Dragon Down
Page 24
“Lauren, you look absolutely gorgeous. You are almost enough to make me change teams. Traygen will love it and you will make a beautiful bride.”
“Thank you Corbin. So, you think it fits well? Do you think I need any alterations? Anything?”
“Honestly, I do not. I would not mess with perfection. You look absolutely stunning.”
“All right then. You may get it ready, we leave in five days.”
I went back and changed into my clothes and left all the arrangement details with the owner of the shop. Then we headed for some serious shopping. I had plans to stop at Cartiers, Fendi, Prada, and Valentino’s to name but a few, there was so many stores and too little time. After all my time searching for Traygen, my shopping gene was unresponsive. No worries, I had just the cure and my father’s trust fund to pay for it. Life was good.
Corbin was like a kid in a candy store taking in all the glitz and glamour. I even had to pull him out of a few stores. He had a line of credit supplied by his father and he was itching to use it. We laughed our way through so many stores. It required us to make several stops to take our purchases back to the car, before we exhausted our funds. When we finally headed home we almost needed a truck. I dropped off Corbin and his purchases and turned toward home. My thirty minute commute took an hour and I didn’t care. Life was good and I was going home to my fiancé. Traygen was home when I pulled in and he helped me carry in all my purchases.
“We will need to charter another plane for all your clothes”
“And your point is.”
“Nothing, just making an observation. Hey, I was just about to take Xena for a run on the beach. Do you want to join us?”
“That sounds wonderful. All that shopping has got me amped up. I’ll go change.”
“Yeah, and you gave the economy a good shot in the arm,” he quipped.
“Did you say something my love?”
“Nope. So do you have everything you are going to need? We are leaving in five days.”
“I still have five more days to shop. How about you? How is the house hunting coming? Do we have a home to return to?”
“Yes, I had the painters there today and the new floors will be done before we leave. The furniture or the basics will be delivered while we are gone. I will leave the rest for us to do together.”
“You’ve been holding out on me. Dare I ask, what are the basics?”
“You know my man cave...hey, you almost hit me with that thing.”
“I will next time if you don’t answer my question. In fact I think I’ll warm up my bracelet.”
“There is no need for an assault on my person unless it is a loving one. I bought our bed and all the appliances for the kitchen. What more could we need? We can eat, sleep and make love and not necessarily in that order. Oh, did I mention a big, big screen TV?”
“Well, I am sure of one thing. The TV will not get much use any time soon.”
“Fine by me beautiful, besides that’s what TiVo is for.”
“So out with it, where is the house? How many bedrooms are there? I want details.”
“My lips are sealed.”
“I’ll bet you I can unseal them.”
“You can try, but I will not tell you anything until after we return from our honeymoon.”
Chapter Twenty-Eight
The remaining days flew by. I was afraid that I wouldn’t get everything done, but by nine o’clock I was sitting next to Traygen as our plane began taxing down the runway. My uncle, Tokem, Corbin, and Jake were all belted in. Technically, Tokem was in my collar holding on for dear life. We didn’t have a seat belt small enough. Normally we would teleport but, we had too many clothes, shoes and accessories, not to mention too many humans. My uncle got a jet big enough to take us non-stop to Dublin and then we would transfer our entourage from a secluded spot into Traygen’s kingdom. In the meantime, we enjoyed a fine meal, some great wine and then slept the rest of the way to Europe. I could get used to this. Teleporting literally pulls your molecules apart and then reassembles them in another dimension. Also, the longer the distance traveled the harder the adjustment and there is no cabin service. Nevertheless we all arrived safely in Carndonagh and were flown to the castle by a contingent of very happy dragons. Once we landed and got settled into our rooms everyone retired for the evening. To say we all suffered from a little jet leg would be an understatement.
