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Crusader (Impossible #9)

Page 9

by Julia Sykes

  Hugh might kick me off the case, but that was a risk I would have to take. This was bigger than my need for revenge. Because Dex had been right all along: this was about revenge, not redemption. My only shot at redemption was to do the right thing and share what I knew with MI5 so they could help me take Dimitri out. I would just have to convince Hugh to keep me on.

  I sniffled, my tears finally drying up. “Can I trust you, Hugh?”

  “You do trust me,” he said steadily.

  I blinked up at him, and he gave me a small smile.

  “You said you haven’t been submissive with anyone since your ex. You wouldn’t let me hold you like this if you didn’t trust me.” His eyes flicked to my parted lips. “You wouldn’t let me kiss you until you’re wet for me.”

  His mouth descended on mine, and passion roared to life in my body. I was caught up in it, forgetting my fears and guilt. All I could think about was how good it felt to let him hold me.

  My arms twined around the back of his neck, and I pulled myself up into him. The sudden fervor I poured into the kiss urged him on, and his tongue penetrated my lips to claim my mouth. My clit pulsed, aching for his attention. Our desire for one another burned white hot, and my tongue clashed with his as I fought for dominance. I shifted to a position of power, straddling his lap with my knees braced on the mattress on either side of his hips. I ground against him, moaning into his lips as I used his body to stimulate myself.

  He growled his disapproval, and suddenly I found myself flipped on my back, his weight pressing me down into the bed. He bit my lower lip, holding it between his teeth until I shuddered and softened beneath him.

  I opened my legs in silent invitation, and my hand snaked between us to tug at the ties of his leathers. He continued kissing me, not allowing me room to draw breath. But he didn’t stop me from freeing his cock. I stroked up and down the long, hard length of it, the pad of my thumb testing the bead of moisture at the head.

  He hissed and broke the kiss only long enough to grab a condom from the bowl on the table next to the bed. He quickly rolled it on and lined himself up with my wet opening. His lips took mine again, and he slowly pushed in. Inch by thick inch, he stretched me wide. The ecstasy of penetration held a burning edge. It had been a long time since a man had fucked me.

  For a horrible moment, I saw Danny hovering over me, taking my body even when I didn’t want him to.

  Instinct kicked in, and I lashed out. My fingernails raked across Hugh’s chest, and I shrieked my fury.

  He caught my wrists in an instant, pinning them down at either side of my head.

  “Look at me,” he commanded. Deep blue eyes captured my own. “Calm.”

  I breathed between my clenched teeth, but my muscles practically vibrated with the need to fight him.

  “I know you can be my sweet sub,” he said, his voice deepening further. He leaned down to whisper in my ear. “You know it too.” He rotated his hips, grinding against my clit. “Surrender.”

  His teeth closed on the sensitive spot between my neck and shoulder in a savage bite. All thought of resistance left me on a whimper, and I relaxed in his grip. He knew just how to tap into the animal part of my brain and make me melt for him. I needed his harsh, unyielding treatment to force my will to bend to his. It was the only way I could attain this sweet release.

  His tongue soothed away the pain of his bite in firm, hot strokes. Goosebumps pebbled my skin, and I shivered in delight. I turned my face toward his, seeking his lips. His mouth captured mine, and I allowed him full control of the kiss. He rumbled his satisfaction and pumped his hips, entering me in a rough, possessive thrust. My legs came up to wrap around him, welcoming his assault.

  He fucked me mercilessly, marking every inch of my body with his heat. I moaned in blissful abandon, giving him everything. Ecstasy built at my core, and my inner muscles began fluttering around him. His fingers dipped beneath the top of my corset to pinch my hardened nipple. At the hit of pain, my orgasm slammed into me. My back arched and I screamed out my pleasure.

  He threw back his head with a rough shout as he came. He held himself inside me, both of us riding out the last drops of our mutual bliss. Then he rolled onto his back, pulling me with him so my limp body was draped across his. We lay there for long, beautifully peaceful minutes, breathing each other in. He kissed me lazily, taking his time to savor me. It was so different from the aggressive, demanding kisses he had given me before. I sighed up into him and explored him as well, my hands roving over the hard contours of his chiseled body. He still wore his leathers and I was in my corset and skirt. Hugh had simply shoved the necessary material aside to fuck me. I longed for full skin-to-skin contact. I yearned to be closer to him.

