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Christmas in the Duke's Embrace

Page 5

by Amanda Mariel

  He did not suppose that it did for he’d not believe anything the man said. And where did that leave him? Evan swirled the amber liquid in his glass then took a copious drink. He’d wager the earl would not come for Marina. Even if he did arrive at Lackheart Hall, Evan would not allow him to take her away.

  His blood chilled at the thought. Marina was Langmore’s daughter. If he wished to take her there would be nothing Evan could do to stop him. Why hadn’t he considered as much before sending that letter?

  Bloody hell! Evan sprang from his chair. He needed to stop that letter from reaching the mail coach. His pulse sped as he raced down the hall searching for the man, but it was too late. He’d done as Evan ordered and wasted no time. Having reached the entrance hall without any sight of the footman, Evan ceased his chase and turned to the butler.

  The elderly man gave a slight bow. “Will you be going out, Your Grace.”

  “Not today. Tell me, how long ago did the footman depart with my letter?” Evan shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

  “I cannot say for certain, but I’d guess at least fifteen minutes ago. Maybe more.”

  Evan’s heart sank. In all likelihood, the letter had already been posted. All the same, he said, "Send another footman out. I wish to have that letter back."

  “Right away, Your Grace.” The butler pivoted and strode away.

  Evan returned to his study where he gathered the whisky decanter and a tumbler before sinking into a chair. He rubbed his temples as he pondered the predicament. He doubted very much that the letter could be intercepted and he knew he could not stop Langmore if he chose to come for Marina. What a fine mess.

  Suddenly an idea sprang to mind. It may not be perfect, but it provided their best odds. Hell-bent to share his solution with Marina, Evan headed to her room.

  When he arrived, he found her sound asleep. He told himself he should leave. He should not stand there and stare at her, but he found himself powerless to do so. She reminded him very much of an angel when she slept. Her golden curls like a halo surrounding her peaceful face. His heart swelled, the need to protect her growing ever stronger.

  Tomorrow he would ensure that he could.

  Chapter 6

  Marina’s hand paused, her pencil hovering over the sketch paper as Evan entered the chamber. It had only been a day since she’d seen him last, yet it seemed as though several had passed. “Evan,” she said with a smile. Embarrassed by her excitement and still unsure of why he’d snuck away, she averted her gaze back to the drawing. Her cheeks burned as they’d no doubt turned scarlet.

  His footfalls neared the bed, but she did not look up. Instead, Marina finished the line she'd been sketching when he'd entered. How she wished she could climb into her drawing. Life would be much simpler that way.

  The mattress depressed as Evan sat on the side of it. “Mrs. Greer told me you’d requested drawing materials. May I see your sketch?”

  Having him so near sent wanton little thrills down her spine. Seven months ago she would not have recognized what was happening to her, but now she knew better. The duke was an attractive man who’d shown her kindness and compassion. It was no wonder his nearness—his touch—ignited her passions. She’d have to work hard to rein in her desire for she well knew how dangerous wanting, no having, a man could be.

  Her fingers shook as she lowered the drawing for his inspection. Quality was not her concern for she’d been well trained in the art from a young age. She knew her skills were well developed. It was his nearness and the secret longing she’d depicted that caused her to shake.

  He reached out and traced one of her lines with his long finger. “You enjoy horse riding?”

  “I do.” She flicked her gaze to his. “I enjoy the freedom I feel while riding. It’s as though I can outrun anything.”

  “Something else we have in common.” Evan’s eyes were soft, inquisitive, as he trailed his finger from the horse to its rider. “I often ride as a means to clear my head.”

  Marina had sketched herself on the horse with a small babe held close to her breast. They were riding across a flowering field with bright rays of sunshine warming them. Near the edge of the field, she'd sketched a man watching them.

  “This is you?”

  She nodded and he took his finger from the sketch moving his hand to cup her chin. He guided her head up until their gazes locked. “And the baby you are holding is the one you carry?”

  “Yes,” she whispered her reply, hoping against hope that he would not ask her about the man in the drawing. She’d fairly die of embarrassment if she had to explain. Not that she knew who the gentleman was, but that she longed to have a man who loved her at her side. That as a fallen woman she still harbored hope for a husband who would adore her and her child.

  Evan leaned a bit closer, his warm breath fanning her cheek. “Then it is your desire to raise your baby?”

  Breathless, she again whispered, “Yes. My heart’s desire.”

  “Then allow me to make it happen.” He stroked his thumb over her cheek. “Let me be the man in your drawing. The one to rescue you.”

  Then he had taken notice. Thank heavens he’d not asked her outright about the man. Her cheeks burned as she nibbled her lower lip. She tried to look away, but he held her head steady as he stared into her eyes.

  “I’ve spent a great deal of time thinking about your predicament and how best to protect you. All night, in fact, and I have reached a solution.”

  Did he mean to send her away as father had? Perhaps he'd found a nunnery or such a place where she could have the child in secret. Maybe he planned to give her funds, to set her up on her own. Whatever he offered, she’d be grateful. Marina feigned a courage she did not feel, and asked, “What have you decided?”