The next day brought a whirlwind of activities. Traygen’s kingdom had many traditions and we were about to become introduced to them all. First, there was a huge reception and ball attended by most of the kingdom. We shook hands, ate, and danced until I thought my feet would never recover. Once everyone went home Traygen and I enjoyed some quiet conversation with my uncle and Traygen’s father. With my uncle’s background in the CIA and King Othan’s years as a ruling monarch the two were enjoying some spirited debate. It was nice to see them hit it off. Best of all, it was lovely to be seated with Traygen just days before our wedding. There were times after he went missing I never thought this day would come. Finally, here we were ready to become husband and wife.
“Lauren, would you like to share what has you beaming.”
“I was just reflecting back on how worried I was I wouldn’t find you in time or alive. Yet, we did and now you’re here and we are finally about to be married. It is a dream come true for me.”
“And me,” he said as he gave my hand a gentle squeeze.
“I guess I should get to bed, tomorrow we have our rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. I wish you were coming with me my love.”
Traygen dropped his voice so that no one else would hear us, “in this century one did not sleep with one’s wife until married. You wouldn’t want to cause a scandal now would you? Still, if a knowledgeable prince happened to find his way into your chambers you wouldn’t call the guards would you?”
“Traygen, that is just scandalous. How will you get into my room without anyone knowing? If you haven’t noticed my wing is all women.”
“Lauren, I grew up in this castle and I always made it a point to know how to find the ladies without my father finding out. There are many hidden passages in this old castle and I had to give Trevor a big bribe to put you in to a room I knew how to access.”
“Do tell? No, on second thought don’t. A hundred year old dragon has the right to keep a few secrets. Give me a half hour to bathe and I will be waiting for you.”
We said our goodnights and went our separate ways. One of the many maids escorted me to my room and drew my bath. Once she left I enjoyed a leisurely soak and pulled on some of my new lingerie. I tied my hair back and went in search of my favorite dragon. I found him stretched out sound asleep on my bed. I didn’t have the heart to wake him. I just snuggled up next to him and pulled the covers back up over us. When I woke he was gone and I found a sweet note on my pillow.
Dearest Lauren, tomorrow you will make me the happiest and luckiest man in the world. I love you.
My heart was full. I don’t even know how I got so lucky. I got up and got dressed to join the others for breakfast. Corbin was scurrying around trying to get me to commit to some timetables for the rehearsal and the menu for the rehearsal dinner. I finally threw up my hands in mock surrender and gave him carte blanche to make the arrangements. Then I requested he give me the schedule and assured him I would follow it. He ran off spouting orders as he went. He was definitely in his element. That was one less thing to worry about and I knew he wouldn’t let me down. He would be busier than a cat covering up poop on a concrete floor.
Now that I’d cleared my schedule I thought I should find my Uncle Dan and catch up. We hadn’t had time for more than casual conversation since we arrived in Ireland. Still, I knew he was enjoying his time with Traygen’s dad. I was glad they were hitting it off so well. However, on the eve of my wedding to Traygen, I thought it was time he told me more about what happened to my father. My uncle never told me much about what my father did and h
ow he died. I needed closure around my father’s death before I got married. I asked around and learned my uncle was out walking in the gardens so I went to find him.
The castle’s gardens are vast and beautiful. There must be acres of plants and flowers. I didn’t recognize many of them as they were native to the Irish countryside. I walked along drinking in the solitude and inhaling the fragrances permeating the air. Finally I found my uncle sitting in front of a massive fountain and apparently soaking up the scenery.
“Uncle Dan, do you mind if I sit and talk with you?”
“Lauren, it would be my pleasure,” and he motioned for me to sit down next to him on the stone bench.
“Are you enjoying yourself? I see you and the king have hit it off?”
“I am. He is a fine man and a historical treasure trove. I can’t believe I actually am living with Irishmen from the eighteenth century. Their life lessons could teach us all a few things. But, that isn’t why you’ve sought me out is it?”
