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Broken: A Mountain Man's Romance

Page 24

by Mia Ford, Bella Winters

  “I can call my boss, get you in for a shift tomorrow tonight? I know you’ll need a sleep so I won’t say tonight, but I have to head out there anyway so I can pick you up a uniform if they say yes. What do you think? Do you want to? Please say yes.”

  “Urgh, you know what, yes.” I stand up ready to fall into bed. I hope that after a couple of hours napping I’ll be ready. “I have to do something different to prevent me go insane.”

  “Great. I’ll get it sorted.” Jenny looks far too pleased, she’s making me anxious that I’m not going to like it much after all. Maybe I’ll make a fool out of myself and hate it, but at least then I’ll know. I can still keep my position open at the temping agency until I know for sure anyway. “Ooh, this is going to be so much fun!”

  I don’t answer her, I just give a weak smile and stumble into my bedroom. My white, empty room that doesn’t have anything in it because I just can’t afford anything. I need to do something with my life, I can’t keep on down this track. Maybe being a shot girl isn’t something exciting and drastic happening to me, but maybe it’ll just get me on the right track for a moment. All I need is enough money to keep me going, until I decide what to do next...


  I bolt upright in my bed thinking I’ve only been asleep for a short while, maybe ten to fifteen minutes. I didn’t mean to collapse so quickly, I didn’t even change my clothes, I suppose I better do it before I really get into a deep slumber...

  Huh? What?

  A uniform hangs on my bedroom door, one that must have come from Jenny. But she didn’t intend to bring me one until morning... oh. The sunlight is streaming through my window, and not just the morning sun either. As my eyes glance down at the clock I can see that I’ve slept for so long it’s almost late afternoon. I can hardly believe it, I never sleep like that! What on Earth is wrong with me?

  I rub my eyes and push my weary legs into a standing position before I make my way over to the dreaded uniform. The metallic silver skirt will barely cover my butt and the crop top that somehow manages to be low cut as well has the word CeeLow on the back which is the name of the bar. I already know it’s going to leave me much too exposed. I’ll be vulnerable, probably very cold, and just there to be grabbed. In the cold light of day, I don’t think it’s such a good idea after all. I run my fingers along the edge of the material and jump backwards as something falls off it and flutters to the ground.

  It’s a note, from Jenny.

  ‘Don’t let the uniform put you off, just give it a try. Think of the money. Be ready by six. Jenny xx’

  I roll my eyes and ignore the clothes. There’s no way I can think about them with so much sleep in my eyes. I need a shower, a hot coffee, and some serious time to get my act together. If I’m even going to consider this then I have to do it with all my faculties intact.

  “Hey!” Jenny cries out excitedly as soon as she sees me. “I didn’t want to wake you because you looked so peaceful sleeping. All snuggled up in your bed and snoring loudly. Do you feel better now?”

  “I don’t know,” I groan back. Obviously, I’m not really talking about the long sleep part, although that’s left me a little worse for wear too. I think I’ve slept far too much. “I don’t think I can wear that tonight.”

  Jenny cocks her head and gives me a curious look. She’s already half way to getting dressed for her shift at work and she looks incredible. Intimidatingly so. I know if she wasn’t my friend I would never be able to work up the courage to speak to her. “Serena, have I ever steered you wrong before?”

  “Well, there was the night at karaoke when we ended up getting sick behind the bar...”

  “No, seriously, you have to trust me.” Jenny comes over to me and she takes my hands in hers. I can tell that she’s dead serious with her words, but I’m not convinced she’s right still. “If I didn’t think you could do this I wouldn’t suggest it. It’s honestly more fun than work and it’s empowering too.”

  “Empowering how?” I don’t get that, I don’t see how flashing my body for cash is empowering but maybe I’m the one in the wrong. Jenny certainly doesn’t act like it’s a violation of her human rights or anything.

  She chooses to ignore my question, brushing past it as if it doesn’t even register in her mind. “Trust me, once you have the uniform on and you get over those first day nerves everything will be fine. I was nervous too in the beginning, but now I wouldn’t do anything else.”

  Knowing Jenny she probably gets job offers every day! She’s one of the more blessed people in life who has things fall into her lap. Either that or she’s a go getter who doesn’t wait for things to happen to her. I try not to think too much about that.

  “I’ll have to trust you on that one... I need to have a shower.”

  “Okay, cool I’ll help you do your make up and hair when you get out. I’ll make you look a million dollars honestly. You’ll love it.”

  I move into the bathroom and flick the tap on, then I let me head fall into my hands while I wait for it to heat up a bit. Was it really that bad at the train factory? Am I really making a smart move? I don’t know. I don’t feel like I know anything anymore. I just don’t see any universe in which I’m going to be able to wear those clothes and not hate every second of it.

  If only I had any other option...

  Chapter Three – Ben

  “Back again, Ben?” the flirty bar maid asks me as she slides me a drink. I should know her name really, I’m here so often, but I can’t remember it off the top of my head. “This is the third time I’ve seen you in the past week. Don’t you ever rest?”

  “Not me.” I give her a playful wink. “When I’m not here, I’m just partying somewhere else. I can’t rest, not when there’s a whole world of fun to be had.”

