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Broken: A Mountain Man's Romance

Page 2

by Mia Ford, Bella Winters

  This experience was echoed for the first few days, until a few nights into the trip, it started to get late. So, we decided it would be a good idea to start to set up camp for the night.

  This always seemed like the strange part for me. Perhaps it was because I was truly alone, in the dark with a man I didn’t trust. Sleeping was difficult, so I was perpetually exhausted. On this evening, we had maneuvered through a long day of tough terrain. I was extremely tired because of it and hoped that finally, tonight, I would be able to get some sleep.

  However, as soon as we stopped and started to gather what was needed for a successful campsite, I started to get an extremely odd feeling from the guide.

  Mitch had acted slightly strange all day, but he was always strange, so I had learned to ignore him.

  However, today, I noticed that I was exceptionally tired. Even though the day was long, and the terrain wasn’t easy, I took pride in keeping myself in shape. So, when I failed to put up my simple tent without stopping to take a sip of water, I thought that my fatigue was particularly strange.

  Feeling my mouth almost immediately dry out, I downed a large swig from my water bottle and immediately felt my stomach curdle in protest. I made a face, glaring at the water bottle but was unsuccessful in figuring out why it made me feel sick.

  “Are you okay?” Mitch called from his side of the campground, almost as though on cue, which I tried not to find strange.

  “Yeah, I’m fine…” I offered dismissively, putting my water bottle down on the ground and groaning softly. I shook my head to clear out the fog but was completely unsuccessful. In fact, the shake of my head immediately caused me to feel dizzy.

  Coupled with my upset stomach, I was happy that I was sitting down.

  I closed my eyes for a moment, drawing in a deep breath, until I noticed a douse in light in front of me.

  Finding it strange, I opened my eyes and looked up, almost falling off the log I was sitting on. Mitch was now hovering around me, almost expectantly. It startled me, and I made no secret of expressing my discontent with his closeness.

  “Is there something wrong?” I demanded, pulling myself up from the ground and heading back over to my tent.

  “No…I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” he retorted, almost as though he was insulted.

  “I’m fine, Mitch. I already told you I was fine,” I hissed, going back to putting up my tent.

  “So, you don’t talk much,” he offered in a manner that led me to question whether he expected me to answer.

  Despite my exhaustion, I returned to pitching my tent, trying to give him the hint that I wanted him to leave me the hell alone.

  However, he simply stood there, staring at me. I could feel his eyes piercing my back and the thought of having an altercation with him only made me feel more tired,

  So, eventually, I turned around and gave him a grin, “No. I don’t. I’ve always been more of the silent observer.”

  “Oh? Yeah, I get that,” he answered as he swayed back and forth, fists punched uncomfortably in his pockets as his lanky structure coiled up into an elongated ‘S’ shape.

  “So, you go to school, right? College?”

  “Yeah, I do,” I answered, “I’m studying to become a paralegal.”

  “Cool,” he replied, though he seemed distracted by his own thoughts.

  “So, do you have a boyfriend?”

  The last question caused my stomach to drop uncomfortably.

  “Um…Yeah,” I answered, deciding that less information I gave about the fictional boyfriend would be more convincing.

  “Oh?” Mitch answered, stepping toward me in a manner that made me feel even more uncomfortable. “Why didn’t he come with you on this trip? Are you guys on the outs or something?”

  “No,” I replied, trying to sound convincing, “he…he just doesn’t like the mountains…Or hiking. He thinks its…boring.”

  I knew that my voice was cracking as I stepped away from him, hoping that he eventually would change his mind about what he was obviously hinting around, before it was too late.

  Although, each of my movements seemed increasingly sluggish and with the thinner air, it was becoming increasingly arduous to breath.

  “So, what he doesn’t know, won’t hurt him, right? Don’t you want to do it on a mountain?” Mitch insisted, now becoming seriously direct.

  “No,” I insisted, trying not to let my fear translate through my voice, “I’m sorry but I would rather keep our relationship professional.”

  By now, I could feel my heart pounding as my whole body shook with terror. I wondered how long it would take me to make it back to civilization but was certain this was the longest portion of the trek with no towns for miles.

  I swallowed hard as my eyes searched for something I could use as a weapon.

  Yet, my sluggish brain seemed utterly useless, unable to focus on anything, other than my fear.

  “Why?” Mitch demanded, now raising his voice significantly as his expression became alight with ire. “What? Am I not good enough for you?”

  “Mitch, I said no! I hired you to guide me up the mountain. That’s it!” I exclaimed, trying to turn around and run but getting caught up in the tent.

  “Why don’t you just give it a try?” He insisted, stepping closer to me with a hastiness that even my slowed disposition was able to notice.

  “No!” I screamed, fighting my way through the tent, trying to get away from him.

  However, when I tried to go around the side, Mitch quickened his pace and grabbed me. Although I tried to dodge his grasp, I felt his fingers clasp around my wrist as he yanked me close to him.

