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Crusader (Impossible #9)

Page 7

by Julia Sykes

  The other one watched me warily, blood dripping from his nose. I cocked an eyebrow at him.

  “You want more, little boy? Come at me.”

  “Crazy cunt,” he muttered, tearing his eyes from my challenging gaze. He went to his friend and hauled him to his feet. “Come on, mate. We’ll go pull some prettier birds.” He shot me a dirty look.

  “Yeah, good luck fucking a girl anytime soon,” I told the one who was still clutching at his crotch. The other one glowered at me and tensed. “I suggest you leave if you want to walk out of here with your balls intact,” I advised.

  He spat at my feet, but they sidled past me, keeping careful distance between our bodies as they stepped back onto the street. I turned to watch them go. My grim smirk immediately dropped, my mouth popping open in shock. The expression of surprise was mirrored on Hugh and Finlay’s faces. The two hulking men stood at the entrance to the alley.

  We simply stared at one another for several silent seconds before I remembered how to talk again.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I spluttered. “Wait. Have you two been following me?”

  Hugh’s face hardened. “I could ask you the same thing. What the fuck are you doing walking alone in this neighborhood?”

  “This is where my flat is. Also, apparently I’m saving women from being sexually assaulted. Thanks for the assist, by the way,” I said drily.

  I turned back to the woman in the red dress. She stood stock still against the wall, her face pale with shock. Ignoring the men at my back, I approached her slowly.

  “Are you okay?” I asked gently. I focused on her, but my mind was scrambling to comprehend what was going on. Why would Hugh follow me? To make sure I got home safely? If that was the case, then why was Finlay here, too?

  They still suspect me, I realized. My heart squeezed at the dawning knowledge that Hugh had only seduced me in order to check me out. I had been doing the same to him, but that didn’t make it hurt any less.

  “I… I’m okay. Thanks,” the girl said. I kept my attention on her.

  “Do you want me to walk you home?” I asked kindly.

  “I’d like that,” her voice shook. “I’m just across the road.”

  I reached out my hand, giving her the option to take it for support. She stared at it for a moment, then reluctantly accepted the comfort I offered. We started walking toward the street, and she paused at the sight of Hugh and Finlay’s matching glares.

  “Who are they?”

  “Just a couple of assholes,” I said dismissively. “But they’re harmless assholes.”

  Hugh growled. I didn’t look at him.

  I felt their oppressive presence at our backs as we crossed the street to the girl’s block of flats. Their disapproval pulsed over me like a palpable thing. I squared my shoulders against the weight of it.

  “This is me,” the girl said when we reached her front door a minute later. “Thank you so much. I don’t know what I would have done…” She trailed off, shivering.

  “Do you have someone to stay with you?” I asked.

  “Me mum. She’ll be upstairs.” She tugged down the hem of her dress, cringing “She told me not to wear this.”

  I fixed her with a level look. “You can wear whatever you want. Nothing gives a man the right to touch you without your permission. Maybe don’t walk home alone next time, though.”

  “I won’t,” she promised.

  I gave her hand one last squeeze before releasing her. She responded with a small, grateful smile and disappeared into her building.

  “Do you want to explain to me what the fuck you were thinking?” Hugh asked in his deepest, most dangerous voice.

  I rounded on him. “I don’t have to explain myself to you. You’re the one stalking me. I should call the police.”

  Finlay snorted. “I wouldn’t try it.”

  “Is that a threat?” I asked calmly.

  “I’m not stalking you,” Hugh interjected before his friend could answer. “I wanted to make sure you got home safely, and you didn’t seem keen for my company.” He said it like an accusation.

  “Well, excuse me for walking out on a shitty date,” I snapped. “That doesn’t give you and your friend the right to follow me.” I gestured to Finlay. “And I still don’t understand what he’s doing here.”

  I was practically daring Hugh to admit that they had me under surveillance, that he and his partner suspected me of being involved in drug trafficking.