  I do trust him, I realized. Hugh was a good man and a good Dom. And he respected me. Surely he would understand my situation and allow me to help him catch Dimitri. He seemed to understand that I needed to atone for my failure with Charlotte. If I told him catching Dimitri would earn me that atonement, he would let me in on his case.

  I pulled back a bit so I could look down into his eyes. “I need to tell you something.”

  He reached up and cupped my cheek. “You can tell me anything.”

  “I believe you,” I said earnestly. “But I need to talk to Dex first.” I needed to bring my partner in on this. It wasn’t fair to him for me to act on my own. His neck was on the line, too.

  Hugh’s brows drew together. “Why do you need his permission to have this conversation? He’s not your Dom.”

  I shook my head. “It’s not like that. I promise. Just let me talk to him, and then I’ll tell you everything.”

  His lips pursed in annoyance, but he gave me a short nod. He shifted my body off his and sat up. I hated the loss of the heat of him, but it was time to act. I couldn’t snuggle with him all night while those women might be screaming for my help right now.

  I stood and straightened my short skirt. I knew my hair was a mess and my lips were likely swollen from Hugh’s passionate kisses, but I couldn’t worry about not looking professional. I pressed a light kiss to his cheek.

  “I’ll be in the bar. Meet me in five minutes.”

  “Okay,” he agreed despite his frown.

  I didn’t allow myself to look back at him as I left the room. If I did, I wasn’t sure if I could bring myself to leave him without spilling the whole truth. I hated the sight of his disapproval.

  Find Dex, I prompted myself.

  My partner glowered at me from over Barbara’s shoulder when I approached him at the bar. He immediately excused himself and stalked toward me.

  “How many times do I have to tell you not to leave my sight? Jesus, Clara, you have got to stop this one-woman vigilante bullshit.”

  “I have,” I said quickly. “I mean, I am. I want to tell Hugh about the op. We need to join up with MI5.”

  Dex’s jaw dropped. “What brought this about?”

  “Never you mind.” I tried and failed not to blush. “I’ve been thinking about that photograph. The one from the basement. We can still try to save those women. We can get to them faster if we pool our resources with Hugh and Finlay. I owe it to the women to put aside my need for revenge and focus on rescuing them.”

  Dex stared at me, stunned. “I can’t believe you’re actually saying this.”

  I let out an exasperated breath. “Look, I didn’t want to tell Hugh without clearing it with you first. I know you have a lot to lose if what you’ve been doing with me gets back to Kennedy.”

  His jaw firmed. “Saving those women is more important than my transfer to New York. I agree we should talk to the MI5 guys.”

  “I knew you would. You’re a good man, Dex. Thanks for having my back.”

  It was his turn to blush. “No problem.”

  “Your five minutes are up,” Hugh announced, joining the conversation.

  “Perfect timing,” I told him. “Can we go somewhere more secure? Dex and I need to talk to you and Finlay.”
/>   Chapter 10

  Hugh practically breathed down my neck, crowding me as I unlocked the front door to my flat.

  “I can’t believe you’re staying in this neighborhood,” he grumbled.

  “I’m on a tight budget,” I defended myself. “This revenge business is getting pretty pricey.”

  “Revenge business?” he questioned sharply.

  “I’ll tell you inside.”

  The door swung open into my darkened living room, and I took a step over the threshold.

  The trap closed on me faster than I could comprehend. The lights turned on, and I squinted, my vision adjusting too slowly. A hand grabbed my arm, jerking me forward. I stumbled and collided with the man who held me. My body spun, and suddenly my back was pressed against a hard chest. Cold metal kissed my neck. I cried out in shock more than fear. Fear hadn’t even registered in the seconds it took for Roman to restrain me and put a knife to my throat.

  “Drop your weapons.”