  “How are you ever going to settle down?” she giggled. “You can’t be out partying every single night when you’re all wifed up.”

  “Not for a long time,” I insist. “I’m going to take my usual table out on the veranda. I’ve got some business associates here.”

  “Business meeting? You bring them here now. That’s impressive.”

  “It’s more like an entertainment thing. Got to keep the clients happy, you know how it is. Can you send one of the girls over to the table to get the liquor flowing?”

  “Will do. Any preference?”

  I slug the entirety of my drink back and give her a shrug. All the girls here are awesome to look at, I’m sure my friends won’t mind which one serves us. I can already tell they’re the type who don’t care what’s going on as long as the drinks keep on coming.

  “We have a new girl. Maybe I’ll send her over to you. Drop her in at the deep end.”

  I move away from the bar and push my way through the endless crowd that’s gathered in this place. It’s a high end, but accessible joint which makes it very appealing to guys like me. It’s posh and a great place for us to flash the cash, but it’s also casual and calm. I hate the pretentious over the top places worst of all. They’re always filled with old people who have sticks lodged firmly up their asses. Not for me at all, I just want to have a good time.

  Once the cool night air brushes past my cheeks I scan my eyes over the crowds that have gathered outside. There are lots of business men all conducting their so-called business on the company accounts, and they’re all surrounded by the beautiful women that work here to serve them drinks. The girls must be even colder than I am in their barely there clothing, but the wads of cash that are being given to them as tips are keeping them warm.

  They flirt, but they flirt for tips which is why I don’t ever sleep with them.

  “Kyle!” my tone is jovial as I return to my table. “You like it here?”

  “I sure do.” His eyes are practically bugging out of his head. “How could you not? No wonder you come here all the time?”

  I chuckle loudly and look over to Kyle’s assistant. He looks less pleased to be here, but I think that’s because he’s rather be at hom
e with his wife. That’s the problem with working in the finance industry and having a family at the same time. There just isn’t time for both. All the smoozing and partying in unavoidable.

  Still, that’s what you have to do if you want to go far.

  “He... hello?” a timid sounding voice comes from the side of me. “Can I... get you guys anything?”

  I’m just about to make some sarcastic comment about her clearly being the new girl because she doesn’t have anything like the usual confidence and swagger of the normal girls, but before I get those words out I feel them get stuck in my throat. Sure, this girl isn’t like any of the other shot girls but that’s because she doesn’t look like she belongs... in the best way possible. Her long raven hair spills down her back, her wide green eyes are inviting, but they also look like they hold an endless ocean of secrets. I like her heart shaped face and pouty lips too.

  Then there’s her body. She’s hunched over slightly as if she isn’t comfortable in her revealing clothing, but I can tell that she’s got a svelte figure and hips that I just want to sink my fingers into. Maybe my teeth too. She isn’t as obvious as the other girls, but there’s a real beauty to her. Maybe it’s because she’s more subtle, or maybe it’s something else. I’m intrigued to find out.

  “Can we get some shots of your finest whiskey, please?” I ask with a smile instead. “And some beers, that okay with everyone?” Kyle nods once. “And also what’s your name?” Her eyes widen in surprise as if she wasn’t expecting me to say that. “If you’re going to serve us drinks all night long I’d like to have something to call you, that’s all.”

  “Oh, right, of course.” Her cheeks tinge the most adorable colour of pink. It brings a smile to my lips without even trying. “Yes, you should know my name. It’s Serena.”

  “Serena. That is a beautiful name. My name is Ben and this is Kyle.” I point over to his assistant, barely remembering his name. He pipes up in the coldest tone of voice known to man.

  “I’m Rick. No booze for me please.”

  “Rick, don’t be an asshole,” Kyle laughs. “Give the boy a drink. The fucker needs to loosen up.”

  I see Serena blanche at the curse word which makes my heart unexpectedly to reach out to her. If she’s not much used to cursing then she’s about to have a lesson in how the other half live. At the moment everyone is being dignified and relatively well behaved, but the more drink that gets into them the more that will change. This will be like a freaking zoo soon enough. Serena needs to toughen up if she’s going to survive it.

  “We’ll all have some drinks, thank you.”

  As she walks away to get us what I’ve requested, an item that isn’t on her belt of shots, I can’t drag my eyes off her as she goes. She isn’t swaying her hips in an over the top manner, but for some reason to me that makes her even sexier. Rationally I know this isn’t the best plan, I usually avoid good girls like her. The more obvious ones might be more garish, but they also expecting so much less. Good girls want love, and I can’t give them love.

  So why do I want to corrupt her so damn badly?

  “She doesn’t seem like the others, does she?” Kyle comments idly. “She’s not as...” He struggles for words. “I mean, look at the blonde over there. She’s pressing her tits up into that guy’s face. I want some more like that.”

  I roll my eyes dramatically at him. “I’ll get her over if you want, but I think we should keep Serena too.”

  “Do you like her?” Kyle asks me with utter sarcasm in her tone. “She’s okay, but a bit boring.”