  He stared at her, a seriousness in his gaze she’d not seen there before. Then he spoke, “Marry me.”

  She opened her mouth to protest, but he placed his finger over her lips before she could utter a sound.

  “I want to claim your child as my own and I want you for my Duchess. I vow to keep you both safe if you will have me.”

  Marina’s breath hitched, her mouth falling open as she stared at him. He couldn’t be serious. They hardly knew each other, and for heaven's sake he was a duke. He required a respectable lady. “I…I don’t know how to respond.”

  “All you need do is say yes. I will procure a special license and send for a vicar. We can be wed on Christmastide.”

  Hells bells, he’d thought of everything. Save for the important things. Her head spun, a dizzying sensation gripping her insides. Could she truly marry him? Would he come to hate her if she accepted his offer? “What if the baby I carry is a boy? You don’t truly wish to have an illegitimate heir. You couldn’t.”

  He took her hands in his and rubbed small circles over the backs of her hands. “When my wife and child died, I determined never to marry again. My mind was set that the title would pass to some distant relative or another. I would just as well like to see it go to your child.”

  She shook her head. He could not have truly considered the consequences of taking her to wife. “You should not have to pay for my sins.”

  “On the contrary, you would be doing me a favor. Society expects me to remarry and produce an heir. I need you as much as you need me. I have no interest in wife hunting. More than that, I’ve grown fond of you.”

  She could not deny the sincerity in his clear blue eyes. It did seem he’d put a great deal of thought into his proposal, but still… “I fear that if I accepted you would come to despise me for it.”

  “Never.” His gaze bore into hers. “Marry me, Marina.”

  “You don’t even know if we suite.” She pulled her hands free and placed them protectively over her abdomen. “I’m five months along. Society will know you did not father this child. Gossip will follow him or her and stain your reputation.”

  "I don't give a damn what people say and as for my reputation, it's already stained. I
am the Duke of Death after all." He gave a wicked smirk as he rested his hand over hers. "Being a duke affords me more forgiveness than most. People may talk but they will not ostracize us or the babe. In time the gossip will fade."

  She nibbled her lip, part of her wanting to accept his offer for marriage while another part cautioned her not too. She had little doubt that he spoke the truth as to the protection and forgiveness his title would afford them. In fact, on that score, she was certain he spoke the truth. But what of love? He’d said he was fond of her. Perhaps that fondness could grow into deeper emotions?

  “We share a love of poetry and horses. Our conversations come easy and we already know the worst of each other.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her flesh. “Furthermore, I am attracted to you and can see that you are to me as well. That’s already more than most couples share.”

  “I…suppose you are right.” She wanted to argue but could not deny a thing he’d said. Still, was it enough to base a marriage on? Could they be happy? Would she detest herself for trapping him? Surely, that is what she’d be doing if she let him take her to wife. He’d said himself that he’d had no plans to marry again.

  “Then you will do me the honor of becoming my duchess?”

  She sighed, her shoulders slumping as she relaxed back against the pillows. “I will consider your proposal.” She must be half mad to even do that, but how could she refuse him out of hand? He’d made good points and was offering her a chance at the life she wanted. Everything except for love.

  A knock sounded at the door.

  “We will revisit this topic later.” Evan moved from the bed to the chair beside it before he called out for the person to enter.

  A moment later, Doctor Elwell strolled in carting his medical bag. Mrs. Greer trailed behind him. He gave her a kindly smile as he approached the bed. “It’s good to see you looking so well, my lady.”

  “I’m told I have you to thank for my improved condition.” Marina forced a smile though her mind still spun around Evan’s offer.

  “I’d say His Grace is more to blame.” The doctor chuckled.

  Marina moved her gaze to Evan. “Indeed, I owe him a great debt.”

  “You are not beholden to me.” Evan stood then turned to the doctor. “I will leave you to your work.” His gaze trailed back to Marina’s, their eyes locking for a moment before he left the room closing the door in his wake.

  The emphasis he’d placed on the word later sent a tiny thrill straight through her heart.

  Chapter 7

  After examining Marina, Doctor Elwell had reported to Evan. It had pleased him more than it should have to hear that she’d recovered completely. It was as though a great weight had been lifted from his chest. He could no longer deny that he cared a great deal more for her than he’d previously allowed himself to believe.

  He'd wanted to go directly to her, but had stopped himself from doing so. Instead, he allowed Mrs. Greer to care for her. The housekeeper had seen to it that Marina received a bath and had a maid help her to dress and style her hair. He’d waited for her to come down to dinner, but she never joined him. In the end, Mrs. Greer informed him that she’d taken her meal in her room.

  Evan reached the conclusion that she required more time to consider his proposal. Though he’d wanted to go directly to her, he forced himself to grant her the space she clearly desired. Instead, he retired to his study where he spent the remainder of the evening trying to think of a way to convince her to accept his offer.

  This morning he awoke with an idea and penned a note requesting her company in the music room this evening. Evan smoothed his cravat as he exited the bedchamber he’d been sleeping in. If she accepted his invitation, she’d be joining him in less than thirty minutes and he wanted to ensure that everything was as he’d planned before she did.