  Familiar rage boiled through my veins at the sound of Dimitri’s drawling voice.

  Hugh and Finlay wore matching expressions of fury, their guns half-raised. Dex appeared just as livid, but he didn’t have his SIG on him. It was in the drawer set into the table by the door. So close to him, but entirely out of reach, given our situation. Two more of Dimitri’s thugs had guns trained on the men.

  “Drop them,” Dimitri repeated.

  “Don’t!” I said sharply. “Shoot him!”

  The knife pressed into my throat, cutting a thin slash through my delicate skin. I gasped in a surprised breath.

  “Put your guns on the floor, or Roman will slit her throat.”

  “He’s bluffing!” I yelled, desperate to make Hugh understand. This was our chance to take the fucker out. “He won’t kill me. He wants me alive.”

  “Circumstances change,” Roman told me coldly.

  “Cut her,” Dimitri ordered.

  The tip of the knife pressed down behind my collarbone. It didn’t penetrate deep, but the steel grated against bone. I couldn’t bite back a rough shout.

  “Enough!” Hugh roared.

  “No!” I was too late. Their guns hit the floor. I twisted against Roman’s hold on me, but his arm was a steel band around my waist. The knife dug deeper, but adrenaline dulled the pain this time. Rage gripped me, blinding me to everything but Dimitri’s smugly handsome face. My fingers curled to fists at my sides.

  “Stop, Roman,” Dimitri drawled. “I don’t want her damaged too badly.”

  I glowered at Hugh, his betrayal further fueling my ire. “You see? You should have listened to me!”

  “Yes, you probably should have,” Dimitri remarked. “I think she’d rather die. I have other plans for her.” He regarded me from his seat. Somehow, he made the shabby armchair seem like a throne.

  “What do you want, Abramovich?” Hugh snarled.

  “I want to teach MI5 a lesson about what happens to people who interfere with my business. I’ll start with your deaths.”

  “That won’t change anything,” Finlay declared. “In fact, killing us will just make everything that much worse for you. We’ll still take you down.”

  “No. You won’t. None of you are leaving this flat alive.” His black gaze returned to me. “Except the lovely Officer Peterson. She’s coming with me.”

  “Let her go,” Hugh demanded. “She has nothing to do with this.”

  Dimitri barked a laugh, looking at me with surprise. “You haven’t told him? I thought you were working together. Is that why you fucked him, Clara? To keep tabs on him? You’re even harder than I thought. We are going to have so much fun together.”

  Hugh’s entire body tensed impossibly further.

  Dimitri grinned. “You really didn’t know.” He stood and sauntered toward me, not stopping until he was looming over me. He reached out and tucked my hair behind my ear in a tender gesture. “My little Dominatrix has been hunting me for several months now,” he addressed Hugh, but he didn’t take his eyes off me. “Although it seems she does know how to submit, after all. Tell me, Agent Sullivan. How did you manage to tame her?”

  “No one tamed me,” I hissed. “You don’t understand the first thing about true submission. You’re a twisted fucker on a power trip.”

  His hand lowered from my hair, and his thumb pressed into the wound at my collarbone. Pain flared, but my scream was one of anger. Helplessness was closing in on me again. I couldn’t allow it to claim me. Drawing on my ire, I managed a vindictive smile and spat in his perfect face.

  He scowled and wiped away my saliva. Then his fingers closed around my jaw, applying pressure until my lips parted against my will.

  “I would take your tongue for that,” he said calmly. “But I have other uses for it.”

  The rough slide of a drawer being opened was immediately followed by the unmistakable click of a bullet being loaded into the chamber of a gun. I tensed and made an unintelligible sound of protest, thinking one of Dimitri’s men was about to shoot my friends.

  “Let her go, or I will kill you.” Dex’s voice cut through the room.

  Dimitri’s eyes momentarily flared with surprise, and he released my jaw to face my partner. Sure enough, Dex’s SIG was aimed directly at the Russian’s heart.

  Dimitri took the knife from Roman and pressed it against my throat again.

  “She’ll die first.”

