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Mark of the Princess

Page 3

by B. C. Morin

  "Go on…"Tristan said crossing his arms in front of him.

  "Tristan, I know Velius is hiding something and is most probably up to something. And I want to find out what something is before it occurs." Kaleb said, raising an eyebrow to Tristan.

  "Well, well Kaleb, you are not as dim-witted as I thought you were." Tristan‘s sarcastic comment followed by smile.

  "Very funny." Kaleb said mimicking Tristan's tone.



  The two turned to see the faces belonging to the voices. Celina and Leda, two of the most beautiful faeries of Talom. Celina had long wavy blond hair and light blue eyes, she wore a red dress that was tight around her bosom, but fell along the small curves of her hips. Leda's light pink dress was a contrast to her dark coffee colored tresses that showered down her back. Her almond shaped light brown eyes were the perfect compliment to her light skin.

  Celina had a crush on Kaleb since they had met in school. Leda on the other hand, grew fond of Tristan as time had passed and they all would spend time together exploring the forest and going to dances.

  "Where are you two headed?" Celina asked, her gaze fixed on Kaleb.

  "No where in particular, really." Tristan responded.

  "Well, we were going to go riding for a bit. Would you like to come?" Celina asked, a hint of longing in her voice.

  Tristan looked at Kaleb who shrugged his shoulders in content agreement. "Sure. But it can only be for a while. We are having a guest for dinner, and I cannot be late." Kaleb responded.

  "Well then, let’s go!" Celina said excitedly as she turned and led the way to the stables with the others following close behind.

  The horses trotted along the worn paths of the Forest of Lanat inside Talom.

  "Do you hear that?" Kaleb asked Tristan quietly enough so that the girls would not hear him.

  "No, what?"

  "Music, and It seems to be coming from Meira." Kaleb said, listening carefully. He could just barely catch the sound of the music flowing through the air.

  "I’m convinced you have some sort of power with hearing as well as sight, because I can not hear anything." Tristan said smiling mischievously at his friend.

  "Well, shall we find out where it’s coming from?" Kaleb asked, still too low for the girls riding ahead of them to hear.

  Always up for adventure, Tristan shook his head in agreement.

  "Celina, Leda, I’m afraid we must be on our way." Kaleb called out to the girls.

  "But we just got out here!" Celina said annoyed, turning to face Kaleb.

  "I know and I do apologize, but there is something that Tristan and I need to do." Kaleb said as he and Tristan turned their horses in the opposite direction.

  "I’m sorry, maybe next time!" Tristan called over his shoulder, glancing at Leda.

  The boys’ nudged their horses and they began to gallop like there was a dragon behind them.

  "What do you think that was about?" Leda asked, obviously confused.

  "I don’t know, but it better not have to do with another faerie." Celina responded bitterly. Celina had dreams of being a princess, or as she saw, being above everyone else. Just as she always felt she should be.

  The dark thick wings of the horse sprouted as if from nowhere. And the boys were suddenly whisked into the air, on their way to find the makers of that enchanting music. The sky was filled with hues of orange and red. The Prince and his friend reveled for a moment in the cool breeze that blew through their hair.

  "Let’s go Kaleb, or we’ll miss the party!" Tristan called out, as he leaned onto his horse making him go faster. Kaleb manipulated the winds around them propelling them forward.

  * * *

  Soon into the dancing that had been taking place amongst a small circle of friends, other faeries appeared with food and wine.

  “A feast!” One fae cried out.

  The small circle of friends began what seemed like the liveliest feast and celebration since the day Princess was born.

  "Mother, Father. How long have you been watching?" Alannah had stopped dancing and walked closer to her parents.

  "Long enough to be reminded that he have the most beautiful faerie in the world for a daughter." King Cavalon responded proudly.

  Alannah stepped closer and embraced her father.

  "This has turned out to be quite a feast!" Nalani said looking around a smile on her beautiful face.

