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Mark of the Princess

Page 17

by B. C. Morin

  “I have been there.” Brennus interjected, between suggestions.

  Of course he has, Kaleb rolled his eyes and looked at Tristan, who tilted his head to the side shrugging his shoulders.

  “You have?” Alannah seemed to be the only one willing to respond. “What for?”

  Brennus held out his arms as display. “I told you. I was born with the most Marks at birth than any other faerie in a century. I’ve had to train at all the Kingdoms that have masters at their craft.” He sounded proud but at the same time not very excited.

  “Wow, that must have been difficult for you and your family, being away from them so much.”

  “Not really. They were the ones sending me off to get trained. It’s a great honor to be born with so many gifts.”

  “You don’t sound very honored.”

  He scowled at Alannah, “I am honored.”

  “Sorry.” She furrowed her brow more in confusion than anger. She hadn’t meant to insult him, but she was able to see that not being able to make his own choices and be a free faerie when he wanted was something that weighed on him.

  The noon-day sun had already gone past. Brennus was the first in the air. Once he flew around scouting the area he called out to the others and they joined them.

  It felt amazing to be in the air again.

  They stayed close to the treetops in order to avoid being seen or to be able to duck for cover should they be attacked. They made it to the bottom of the mountain in less than half the time it would have taken them to walk. Once there, they had decided they would walk as it was dense with trees and flying proved to be a bit difficult.

  Being that Brennus was the only one that had been to the Kingdom of the Magi they had to rely on his information to get there.

  They continued in a westward direction.

  Suddenly as they walked through some trees four trolls dropped down in front of them blocking their path. Each holding an axe that looked larger than each of their heads.

  Velius walked up behind them with his arms outstretched.

  “Hmpf, I should have known.” Kaleb’s brow furrowed, he would have looked at Tristan but he knew he must have been thinking the same thing.

  “I only need the Princess. If she comes with me, then I will let you all live.” Instinctively Kaleb and Brennus turned and stood in front of Alannah.

  “Oh, I see, then you will make it difficult,” Shaking his head, he dropped his arms, “that is your choice then.” With incredible speed he lifted his hand through the air and shot at them calling on his powers. Brennus and Kaleb blocked the shot and Brennus shot the first counter-attack.

  “Contundé!” A massive surge of energy shot toward Velius and just barely missed him but destroyed the large tree behind him. Velius looked at the tree in horror.

  The trolls that were now behind them, rushed at the faeries with the axes in the air. Alannah, Evyette and Tristan had unsheathed their swords already in preparation. Tristan who stood in front of the girls was the first to advance. He swung the sword in his right hand which was blocked by the first troll. As the other two ran to fight the girls, one of them ran to fight Tristan as well. Although he had two swords to fight with, the Trolls proved worthy adversaries. Tristan had shot spells at them, but they had managed to move or block them.

  Evyette became invisible as one of the trolls lunged at her. She spun out of the way of the blade and as she turned she brought her blade down on the troll’s back, managing to cut through the leather he was wearing but not enough to kill him. The troll turned quickly and swung his sword in her direction but was fighting nothing but thin air. She ran to Tristan who was still fighting the two trolls. Just as one of the trolls raised his axe to hit Tristan she ran up and dug her blade through his lung and heart. Tristan and the other troll felt the blood splatter at them and saw nothing but a gaping wound on his chest where his blood was pouring out from. The troll that was fighting Tristan turned and swung his axe to the back of his partner that was already falling to the ground. He made contact and managed to cut Evyette across her arm and knock her down from the force. As soon as he hit her she was visible again.

  Tristan immediately attacked the troll again so that he could not continue his attack on Evyette.

  Alannah had been able to hold back the troll with little help from Kaleb and Brennus as they were fighting Velius. Velius who they now found was able to create a force field in front of him.

  The force fields wouldn’t last long but it was enough to block many of the shots sent at him by Brennus and Kaleb.

  Her sword clashed against the metal of his axe sending it off course. The pain in her chest was back, it gripped at her almost knocking her down. Not now she thought as she ducked, just barely avoiding the blade of the axe again.

  “Don’t kill her you idiot! I need her alive!” Velius’s shouted visibly annoyed, his voice echoing through the forest.

  “Incendium!” Alannah thrusted her hands forward and shot out a stream of fire from each hand.

  The troll was able to dodge one but was hit and badly burned from the other.

  The pain pulled at her again. Suddenly without accounting for her own actions she raised her hands to the sky and thrusted them in the direction of the troll. A bolt of lightning came from the skies above, between the tree tops and crashing onto the troll she had burned. The flash ripped the creature in two. Blood and flesh sprayed from his body before he dropped to the ground in one hard thud.

  For a moment Brennus, Kaleb and Velius stood dumb-founded. Alannah turned to face them, her eyes glowing a luminous white and beneath her chestnut colored hair her mark tingled, sending shivers all over her body. She felt a sudden drop in temperature from within her, drained from what she had done, she dropped to the floor. As Evyette ran over to help her, her attention was drawn for a moment to two beady eyes that were fixated on the battle from afar. Saros sat perched on a tree nearby watching.

