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Mark of the Princess

Page 22

by B. C. Morin

  “I am sure after a few steps my blood will be flowing properly and I will be fit to walk.”

  The King nodded to her and exited the room followed by his wife and daughter.

  King Cavalon stepped forward and enveloped his daughter within his strong arms. Evyette allowed her father’s grip to keep her standing. She breathed in the scent of sandalwood that she always associated with her father as silent tears rolled down her face and onto his tunic. She could hear his staggered breaths as he held back his tears and leaned forward to place his lips on the top of her head, before releasing her.

  Evyette pulled back tilting her head to face her father.

  King Cavalon cupped her face, and allowed the two silent tears to roll down his face.

  Evyette lifted her hands and wiped them away. “All will be well Papa. I am back now.”

  The King merely looked at her and smiled, giving her one last kiss on her forehead before releasing her into her mother’s embrace, and walking out of the room.

  Tristan quickly followed the King out of the room. “Your Majesty” He called lowly.

  King Cavalon turned to face him. A grim look on his face.

  “I know that I have failed you in the protection of Evyette.” His gaze dropping to the floor as he felt the water in his eyes.

  “Tristan, I have been well informed of the other events that occurred as well.”

  Tristan’s gaze landed once again on the mighty King. “Sire?”

  “How you saved her from the Venator Animus. How you and Kaleb put spells on her to protect her from them. How you had not left her side after the attacks, and how you have not left her side since she was injured in an ambush you could not possibly have expected.”

  Relief spread carefully across Tristan’s face, as well as the King’s.

  “That notwithstanding, I failed to keep her safe from all harm.” He squared his shoulders and lifted his head. “You’re Majesty. I love your daughter, and I have every intention of spending the rest of my life, protecting her’s, if you would so allow.” His head inclined.

  King Cavalon looked at Tristan, his gaze running down and back up again, before crossing his arms on his chest. A smirk crept across his face. “Tristan of Talom. You have impressed me beyond words with your dedication. I do so allow.”

  Tristan raised his gaze to meet the King’s with a smile.

  “Do you want to sit back down?” Tristan questioned, walking back into the room and rushing to help Evyette stand.

  “No. Will you help me walk around the room a bit?”

  “Of course.”

  Alannah sat on the bed with Kaleb standing to her left and Brennus to her right. Evyette looked over and saw the awkward silence that hung in the air around them.

  “So Alannah, would you stay with me while I prepare for dinner?”

  Alannah smiled. She knew exactly why Evyette wanted her there.

  “Evyette.” Brennus stepped forward to her.

  “When you woke, you yelled out a spell. Do you remember what it was?”

  Evyette shook her head. “To be honest I do not recall it at all? Why?”

  “The spell you yelled was one of the Warrior Faeries.”

  As if on cue, the whole room gave a look of confusion.

  “Perhaps It was in my mind from hearing you use it? Is it one that you have used?”

  “Maybe. Probably during battle in the forest.”

  She nodded to Tristan to let her go and she walked over to Brennus and threw her arms around him.

  “Thank you so much for saving me. I know that I would not be here if it weren’t for you.”

  He hugged her back and very softly spoke. “No worries.”

  He let her go and looked at Alannah. His demeanor was the same that she grew accustomed to over the past few days. Cold, and distant.

  “Well, I should go. I have graced you all with my presence long enough.”

  “Yes soon you might be expecting payments.” Kaleb said in his most sarcastic tone.

  “I accept gold, silver and gems.” He said as he waved his hand in the air and walked out of the room. Kaleb walked over and hugged Evyette before heading toward the door.

  “It is so good to see you up and about Evyette. I promise that if there is anything I can do to help I will.”

  “Thank you Kaleb.”

  Kaleb waited by the door for Tristan. “Are you coming?”

  Tristan looked at Evyette and she nodded approvingly. “I will be fine Tristan. Alannah will help me to our rooms and she will help me to prepare.”

  Alannah stood and walked over to Evyette “It is so good to have you back with me.”

  “So are you going to tell me what is going on?”

  Alannah looked at her as she walked a bit more slowly than she did.

  “With what?”

  Evyette looked at her raising an eyebrow.

  “Alright. I will tell you when we get to your room. Right now, I would rather talk about you.”


  “Of course you. You have been benumbed for days. Did you have any other dreams than the one that woke you from your state?”

  “To be honest, I do not remember any others.”

  “Well, at least we know then that the wards that they put on you are strong as the venator-animus were not able to directly attack you.”

  “Yes, thank the God. I must say it was comforting to see that I wasn’t fighting alone.”

  “Well, once they train you properly you will feel stronger and you may not need as much help.”

  “Sister, I think I need all the help I can afford.”