  They didn’t crack so easily, though.

  “I was supposed to meet Hugh at the pub after your date,” Finlay said smoothly. “He tried to blow me off so he could make sure you were safe. I’ve been trying to convince him to leave off and get a drink for the last half hour.”

  “Do you want to tell me how the hell you know how to fight like that?” Hugh demanded.

  “No. I don’t.” I didn’t have to tell him anything. And I certainly couldn’t tell him I was NYPD. He could trace my real identity too easily with that bit of information.

  “That wasn’t really a question,” he said coldly.

  “I teach self defense classes for women,” I lied. “I knew how to handle those guys.”

  Hugh scowled. “You’re lying.”

  “I don’t care what you think. I’m going back to my flat now. Stop following me. As you can see, I’ll be just fine on my own.”

  With that, I turned my back on him and stalked away for the second time that day. I barely breathed until the weight of their stares disappeared when I rounded a corner. Even though I could sense I was no longer being followed, I still broke into a jog down the last three blocks to my flat. When I locked the door behind me, I heaved in a deep breath and leaned back against the door.

  “Bad date?” Dex asked.

  “The worst.” I straightened and crossed the tiny room to sit beside him on the couch. I grabbed a Stella Artois from the half-empty six-pack sitting on the coffee table.

  “Sure, take one,” he said wryly.

  I shrugged and popped the top off. The beer was cold and fizzed lightly on my tongue. The familiar flavor immediately helped ease some of the tension from my muscles, and I settled back deeper into the sofa.

  “Do you want to tell me what happened?” he asked after a few minutes of companionable silence.

  “Not really.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck. “Usually, I would grunt in agreement and share my beer with you, but this is different. Hugh is your mark, not your boyfriend. I need to know what went down and how it affects our next move.”

  “I know he’s not my boyfriend,” I said more harshly than I meant to. I took a breath to collect myself. “Everything was going fine. We talked, and I confirmed that he and Finlay are actually in the lifestyle. He lied to me and said they work for local government. Things… didn’t end well. But I thought I had him believing I simply blew him off and he wouldn’t bother me at the club any more.”

  “You thought?” Dex pressed.

  “He and Finlay kind of followed me home.”

  “What?” His blue eyes sharpened. I suppressed a wince.

  “They saw me fighting with some guys in the alley. Well, they saw me kicking ass, and-”

  “Wait. What the hell? Did Dimitri’s men jump you?”

  “No. Some assholes were harassing a girl. I very politely told them to fuck off. They didn’t listen, so I had to make them listen.”

  “And you did this in front of the Brits?” he demanded, his voice heavy with disapproval.

  “I didn’t know they were following me at the time. What would you have done in my situation? Let that woman get assaulted?”

  He frowned. “No. I would have done the same.”

  “I know,” I affirmed. “It was only after I made the douchebags leave that the MI5 guys showed their faces. I think they were coming to help. I already had it handled, though.”

  “Did they say why they were following you?”

  “They gave me some bullshit ab
out wanting to see me home safely, but I know they still suspect me of being involved in trafficking Bliss. I thought Hugh just saw me as a submissive, but apparently I’m not in the clear.”

  “Shit. How are we going to go back to the club without them breathing down our necks, then?”

  I lifted my chin. “I don’t care anymore. They can suspect me all they want. I’m not going to let them get in the way of me finding Dimitri. If MI5 is looking for him, I’ll have to beat them to it.”

  “We could still bring them in on this, you know.”

  I held up my hand. “Don’t even start with that. We’re going out tomorrow night, and we’ll find a lead. There isn’t another option. I don’t know where else to start tracking him.”

  “I could ask Sam for help.”

  I paused. “What could she do?”

  “She could try to get a trace on Dimitri’s bank accounts, his cell phone, you name it. She’s really good.”

  “How soon could she get this intel?”

  “I’m not sure. She would have to keep it off the books, so it’ll be after hours research. Might be a few days. I’m sure Dimitri will have taken precautions against getting hacked. He’s too smart to have done otherwise.”

