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Hate F*@k: The Complete Story

Page 28

by Ainsley Booth

  I must have made a noise, or a face, because he grins wolfishly and nodded. “You’re gonna take all of me this time.”

  My head isn’t sure, but my pussy squeezes tight around his shaft, my body telling him in no uncertain terms that it’s on board. Warm anticipation floods over me as I surrender to desire. My lips part and a quiet sound of encouragement slips out.

  He rears up and slides his hands to the back of my thighs. With a firm press, I’m folded in half, and his cock pops out of me with a loud squishing sound. I revel in that sound because I know he does too. He makes me that wet, just as I make him...ooooh. That hard.

  He’s fisting himself, teasing me, rubbing his engorged head at the entrance to my ass. I focus on the sphincter there, and breath out, willing myself to relax. To open. He presses just a bit, just enough, and like the scantest of kisses, he slips in.

  It burns. He’s only in maybe half an inch, and it fucking burns. But I love it, and want more, because I bear down, without any thought, and my ass pulls him in a bit more, until I cry out and he eases back, not fully out, but just to the tip again. Just the tip. That phrase makes me blush so hard now.

  Ahhhhh. “No, don’t pull out...” It’s the most I’ve said since he woke me up, but when he pulls out completely, it leaves me unbearably empty. It honestly makes me want to cry. I crave him inside me again. Need to see that look in his eyes as he has me folded over, completely open to him. To his cock.

  “Shhhh, baby. Just need more lube.” A cold squirt, a touch of his fingers, and then the burn is back and it’s so good.

  “Going in all the way this time, slow and steady. Breathe deep, push out, yeah. Oh fuck, yes.” He slides in, reaching the second muscle with ease this time, and I try to keep my breathing steady as he leans in with his hips, but the burning floods my mind and my eyes roll back in my head. “Breathe.”

  His voice is sure and deep, commanding and utterly sexy. I drag a reedy breath into my lungs and push it out again, and again, until I feel his hips firm against my ass cheeks. He holds there, as I adjust to having all of him inside me. He flexes his cock, involuntarily, and we both groan.

  “You get so wet,” he mutters, his right hand trailing between my legs. This is why he’s always wanted my ass from this angle, so he can see my pussy.

  “Touch me,” I whisper. “Feel yourself in my ass.”

  He grins, his teeth flashing white in the dim room, and he slides two fingers into my pussy with ease. I buck against his hand, already on the edge, and he starts an easy rhythm, moving just a bit in my ass.

  He pulls his fingers out and holds them in front of my mouth. “Suck.”

  I do so greedily, both wanting to taste myself and have any part of him in my mouth. He hitches his thumb under my chin and presses firmly there for a moment before trailing his wet hand back down my body, entering my pussy again, this time with this thumb, leaving his fingers to rock almost accidentally against my clit.

  It was almost too much, and not enough at the same time. I whimper and twist, wanting him to hammer hard. The burn has eased off, and now I just feel deliciously full.

  “So tight, baby. I love that you give this to me. You’re beautiful, and so fucking dirty. No one knows that you love getting your ass pounded. Just me. My ass. My pussy. Mine. Mine. Mine.” His fingers flutter faster between my labia, around my clit, and I know he’s getting close, and he’s going to take me with him. “Fuu-uuhh-ck. Fill you up. Fuck. Here it comes. Oh. Uhhhhhhh--uh!”

  He jerks hard, around me and inside me, and I shatter into a million pieces too as he slides his palm flat against my pussy. His head is thrown back, his thighs hard and tight behind my legs, and his hands tremble against my skin.

  I let out a weak sigh of contentment, and he shifts his attention back to me. I’m floating now, drifting on a sea of endorphins and bliss. The loss of him as he moves away makes me sad on an elemental level, but then he’s back, with a warm washcloth, and he’s taking care of me. Cleaning me up, then holding me. He always holds me and pets my hair, lets me ride the bliss right back into dreamland.

  —wedding day—


  Being late for my own wedding would be a terrible idea.

  Too fucking bad it’s unavoidable.