“No it isn’t, but I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself and you will be walking me down the aisle tomorrow. However, I was wondering if you would tell me how and why my father died. I know I was too young when it happened but, I want to know now before I start my life with Traygen.”
“I will tell you what I know. Most of it is still classified and it may never be made available. What I do know is that your father was a member of the CIA’s National Clandestine Service (NCS). The NCS has two branches one that is military and one that is into covert political ops. Your father worked for the political operations half. He was as you know a psychologist. He was working as an envoy for a mission in the Middle East when he was killed. His unit’s office was bombed and he didn’t survive. His unit was betrayed or infiltrated no one knows for sure. I’m sorry that is all I know.”
“Thanks Uncle Dan. I never knew and when I didn’t even have a body to bury it was hard.”
“We couldn’t risk you knowing any of the details. Because we do not know how the mission was compromised we couldn’t risk inadvertently putting you in harm’s way. Sadly, there was nothing left after the bomb blast. What I do know is how much he loved you and how proud of you he was. He hated being away from home so much but, he felt he had a duty to his country. He was a gifted and brilliant man and he could pull together seemingly random bits of information that helped save many lives.”
“Thank you for telling me. It will take me some time to digest it all but, I think in time it will help give me some closure.”
“I am glad I could help.”
Before we could continue Corbin came bustling down the path.
“There you are I’ve been looking for you two. We need to go over the details for tonight’s practice at the chapel. And Lauren don’t you dare roll your eyes at me you said you would do whatever I asked. Now if you’ll follow me we can walk and talk.”
My uncle chuckled and we fell in beside Corbin who walked us through the evening’s activities. I was ready to consider eloping by the time we got back to the castle. Not really, I knew how much this ceremony meant to the kingdom and I wouldn’t let them down. Once we were at the castle, I left my uncle with Traygen. While Corbin hustled me off for a final fitting. Then we were off to the church for the rehearsal which, thanks to Corbin went off without a hitch. By the time we got to the rehearsal dinner I was almost asleep on my feet. The meal was delicious and I enjoyed the good-natured banter and taunting from everyone. By the time Traygen walked me to my room I actually thought I could sleep.
“I think tonight you should sleep in your own bed especially since it is the last time you ever will. Corbin will be waking me up bright and early to get me started. Anyway, it is bad luck to see the bride in her gown.”
“Good night my love and don’t leave me standing at the altar.”
Traygen left and I took a long soak in a hot bath. By the time I got out I was relaxed enough to sleep. It is safe to say that I slept like a baby, until a pounding at my door roused me from my dreams. I opened the door to find Corbin pacing in the hall outside my room.
“Go away,” I grumbled and started to close the door on him.
“No way, you need to throw some clothes on and get your hair done. We didn’t fly Steve in here to have you sleep through your appointment. I’ll be back in five and you better be ready.”
“Aye, aye,” I muttered as he left the room. I knew better than to argue so, I threw on some clothes and was ready when he returned. I was wide awake now and my nerves were threatening to get the better of me. So, I was actually grateful for the distraction of having my hair done. I mean let’s face it who doesn’t love to have their hair washed and styled. By the time Steve was done with me it was time to have my make-up done. Finally, they finished with my face and it was time to get dressed. I had three or four women attending me as I dressed. Corbin went off to put on his tux and to make sure the carriage would be ready in time. He and my uncle would be riding to the chapel with me. Traygen, Tokem, and King Othan were already at the chapel. This was it, the day I thought would never come. I was finally going to marry Traygen.
