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Page 26

by Lacey Black

  “Good to see you too, Jeff. How’s Marge?”

  “She’s good. Spending all of her time preparing for Sam’s graduation,” the older detective says with a smile. “And your old man? I haven’t seen him in a while.”

  I glance around the station, quietly observing the day-to-day activity of one of Vegas’s busiest police stations. When I finally look back over at Josh and the detective, their heads are close together, the older gentleman listening intently with his eyes focused on me. I try not to squirm at his direct stare, but I can feel his scrutiny from across the hall.

  Beside me is a bulletin board with fugitive photos. I let Josh do what he has to do with the detective and take my time looking over the mug shots. Some are old, while a few are dated more recently. I’ve viewed my fair share of police photos during my time with the FBI. Fortunately, now, the photos are usually minor things like petty theft or the occasional B&E. Security doesn’t come without challenges or risks, but it sure beats the hell out of some of the FBI work I’ve done.

  “I’ll give you five minutes with him. No funny business,” the detective says beside me.

  “Thank you.”

  Wordlessly, I follow him down a series of hallways. We stop outside a single doorway. “How did you catch him?” I ask, my curiosity piqued.

  “His passport was flagged re-entering the U.S. Instead of taking him in from LAX, he was followed by agents back to Vegas. He was finally picked up outside of a home of a call girl named Kitty Cotton. They’d been in communication in the last few weeks. When we picked them up, she had her bags packed as if she were taking off for an extended trip.”

  “Jesus,” I mumble.

  “I’ll be watching on the other side of the mirror. I can’t use anything he says to you, but we shouldn’t need it for our case. Just don’t mess him up too bad. He’s due in court in an hour.”

  My smile is greeted by his knowing one. Nodding my head, I wait until he unlocks the door and opens it wide for me. I step inside and stare down at Sidney’s ex-husband. The only sound is the loud slam of the heavy door enclosing us in the interrogation room.

  Mick looks rough. His eyes are bloodshot as if he’s hungover or hasn’t slept, possibly a little of both. His face is covered in patchy stubble that’s reminiscent of a teenager’s. But what really has my attention is the boot around his right leg. Even though he sits at a table, the thick black boot draws my attention.

  “I bet you’re loving this,” Mick mumbles, his eyes shooting hatred in my direction.

  “Actually, yes, yes I am. It’s pretty poetic to see you locked up, your future completely down the fucking toilet. And for what? A hotel that wasn’t rightfully yours in the first place?”

  “I worked my ass off for Carlton Rogen. He brought me in, treated me like a fucking son, and then what? Gave it to his daughter who wanted nothing to do with him or the hotel?” He spits out the word daughter like it’s poison on the tip of his tongue.

  “So, you stole it away from her because you felt jilted by her old man. Fine. In some sick sort of way, I get that. Why marry her? Why marry her if you intended to take the hotel out from under her anyway? Surely you could have accomplished that signature even without a trip down the aisle.”

  “Have you seen her ass? Sidney has always been gorgeous. Plus, she’s dynamite in bed.” He shoots me a smirk, and I see red. I’m across the table, the collar of his wrinkled and dirty shirt fisted tightly in my hands.

  “Don’t ever fucking mention her again. Don’t even fucking think about her. Forget her, or I’ll make sure your days in prison are spent as the bitch to a three hundred pound man named Butch. Every time he sticks it up your ass, you’ll remember that your days will be spent bent over a dirty table in prison while I’m at home with your ex-wife and our children, and I’m the one keeping her warm at night.”

  The door flies open and Detective Jensen walks in. I release my grip on Mick’s shirt and smooth out the wrinkles. “Have a nice life, Micky. I’ll be sure that Sidney doesn’t even give you another thought. She’s too beautiful, too good for either of us, but I’m the lucky son of a bitch that gets to take her home.” Turning and walking out the door, I stop in at the threshold. “Oh, say hi to Butch for me.”