  “I can’t wait a few days. Who knows what terrible things Dimitri might do in that time? I won’t just sit around waiting for him to take me. I have to get to him first. I’m going to the club tomorrow, with or without you.”

  He knocked back the rest of his beer. “I’ll be there. You’re not going anywhere without me. Not after what happened tonight. You could have gotten hurt trying to save that girl.”

  I gave him a small smile. “You’re sweet to worry about me, caveman, but the little woman can handle herself.”

  “I know you can. But what if it had been Dimitri’s men following you instead of Hugh and Finlay? You could be gone right now, and I would never find you. Just promise me you’ll stick close, okay?”

  “Okay. Thanks,” I added, truly touched.

  “What’s your plan if Hugh corners you at the club?”

  “I’ll come up with something. A swift kick to the balls sounds like a good plan.”

  “Jesus. Just how bad was that date?”

  Not bad at all. That’s the problem.

  I kept the truth to myself.

  Chapter 8

  “Please, at least try not to make a scene,” Dex murmured. “Your MI5 boy is coming this way. Does the big bastard ever smile?”

  “I won’t make a scene. I’ll just tell him to fuck off and have done with it.”

  Dex rolled his eyes. “Yes, I’m sure that’ll go over well.”

  “Will you go somewhere else?” I asked, ignoring the jibe. “I need to handle this without you hovering over my shoulder.”

  “Sure.” His eyes slid toward the blonde he had fucked a few nights earlier.

  I slapped his arm. “And no hanky-panky. We’re working here, remember?”

  He gave me a stony stare. “Do you want me to leave you alone or not? Right now, she’s my most logical diversion. I’ll keep an eye out for more pertinent targets.”

  “Okay. Go on, then,” I urged. Hugh only had to cross the dance floor to reach me at the bar.

  Hugh frowned at Dex’s retreating back, but he didn’t slow his progress toward me. I met his eyes in a silent challenge. His jaw clenched, and his stride lengthened so he reached me in seconds. He didn’t waste time getting in my personal space, and I was forced to crane my neck to look up at him. I refused to take a step back.

  “We need to have a chat,” he said without preamble.

  “I’d rather not.”

  “You don’t exactly get a choice in the matter. You’re going to come with me to one of the private rooms, and then you’re going to tell me all about yourself and what you’re really doing here in London.”

  “I’m not feeling chatty. And you don’t get to boss me around. You’re not my Dom.”

  He leaned in close, and his hot breath tickled across my ear. “No, love. I’m not your Dom. But I am MI5, and I have some questions for you. We can do this here or somewhere less pleasant. Your choice.”

  My breath hitched. I couldn’t believe he had just admitted his status. Maybe I could get more out of him if I played his game. He might reveal his purpose in casing the clubs. He might let me know if he was aware of Dimitri’s involvement.

  “All right,” I said, trying my best to appear properly intimidated. “Lead the way.”

  The warmth of his hand on the small of my back was a cruel reminder of the heat between us. We shared undeniable physical chemistry. I once thought I could use that to my advantage, but I had since learned how dangerous it was to surrender to his power over me. I had no intention of doing so again. I resolutely ignored the flutter in my belly and pulsing between my thighs.

  He closed the door to the private room behind us and gave me a small shove toward a single metal chair that was positioned in the center of the room. It was the same one where Dimitri had restrained me on the night Dex found me. I stepped back, and ran into a wall of muscle.

  “Sit,” Hugh growled in my ear.

  “What is this?” I asked, a touch breathlessly. “An interrogation scene? Because I don’t agree to play.”

  “It’s not a scene, love. But it is an interrogation. Sit.”

  I stiffened and turned to face him. “I’ll stand, thanks.” I didn’t want to go anywhere near that chair. It might trigger another debilitating flashback. I couldn’t allow myself to crack around Hugh, especially not when that was his exact intention.

