercover, I was tense for two years straight. The only way to alleviate the stress was to partake in two of my favorite things: scotch and women. Sometimes at the same time. The thought of Sidney using the same methods to relieve her stress makes me see red and ready to break some fucker’s face.

  “What just happened there? You got all tense,” she says, her slender arms wrapped around my waist, the top of her head hitting just below my chin.

  “Sorry, just thinking. You know what you need?” I ask, redirecting.

  “I’m sure you’re gonna tell me,” she smarts off, causing a rise in my pants.

  “I am. You need a vacation.”

  She pulls back, surprise on her beautiful face. “A vacation? I thought for sure you were going to say I need some of your cock.” I laugh at the disappointment on her face.

  “Oh, sweet, sweet Sidney. You should know by now that I always have ulterior motives when it comes to you. I think you need a vacation. With me. And my magic cock.”

  Her smile causes my heart to sputter. “Magic cock? Someone’s awfully full of himself.”

  “It cures what ails you,” I say, using kisses as punctuation. “And remember.” Kiss. “Two babies.” Kiss. “Two.” Several kisses. “See, magic cock.”

  “I wouldn’t mind spending a little time tonight with the magician.”

  “He’s all yours, angel. Anytime you want him.” Her lips taste like sugar as I take and take some more. Hell, if it weren’t for her assistant on the other side of the wall, I’d take until we’re both naked, pa
nting, and spent.

  She tenses again in my arms. Before I can even ask what’s bothering her, she answers my unspoken question. “What’s going to happen to Jacobi? I mean, assuming Penny was a part of Mick’s scheme to take over the hotel. She had to know something, right? That’ll make her an accessory or something. What’ll happen to my brother?”

  “I can’t answer that, sweetheart. I can tell you that I’ll help you fight for him. I won’t let anything happen to him, okay?”

  Her aquatic eyes pierce me with their trust and sincerity. My arms wrap around her midsection, her plump tits pressing against my chest, the warmth of her breath fanning my throat. I’ll do anything I can to keep her safe, right this wrong in her life, and make sure her brother is taken care of. They’re a package deal, one I’ve grown quite fond of.

  As I step out of the hotel and towards valet, I can’t help but reflect on how different my life has become in the last few months. Finding Sidney again, picking up where we left off, finding out about the babies, realizing that I’m still in love with my best friend. All of it.

  And the fact that I’m okay with all of it is the most startling of all.

  Because I am–okay with it. Better than okay.

  * * *

  I see her before I even round the corner and head towards my house. She’s sitting on my front steps, her hair blowing in the light breeze. My heart rate jumps and my knuckles turn white as I grip the steering wheel. I focus on my breathing, doing what I need to keep it even, resorting to my training as a field agent.

  Pulling into my driveway, she stands up, her hands wringing together in a way that speaks of her nerves. She’s wearing tight dark jeans that hug her long legs perfectly and some shimmery white shirt that dips low in front, giving me a healthy glimpse of cleavage. Normally, I’d be all over it, but not today.

  Not her.

  Sighing deeply, I throw my truck into park and slide out. “What do you want?” I ask before I even have the door closed.

  “I need to speak with you,” Jess says, her eyes holding steady on mine. She’s shifting her weight back and forth, nervous energy radiating off her in droves.


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