  Spinning me around, he pinned me up against a nearby tree.

  I tried to fight him off, but he grabbed my other wrist and shoved my arms up across my chest.

  When I realized that his iron grip, which was surprisingly strong, had rendered my upper body useless, he glared into my eyes as a sinister grin formed on his lips.

  “Relax, Carrie. Enjoy it,” he offered in a low, yet threatening voice.

  “No!” I exclaimed, one more time as I focused on throwing all my strength into a kick that caught him right in the groin.

  The instant I felt his grip loosen, I wriggled my wrists out of his grasp and turned to the side, so that I could run away from him.

  “You bitch!” I heard him call as the rustling behind me turned into running.

  Without looking back, I darted into the woods. Instantly, the run caused me to feel sick to my stomach but hearing a dog barking, I held out hope that I might be closer to help than I thought. Even though I didn’t see any sign of human life, the sound of the dog, at least, what I hoped was a dog, helped me press on through my waning resolve.

  Behind me, I heard twigs cracking and limbs breaking. Hard, angry breaths and groans followed close behind and I knew that Mitch was still cashing me.

  “Come back here!” Mitch called at one point, which made me realize exactly how close he really was.

  I screamed and propelled myself forward. Now, I was even more desperate to find someone. I didn’t dare look back, but it seemed that with every step I took, Mitch’s long stride covered double the distance.

  Again, the dog barked, and I used the sound as motivation, hoping that I would find someone who would help me.

  After all, if it wasn’t a dog, I didn’t have anything to lose anyway and would much rather take my chances with a wolf or coyote then with my psycho tour guide.

  However, just as I was thinking that, I felt a hand swat through my hair, barely missing it.

  I screamed and tried to dart away from him but ended up feeling myself be shoved forward. I tried to use the momentum to my advantage but no sooner did I realize what had happed, I felt my foot catch on the underbrush below. I tried to catch myself but fell forward in a slow, painful moment that I couldn’t escape. As leaves and rocks bombarded me, I heard a crack in my ankle. Yet, I didn’t even have time to feel the pain before my
head slammed against a large rock.

  While I didn’t pass out, I immediately felt swelling in my sinuses and an ache in my head that was disorienting.

  Momentarily, the intensity of my fall caused me to forget everything else but being on the ground and worrying about having broken something.

  Although, the moment of twilight was short lived, being replaced by intense panic, when I felt hands grab my shoulder and throw me onto my back.

  When I realized what was still happening around me, Mitch was straddling me and holding a syringe in his hand.

  When I realized this, I freaked out, trying to kick and punch him, all to no avail. I tried to sit up, but he grabbed my hair and slammed my head back onto the ground.

  I felt dazed again, but fought through it, now far too fearful of what he was planning to do to me to care about my injuries.

  With the coursing horror flooding through me, a million thoughts ran through my mind at once; but the only truly cognizant thoughts were the ones that told me that he was planning to kill me and if he killed me, my injuries wouldn’t matter, so they were secondary.

  Right now, I had to save my life.

  As he released my hair, I screamed and blocked my face, but he threw my arms out of his way, with one hand and shoved my head to the side.

  “No…Please…” I begged, feeling hot tears welling up in my eyes when I realized I couldn’t break myself free of his grasp. “Let me go…Please let me go.”

  The guide chuckled as he brought the syringe out again and yanked the cap off with his teeth.

  I gave one last flail, which he dodged effectively, before injecting the syringe into my neck.

  I screamed and fought, yet my movements and my attempts to yell were soon rendered completely useless. The tranquilizer that he used to subdue me didn’t completely knock me out but it’s fast-acting nature paralyzed my whole body.

  Becoming complacent and unable to move, all I could do was cry and with what little voice I had left, beg him to let me go.

  “You should have just let me have you,” he insisted as his beady eyes pierced into mine. “But that’s okay, I like it rough…” He cackled, pausing to glare directly at me. His expression was sickeningly amused and disturbing.

  Sweat poured down his pale face and his black hair stuck to his forehead, from running. His smile was wide and deranged, with the missing teeth only addition to the cartoonish sneer.

  “Please…” I called, feeling myself now drift in and out of consciousness. “I don’t want to die…”

  The man snorted with genuine humor if he hissed, “Well, if you had been a good girl and allowed me to do what I wanted, maybe that wouldn’t be necessary.”

  “Oh God! Please…Please don’t…Please, leave me alone…I won’t tell anyone…” I screamed, even though my voice was hoarse, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to put thoughts, much less words together.

  However, instead of reacting to my bequest, he simply continued to straddle me, thrusting himself against me with intent, wearing the creepy, oversized smile.

  Then, when he realized his plan was succeeding, instead of taking any pity on me, he simply glared deep into my eyes, slid back, and reached to unzip his pants.

  Chapter 2: Johnathan

  Goddammit, Jake! Shut the fuck up! I thought, glaring at the dog, barking his gigantic head off and scratching at the door.

