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Mark of the Princess

Page 5

by B. C. Morin

  “You’re fortunate I’m your best friend.” Tristan said, a trace of mockery in his voice.

  “As if it were that far, and as if you would be in such horrible looking company if we found the girls!” Kaleb exclaimed sarcastically.

  “That’s not the point.” Tristan said, brushing by Kaleb as he began walking toward the stables where they kept their steeds.

  The pair walked toward the wooden building covered in Kenilworth ivy, the white and lavender flowers creating patches of color along the walls. The heavy wooden doors were pulled open by the hostler as he bowed to the Prince.

  Tristan’s horse was dark and mysterious looking. His saddle was comprised of the finest silks and satins in purple and gold. Kaleb’s horse though was a beautiful bright white. His saddle made of Navy colored silk and satin, his reigns were silver ropes.

  Kaleb and Tristan fed their horses and were on their way. Flying high above all the villages, the Pegasus’ wings were spread as far as they could go. The graceful wings cut through the brisk morning air, as the brilliant sun warmed the faces of their riders. They commanded the horses to fly lower in between the trees once they knew that they were within the limits of Meira.

  Suddenly, below them they saw the radiant sun glimmering off a pond creating a rainbow. As they circled around to get a better view they realized that there were two fae sitting at the water’s edge with their feet in the cool water. The breeze playing through their hair as their attention was focused on something splashing in the water.

  “That is them !” Kaleb called out to Tristan, a smile prominent on his face.

  “The one from the other morning?” Tristan asked, squinting his eyes.

  “Yes, her and her friend from the other night. Look at them. Do you see now?” Kaleb asked pointing in the direction of the two fae.

  “Yes I see them.” Tristan responded, leaning in closer to be sure he was heard.

  “Let’s go find a patch for the horses to stay and then go speak to them.”

  “I knew you’d say that” Tristan said, rolling his eyes.

  “As if you are so opposed to the idea. I saw the way you looked at her friend. I know you like her.” Kaleb said raising his eyebrow at Tristan.

  Tristan blushed a bit, and admitted to himself the physical attraction toward Evyette. He thought of her light eyes. Wishing he would have been closer to see the exact color. He thought of her beautiful skin that was darker just dark enough to make her light hair stand out against it.

  They flew just a bit further and stopped at the roots of a near-by oak tree. The horses remained where they were told and the boys were on their way. Tristan & Kaleb inched closer and closer to the Princess and her friend.

  “I am assuming that all must be well if mother and father haven’t sent Greer looking for us.” Evyette said leaning back on her hands.

  “I’m sure that it has a lot to do with the fact that we’re together. They know that with you, I’m less likely to get in trouble… at least serious trouble…” Alannah laughed.

  “Yes, you do have a point. Perhaps though, your recent escape proved a lesson for father regarding stifling us.” Evyette focused her concentration again on the tiny dragon which was now desperately trying to breathe fire.

  Kontar stretched his neck forward and strained open his mouth, looking like he was choking on something as a puff of smoke escaped his throat. Sadly though, very few baby dragons are able to produce fire. It is only in their “teen” years that they are able to produce the flames.

  “Sooo, what are you thinking?” Evyette asked leaning forward so that Alannah could hear her.

  Alannah’s daydream came to a halt. As she took her stare from the flowers along the pond’s edge and glanced over to Evyette.

  “Huh? Oh. Nothing.” Alannah’s face became somewhat quizzical.

  “I was just thinking of all the things that Tritious said.”

  “Well don’t worry about what he said, just take it to heart. If you know that you are going to be dealing with something soon then maybe it’s time you begin to develop your gifts. Practice some spell casting or potion making.” Evyette said raising her eyebrows at Alannah.

  “I suppose you’re right.” Alannah nodded agreeably.

  “How do I let her know I am here?” Kaleb thought to himself. Should I just walk right up to her? What if she thinks I’m following her ? What if she thinks I’m crazy. He argued to himself quietly.

  “Are you going to do or say something?” Tristan asked, nudging the prince encouragingly in the ribs. They stood behind a large tree where they could not be seen.

  “Yes, I think I know just the thing.” Kaleb said cautiously, the plan obviously still forming in his minds eye.

  The prince picked a rose from a rosebush near-by, managing to keep the girls from seeing him. “Ascendum!” he said quietly as he directed the rose’s path with a spell.

  “So do you think father would say anything about us keeping Kontar?”

  “I don’t know. But I don’t think he’d really mi…” Alannah stopped as she noticed a rose slowly gliding through the air over the pond toward her.

  Evyette noticed Alannah’s stare and turned to see what she was looking at, as Alannah leaned forward to pick up the rose.

  “What was that about?” Evyette asked looking at the rose in Alannah’s hand.

  “I don’t know” Alannah and Evyette stood to their feet and began looking around.

  “Who’s out there?” Alannah shouted but heard only a bit of her own echo. “Who sent this ?”