  “Kill him and get me the girl!” Velius yelled at the two trolls remaining. “I need her to make MY plan work!” His force fields were getting weaker, Kaleb continuing to use his power against Velius as Brennus who was tired of this back and forth fighting advanced on him.

  “Incendium!” Kaleb felt the heat from the flames across his back and turned to find that Evyette had shot a spell at a troll that was headed toward him.

  He nodded at Evyette and began fighting the troll as he stood again. He swung his axe at Kaleb barely missing his chest. Kaleb swung back at him with his sword striking the troll’s axe as he blocked. He pulled a knife from his belt and turned to the back of the troll and jammed the knife in the back of the troll’s neck before he could turn around to defend. Dark blood spilled out over the knife covering the Marks that were etched on it.

  Kaleb looked to Brennus and Tristan deciding where to help. He saw that Evyette had helped Alannah to a nearby tree and was heading over to Tristan to help him.

  Kaleb ran to help Brennus. Velius is the one that wants Alannah so they must be rid of him.

  Evyette ran faster than she ever had with her sword raised and swung it at the troll. He slid out of the way and she hit the ground. He was much larger and more skilled than the others. He had metal cuffs on his wrists instead of leather ones and was able to block swords hits and even spells with it. She saw that the troll had already managed to strike Tristan a few times. He had gashes on his arm and leg and a thin one across his face.

  She looked and saw that the troll also had a knife in his other hand. He raised his axe to strike at Tristan but Tristan blocked it again with both of his swords. He lunged at him with his knife but Tristan pulled his body back just barely avoiding the blade. Evyette tried to make herself invisible again but the throbbing of her injury made it hard to concentrate. She stopped trying and began throwing spells at the troll that he blocked too easily. The troll threw his axe at Tristan but he managed to dodge it wedging itself in a tree behind him. The troll reached his massive arms back and unsheathed two swords off
of his back. These swords were twice as thick as the ones Tristan held.

  He swung them in his hands and readied them as he lunged at Tristan. Evyette picked up her sword again which had been knocked out of her hands and attacked the troll who had just blocked Tristan and kicked him so hard that it knocked him back.

  Already with her arms up ready to swing at him from the back the troll turned and with a swift movement buried his sword in her chest, inches from her heart.

  Tristan had grabbed a knife from his cuff and threw it at the leg of the troll before standing. He saw as the troll dropped to one knee that there was blood on his blade and a body dropping to the ground behind him. He ran swiftly to the troll dodging a strike with one sword and piercing him with the other. Suddenly the sword that was in the trolls outstretched arm dropped. Tristan yanked his blade out of the troll splattering blood across his legs, spinning the blade and swiftly running it across the neck of the troll detaching his head from his own body.

  Brennus shot a spell at Velius knocking him against a large boulder and then to the ground. By the time Kaleb arrived Velius had gotten up and suddenly two blades were run through his abdomen. Kaleb and Brennus looked at each other since none had noticed until that moment what the other had prepared to do.

  Pulling their swords from Velius’s abdomen, they turned to see the carnage of trolls behind them, and Alannah getting up and running to Tristan who was kneeling on the floor with Evyette in his arms.

  Brennus got to them first in that speed that still astonished the others.

  Evyette was gasping for air as Tristan was trying to perform healing spells on her but she was so badly wounded that none were taking effect.

  Brennus put his hand over her wound and began chanting in a language they had never heard. As they watched, they saw that his marks became even darker than they already were, his hand began shaking slightly. They knew that whatever he was doing to heal her, was taking power from him.

  Suddenly Evyette stopped gasping for air and closed her eyes. For a moment Tristan panicked, thinking that he may have lost her, but then saw that her chest was still rising and falling. She was still alive.

  Brennus composed himself and slid his arms around Evyette’s back and under her legs taking her from Tristan’s grip.

  “I have stopped her bleeding but there has been too much damage to her body and her spirit. We have to get her to the Kingdom of the Magi as soon as possible. I can run ahead of you, you can try to fly or run as well but I can surely get her there faster.

  Tristan stood to face Brennus who was already standing. His arms dripping with Evyette’s blood. “Just save her.” his eyes begging Brennus.

  Brennus nodded. “Try to keep up, but just in case you lose sight of me, remember to continue west. When you begin to smell the flowers and herbs strongly you will be close, if you know any revealing spells begin then to say them. They may not get you to the kingdom but will keep you on the right path. When the guards capture you, and they will, do not resist them. Calmly tell them who you are. I am sure by now they are expecting Alannah and the rest of you so it shouldn’t be a problem.”

  Without another word Brennus began to run, looking down at Evyette, bleeding and barely alive in his arms.

  ~ Chapter 21~

  They started running after him but saw that there was no way they could keep up, so they began flying, it was challenging as there were so many trees so close together but at least they could still see him in the distance. They saw at one point that he stopped and knelt. They were still too far to hear what he was saying. He must have told them about the others as there were already Faerie guards heading toward them, and thankfully they didn’t look threatening. Suddenly as Brennus walked between two large Oak trees seeming to have disappeared.