  He traversed the corridors in long strides as he made his way toward the music room. He would woo her tonight and convince her to marry him. He could not imagine any other outcome for when he thought about her disappearing from his life sadness consumed him. He did not know when or how he’d fallen in love with her, but he had.

  “Your Grace.” A footman approached with hurried steps. “This has just arrived.”

  Evan's chest tightened as he accepted the letter. A quick glance revealed that it had come from Langmore. Ignoring the footman, he tore it open, breaking the seal.

  Your Grace,

  If it is your desire to keep her as your mistress, then you have my blessing. She’s of no use to me at any rate.


  How dare the man treat her so poorly? Had he always thought so little of her? It was no wonder she’d gotten herself into trouble with a father like him. Evan crumbled the letter in his hand, his determination to marry her growing tenfold. “Burn it.”

  The footman took the crippled ball of parchment then bowed.

  Evan stepped around him and continued on his path to the music room. He would do all in his power to ensure that no one ever mistreated or hurt Marina again. And God as his witness, the day would arrive when Langmore bowed to his daughter—the Duchess of Rowley.

  Evan’s stomach fluttered in a way he hadn’t felt in years. Not since Nora’s passing. A smile spread across his lips reaching all the way to his frozen heart. His beloved departed wife would be pleased with his choice of Marina. He suspected that Mother, Father, and Rosa would be as well. Somehow she’d managed to break through his carefully constructed shield and melt his heart. Saving her would save him as well.

  He entered the music room, his gaze traveling around the space. Just as he’d instructed, the curtains had been pulled in order to darken the room then candles had been lit throughout. A cozy fire crawled in the hearth and a blanket had been spread out in front of it. Two maids tarried next to the blanket, setting up a tray with wine and fruit. He turned his attention to the interior balcony. There were only two thing missing—the piano player and Marina.

  Evan strolled farther into the room before addressing the maids. “When will the musician be arriving?”

  One of them straightened from where she’d been hunching over the tray, and dipped a curtsey. “He arrived a few minutes ago and will be in position very soon, Your Grace.”

  “Very good, thank you.”

  The other maid finished setting up, placing the final wineglass on the silver tray. She too stood then dropped a curtsey. “Is there anything else we might do for you?”

  Evan waved a hand, indicating the space. “Everything looks perfect.”

  “Your Grace.” The maids said in unison before backing from the room.

  Once they were gone, he went to stand by the door. Holding his hands behind his back, he rocked back and forth on his heels as he waited and prayed Marina would come. Seconds ticked into minutes, each one leaving him a little more uncertain that she was coming. When he was about to call for the maids to clean the room and return to his study, she appeared.

  Marina stepped into the doorway rendering him breathless. Like a doting idiot, all he could do was stare at her. She wore her blue gown and had her hair arranged in such a way that bouncy golden curls trailed over her left shoulder then cascaded down her side. Her green eyes sparkled in the candlelight while the whisper of a smile touched her lush pink lips.

  “Good evening,” she said, her smile growing wider.

  Shaking the fog from his brain, Evan proffered his arm. “I’m pleased you could join me.”

  She accepted his arm, her fingers curling around his coat sleeve and as he led her deeper into the room, the pianist started to play.

  Her smile broadened sending a ping of sheer bliss straight to his soul. She turned her head left then right before meeting his gaze. “I dare say you’ve outdone yourself.”

  “I’m just getting started.” He led her to the blanket then indicated it with his free hand, inviting her to sit. “After you, my lady.”

  The pale blue of her skirts flittered around her as she sank onto the b
lanket. Evan wondered at her beauty as he joined her. “You are stunning tonight.”

  She brought her hand to her cheek as a light blush crept across her face. “You flatter me.”

  “I only speak the truth.” He poured two glasses of wine then handed her one. “I found you striking from the start, but now, as you are…you leave me breathless.”

  “You look rather dashing as well if I dare say so.” She tipped the glass to her lips.

  Evan plucked a berry from the tray and held it up. “These pair particularly well with that wine. Open your mouth.”

  She did as he asked and he held the plump berry to her lips. She took a bite then darted her tongue out to lick her lips. Evan’s body tightened in response. It was all he could do to keep from taking her into his arms and kissing her senseless. Desperate to distract himself from her tempting mouth, he said, “How did you spend your day?”

  She sat the wineglass aside and turned another becoming smile on him. “I visited your library for a while this morning then strolled through the orangery. I must say you have a beautiful estate.”

  “All I’m missing is a duchess.” He leaned onto his side, propping himself up on one elbow. “Did you happen to come upon the pink parlor?”

  “I did, though I did not enter the room for fear of going where I should not.” She popped a berry into her mouth.

  Evan took a sip of his wine as he contemplated why he’d mentioned Rosa’s parlor. Something about Marina made him want to share his life with her—past, present, and future. He swallowed. “That was my sister’s favorite room. She decorated it herself and it’s where she spent much of her time.”

  “Then I am glad I did not intrude.”

  His heart lightened at her words. “I think she would like it if you spent time in there.”


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