  Instead of cursing at the dog, however, I just screamed in a commanding voice, “Stop it! Jake, no!”

  However, the dog didn’t oblige, which is strange for him. In fact, the dog’s fit was also strange. Normally, he was extremely quiet. He didn’t have to be loud. His size was intimidating enough.

  Still, strange, or not, I was knowingly plagued by a bout of depression, through which, the dog’s behavior only aggravated me more.

  I looked at the picture I kept in the old, beat-up wallet I no longer needed, save for the reminder of the normal life I could no longer have.

  I had no idea why I kept the damn picture. All it ever did was cause me more pain and misery.

  Still, though, I kept it. It reminded me of a better time; a time where I was far more ignorant and had the stupid notion that I would end up having a good life.

  Yet, the girl in the photo was the one I should’ve stayed clear of. She was a heathen, who I blamed for nearly everything wrong with me and my now worthless existence.

  I figured I was too much of a coward to take my own life and more than that, the dog would be left alone, which I couldn’t have. So, I stayed up here, away from anyone who even reminded me of the bitch that tore out my heart and stomped on it.

  Again, Jake’s bark ripped me out of my thoughts.

  “Shut up, Jake!” I screamed, balling my fists to keep from throwing something in the dog’s direction. I was tired of hearing him. He was consistent and with each bark, I was growing more aggravated.

  For a moment, though, he tried to comply. Jake groaned and turned around, hanging his head while his tail tucked under his legs.

  However, the silence didn’t last long, as he apparently heard something else in the distance that caught ahold of his attention far more than my scolding.

  Rejuvenated, Jake let out a shrill howl before barking again.

  This time, as I heard the dog’s nails dace expectantly across the wooden floor, I stood up and eased my way toward the door. Part of me was trying to intimidate the dog but by now, part of me was curious what had gotten the dog so riled up.

  “What is it, Jake?” I asked the dog in a calmer tone and he yelped out another intense bark, staring from me to the door in response.

  I listened carefully, trying to hear or sense anything that would make him react this way.

  A moment later, I heard what sounded like a woman’s scream.

  The sound alarmed me momentarily, but I was inclined to believe it was simply drunk teenagers roaming the hills again, since that happened every once in a while.

  Yet, when Jake groaned as I turned away, now standing on his hind legs and pressing his massive body against the door, I was unable to convince myself the noise I heard was simply due to anyone’s drunken fun.

  I heard the scream again, this time sounding far more desperate, with Jake nearly breaking the door down to get outside.

  I rolled my eyes, knowing that I had to go out there, even though I had zero interest in seeing what was going on. I opened the door and Jake barreled outside, strides full and fast before I had a chance to stop him.

  “Dammit!” I grumbled, taking off in the direction of the dog.

  I hated having to run after the dog, especially in my current state, but something told me that there was a good reason.

  I could hear him barking but due to his speed and the darkness, I only had that and the rustling of trees to rely on to find him.

  As the dog ran, the screams grew closer, but they weren’t as frequent. It appeared as if they were being muffled, or the person yelling was growing tired.

  However, after a few moments, both Jake and I were alerted to a scream of sheer terror, followed by the pitch of someone begging.

  Even though I couldn’t hear what was being said, I knew this wasn’t some drunk chick at this point and I quickened my pace, as Jake’s snarls and barks became more insistent.

  Eventually, I came upon the sounds of rustling that weren’t the dog, followed by the woman’s now much fainter screams.

  Even through the darkness, I could see that there was a man on top of a woman, pinning her to the ground and trying his best to take advantage of her as she attempted to fight him off.

  The man seemed to be taking an intense amount of sadistic pleasure in the woman’s inability to get away, taunting her as she grew weaker.

  “Hey, asshole!” I called, sensing Jake next to me, now, ready to attack. “Get the fuck away from her!”

  I heard Jake’s snarls and even though I could only see the distorted silhouette of the dog, I knew he was baring his teeth menacingly.

  The man looked up briefly, but called back, “Mind your own damn business,” before returning to attacking the poor woman, as if I was simply going to leave him.

  Now, his ignorance was starting to piss me the fuck off.

  Jake and I immediately moved forward. I grabbed the man’s arm and yanked him back. He tried to hit me, using the force with which I pulled him back, but I was easily able to dodge it.

  However, perceiving danger, Jake leapt at the man, grabbing his outstretched arm, and shaking it back and forth with warning.

  The man screamed out and I pulled the now nearly unconscious woman away from her attacker.

  Jake allowed the man to break free from his grasp but growled at him as the man staggered to his feet and forced himself to run in the opposite direction, disappearing into the woods.

  Briefly, I thought about going after him and the way that the massive dog beside me was poised, I could tell Jake was ready for the moment I gave the word.

  However, after considering the option for a moment, I ultimately decided against it.

  Instead, I turned my attention to the woman, who had by now, passed out completely.

  I knelt next to her, being sure to give her space in case she woke up and carefully checked her vitals.


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