  Kaleb bit his lip trying to muster the courage to claim that he was the one that sent her the rose. Tristan rolled his eyes and gave Kaleb a shove knocking him off balance. He tumbled out from behind the tree and onto the dry leaves on the ground that was now sticking to his pants. Kaleb stood and momentarily forgetting the princess grabbed his friend by the shirt and pulled him out as well, both falling tumbling him to the ground. They both stood again and began dusting off the dirt and leaves until they heard the shuffle of leaves. Still dusting themselves off, they turned to find the girls walking toward them.

  “Thanks friend” Kaleb spoke through his clenched teeth.

  “Well, I wasn’t about to spend another afternoon with you hiding and watching her from afar.” Tristan pulled his hands up to his chin and batting his eyes like a love struck girl.

  “Excuse me,” Alannah said softly, but stopped upon seeing the handsome stranger from the forest. Her lips curled up in a smile before she continued, “but are either of you gentlemen the sender of this gift?” She asked holding up the delicate pink rose.

  “It was this gentleman right here my lady.” Tristan blurted out.

  “And you are…” Alannah began, turning her eyes toward Kaleb.

  “I’m uh, “ Kaleb walked closer and even stumbled somewhat over a twig.


  “Embarrassed.“ Tristan said loudly, a grin on his handsome face.

  Kaleb managed a smile through his bumbling. I can’t believe I am acting like this. He thought to himself recognizing that he has never had a problem talking to other fae.

  “Embarrassed, that you were witness to that.” Kaleb managed, extending his hand to her. “Prince Kaleb of Talom” He said gently as he held her hand softly pressing his lips to it and bowing to her.

  Alannah raised her eyebrow and looked at Evyette before looking back to the Prince. She watched as the wind tousled his dark hair, and how when he smiled it reached to his astonishingly blue eyes. Although he held her hand softly she could see the strength in his arms as her eyes caught the tightness of his muscles. She followed the patterns of his marks with her eyes. He is skilled she thought.

  He wore a white linen shirt that seemed to tighten around his chest but fall slightly around his waist and over his brown trousers, his leather belt attached to a strap that held a sword on his left hip.

  Alannah bowed her head slightly, still looking at him.

Alannah of Meira” She said smiling sweetly at him and feeling the beginning of a blush creep up her cheeks.

  He looked more closely at her studying every aspect of her being. He looked at the light blue bodice with the lace around the edges and the strips of fabric that fell from just below her shoulder to just below her elbow. The dress she wore today exposed the markings on her shoulders and arms. Clearly she was born with gifts, but had not pursued them. The slightly darker skirt was tight around her waist and hips but flowed out to the ground covering what shoes she might have been wearing.

  She turned to Evyette, and motioned for her to come closer.

  “This is Princess Evyette, my sister.” Alannah said, gesturing toward her sister. “Oh, and on her shoulder is Kontar.” She added as the tiny dragon straightened proudly, acknowledging his name.

  Evyette looked at Kaleb and tilted her head slightly, before turning to Tristan. Before Kaleb could introduce his friend, Tristan stepped forward and spoke.

  “I am Tristan. Kaleb’s best friend.” He said in a deep, soothing voice, kissing her hand and bowing slightly.

  Evyette watched the way his golden hair was illuminated by the sunlight. His thin yet muscular arm reached toward Alannah’s hand, but she saw his light blue eyes looking at her. His clothes was much like his friend’s except for that his shirt was black. She still saw though, that he had as many Markings as his friend as some crept out from beneath his collar.

  Tristan was amazed to find that the eyes he so badly wanted to see were the same honey color as her hair. He had never seen a faerie more beautiful than her. She bore more Markings than her sister. They were thin intricate lines that came over her shoulder and around her arm. Beautiful he thought again.

  “Would you two like to come join us?” Alannah asked motioning toward the edge of the pond where they had been sitting.

  “We would love to!” Kaleb exclaimed brightly, reaching his hand out indicating to Evyette to go ahead of him.

  “So what brings you by Prince Kaleb?” Evyette asked, wondering if she was being too informal.

  “Please, just call me Kaleb.” He said as Evyette nodded in return. “We were just flying by and actually had noticed the sun gleaming off the pond in such a manner that it caught my eye.” Kaleb finished catching up and walking alongside of Alannah.

  “So you must be tired, after such a flight…” Alannah inquired

  “Well, it was our horses that were flying.” Tristan said stopping next to Evyette.

  “Flying horses?” Evyette asked, smiling at the thought for they had only read about those horses being that they are so rare.

  “You have a Pegasus?” Evyette asked, eagerly looking at Tristan. “I have heard that they are beautiful creatures.”

  Kaleb agreed and offered to take the girls for a ride.

  They walked over to where the horses were standing. The girls stood in awe of what they were looking at. They had heard so many stories but to see not one but two Pegasus, had them feeling overwhelmed with honor. Slowly, they walked over, placing their hands on the mane and neck of the Pegasus, feeling the smooth hair on their palms.

  Kaleb and Tristan took their seats on their steeds and extended their hands to Alannah and Evyette. They each grabbed the hand of their rider and hopped onto the saddle behind them.

  “You might want to hold on.” Tristan said over his shoulder. Evyette leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his waist clasping her hands together, feeling his muscles tighten beneath his shirt.

  The horses manifested their wings and began a slow trot before taking off in flight.

