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Flicker (Phoenix in Flames Book 6)

Page 6

by Catty Diva

  “What now, Lover?” She asked.

  “Now I make love to you until you want no one but me.” He vowed as he laid her on the bed and moved on top of her. “Goddess, you are a perfect gift to me.”

  First he kissed her forehead then he worked his way down to one ear which he kissed then he nibbled the lobe. He scented the liquid honey her body released to prepare her with his superior senses. Hus hand worked slid to her thighs and one finger tested her readiness even though he knew she was wanting.

  The finger slid in easily so he added another then the final finger so he could stretch and fully prepare her. No pain was his goal and as he placed his cockhead at her entrance, she arched against him so he slid in. The groan was pure pleasure as he stopped balls deep inside his mate.

  “Fuck me!” Teresa demanded and he obliged.

  Deeper, harder, as fast as possible, he slammed inside her over and over. It always amazed him when she almost kept up. Her breathing grew faster, as her heart tried to beat right out of her chest. She screamed as she found her release and he quickly followed her.

  Chapter 7

  Old Ways

  Lunch was over quickly and it was time to go to the briefing/debriefing room to meet Razar. When they arrived, of course he waited for them. Excitement was evident in his look and the way his body seemed to vibrate. He motioned for them to sit and Flicker waited for her to sit first. Once they were seated, Razar said nothing for a moment, his attention on her.

  “There are many stories of the old days. When our people lived in more primitive times. Female warriors rose from the ranks to lead. In some of our greatest times, a female rose to rank of General. In those times there was only one and no other leaders were needed. The females I’ve met from Earth starting with my own mate have reminded me of those times.”

  “You honor us, Razar.” She nodded to him as she spoke. “I’d not heard of these stories you speak of. Where might I learn more?”

  “The priest are always willing to answer questions and tell the old legends.” Razar admitted.

  “The Earth females are pretty amazing, but didn’t your mate step down from fighting when you mated?” Flicker asked.

  Razar chuckled. “Warriors never truly quit. They step back sometimes and wait for when they are needed.”

  She watched as Flicker slowly nodded. “Truth.” He simply said. Perhaps he would begin to accept who and what she was.

  “So where do you want to begin?” She asked.

  “At the beginning.” Razar said with a smirk.

  That was where she began and she explained all their actions and admitted the presence, or the possible presence of her mother had determined her choice of target. Once she was completely done, she sat back waiting to hear Razar’s opinion.

  “It was as good a reason to pick it as any and turned out to be a perfect choice. I could not be more pleased with the results. You have my understanding that most targets will not be this good. I still have high hopes that most will net some information and prisoners of worth. Amerson sings like a bird.”

  “Many of their number are cowards. The more they enjoy hurting others, the more they fear being hurt themselves.” She observed.

  “I think you’re right. It’s a shame we can’t punish him as he deserves.” Flicker said.

  “A shame, but the truth. We need his information to win this skirmish.” She observed. There was not much more to say and they finished their meeting quickly. “I suppose I should tell you Flicker is taking me to see his parents tomorrow. When we get back, we’ll get to work settling my mother in and working with the other refugees.”

  “Have a good trip. His parents are good folk.” Razar observed.

  The next morning, they set out on a shuttle landing on the moon near where Flicker’s family lived. She felt nervous as they walked in the direction of the home he’d been raised in. Except for shuttle services, his people walked most of the time, ride beasts, or rode things resembling motorcycles.

  There were some exceptions like those working for the Moon Hunters and some of the ambassadors. They approached a house at the end of a street. It was large and well maintained.

  “Flicker!” there was a scream and the sound of pounding feet. “You’re here.” A female jumped on him and he spun her around. She looked young, the same age she was.

  “Mother, this is my mate, Teresa.” Flicker introduced.

  “Mother? She can’t be your mother.”

  “Phoenix age slower than humans just like Mazlan do.” Flicker explained.

  “I’m so happy to finally meet you.” His mother said as she hugged her hard. It was hard to breathe and she finally loosened her hold.

  “I’m happy to meet you too.” She still had a hard time accepting this tall, beautiful, and young looking female was his mother.

  His mother sniffed loudly and long. “When will you complete your mating?” She asked.

  “We’re just waiting to get to know each other better.” She replied as Flicker shrugged.

  Hopefully they wouldn’t get angry at her. He’d explained how their matings worked and she appreciated him giving her the extra time to adjust. His family might not understand. It wasn’t done that way among their kind. His mother led them into the kitchen which he had explained to her was the center the family gathered at.

  His father entered and Flicker introduced them. He looked like a slightly older version of her mate. She didn’t really know what to say so she just nodded. The room smelled of cooking food. “I’m glad lunch was already cooking so I’ll be able to feed you soon.” His mother commented.