  "And to think, we just felt like dancing a little." Alannah turned to her mother, smiling.

  Alannah’s adopted sister walked closer to join Alannah and their parents. "Hello father, mother." Evyette said inclining her head to them. "I suppose things got a little carried away, did they not?"

  "Doesn’t it always dear? We’re faeries." Nalani responded in a chuckle, as they walked closer to the gathering laughing and watching the revelry among the fae.

  Evyette and Alannah were raised as sisters since they were babies. Weeks after Alannah was born, a faerie baby was left at the doors of the castle, with a note begging the King and Queen to watch after her. The note stated her gifts and that she was a special child, but it never made a mention to her parents or lineage. They tried to decipher her lineage through her family crest on her wrist, but it had been burned and was not readable. Feeling sorry for this child that was abandoned and had no link to a family, the King and his wife took her in and raised her as their own. Evyette and Alannah spent most everyday together, whether it was venturing to areas of the forest where they were not supposed to be, or merely searching for flowers with the best nectar to drink.

  Having left their parents with the guards, the girls continued walking through the crowd and talking, all the while hearing small footsteps behind them.

  "Greer, must you follow us?" Alannah complained, as she and Evyette turned to face the tiny goblin looking creature walking no more than a few feet behind them.

  "You know the rules." He said, raising his hands as if freeing himself from blame.

  Alannah and Evyette sprouted their wings and flew over to a sit on a nearby fallen tree to watch the festivities.

  "I heard father yelling at you this morning for being out without the Greer." Evyette smirked, nudging Alannah with her elbow.

  "I think the whole kingdom heard father this morning." Alannah responded rolling her eyes. "I do not understand what his problem is. It is not as if I was doing something completely crazy. I just wanted to be alone for a while, and explore a little."

  "So, how did it go? What did you do?" Evyette’s curiosity, seeping out of her.

  "What?" Alannah responded but had obviously not been paying attention to what Evyette was saying.

  "What did you do while you were out?"

  "Oh! I was actually headed to the river. I wanted to see the mermaids, and creatures beneath the water" Alannah said, turning excitedly to face Evyette, "but I ended up running into someone. Quite literally actually.”


  "I do not know, come to think of it. I did not ask his name. He thought I was being chased since I was running through the forest. He even drew his sword to protect me." Alannah smiled.

  "And?” Evyette shifted her weight.

  "Oh," Alannah laughed, "well, I told him that I was not being chased, but I certainly should not have been out there. I wish I would have asked his name though. He had very dark, almost black colored hair, and the most amazing blue eyes. I have never seen anything like them.” Alannah stared off for a moment.

  "Sounds like someone was smitten " Evyette raised her eyebrow, and playfully pushed on her sister’s shoulder.

  “Well, I do not know about that. He was certainly handsome, but I do not know his name, or where he was from. I will likely not see him again.” Her gaze had fixed on a far away tree. “Of course, that was the highlight of the morning. Not so wonderful was the part where I was almost taken by Saros. Could you imagine what would have happened if Xavier and Greer had not found me?

  "No, I'd rather not im
agine that." Evyette said, looking at Alannah. Her honey colored eyes suddenly showing how serious she was.”

  So do you know where we are going?" Tristan asked.

  "Yes, I think the music is coming from the center of the Kingdom of Meira."

  "And how are you so sure that the music is coming from the Kingdom and not from some nearby village?" Tristan asked, doubting his friend.

  "I just know." Kaleb responded, not looking at Tristan.

  The horses’ hide began to fade to darker colors in order to blend with the darkening sky. As they approached, the music became louder and the steeds began to fly lower eventually stopping near the festivities. Tristan and Kaleb left their horses and climbed up into a tree only a few feet where the dancing and feasting was taking place to get a bird’s eye view.

  "O.K. now, enlighten me as to why we are up here and not down there?" Tristan elbowed Kaleb in the ribs obviously annoyed at the situation.