  I twist the wheel hard to the right and accelerate through the turn. When I got the tip about Amelia Dashford Reid landing at Logan, I needed to see it with my own two eyes. We’d picked this week for our courthouse wedding because Hailey’s socialite mother—and secret sociopath—was supposed to be in Paris for Fashion Week.

  Hailey didn’t want her family anywhere near our wedding day. The last time I saw her mother, I threatened to kill her—so a secret wedding works for me, too.

  But Amelia has her ways, and her reasons, and I don’t trust either.

  So I followed her from Logan to her estate in the country. Then further, all the way to West Virginia.

  Right behind me was another to take over the tail once I was confident she wasn’t back in the country to ruin the day that Hailey finally, officially, becomes my wife.

  Now I’m twenty minutes away from city hall, and it’s just ten minutes to the top of the hour.

  I pull out my phone and tap out a quick message to the most beautiful woman in the world.

  C: I’m going to be late.

  H: Stop saving the world for a second, okay?

  C: Deal. Twenty minutes out.

  H: I’m marrying the first handsome man to walk through the doors.

  I laugh and flip my phone onto the passenger seat. Funny girl. Like I wouldn’t kill my replacement with my bare hands. At least she wasn’t alone. Her friend Tegan and her younger sister, Alison, had met her at the salon—ostensibly for a girl’s day, only to find bridesmaids dresses waiting for them.

  And my partners would be there, too.

  And the judge who’d agreed to marry us.

  Fuck. I stomp on the gas.

  If she knew about her mother… that would be different. I could have explained why I needed to disappear just as she was waking up.

  Our last kiss as an engaged couple had been long and slow and full of secrets.

  I’m an asshole.

  But for every secret that I’m keeping, there’s probably a dozen truths that I don’t know yet. I have no clue how deep Amelia is in PRISM. Or what that means. Or what the hell she’s doing in a historic little town in West Virginia right now when her daughter is having a secret fucking wedding day because, even though she has no clue her mother is a monster, she still doesn’t like her.

  The truth is, I hope I never have to tell Hailey what I know. I hope I take the knowledge of how fucked up her mother and grandfather are to my grave.

  I seriously doubt I’ll be that lucky, because things have been quiet. Too quiet.

  Every cell in my body vibrates, an early alert system that shit’s about to get real again.

  Not today, universe. Not today.

  The fates are kind to me as I approach Judiciary Square—traffic seems to speed up, suddenly going Cole speed. Small miracle.

  Whipping into a parking lot with valet service, I toss my keys and a hundred bucks to the attendant, then shrug on my jacket. Three button, slim fit black Hugo Boss.

  Hailey picked it out. My woman has exceptional taste.

  A quick tap on my breast pocket confirms I’ve got the rings. The judge has our license—we picked it up a few days earlier and delivered it to him together.

  I dash across D Street, and then I see them. The men who are, for better or worse, my brothers.

  Wilson’s got his phone out, and it looks like the asshole is taking my picture. I flash him the finger, then bust out a grin. “You our backup wedding photographer?” I call out as I slow down and slide my hands into my pockets, doing my best GQ impression.

  “We weren’t sure you were coming,” he responds with a smirk.

  “Shut up. You know I had to make sure—”

  Tag snorts, interrupting me. �
��Yeah, we know you’re the world’s greatest fiancé. Don’t need to brag about it.”

  Jason doesn’t say anything. He just gives me this look, a solemn nod that says it all. End of an era, but we’ve survived the transition. What we were? That’s long gone, and now we’re ready for the next fight.

  Bring it on.

  After this weekend.

  It’s Friday afternoon. Spring is blooming all around us, and inside, my bride has cherry blossoms in her bouquet. A little nod to the city that brought us together, she said.

  “You ready?” Jason finally speaks, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

  Like there was any doubt. “One thousand percent.”

  They fall in step beside me, and we stretch out across the sidewalk, four big men in black suits. People look at us, and for the first time in months, I don’t care. I’m flying high now, and a hundred feet away is the courthouse.