I don’t know how they got me and my train into the carriage in one piece but we managed it. Corbin wisely ordered another carriage for himself and my uncle. It was all I could do to get myself in the carriage, the gown and my train took up the remaining room. So off I went to the chapel, alone with my thoughts or at least that’s what I assumed. Once we left the castle grounds the citizens of Carndonagh lined the streets. They were waving and cheering and I busied myself perfecting my Rose Bowl Queen wave. I should have trained. Since, I am relatively certain I would have tendonitis in my wrist by the time I got to the chapel. We finally arrived and I was ushered into the chapel where I was reunited with my uncle. Corbin checked to make sure everything was ready before he had to head down to the altar. Traygen and I decided to have Tokem, Corbin and his father already waiting at the altar with him. The only one walking was me. I looked around the church and couldn’t believe how full it was. I didn’t think there were that many people in this small kingdom. Before I could ponder the point the organ started playing. Uncle Dan stepped up beside me and took my arm. He smiled warmly at me and asked me if I was ready. All I could do was nod before we started down the aisle.
I can’t say I actually remember much of the ceremony. I was so nervous. I did managed to squeak out my I do’s. I did rally when the minister told Traygen he could kiss the bride. I was amped for two reasons. One I was now Traygen’s wife and no stray lightning bolts had hit me. I mean me in a church. I had a lot of confessions to make and no intentions of making any.
The reception was held at the castle and again most of the kingdom danced and dined until late into the evening. Finally Traygen nudged me and told me it was time for us to leave. I stepped up and tossed my flowers over my shoulder. When I turned I saw a very amused Corbin holding them. Tokem wouldn’t let him live that down anytime soon.
We left the hall and changed. Then we moved to the king’s study where we transported ourselves to our honeymoon destination. Traygen had sent our things ahead weeks ago. No jet lag or security for us. We popped right into the honeymoon suite where we didn’t leave until it was time to go home. Wherever that was going to be. My dragon still wasn’t talking. I wasn’t worried I knew I would get it out of him in the next day or two...one way or another.
Supernatural Games: Lauren Simon Book Three to follow.
About the Author:
Casey Knight has a doctorate in educational leadership and has taught and coached in higher education for thirty seven years. She lives in Southern California with her daughter and their two dogs.
When she isn't writing she enjoys hiking in the California sun or walking along the vast expansive of the Pacific Ocean. The beauty of both settings provides all the solitude and tranquility that inspires and refreshes her spirit.
Social Media Links:
Website: http://www.Casey-Knight.com
r /> Blog: http://www.caseyknight.wordpress.com
Email: CaseyKnightwriter@gmail.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/casey.knight.731
Solstice publishing: http://www.solsticepublishing.com
If you loved Dragon Down, check out the first book in this series:
Fang Shway L.A.
For centuries, wizards working for the World Council have protected humanity from the supernatural horrors - living undetected among them. Lauren Simon is the wizard in charge of defending the citizens of Los Angeles. She has a flair for fashion and a knack for dispatching the undead, deranged demons and freaky fae -they’re not all cuddly little sprites.
Lauren must stop a turf war between the powerful Prince of the Los Angeles Vampire thrall and a Mexican drug cartel -usually the two killing each other would be a win-win situation. A better question was why these two were fighting. It didn’t make sense: they were both into drugs and prostitution and there were more than enough buyers and sellers to go around.
Lauren faces perhaps the toughest obstacles to job of keeping Los Angeles and its citizens save. The vampires have a contract out on her life, for a murder she didn’t commit. A Daywalker challenged her to a fight to the death in the USC Coliseum. She would keep the Trojans undefeated streak alive or die trying. And a rogue wizard was trying to steal the Sphere of Destiny, a relic so old and evil that Hitler coveted it. She can’t afford to fail; she is the only one standing between the citizens of Los Angeles and supernatural death and destruction.
And we have a sneak peek at Book 3!
Supernatural Games
Chapter One
Traygen and I were back from our honeymoon and settling into our new home and life. We spent two weeks in the Seychelles and it was pure bliss. Then Traygen brought me to our new home. He’d purchased it before our wedding and wouldn’t tell me anything about it. It’s a tradition in his country and a concession I could live with. We now owned a beach front home in Malibu on La Costa beach. Xena and I are in our glory. We run every day along the water with our favorite dragon. He won’t tell me what it cost but, then he has had over a hundred years to save.