  Dex didn’t waver. “You were right before. She’d rather die than be your pet. It’s your choice. Let us all walk out of here, or I put a bullet in you.”

  Dimitri’s face twisted with the first true show of anger I had ever seen from him. “If you do, my men will kill you all.”

  “Yes. But you will be dead. Besides, you’re planning on killing us anyway. This way, at least you’ll be gone. Your move.”

  Dimitri’s eyes glittered with malice. “This isn’t over. I won’t allow you to interfere with my operation. Your people will suffer if you don’t back off. Starting with Officer Peterson.”

  “We understand each other,” Hugh bit out. “Now let her go.”

  The knife left my skin, and Roman shoved me toward my friends. Hugh caught me, but I quickly found my balance and pulled away. I wouldn’t cling to a man for support.

  “It’s your turn to put down your weapons,” Finlay said.

  “Do it,” Dimitri snapped at his men. The two henchmen’s guns clattered to the ground.

  “Kick them over,” Finlay ordered. They did so, and he bent to pick them up. Hugh retrieved their own weapons from the floor.

  “Don’t even think about following us,” Dex warned. “Wait ten minutes before you leave. I’ll shoot you if you step outside.” He jerked his head back in the direction of the door, never taking his eyes off the Russians. “You first, Clara.”

  I didn’t argue. I was everyone’s weak spot. It only made sense that I remove myself from the line of fire first.

  I sidled behind Dex and slipped out the door, Hugh followed close behind, his huge body blocking mine from Dimitri’s sight. Finlay came next, and Dex backed out last. All of the men kept their weapons drawn as we stepped out into the night.

  I realized I didn’t have a car, and we wouldn’t get far on foot before Dimitri’s men regrouped and caught up with us. A taxi was our only choice.

  Luck was with us, because a black cab was approaching from only a few blocks down the street. I hailed it.

  “Put your guns away,” I hissed so the Russians wouldn’t hear. “And give me one.”

  Hugh shook his head and stowed both of his guns. Finlay did the same. Dex kept hold of his own weapon, shooting me an apologetic look.

  All of the guns were hidden by the time the cab pulled up to the curb. We piled in, and Hugh gave the driver an address.

  We rode in stiff silence. Hugh’s blue eyes bored a hole in the side of my head, as though he could read my thoughts if he just glared hard enough. I didn’t look at him. I knew I was in for an earful as soon as we reached a secure l

  Just when the tension became nearly unbearable, the cab stopped. Hugh grabbed my forearm and hauled me out of the car while Finlay paid. All the men grouped around me in a protective formation. I rolled my eyes. Hugh growled.

  We entered a posh block of flats and took the elevator up to the third floor. The apartment was spartanly furnished, but tidy. Everything about it was serviceable, but it lacked any character.

  “Safe house?” I asked.

  “Yes,” Finlay answered.

  Still holding onto my arm, Hugh steered me toward a couch and pushed me down on it none too gently.

  Shit. He was obviously pissed at me.

  Dex chose to sit beside me in a show of solidarity. The Brits remained standing, both with arms folded across their broad chests. I had the feeling we were about to be interrogated. I tried to head them off before they could get started.

  “I was just about to tell you everything when we got to my flat,” I said quickly. “I swear.”

  “You lied to me,” Hugh said flatly. “You know how I feel about lying.”

  “I didn’t,” I protested. “I just didn’t tell you everything.”

  “It was a lie of omission, then.”

  “Nitpicking,” I accused.

  “You were using me to gather intel on Abramovich!” he roared, his anger suddenly bursting forth.

  Finlay placed a restraining hand on his partner’s shoulder before he could come at me. I couldn’t help shrinking back into the couch when the full weight of his betrayed fury slammed into me.

  “I didn’t mean it like that,” I practically squeaked.

  “How did you mean it? How long have you known I’m MI5? Since I told you, or did you know from the beginning?”

  “At first I thought you were just a righteous asshole Dom,” I said, probably not doing myself any favors. But he wanted honesty, and I would give it to him. “Then Dex found out your status.”

  “Let me guess. That was the night you started flirting with me.”


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