  And with that, I walk out of the police station with a smile on my face.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven – Unwelcome Guest


  He’s not answering his phone.

  I have the best news to share and he’s not answering his phone. Heading towards his house, I dial his number once more, even though the previous seven have gone straight to voicemail. I wait for the beep, finally deciding to leave a message.

  “Hey, it’s me. I have really good news to share, but I can’t find you. Give me a call as soon as you can.”

  I hang up before turning into the neighborhood where Luke lives. I called the office, but found out he wasn’t there. Yes, I even drove by and confirmed he was out. If I knew where all of their jobs were, I’d be tempted to hit each of those too. This news is way too good to keep to myself. I want to shout it from the rooftop and throw my arms around his neck before pressing my lips to his, but I can’t find him.

  If he’s not home, I’ll head over to Carly’s and share my news with her. We’ve been speaking on the phone almost daily. I’d prefer to tell Luke first, but I guess it may not be possible right now. She’ll be as excited to hear my news as I am to share it.

  Luke’s truck isn’t in the driveway, but a small Toyota is. It has dealer plates so my first thought is that he’s having problems with his truck and this is a loaner. When I had service work done last month they gave me a loaner for the morning. Seems logical.

  Retrieving the new, shiny key to Luke’s place from my key ring, I slide it easily in the lock and open the door. He made a big deal of presenting me with the key a few nights ago. He made it sound like it was so I could bring Jacobi over anytime to play the foosball table in the office, but the smile he gave me told me it was more than that. He took a big step that night, opening up his life completely to me.

  “Luke?” I holler as I push open the front door.

  Stepping inside, I close the door behind me, only to be greeted with silence. Maybe he’s not home at all? I check the kitchen first since it’s just off to the right, but I find it empty. I almost head out the front door when a noise from down the hall catches my attention.

  Detouring towards the hallway, I find the office and spare bedroom empty. The door to his bedroom is cracked open. Inside, the noise of the shower in the bathroom fills the room. I smile at the prospect of catching Luke with water cascading over his six-pack abs and hard chest. It takes everything I have not to strip down right now and slip inside the stall.

  The water shuts off and I hear the door open. Unable to wait any longer, I walk into the bathroom, a huge smile on my face. When I push the door the remainder of the way open, I’m greeted with a yelp that is definitely not masculine. My smile falls instantly. Jessica stands there, one of Luke’s towels wrapped tightly around her body.

  “What the hell!?” she yells, water dripping from her hair and pooling on the floor.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, my voice not really sounding like my own.

  “What are you doing here?” she snipes, grabbing a second towel to wring out her hair.

  “I asked you first, Jessica. What the hell are you doing at Luke’s place…in his shower?”

  “He gave me the key, Sidney.” Her smirk and smile heckle me as she steps around me and enters Luke’s bedroom. As if I’m not even standing there, she walks to his dresser and pulls out a t-shirt. Keeping her back to me, she drops the towel and slides the shirt over her naked body.

  “He gave you a key? When?” I ask, breathing becoming very difficult at this point.

  “The other night when we met up for drinks. He said he was tired of you and ready for some fun. He gave me a key and I’ve been coming here since.�

  I try to dispute what she says, but I can’t. My brain is stuck on the fact that she has a key, a key that he apparently gave her, and that they’ve seen each other recently. Very recently. Luke worked late the other night and came here instead of to my place. Did he meet up with her somewhere? Was it a coincidence or a planned meeting?

  My abdomen tightens sharply, my breath catching briefly. I try to inhale, but my lungs don’t seem to want to work. Stars dance in my vision before I’m finally able to suck in oxygen.

  “You look like you’re going to be sick. Did he not break up with you yet?” Her concern is fake, I know, and that pains me even more. “Sorry, sweetie. Luke’s done with you. We’ve reconnected and want to give it a go. He was just messing around, biding his time with you, and he’s done. Sorry.” Her condescending smirk makes me see red. I’d question her further, but the pain in my lower stomach intensifies on both sides.