  “I can’t wait. I miss your cooking when I’m away.” He admitted.

  “Tell me about your mission, if you can.” His father requested.

  “All I can say is we captured some enemies and freed some slaves.” His mother gasped.

  “Slavery? How did they get by with that when it’s been illegal for so long?” His father asked.

  “They carry on in the new colonies and in isolated areas. Had they not captured my mate, we might still not know what was happening.” He explained.

  “Razar will ruthlessly pursue this. He has no tolerance for slavery.” His mother insisted.

  “It may not be that easy. He is in the beginnings of a war to hold the new planets. They talked him into the deal to acquire new worlds and now that he’s spent a fortune on them, they want to break free.” Flicker explained.

  “Maybe he should let them go?” His mother asked.

  “There are more people that want him there than those that do not. The ones that want him gone are greedy and want to own everyone.” She observed. “Razar can’t let that evil win. Once they are done there, they’ll head our way.”

  She saw his parents were considering what she’d said and she saw resignation on their faces. They realized what she had said would happen if it was left unchecked. Sighing heavily, his father looked at her. “We will have to give him more warriors, won’t we?”

  “Yes, because his troops protect all of us.” She noted.


  They’d finally made it back to Oison and the only thing on his mind was finalizing their mating. His female didn’t want to discuss it, but promised she would soon mate him fully. No time line when dealing with an organized planner was never a good thing. He wasn’t naïve or foolish, in her mind their relationship would always stay just like this.

  Commitment scared her and mating was the ultimate commitment. There was no greater level to any relationship and no bigger feeling of security. He knew her past made her shy from it, but hadn’t he proven to her that he would stand by her come what may? What more could he possibly do?

  A week passed, then another. Her mother was finally settled into the farm and they shared the house with her helping her get things done whenever they were heling the other refugees. Carly lived there too now having taken on the role of a house keeper. Teresa had wanted to be sure someone would be here with her mother when they we
re gone on missions.

  Since the house was huge, that was no problem. Carly was good at keeping house and she seemed happy to be there. Sandy, Teresa’s mother, and Carly did most of the work together. They had a huge garden planted in no time and the house looked spotless all the time. The only worry on his mind was getting his mate to commit.

  They had a week before they would select and begin to plan the next mission. Once that began, they would have little time for romance and commitment would once again be put off indefinitely. That was something he refused to allow to happen. Tonight was the night and nothing would stand in his way. Teresa was his and she would finally realize it and give in.

  “Hey Mate. Are you ready?” He asked.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to just stay home and forget about this?” She asked.

  “You’ll hurt Razar’s and Lista’s feelings if we don’t use this night of celebration they’ve given us.”

  “Okay, I suppose you’re right. You really believe it will be fun?” Teresa asked.

  “This restaurant is supposed to be amazing, the hotel is luxurious and has a private pool and a hot tub, and we’ll be there together. What more could you ask for?”

  They went outside and got into their small ship. It was roomy enough for eight people and would get them anywhere on the planet fast. It could also go into space, but wasn’t set up with the needed facilities or room for supplies. The hotel loomed ahead with the restaurant placed next to it. There was nothing around it for several miles. It was isolated luxury for those who wanted to get away from it all.

  A valet stepped out of the lobby ready to park their ship and see to it. He helped his mate down looking at her as she walks by his side. She’s in a dress, something she rarely wears. It’s black with silver sparkly things on it. She’s wearing ankle boots with heels and she looks incredibly sexy. Her scent is mixed with aloe flowers, the sweetest most intoxicating scent he knows.

  If he didn’t know better, he’d think she was planning to seduce him. They walk to the entrance of the restaurant where they are greeted by a hostess. “Good evening. May I seat you?”

  “Please do.” He agreed.

  She led them to a private table for two next to a window. All the tables seemed to be separated from each other and where those seated could only be seen when walked past. “This is nice.” Teresa admitted as he pulled out her seat and slid it in before sitting himself.

  The food when it came was magnificent and the wine the best available. Alcohol barely affected shifters, like the Mazlans and the Phoenix, but Teresa drank sparingly and had a glass of sparkling water too for thirst. They talked casually and ate with appetite. The atmosphere was romantic and he looked into her eyes seeing her need was just getting started.

  Once the meal was done, he helped her up and they walked out together. There was an amazing garden area around the two buildings with fountains, sections of flowers, and some interesting statuary. He’d not seen such things before.

  “This is Snow White and the seven dwarves.” Teresa said.

  “Who are they?”

  “On old Earth they were a fairy tale. It’s something like your legends. She was a princess who had a wicked step mother.” She continued to tell him the story and he found he liked it.

  “What is this?”

  “It’s Cinderella and the next one is Jack and the beanstalk.” She continued naming the stories the statues represented. “Who came up with this?”