  His eyes darkened in response to my refusal. “So you’ve finally decided to drop the submissive act, then,” he concluded.

  My heart squeezed. “It wasn’t an act.”

  “I can always tell when someone’s lying. Always. But with you… I don’t think you’ve told me a single word that’s true since the very beginning. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but that ends now.”

  “What’s your problem with me?” I demanded. “Why the hell does MI5 want to ask me about anything? Or is this all some elaborate role play?”

  Strong hands grasped my upper arms, and he pulled me close enough that we were practically breathing each other in. Heat raced across my skin from where he touched me, a reminder of my dangerous attraction to him.

  “This isn’t role play, pet. You’re in a world of trouble.”

  “For what? Allowing an asshole Dom to trick me into submitting to him? Yes, I can see now how that was a poor life choice.”

  “I’ve warned you before about playing dumb around me. I don’t like it.”

  “I don’t care what you like! You know what I like? Not being held against my will by men pretending to be MI5 agents. I should scream a safe word and get you kicked out.”

  He moved before I could get out another word, and the air puffed out of my lungs when my back hit the wall. I tried to push away, but Hugh’s large body pinned me in place. His knee braced between my legs and his hips pressed into mine, preventing me from kicking out at him.

  I slapped him hard, my hand cracking painfully across his cheekbone. He didn’t even flinch. With a snarl, he grabbed my wrists and restrained them above my head with one hand. His other fisted in my hair, jerking my head back.

  I had barely exerted myself, but I was panting and my pulse raced as though I had run a mile. I writhed in his grip, but his body held mine prisoner.

  Making good on my threat, I opened my mouth to scream.

  His mouth crushed against mine, swallowing the sound. His firm kiss demanded that I shape my lips to his. Fire blazed in my belly, a frenzied response to his sudden carnal assault. I sucked his lower lip into my mouth and bit down hard.

  He pulled away with a curse, and his fingers left my hair to close around my throat, squeezing lightly in warning. The primal part of my brain recognized defeat, and I stilled instantly.

  His cock hardened against my belly. I didn’t flinch away. I simply stared up at h
im, wide-eyed and waiting.

  Slowly, he dipped his head toward mine. He watched me carefully, as though I was a wild animal that might turn on him at any sudden movement. By the time he neared my lips again, I was arching up for his kiss.

  When his mouth met mine, I opened for him with a low moan. The salty tang of his blood painted my lips, sending me further into my primal headspace. I had drawn that blood when I bit him. I erased the hurt with an apologetic swipe of my tongue. He rumbled his approval, and his grip on my neck eased, his fingertips tracing the line of my artery along the column of my throat. I shuddered and softened further, allowing his tongue to sweep into my mouth to tame mine. He kissed me until my head spun. I greedily gulped in air when he finally pulled away.

  He stared down at me, imposing his will on me with that implacable blue gaze. “You’re not pretending to be submissive. Not with me,” he said. “We have one truth. Now I want another. Tell me what you’re doing in London, Clara.”

  Warning bells jangled at the edges of my mind. “I’m on vacation,” I managed.

  His eyes narrowed. “I want the whole truth.”

  “I’m here to get away,” I settled for an almost-truth. He would see straight through anything less.

  “Away from what?”

  “I… I messed up. I’m a cop. I messed up and I got someone hurt. They sent me on extended leave until I’m fit for work again.”

  His features softened with understanding.

  “So you really were trying to fuck with that Dom for being high,” he reasoned. “You’re trying to do some good to make up for your failure.”

  I broke from his gaze. That hit too close to home.

  He touched two fingers beneath my chin, lifting my face back to his. “Why didn’t you just tell me? I thought you were involved with Bliss.”

  I briefly considered pretending I didn’t know what Bliss was, but thought better of it. “I would never do drugs,” I said, the declaration ringing with truth.

  “I believe you.”

  “Is that what MI5 is doing here, then?” I chanced the question. “Looking for people dealing Bliss?”


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