  Kaleb and Tristan took the girls to their village eager to show them their home forest.

  “You have a beautiful home!” Alannah exclaimed as they walked through the doors of the castle.

  “Thank you!” The deep voice startled the entire group causing them to jump. King Alcander emerged from a shadowed hallway nearby chuckling to himself. “My apologies, I could not help myself.”

  The group of faeries all burst into laughter.

  “And who are these two lovely fae?” Alcander asked walking closer, examining Alannah and Evyette. He cleverly snuck a smirk to his son and his friend.

  “Father, these are the Princesses of Meira, Alannah and Evyette.” Kaleb said as Alannah and Evyette bowed to the King.

  “It is my pleasure to see you both. I hope your parents are doing well?” Alcander’s asked, his powerful voice somehow softer.

  “Yes sir, thank you. They are wonderful.” Alannah replied trying to be sure not to stare at king as she realized where Kaleb had gotten his looks from. However, she couldn’t remember seeing a faerie so tall. The king towered over them resembling one of the Warrior Fae that she had learned about.

  “Would you ladies care to join us tomorrow evening for dinner?”

  Alannah and Evyette looked at each other and shrugging their shoulders and nodding in agreement.

  “Thank you your highness, we’d love to.” Evyette said graciously, inclining her head.

  “Please, call me Alcander.” The King finished.

  ~ Chapter 6~

  Celina stood watching from afar while Kaleb and Tristan walked into the castle with their guests. He may not be mine, yet. But he will never be yours, she thought to herself, feeling herself fill with anger and rage. Celina waited on her horse nearby and watched as the new found friends left the castle to advise Alannah’s parents about their dinner invitation.

  “Would you like to see a bit more of the kingdom?” Kaleb asked while grabbing the reigns to his horse. Without hesitation, Alannah and Evyette nodded and walked closer to the horses to mount.

  Celina watched the prince as he spoke and flirted with the princess. Her blood boiled with jealousy at the site of watching the two smile intensely at each other.

  Unnoticed, far above them in the trees sat Saros. He watched as the Prince and Princess flirted with one another. Realizing that he was not the only one following them, he turned to watch Celina and her interest in the situation. An accomplice. Thought Maligo, as he watched through Saros.

  Sensing his master’s interest Saros swooped down in front of Celina’s horse, frightening the creature and forcing him to stop.

  “It’s just a bird you stupid horse!” She shouted angrily, pulling on the reins and watching Saros double back looking twice the size he was the first time. “Wha…” Celina closed her eyes and shook her head. Not possible she thought to herself.

  Saros landed in front of the horse not allowing him to pass.

  “Great ! Now I have a stupid horse and a big ugly bird! Shoo, Shoo.” She said, waving her hands at Saros.

  Saros rose of the ground and hovered over Celina for a moment, before placing his large claws on her shoulders and lifting her off her horse.

  “O.K. ,alright. I didn’t mean it when I called you ugly. Now put me down !!” She screeched in panic.

  Saros continued flapping his massive wings weaving through and around the trees, until he reached his destination.

  “Where are we? Where have you taken me?” She questioned, standing at the mouth of the cave.

  “Do you know who I am, bird?” Celina exclaimed, watching Saros fly away.

  “No, but I do.” A deep menacing voice said from within the cave.

  Celina was slowly becoming terrified., and she felt her stomach dropping quickly to her feet. “Who are you? What do you want with me?”

  “You will see soon enough.” Came the voice in response.

  Celina tried looking around and found no-one. She scanned her memory thoroughly to find that the voice was completely unfamiliar. She grew increasingly frustrated and angry, as she hated playing games.

  “I will know NOW!” She shouted into the cave, her voice echoing off the walls.

  Celina’s attitude did not please Maligo, but if she was to be used, he could not get cross with her, yet. He walked out from the dark corners of the cave to show himself and hopefully strike much fear into Celina�
�s cold heart.

  Although most faeries were indescribably beautiful and young looking, this faerie was unlike any other. The curses and banishments put on him by the kings had taken their toll on his appearance.

  He fought a battle daily trying to free himself of the curses and tried in vain to step out of the boundaries to which he was confined. His face was wicked. Evil seemed to ooze from his eyes, and there seemed to be a long history behind them, locked away. His long withered grey beard much desired a cut or comb. His messy grey hair fell like prickly straw from under his hood. But the most disturbing and difficult feature to look at were his hands. So much had he fiddled with potions to rid the curses that his hands were scarred and withered. He was dressed as usual in a plain, long, heavy black robe.

  Celina walked backwards in the cave, until she bumped into the far wall, staring up at him in horror.

  “Who, or what are you? And what do you want with me?” She asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty and fear. Her attitude and courageousness had been overshadowed by the presence of his evil.

  “Interesting Raynor Bird is he not?” Maligo said, ignoring her questions.

  “What?” Celina looked out the cave expecting Saros to return.

  “He is different. It was a potion that was a long time in the making but it worked.” Maligo said, looking at Celina, momentarily noticing that she was about to say something but stood confused. “His ability to multiply in size, at his own will. Taxing of course on his energy, but well applied.”


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