  Tag dashes ahead to grab the door and in we file. Swagger, maybe. Fuck, I never thought I’d actually do this, and now I’m proud as a fucking peacock.

  There’s a room we’re going to, where the ceremony will take place, and I thought that was where we decided to meet, so it takes me a second to realize she’s in the lobby.

  Half a second, maybe.

  I can feel her laughing at me, a sparkling warmth that gets straight under my skin. Laughing with me, really, because I’m chuckling as I turn in a slow circle. And there she is on the far side of the security checkpoint.

  I mutter something about being the late groom, and the uniforms shake their head at me as they wave me through.

  Fuck me, she’s beautiful.

  I haven’t seen her dress before this moment, and it’s perfect. White, knee-length, strapless, curvy to the max—this is a dress that celebrates every inch of her luscious body, and I can only imagine what amazing contraptions she’s wearing underneath it to lift her tits like that…

  Is it wrong to drool over your soon-to-be-wife in such a solemn building? In front of maybe hundreds of people?

  Doesn’t feel wrong.

  “Beautiful,” I murmur as I reach her, spinning her around in my arms. “You didn’t find a more prompt husband?”

  “Are there other men here?” She winks at me. “I’ve only got eyes for you.”

  “I like the dress.” I swallow hard as I take it all in. The world’s tiniest piece of tulle floating off a comb in her upswept hair, like a mini-veil. Pearls, the same colour as her satiny lips, shining softly around her neck and dripping from her ears. Just enough bare skin to keep me distracted. “Your legs look fucking amazing.”

  “Don’t swear during our wedding, baby,” she whispers, her eyes twinkling with amusement. Her bouquet is between us, so I can’t haul her hard against my body like I want to, but I settle for leaning over it and kissing her on the cheek.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper against her ear. “Not for swearing. For being late.”

  “It was important, right?”

  I hold her gaze as I pull back, and nod once.

  “Then don’t worry about it.” She grins, wide and bright, and holds out her hand. “Come on. Let’s get hitched.”

  As we walk hand in hand to the private room where the judge will meet us, I can’t stop looking at the woman who’s become my life. I’m suddenly worried my vows won’t say everything that’s in my heart—everything that she deserves to hear.

  I try to live every day like my deeds are my vows to her. I don’t always succeed. Sometimes she needs to poke me.

  “What’s got you frowning?” she whispers as we stop outside the closed doors. A sign indicates another ceremony is in progress.

  I brush an imaginary strand of hair off her cheek. I just want to touch her. She’s fearless and determined when it comes to getting me to open up, so there’s no point lying. “Worrying I’m not good enough for you,” I admit, my voice rougher than I expect. “Might pack a few extra promises into my vows.”

  Hailey glances past me, then tugs my hand, pulling me down the hallway a bit. Once we’re out of earshot of our friends, she presses up on her toes and wraps one arm around my neck, her bouquet tickling my ear. She brushes her mouth softly against mine, then parts her lips just a little as her tongue darts out to tease me. It works.

  I take over, restraining myself enough so she doesn’t get mussed up, but she’s giving me her mouth and damn it, I’ll take it. Hard, soft, fast, slow. Over and over again.

  “Don’t ever think you’re not enough for me,” she mock growls at me when I finally let her up for air. “You’re my rock, you get that? I don’t need you to be anything else, because you anchor me.” Her eyes narrow. “You don’t think that I know you shelter me from the storm that is my family? You make it possible for me to live a normal life, Cole. I love you for many, many reasons, but that’s number one. Do I really need to remind you of that?”

  “Yes,” I laugh, finally squeezing her tight for a hug that makes everything better. “No. I’m just being…emotional, I think. It’s a weird and confusing state for me.”

  A whistle interrupts her laughter. We turn around to see the doors open and everyone waiting.

  “Hey, you mind giving us a min—” I cut myself off as the judge steps through the doors. Hailey elbows me in the side and I clear my throat. “Your Honor.”

  He winks at me. I knew I liked this guy.