  I take a step back, needing to put distance between Luke’s ex and myself, who just so happens to be standing in his bedroom wearing his KISS t-shirt. I don’t have time to think about why Luke would give me a key and Jessica a key at the same time. I just know I need to get out of that room before the walls close in completely.

  I don’t say a word as I turn and head out the way I came. Numbly, I make my way towards my car. Somehow, I manage to start it up and drive towards my apartment. The tears don’t start until I’m back to my penthouse, alone, and when the door closes behind me, they start to fall–and they fall hard.

  I have no clue how much time passes before I stop crying. My shirt is soaked, and I’m left panting and snotting all over myself, a look that I’m sure is reminiscent of a toddler. Nothing makes sense. Her appearance in his house doesn’t match the things Luke has said and done. How can he show me so much love and affection, and invite another woman to his bed at the same time? He’s not that type of man. Or at least, I didn’t think he was. Do I really know the man Luke has become? I thought I did, but apparently, I’ve been so far off course that I’m not playing on the same field. And what about the babies?

  My throat is raw from crying and I’m in desperate need of water. I attempt to stand, but the pain in my stomach returns furiously. I double over, my breath being stolen as panic creeps in. I’ve had these pains for a while, but this is by far the worst. I’m gripped with fear as I attempt to stand up to my full height. All thoughts of a drink of water are lost as I grab my purse and head out the door.

  Ignoring the look of worry on Harv’s face as I walk awkwardly towards the garage and get back in my Audi. I dial the number for my obstetrician’s office before I even start the car. I explain what’s going on to the answering service and wait for the returned call from the doctor on call. Fortunately, I don’t have to wait long.

  “Sidney, this is Doctor Ortega. I want you to go to the emergency room, and I’ll meet you there. Do you want me to call an ambulance for you?”

  “No, I can drive. The pain has already let up again,” I tell her, taking a few deep breaths.

  “I want to get you checked out right away. Do you have someone with you?”

  My mind instantly flashes to Luke. I want to call him, but am not sure I can. “Not right now, but I can call a friend and have her meet me there.”

  “Good. I’ll call the ER and let them know you’re on your way. I’ll see you there,” she says before hanging up.

  I throw my car into reverse and drive steadily towards the hospital. I’m terrified I’m having contractions. What if they can’t stop them? What if something happens to the babies? Can I handle losing Luke and the babies too?


  The answer is definitely no.

  Tears fill my eyes and I try to blink them away. I don’t have time for more tears. Right now I need to get to the hospital so I can get checked out. Once I know that everything is okay with the twins, then I’ll be able to breathe again and try to figure out what I’m going to do with the mess my life has suddenly become. I know I’m going to have to face Luke at some point, but right now?

  Now isn’t that time.

  I speak into the Bluetooth and wait while the call connects. She answers on the second ring.


  “I need you,” I whisper, a tear slips out and slides down my cheek.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight – Fear Like I’ve Never Known


  I’m smiling as I slide into my truck and pull away from the police station. Even the thought of the after-work rush hour traffic can’t erase the grin from my face. I can’t wait to tell Sid the news that Mick is behind bars. Since he attempted to run to evade capture, the judge denied his bail. Josh and I went ahead and sat through his arraignment, both of us wanting to see with our own eyes that he wasn’t getting out anytime soon.

  Afterwards, he told me a full investigation was underway as to Penny’s involvement in the entire scheme. Part of me hopes she wasn’t involved in the set-up to take away the hotel, but a bigger part of me hopes she was. Maybe Sid and I will be able to take her brother and give him the stability he deserves.

  Just the thought of Jacobi, the twins, and her broadens my smile. I plan to talk to a realtor as soon as possible and put my house on the market. Even though I’d prefer getting another house big enough for my impending family, I know I’ll move wherever she wants. If she wants to stay in the penthouse, then that’s where I’ll be. But honestly, Sidney has never struck me as a penthouse kinda girl. She needs a house with a little yard and maybe a deck that overlooks a pool.