  Alannah stopped short of her door and showed Evyette in.

  Lilian who was preparing the bath ran quickly out of the small room to see who had entered.

  “Lilian this is my sister Evyette. She has awoken!”

  Lilian’s smile brightened her face. She walked over and hugged Evyette but released quickly.

  “Oh, sorry ma’am that was too forward of me.”

  “Not at all Lilian.”

  “I was just overwhelmed. Everyone has been waiting for you to awaken and it is just a pleasure to not only see you awake but walking thus!”

  “Evy, Lilian has been fundamental in keeping me from losing my mind. She has listened to me much in the last few days and given me counsel.”

  Lilian bowed her head to them.

  “I thank you then Lilian. I know my sister is very strong and does much for herself but it is just as important to have someone to speak to that can provide comfort.”

  “’Tis my pleasure ma’am. I have been advised that Emma will be your handmaiden but she has gone to fetch you some new robes and dresses. I will be glad to help you in her absence.”

  Evyette walked over to the bath and looked at the clean water. The thought of washing off days of laying in the same clothes and the same bed appealed to her more than she thought it would. Lilian had moved to help Evyette with her dress but stopped quickly when she saw her looking in a mirror staring at her scar.

  “It is quite a reminder.” Evyette spoke faintly tracing the mark of the scar.

  Alannah walked over and stood behind her sister so that she could put her head next to her’s.

  “I was told that when it was done healing it would be nothing more than a thin line.” Alannah grabbed Evyette’s hand leading her away from the mirror and to the tub.

  Evyette sat in the water and listened to Alannah explain the previous days events while Lilian helped her to wash her hair.

  “Alannah.” Alannah always knew that when Evyette started a sentence with ‘Alannah’ that it would be followed with serious advice or warning. “You were right in not going after either of them. You will need to weigh your actions and your true feelings before you move forward. Think also of what would be accomplished by following your feelings for each. I can see that you care for both. But to be honest, I think you need to keep those feelings to yourself until you know for sure who you want to be

  “I think you are right dear sister.”

  Emma entered the room just as Evyette was drying herself and escorted her to the room next door so that she could dress.

  “And you ma’am , will have to follow me to another bath since you graciously gave yours to your sister.”

  “Thank you Lilian.”

  Alannah followed Lilian down the hallway to a small rounded staircase that led them to an area that seemed to be below the castle. She followed her into a room that was not a spare room with a bath, but a large room just for luxurious bathing. There was a large area in the floor about four feet deep filled with water and lined in smooth stones. Along one wall was a long table with small corked glass jars. Each was labeled with it’s contents. ‘Rose Essence’ ‘Jasmine’ ‘Honey’ among the others.

  “Lilian, are you sure that I can use this bath?”

  “Yes, I have received permission from the King and Queen.”

  Alannah disrobed and stepped into the steaming waters that smelled of Jasmine.

  “Would you like a moment or two to yourself ma’am?”

  “That would be divine Lilian.”

  “As you wish ma’am. Although I am afraid it would not be too long as I am to ready you for dinner.”

  “A few moments would suffice.”

  Lilian bowed her head and walked out the door. Alannah immersed herself completely in the water allowing herself to forget for just a bit of all the thoughts that were weighing her down. She came back up for air although the feeling of being under the water released her angst.

  She looked around the room and thought of having one made at her castle. A solitary room where she can be alone with her thoughts. Although that would have to wait she reminded herself, for she had training to attend.

  It seemed as if Lilian had just left when she walked back in with a towel and a robe but she knew that it had been some time.

  She helped her dry her hair before slipping on the robe.

  As she exited the room she bumped inadvertently into Brennus. “Oh, sorry. I was in a hurry and did not look.”

  “No, it is my fault. I was not paying attention myself.”

  Lilian had stopped which Alannah knew was so that Alannah could take advantage of the situation if suitable.

  Alannah looked at Brennus who looked at her with the same look she had seen on his face at the top of the waterfall.

  “You smell beautiful” She caught his smile when he said it and smiled back .

  “Thank you. Will you be joining us all for dinner?”

  “Yes, I have heard that the Magister will join us as well due to an announcement.”

  “Oh. Alright.”

  She looked at his eyes as they seemed to drop from her’s to her lips and down to her robe which she noticed was a bit open on her front. Heat rising in her cheeks.

  Suddenly he caught himself and turned his gaze away. “I will see you at dinner then.”


  “That did not go too badly ma’am.” Alannah smiled at Lilian’s comment.

  “No Lilian. It didn’t. It did not go too badly at all.”

  Alannah walked in and was instantly drawn to the dress waiting for her on her bed and to her sister who was sitting beside it studying the book that Dara had given her.