  “I just... I think that it’s clearly her first day so maybe I should look after her a bit. The rest of the men in here are like animals.”

  “You babysit then. I’m getting the blonde over.”

  As he whistles and clicks his fingers to draw the blonde over, I catch Rick’s eyes. Suddenly I see my disapproval is mirrored in his expression. He doesn’t like his boss’s behaviour either... only probably for a different reason. I don’t know why but I don’t want him to act that way in front of Serena. I don’t want her to think I’m the same as everyone else.

  “Hey everyone.” The blonde comes with a bright cheeky smile and popping bubbles with her gum. “How you all doing tonight? Can I get you anything? I’m Jenny, by the way.”

  “We have drinks,” Kyle says in a leery tone of voice. “What we want here is a bit of fun too. Can you bring some fun over here?”

  “I don’t see why not....”

  Jenny leans over Kyle’s and they get to some serious flirting. I think it’s serious on his part but it isn’t on hers. Obviously. I’m not interested in watching that, I more looking forward to Serena coming back. And not just because of the drinks... although that’s what we came here for. I want to see her sweet little face again. She intrigues me.

  My heart skips a beat as my eyes find her once more. I can tell she’s struggling to get through the crowd, no one is moving for her which irritates me. They’re all acting like they’re way above her. I don’t like that at all. She’s new here, she doesn’t deserve it.

  I push my butt off my chair and go to greet her. My heart thunders so loudly in my ears that I don’t really think about what I’m doing. I just do it.

  “Hey, move,” I growl at the drunken guy standing in front of her, swaying slightly. “The lady is trying to get past you. Can’t you see?”

  He gives me a look, for a moment I think it might be about to break out into a fight, but then he sees the expression on my face and he cowers back. I must look furious, about ready to explode. “Yeah, sorry, I didn’t realise...” he stammers while stepping backwards. “Sorry, ma’am.”

  Serena breathes out a sigh of relief and gives me a grateful smile. The cost of the bottle of whiskey in her hands is probably more than she can afford to pay for if it smashes. If this is her first day and she’s doing a job that clearly makes her uncomfortable, then I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want to break it. That’s why she’s being so over cautious with her steps. I know what it’s like to have no money, not that many people know that, so I can understand what she’s feeling.

  “Come on, I’ll block your way,” I say kindly. “We’ll get through these pigs in no time.”

  “Thank you,” she whispers back. “I hope I’ll get more used to this job. Right now I’m feeling really out of my depth.” She glances back at me with fear in her gaze. “Oh no, I probably shouldn’t have told you that.”

  “Don’t you worry about me, I won’t tell anyone,” I reassure her. My hands automatically find their way possessively onto her hips as I guide her forwards through everyone. I like the way she feels between my fingers, this instantly sends my mind to a very dirty place.

  No, stop it, I warn myself. This is a nice girl, much as I want to corrupt her I can’t. It just isn’t right. It would be a lot of fun... but still I can’t.

  “Thank you,” she says quietly just to me as we finally reach my table. Her breath tickles my neck which sends a shiver tearing up and down my spine. “You’re very kind.”

  I take my seat back down, trying to calm down my pounding cock. I’m too damn excited, this isn’t right. If I’m not careful Serena will start to realise how I feel about her and I’ll freak her out.

  “Right, we’ll all have a round of drinks...” My eyes travel over to Kyle who is trying his luck with Jenny. It’s almost as if he doesn’t realise that it’s never going to happen. “Or maybe just me. I don’t think we should force Rick to drink if he doesn’t want to.”

  He’s on the phone, desperately texting his wife. I feel bad for him all of a sudden. He really doesn’t want to be here and Kyle doesn’t need him. He should just send him home.

  Serena looks horrified at the way Jenny is acting which almost makes me want to laugh. I don’t expect Serena to behave that way with me. The way that things are going, I’ll be giving her a hefty tip no matter what happens.

  Chapter Four – Serena

  I cannot believe how Jenny is
acting, it’s all too much. She’s using the revealing clothing to her advantage and flirting to her heart’s content to get those tips. I can tell it’s all fake and that she doesn’t really like this Kyle guy – he’s much too old for her tastes – which makes it harder for me to watch. Am I to be expected to behave in that way? I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if I have that in me.

  “Wow, they’re a bit close, aren’t they?” Ben asks, bringing my attention back to him. My shocked expression must be obvious because he continues reassuringly. “I don’t think the shot girls need to act like that, do you?”

  “Erm.” I don’t know what the right answer to that is. “I don’t know. It is my first day so maybe I am supposed to act that way.”

  My heart races, ice cold panic courses through my body, I feel utterly frozen to the spot. The thing is, Ben is tall, dark, very handsome, and he has striking features. His hazelnut eyes are luring me in, dragging me closer, but I still don’t think I can behave that way.

  “No, I don’t think you are.” His warm tone dissolves some of the ice around me. “Not with me anyway. I just want drinks, and maybe a bit of chat.”

  Oh God, he’s my ideal customer. I’m glad he’s my first one but I’m all to aware that not everyone will be this way. I’ve already had a sneaky hand trying to creep up my butt and I didn’t like it one bit.


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