  Pulling onto my street, I instantly zero in on the Toyota parked in my driveway. Instead of pulling in behind it, I park in the street. She’s gone as soon as I can get her out of here. I grab my cell phone and turn it on, thankful to have a fully charged battery, slide out of my truck and walk to her car. I’m surprised to find it empty.

  I unlock the front door and step inside. Before I can slide out of my jacket, I’m following my nose and heading towards the kitchen. “How in the hell did you get in here?” I ask. My voice may be calm, but there’s no denying the anger in the words.

  “Oh, hey,” Jessica says with a smile. She’s pulling some sort of wrapped pan out of the oven looking a little too comfortable, like Suzy fucking Homemaker in my damn kitchen.

  “Jess, cut the shit. What the fuck are you doing in my house? How did you get in?” I ask, with more force this time around.

  “A key.” Two words, and she makes them sound so simple, like I just asked the silliest question in the world.

  “I know you got in with a key,” I seethe through gritted teeth. “How. Did. You. Get. A. Fucking. Key?”

  “Your mom. She sent me over and told me to make myself comfortable. You’ve been working so much lately and stressing over everything that she wanted me to treat you to a nice, relaxing evening.” Jess continues to pull pans out of the oven as if we’re having just a typical end-of-the-work-day conversation between lovers. It’s like the Twilight Zone in here.

  “You need to go.” That has her attention.

  “Go? Why?”

  “Because you’re not welcome here. I helped you out with your little situation, but we’re not dating. Shit, we’re not even friends.”

  Jess comes around the counter and walks towards me. It’s the first time I get a look at her outfit. She’s wearing my old KISS shirt with clearly nothing underneath. Her tits are moving and her nipples are pointing through the material. She stands directly in front of me, and it takes everything I have not to take a retreating step. But this is my fucking house, dammit, and I’m not about to back down.

  “But we could be friends, if you wanted. Really good friends,” she coos, sliding her finger down my chest. She bats her mascara-caked eyelashes, and I wonder what I ever found attractive about too much makeup. I’ve slept with dozens of women, including the one before me now, and even with her hands on me, my dick doesn’t twitch in the slightest. Sidney. That’s because I’m in lov
e with her. Every woman before her was just a way to pass the time until she returned.

  She’s everything.

  “I don’t want to be your friend. I’m in love with Sidney. You need to leave,” I tell her, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her towards the bedroom. It’s the most logical place I can think of to find her clothes. “Get your shit and get out.”

  “Luke,” she whines.

  “I’m serious, Jess.”

  She’s about to open her mouth and argue further when I hear my name called from the front door. That’d be my damn luck that Sid would show up right when I’m trying to get a half-naked Jessica out of my house.

  “Get dressed. Now.” Without waiting for a reply, I turn on my heels and head towards the front room.

  I’m preparing for a battle when I have to explain to Sidney why my ex is in my house. What I’m not prepared for is to see my mom standing there with a huge smile on her face.

  “Listen,” she starts as I step into the room. “I know you’re busy tonight, but I wanted to stop by and say hello. Jessica’s here, and–”

  “Mom,” I interrupt with force. She stops and looks up at me, her smile dropping when she sees the seriousness on my face. “What made you think it would be okay to give my ex-girlfriend the key to my house without my consent?”

  “She’s such a lovely girl, Luke, and I thought you two would enjoy a nice evening together.” Her smile is still in place, but she looks nervous.

  “Mom, I need you to listen and listen good. I’m with Sidney. I’m in love with her,” I say before she interrupts.

  “Luke, you don’t know what love is,” she starts to say.

  “Do you even hear yourself? I’m twenty-nine years old. Don’t tell me what I do and don’t know or feel, because I can guaran-fucking-tee you that I do know what love is. I’ve been in love with that girl since I was fourteen years old. I’ve wanted nothing but to spend the rest of my life with her since I met her.”

  “Don’t curse and take that tone with me, Lucas Thomas,” she says, her voice rising along with mine.


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