  I leave Hailey standing with her sister, and offer my hand to the judge. He shakes it, then we head inside. Tag hits play on his phone, and Otis Redding’s “I Love You More Than Words Can Say” fills the room. Hailey picked it, and it’s so fitting, a chill runs up my spine.

  I might be her rock, but she’s my conscience. She knows me better than I know myself, and she never stops showing me how I can be better. And the kicker is, I’m not even sure she knows she does it.

  Tegan comes in first. I like the blue stripe in her hair. Funky.

  Then Alison is next, her eyes already wet. I’m glad Hailey’s got her.

  Hailey pauses in the doorway for a few beats, her smiling growing for a polite debutante curve to a full-on grin. My. Fucking. Girl.

  I mouth I love you in her direction, and she sticks her tongue out at me before her lips spell out I love you, too.

  She starts walking on the last refrain, and I realize she’s timed it. You can take the woman out of the society rules, but you can’t take the society rules out of the woman.

  I give her my hand as she reaches my side. Can anyone else hear my heart thumping like that?

  “What a special afternoon,” the judge begins, but any worry on my part that this was going to be overly sentimental disappeared in his next words. “Cole Parker is in the courthouse without police escort.”

  Next to me, Hailey gasps, then shakes with laughter as she sees my face. Maybe not all the society rules stuck. I glower at Wilson, who shakes his head and points at Jason. That fucker just gives me a bland look of denial. I’m remembering this for when he finally tracks Ellie down and drags her back to his cave by her hair—or whatever his plan is there.

  The judge claps me on the shoulder, then draws in a sobering breath. “No, today is a good day because two people have decided to join their lives together, and build something bigger than either one of them could accomplish on their own. Today we see Cole Parker and Hailey Dashford Reid join in matrimony.”

  Those words sound so damn good. We waited longer than we wanted for this moment, and now that it’s here, I need to shake off any residual fear.

  I’m only doing this once. Gotta be present for it. I’m going to want to tell my grandkids about how pretty their grandma was when I put a ring on her finger.

  “Marriage is the bedrock of our society. With this union, Hailey and Cole, you’ve begun a family. And it will grow.” He gestures at our friends, at Hailey’s sister, and I get what he means before he explains it. “It has already grown, hasn’t it? Marriage means you’ve got someone in your corner. An
d they bring their people. We can all use more people in our corner. More support, more friendship.

  But marriage is even more than that. It’s the most important friendship of all, with added layers of intimacy and confidences. It is a promise of respect and commitment to a shared past and present and future.

  A promise that will be tested. Today, getting married…that’s the easy part. Staying married, that’s the true measure of a union.”

  Hailey squeezes my fingers as she beams up me. We’ve got this, her eyes say.

  “You will need to listen to each other.” He pauses and looks at Hailey. “Listen to his words.” He turns to me. “Hear her silences.”

  Damn good advice. I nod.

  “And above all else, support and encourage each other. When you are worried, when you have concerns, be mindful in how you express that. Hold each other’s hearts gently. And when you step afoul of each other, give one another space to heal.”

  We’ve already tested that, more than once. I search my fiancée’s face as he talks, watching as she presses her teeth into her lower lip. As her head tips to the side. As her eyes flick back up to meet mine, and her gaze floods me with heat.

  Not just want to fuck you heat, but a deeper possession. She owns me, and this ceremony just formalizes that fact.

  “Now it’s time for your vows. I understand you’ve written them yourselves?”

  We both nod. Fuck, there’s a lot of nodding in a wedding ceremony.

  I have my vows written on a piece of paper in my pocket, but I wrote and re-wrote them so many times over the last few weeks that I don’t need it. And I want to hold her hands for this. I square my shoulders as I hold out my palms, and after she hands her sister her bouquet, she slides both of her hands onto mine.

  “Hailey, I give myself to you, to be your husband and your best friend. I promise to love, honor, and cherish you, every day of our lives. I will stand by your side through sadness and joy, sickness and health, hardships and triumphs. I will celebrate your achievements, nurture your dreams, and shield you to the best of my abilities. I commit my life to you.”


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