  “Interesting read. Not something I would picture you with though.”

  “Well, my interests have been forced to change.”

  “So I see. Goodness you lose consciousness for a few days and everything changes!” She giggled at her own statement and put the book back down.

  Alannah noticed that the dress that awaited her was similar to the one that her sister wore. But with a different color and slightly different embroidery. Alannah’s dress was black. As most of her other dresses her bodice hugged her tightly and the dress dragged on the floor behind her. The front of her skirt was open revealing a white skirt beneath it of the same fabric. Around her bust and shoulders sat an intricate lace work of roses and vines.

  “Lilian, I may have to take you and your dressmaker with me to train and then back to Meira. You have an astonishing knack for choosing dresses that I fall in love with.”

  “A lady must always look her best ma’am.”

  Evyette and Alannah walked into a dining room that was reverberating with conversations.

  As the food was brought in they all began to take their seats.

  Queen Calla stood and offered the first toast.

  “To Evyette. She has awoken and granted us the gift of her smile once more. To friends, family and love as it is what keeps us all fighting for each other.”

  All the glasses were raised and the sweet berry wine was enjoyed.

  “Some of you may be aware that the Magister has come across some news and wished to join us.” The King motioned to the Magister who had been sitting beside him.

  Magister Morcant stood to address the table. “Magister Torin sends his regrets for not being here as well but he is looking further into the information that I will be giving you. We have become privy to information regarding the possible whereabouts of Maligo.” King Cavalon’s fists tightened so much that his nails cut into his skin.

  “It seems that there is an immense amount of black magic being done in the Valley of Darkness.”

  The Kings, Queens and Brennus looked at each other knowing something that the others at table did not.

  “We cannot say for certain that it is Maligo as his mind is well guarded. But even the most skilled sorcerer cannot extinguish the darkness that fills the air when rituals are performed and constant dark magic is called upon. We have sent spies to verify the information. Now, judging by some expressions at this table you may have guessed what our assessment is.” Magister Morcant looked down at his worn hands for a moment before looking back to his King.

  “If it is him, then we can only assume that he is trying to raise the Mallafays, and possibly the demon spirits that Samil summoned.”

  Brennus looked at one king and then the other. “That must be the army he persisted in trying to convince me to lead.”

  King Cavalon released his fist slightly. “It is good then that we have already mobilized all armies. The spies should be able to let us know how far he has gotten and whether we could take the fight to him.”

  “And of Caelestis?” King Vadimas directed his question to the Magister as the whole room quieted once again.

  Magister Morcant turned to look directly at Evyette. “Caelestis is a small village located close to the Kingdom of Spiritus. There is not much in our records about it. We have decided that the best course of action is to take young Evyette there. Perhaps it can ignite a memory or someone will know her. She cannot of course, go now. She will have to spend some time here. Training and re-gaining her strength. Magister Torin and myself have offered to go with her and Tristan who has made it clear that he will not leave her.”

  Evyette looked at Tristan as did most of the table.

  “I will go also.” Alannah looked at Kaleb in confusion.

  “Going back to Talom and waiting for news is not something I am prepared to do. I will accompany you as well.”

  “It is done then. However, if you and Tristan insist on coming you will brush up on your training as well.” The Magister took his seat indicating that he was done with his information.

  “Of course she and Tristan and Kaleb will stay with us as they prepare for their journey.”

  King Cavalon looked at Vadimas. “Vadimas, I am unsure as how to ever repay you for the extensive hospitality, kindness and graciousness you have shown my children and their friends.”

  “Payment is unrequited and undesired. I know that you would do the same for my daughter.” The kings raised their glasses in a silent toast.

  “It appears then that I will have to accept that both of my daughters have grown.”

  ”A fact not easily accepted I assure you, my fellow king.”

  The dinner lasted longer than any of t
he others they had previously had. With Evyette’s presence the mood was also lightened.

  “I am afraid that my energy has been spent.” Evyette braced herself on her chair before standing, still feeling the weakness in her legs. She looked at the remaining fae, all the parents had gone to bed and they had all stayed exchanging stories of training and teachers. Alannah and Evyette had begun to look forward to the new paths they were to embark on.

  Tristan stood almost immediately. “I will walk you to your room then.”

  “Thank you Tristan.” Evyette leaned over and hugged Alannah.

  “Goodnight sister. Sleep well.”

  “Goodnight to you all. Pleasant dreams.” Evyette walked out arm in arm with Tristan.

  They walked slowly to her room. Reveling in being alone with each other for those few moments. Once they were almost to her room Tristan turned to look at her. “Evy.” His voice resounded in her ears, causing her heart to beat faster and her breathing to increase. “When you are feeling better we will have to take a stroll around the Kingdom.”


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