  "Because I want to see if she is here." Kaleb said quickly, as he continued scanning the sea of dancing fae.


  "The girl I met in the forest." Kaleb responded, without looking at Tristan.

  "Are you joking? You are the Prince! You could just walk in there and ask for her!" Tristan told him shaking his head in disbelief.

  "That’s just it. I despise doing things like that just because I can.” He glanced at his friend with pleading eyes, “just trust me, alright?"

  "Alright" Tristan sighed, giving in.

  Kaleb searched hard, looking over every fae he saw with auburn hair. But the searching stopped, and the music seemed to disappear when he saw the beautiful fae he had seen in the forest. Highlighted with red by the fleeting bits of sunlight that remained, Alannah’s flowed down her back like a brown waterfall, except for one strand that fell perfectly along the side of her face and over her shoulder. He marveled at her soft, light skin. Suddenly, she turned her head and he saw her dark green eyes, sparkling like small emeralds. His eyes followed her hair to her shoulders and down to her dark red bodice matched with a long flowing skirt that draped on the tree trunk she was sitting on. He watched her lips move, imagining thoughts of her whispering sweetly in his ear.

  "Is that her?" Tristan asked trying to follow Kaleb’s gaze.

  "Yes. Isn’t she beautiful?" Kaleb responded softly.

  "Well, yes, but I never figured you to ever fall for the fair haired type."

  "What? No, not the light haired one you twit, the one with the brown or bronze like colored hair." Kaleb responded looking momentarily at Tristan and then back at Alannah.

  "Oh, well, she is appealing as well." Tristan responded.

  Kaleb looked at Alannah and then back at Tristan. "Tristan, what do you think? Should we go down and talk to her?"

  "Oh, you will go down alright." The deep voice came from behind the prince and his friend.

  "Please, we mean no harm!" Kaleb shouted as he and Tristan were pounced on by two tall shadows.

  "Really, and that is why you were perched mysteriously from a far?" One shadow seemed to say as they all tumbled off the branch.

  With that, the prince fell face down on the ground with Xavier on top. Xavier used his powers causing the twigs on the ground to wrap themselves around the two visitors, and bring them upright.

  Tristan looked at his best friend in wonder of whether or not he should use his power, but the prince shook his head in disagreement.

  The second guard grabbed Tristan and turned him around since he had been facing down as well.

  Xavier used his magic to tighten the grip on the twigs which were already beginning to cause pain to the prince and his friend.

  "So, are you going to tell us what you were doing up there? Or should I just squeeze it out of you?" Xavier said seriously.

  "I am prince Kaleb of the Kingdom of Talom." Kaleb said, gasping slightly for air as the shrubbery was tight around him.

  Baltus and Xavier looked at each other and began to roar with laughter.

  "That, my friend is pretty funny." Xavier spoke through his laughter. He walked closer and put his hand on Kaleb’s shoulder. Kaleb looked at his friend lying on the floor and knew that if he did not prove his identity, they would be arrested.

  "Look at my wrist." Kaleb said, a slight desperation in his voice.

  Xavier released some of the twigs around the Prince’s hand just enough to take his hand and wrist and examine it closely. The emblem on his wrist was an intricately detailed crest and in the center the image of wings and a crown. Xavier quickly yielded control of the vines and twigs constricting the prince and his friend and dropped to one knee. Baltus was not far behind, as he was not one to question the actions of his superior.

  "Your majesty." They both said humbly.

  "I’m sorry your highness." Xavier said, not looking up yet.

  "It is alright; you were merely doing your duty. What are your names?" Kaleb asked motioning for them to stand, and rubbing absentmindedly at his wrist.

  "I am Xavier, Chief Commander of the Guard of the Kingdom of Meira." He said as he stood. "This is my assistant Baltus. Majesty…"

  "Kaleb." Kaleb insisted.