  He reached the kingdom. They thought collectively, gasping for air, they were out of breath and tired.

  Maligo’s scream echoed through the valley. Rage fueling his flight toward his destination, as he was joined once again by his pet.

  “That traitor! His plan? He allowed them to escape and turned on me as well? Well, he got what he deserved then.” Maligo stopped flying and began walking, Saros still flying beside him.

  “The princess will be more closely guarded than ever now. I will have to use others to get to her now.” He glanced at Saros, with an evil grin.

  “If they have already uncovered the meaning of her mark, she will be making her way to the elder faeries.” He thought in silence for a few moments. “I will need you to deliver this.” He pulled a small piece of parchment from his bag, scribbled some wording onto it, and then dropped the paper into a bag of coins. “Take this to the ones we know will intercede on her journey. There should be enough in there to persuade him. I will need you to wait with him until you get confirmation that the plan is set into motion.” Saros tilted his head down once as Maligo tied the pouch to his leg and sent him off.

  He continued on his way to the clearing, but was stopped dead in his tracks by a thought returning him to the previous night’s events…

  He had been laying in a small clearing, he had already protected with spells so that none would know he was there. None, but the one that was sent for him, the looming dark figure blocking out the light of the moon that Maligo had fallen asleep staring at. He was surprised that he was not more afraid when he saw him, perhaps because he had dealt with so many demons by now.

  He rolled out of the way, and hurriedly scuffled to his feet when he saw the demon lunge itself toward him. He began casting spells at him but they seemed to have little effect on the dark mass.

  Suddenly throwing himself to his staff that was propped up against a rock, he aimed it at the demon while chanting a destructive spell. The demon began to struggle at the sounds of the spell, and the vast amounts of energy that was shot at him, his dark mass seemed to boil and a sudden explosion filled the air around Maligo with the scent of sulfur.

  “So then the demon that came after me the other night. It was him! He sent it! That was why the demon was not a strong one. His powers are still not comparable to mine and he couldn’t call upon a great demon.”

  * * *

  Brennus walked into the Kingdom and was immediately surrounded by several of the most powerful and expert of the Magi, known as the Magisters. “Brennus! What happened?”

  “Masters.”, he bowed his head toward them. “I have managed to stop her bleeding but she is very badly wounded.”

  “Follow us.” The Magisters said, walking ahead of him to the center of the Kingdom where the palace was located. Brennus looked around as he walked. Noticing the new buildings that had been erected since he had last been there. He walked swiftly behind them as they flew ahead of him and into a building that was to the right of the palace, although it seemed to have all been connected.

  They arrived at the two large wooden doors. There was heavy iron work that held them together. The two guards had already begun to open the doors when they saw the Magisters heading toward them.

  One of the Magisters turned to face him, although the hood of his robe covered most of his face. “Who is this girl?”

  Brennus looked down at the girl he held in his arms, barely breathing and frighteningly pale. “She is Princess Evyette, the adopted sister of Princess Alannah of the Forest of Meira in the Kingdom of Meira. We were ambushed when coming to you for help and shelter.”

  “Ah yes, we had heard about the kidnapping.” He glanced over to another of the Magisters and nodded his head. This one had his hood down but not as far as they others. His eyes were dark and larger than most of the other faeries.

  Probably an apprentice, Brennus thought to himself quickly.

  He nodded his head in return and without any words spoken he left. They walked down a corridor and turned to the left into a large white room. There was a bed in the center and tables and shelves around the room with potions and open spell books.

  Brennus walked over and gently placed Evyette onto the bed.

  Magister Torin, one of the greater masters of the Magi Kingdom, walked over and began examining Evyette. He saw then that Brennus himself also had several gashes and injuries that he hadn’t tended to. “I would offer you help as well, but I’m sure you don’t need it.”

  Brennus half-smiled, nodding his head, “I will take care myself soon. Should I stay with her?”

  “That will not be necessary. We will take care of the girl. Elias will show you to the room where you can heal yourself and wait for news of the girl.” As he walked out he saw the other two remaining Magisters chanting spells and preparing potions.

  Elias walked ahead of him. Much like the other he saw earlier, his hood did not cover most of his face. He must also be an apprentice. They walked down several corridors that seemed to lead out of the healing rooms, and had come to a hallway with several doors on each side. Each with a bed, table and changing area.

  “These are our recuperating rooms’ sir. You should be comfortable here. Should you need anything else I will be happy to oblige.” Elias said, dropping his gaze to the floor and bowing slightly

  “Elias I do have one question. Which is the way out?”

  “Out? Sir? But you-”

  “I know, but I am expecting others and I will need to lead them back here as well. A few of them will need some healing spells.”

  “I will advise the other apprentices and the guards sir and have them brought to you as soon as they arrive.”

  Brennus turned back into the room and began his healing spells.

  The guards walked through the front gates with Alannah, Tristan and Kaleb behind them. Alannah looked around at all the amazing buildings, shops selling food, other shops selling potion materials or spell books. The homes were situated toward the back of the Kingdom. Some homes or group of homes fashioned within a tree. She noted that most of the faeries here wore cloaks or capes and they were all looking at the new guests.


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