  “Lista did. She hired others to do the work, but she came up with the plan. You’ll have to tell me these amazing stories sometime.” Or better yet, tell them to their children and he would listen too. When he looked at his mate, he yearned for a family.

  “Are you ready to go back?” Teresa asked looking at him like he was dessert.

  “Oh, yeah. Let me escort you to our room.” He offered.

  “Lead the way.” She ordered.

  The way wasn’t very far and everything was falling into place perfectly. The data stick, used to enter room was in his pocket. Her mother had packed a bag for his mate and he’d dropped it off at the room with his own bag. It would be a two night stay and he was ready to get the loving started.

  He pulled out the data stick sliding it into the small slot and the door opened for them. Leading her inside, he watched as she looked impressed by the room. “This is so sensual.” She observed.

  His grin answered her. It was just the way he wanted it to be. Stripping, he dropped items of clothing as he stalked closer to her and she backed closer to the bed. Holding her hands out in front of her, she signaled her surrender.

  “What are you doing?” She asked.

  “I’m claiming you and making you forever mine.” He said as he began to undress her as well.

  She seemed to respond to his dominating ways. The aroma of her need filled the air and added to his. There was nothing in the world he wanted more than the female standing nearly naked now before him. Unable to hold back, he ripped her underwear off her. Now she was bare to his attentions.

  Her breathing was heavy as he pushed her down on the bed and fell next to her. Once he had her properly positioned, he moved on top of her. It was not the position he used the most, but it was the one used for sealing the bond. Now he began to build her desire until it burned. His hands and his mouth worked her breasts until her nipples were so hard they had to ache.

  “I need you, Flicker.’ She demanded.

  “Ready to join as one?” Teresa knew what he meant and she shook her head.

  He continued his assault on her senses, it was tonight or never. That he knew with certainty. His mouth sucked and licked his way down her stomach as she writhed and moaned. “Now. Flicker.”

  “Are you ready to be claimed?” He asked.

  He continued to pleasure her but denied her release. She finally seemed to realize what he was doing. “Damn it, I need you now.”

  “And I need to claim you so much it hurts. You are mine and I will love you always. Let me show you what our bond will be like.”

  “Yes, just do it.” She demanded.

  He refused to wait and let her change her mind. His cock was inside her in a second and he began to pump into her relentlessly. Her legs spread then wrapped around him as he pounded into her center. Whispering the words to bind them, he nipped her neck just enough to taste her blood the second she climaxed and he followed. His bite refreshed her orgasm and he rode it out with her.

  “One more thing, Baby.” He slid off the side of the bed and onto one knee. “Will you marry me?

  “Oh, God yes!” She agreed and he slipped a gorgeous ring on her finger.

  Book 7


  It wasn’t what he’d expected, this mating thing. Still, he wasn’t going to stop until he’d claimed his mate. She wouldn’t be easy to claim and she’d been through a lot, but he didn’t know how to give up.

  Angel had been through hell and back. The big guy, Oak was sweet, but she was damaged goods and he needed to let her go. It didn’t seem anything she said made a difference and everyone she had around her seemed to be on his side.

  Mr. Perfect and Miss hot mess, how could they ever manage to work things out?

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  If you want to read more books by Crystal Dawn, check out:

  Blue Moon Pack Series

  Cousins of the Moon Series (complete trilogy)

  Legends of the White Werewolf Series
r />   Keepers of the Land Series (A completed 6 book series.)

  Frozen Origin Series

  Frozen Origin Quickies

  Loved by a God series

  The Southwest Illinois Pack Series (ménage)

  The Wilde Pack series

  The Strong Pack

  The Red Wolf Series

  Frozen Origin Demons Series

  White Wolf Matriarchs (complete trilogy)

  The Juarez Pack Series

  The Witches of Ulyss Series

  Winged Beast Series

  Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc.

  Serena’s Salvation (The Fated & Forbidden Collection)

  Erotic Fantasies series

  Planet Amazon series

  Catty Diva

  The Mating Games series (complete 10 book series)

  Moon Hunters

  Phoenix in Flames series

  Corre Deepe

  Warriors of the Vinii series

  Witch Way Series

  Book 1


  He found his fated one only to lose her. It sounded like a bad joke but it had really happened to him. Even with all his magical abilities, he’d had no luck finding the woman that had captivated him.

  She’d woke up after the hottest night of sex she could imagine, all alone. Embarrassed that she’d behaved so impulsively, she ran and just kept running.

  When these two get together, the passion ignites. Unfortunately someone out for revenge wants them both to burn, literally.

  Frozen Origin

  Book 1


  He is the leader of the gods, no not the Greek gods of ancient times that they are named for, but the god line of genetically manipulated beings said to be so much more than men. They’ve been imprisoned by Origin, the company that created them, all their lives, but now they have a chance to be free.


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