  "Alright." Xavier agreed. "Kaleb, forgive my bluntness, but what were you doing in the tree?"

  "Well, we heard the music, and flew over, but I did not want to walk right in for fear of interrupting a celebration."

  "Oh no sir, merely a celebration of life, a feast for the sake of feasting. You are very welcome to join us." Xavier said, relaxing at last and motioning for the Prince and his friend to join the feast.

  ~ Chapter 4~

  Kaleb, Tristan and the two guards walked about the feast talking amongst themselves, and enjoying the music. And although he continued to search, the Prince could no longer find his muse.

  "Prince Kaleb?" Xavier asked, snapping the prince out of his state of searching.

  "Oh, I’m sorry."

  "You seem quite distracted. Are you alright? I did not hurt you with the whole knock you down and tie you up thing right?" Xavier asked nervously, hoping he wasn’t angry.

  "Not at all, I admire your protectiveness toward the forest and your Kingdom." Kaleb responded, putting his hand reassuringly on Xavier’s shoulder.

  "Thank you sir." Xavier was brimming with pride as he led the prince to where the King and Queen were seated.

  The King and Queen sat on pair of thrones that were fastened out of twigs and branches.. No doubt the work of the few skilled and talented earth fae that resided in the Forest of Meira.

  "King Cavalon, Queen Nalani, this is Prince Kaleb of the Kingdom of Talom, and his friend Tristan." Xavier said as he bowed, with Kaleb, Tristan and Baltus following suit.

  "Goodness boy!" King Cavalon looked at Kaleb up and down. "You have grown!"

  The king grabbed Kaleb’s hand with a mighty grip and shook it sternly.

  "Pardon Sir?" Kaleb asked in confusion.

  "I am sure you don’t remember, but I haven’t seen you since you were a very young boy. I have seen your father since, but not you. And I must say that you are your father’s son."

  Kaleb swelled with pride at the comparison to his father.

  "What brings you to our lovely forest?" Queen Nalani asked sweetly.

  "We heard the music while we were out riding and thought we would come by and see what the celebration was about." Kaleb said, his voice rising over the melodic sounds that filled the air.

  "Well, you are both welcome to stay if you would like, we have plenty of food!" King Cavalon said, motioning to a table nearby brimming with fruits and wines.

  Kaleb looked at his friend and was about to accept when Tristan interrupted. "Thank you your highness. And believe me we would love to, but if we do not get home for dinner soon, Kaleb’s father will have both our wings!"

  King Cavalon and Nalani laughed and shook their heads.

  "We understand. Tell your father and mother that we would like to see them again soon, and that you are all welcome here
anytime." Queen Nalani said between giggles.

  "Thank you your highness, I will deliver the message." Kaleb said bowing graciously.

  Kaleb then turned to Xavier and Baltus, thanking them for everything before leaving in the direction where they had left their horses. Tristan saw Kaleb searching the faces of the crowd once again as they walked away.

  "Don’t worry. We will return…" Tristan said reassuringly as he wrapped an arm around Kaleb’s shoulder for a moment and gave a squeeze.

  "I have to see her again." Kaleb said longingly, looking over his shoulder at the feasting fae.

  Tristan smirked widely at the look on his friends face. He had never seen Kaleb so smitten with another.

  "You will my friend. You will. Now let’s go." Tristan assured him as he climbed onto his horse.

  The skin of the horses seemed luminescent in the light of the crescent moon creeping through the trees. As their wings manifested from their sides they caught the same light and could be described as nothing less than magical.

  * * *

  The faeries sat around a large table made of the finest oaks. Intricate carvings of faerie lore and forestry surrounded the sides and legs. The chairs made to match were flawless. The head chair, created to resemble a throne was perfectly fit for a king with carvings consisting of battles and fights, as well as the fae lore.

  "Would you like some more sir?" The sprite asked her master, in a timid voice. Her pale green skin and tan light flowing dress indicating that she was an earth sprite.


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