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The Raven Tower

Page 31

by Emma Miles

  I faced down Adelphy!

  I faced down Adelphy.

  ‘You all right, master?’ Gulden asked. The innkeeper still looked shaken.

  ‘I could do with another brandy, brother. It doesn’t need to be your best, just strong.’

  Gulden nodded.


  Four times Osun tried to scry to his master before he gave up and went to bed. He lay wakeful and eventually got up and went to the window. The smell of the creatures was beginning to subside. He couldn’t help but contemplate Adelphy’s offer. As much as he hated the man an opportunity to get out of Chem and set up with some influence and power in Elden was tempting. But then what would be the point of going to Elden if it was to become another Chem? That thought was chilling.

  He gasped as he felt heat against his skin.

  It couldn’t be!

  He fumbled for the amulet that held a small vial of his master’s blood. It was warm!

  Elation lent him speed as he threw on a shirt and dragged up his trousers, taking the stairs two at a time. He paused to check no one was around before heading to his wagon and pouring water into the scrying bowl with shaking hands.

  ‘Master?’ He leaned low over the water, willing the image to form, to see those startling eyes.

  ‘Osun! You are safe?’

  ‘Yes, master!’ His relief was overwhelming. His master didn’t look well though, his eyes were bloodshot. ‘What happened to you? I have been trying to speak to you.’

  His master closed his eyes briefly. ‘I was captured, brother, held in a dream by Karinna.’

  Osun ground his teeth together.

  ‘Brother, Karinna is dead.’

  Osun sat down hard; missing the crate to land on the floor and bruise his coccyx. He almost knocked over the scrying bowl and he grabbed it quickly, barely daring to look back within.

  ‘He is really dead? You killed him?’

  The hint of a smile played about his master’s mouth. ‘No, my wife killed him.’

  Osun stared at him incredulously. A woman had killed Karinna? The justice of that felt so perfect. He pulled himself together. ‘You have a wife?’

  His master laughed, and Osun’s own mouth stretched upward in a smile, his heart tingling with warmth.

  ‘Yes, I have a wife. But Osun, Mantu is overrun. They fight still and with Karinna dead they have a chance to turn things aroun—’

  ‘Master!’ Osun interrupted quickly. ‘Adelphy sails today. He has only a few hundred of his dead creatures, but he brings all the warriors of Chem! It is to be a full-on assault with … with new warships.’

  He held his breath while his master put his hands together and tapped at his lip with his forefingers. ‘Osun, this gives me an opportunity that I think I must take. Are you still in Navere?’

  ‘Yes, master.’ He saw Jorrun wince at that title, but he couldn’t help using it.

  ‘Stay there. I think I will be coming to join you.’

  ‘You’re coming to Chem?’

  ‘Yes. Yes, I think so. I think it’s about time someone succeeded in killing our father.’

  Osun’s mouth opened in shock.

  ‘Brother, I have to go …’

  Chapter Eighteen

  Jorrun: Kingdom of Elden

  Jorrun cursed as he heard voices and the heavy tread on the stair that could only be the king.

  ‘I’ll speak to you soon, brother, look after yourself.’ He drew his hand across the water and staggered across to the bed only moments before Bractius came bursting in.

  ‘Jorrun!’ He looked his friend up and down. ‘You escaped?’

  He shook his head. He couldn’t believe how exhausted he felt considering he hadn’t moved in days, almost a week. His body still trembled. He hid his face in his hands, trying to stop the pounding in his head. His skin felt as though it were burning, his eyes stinging and dry. It had been a living hell, forced to face his worst fears over and over while Karinna prodded and poked at his mind. There was no reprieve, no sleeping, no break from the horror and heightened emotions. He pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes to stop the tears and looked up to face his king.

  ‘You defeated the necromancer?’ Bractius demanded again, pulling a chair around to sit close.

  ‘No.’ Jorrun sighed, looking up. ‘Kesta killed him.’

  ‘Kesta!’ Bractius barked a laugh. Just as quickly his expression clouded. ‘How did you let yourself be captured? I thought you were stronger than the other sorcerers of Chem?’

  He tried to sit up straighter but had no strength in his muscles; he really didn’t need this now. He needed his friend, not the king. ‘Strength isn’t the problem.’ He gestured around the room. ‘Knowledge is. All I know is the little my mother taught me and what I’ve read in bo—’

  ‘Well, thank goodness the witch knows what she’s doing.’ Bractius stood up and went to the table, picking up a book and then throwing it down again. Jorrun winced. ‘And we’ve had an offer from the Icante to come here and discuss her fighting the necromancers for us. I have of course accepted. It’s embarrassing that our great country has had to accept aid from the people who a few weeks ago were begging us for help! Especially when we boast the strongest sorcerer of our three nations.’

  ‘I’m sorr—’

  ‘The Icante also said she has killed the necromancer hiding out on the Fulmers. Name was Relta.’

  ‘Dryn’s oldest son, my half-brother,’ he whispered.

  ‘His son?’ Bractius looked shocked. ‘Well, I don’t imagine Dunham will let that pass.’

  ‘Actually, Dryn was never that fond of Relta. He always favoured his cousin’s boy, Adelphy, more.’

  ‘I need to get back to Taurmaline and start preparations to receive the Fulmer delegation. Ayline has announced she is pregnant, so she is too busy fussing about to concentrate on her duties properly.’


  ‘And I need to keep up to date on what is happening on Mantu. There’s at least half a day’s delay in messages getting to me here!’

  ‘Your majesty.’

  Jorrun’s use of his title in private annoyed him enough that he paused to look at him.

  ‘Kesta killed two other necromancers so the undead army is reduced. She told me they are still holding off the Chemmen on Mantu; the island isn’t lost yet.’

  ‘Is she still on the island?’

  ‘No, she’s on her way back to Taurmouth.’ He hoped she was. He prayed she’d listened to him. He swallowed, trying again to sit up.

  ‘Shame,’ Bractius grumbled. ‘She sounds like she is more use there than my whole damned army. It’s a pity you didn’t breed me a few more sorcerers before now.’

  Jorrun froze, his eyes widening as he clenched his hands into fists and the heat of his skin increased with his heart rate. He watched Bractius pace back and forth, making the tower room feel far too small.

  Jorrun cleared his throat. ‘There is something else.’

  ‘Well spit it out!’ Bractius spun around to glare at him.

  ‘I’ve spoken to Osun. Adelphy Dunham is on his way with the entire Chem army. They leave today.’

  ‘Gods, Jorrun! Anything else I should know?’

  He shook his head, realising he was breathing hard. ‘Only … I think I should go to Chem.’

  ‘What?’ Bractius was incredulous. ‘The whole Chem army is coming here with this Adelphy and you want to go to Chem? Isn’t Adelphy their strongest sorcerer next to Dunham himself?’

  ‘Allegedly so,’ he replied slowly. ‘But think about it. With his strongest allies out fighting this war for him it would be the ideal opportunity for me to get to Arkoom and … and kill my father.’

  Bractius sat on the edge of the table, frowning heavily.

  ‘Kill Dryn Dunham and the whole of Chem falls into disarray. There’ll be a scramble for the Seats. Adelphy and the others will have to rush back to Chem or risk losing everything. Dryn is the key but none of the covens dare stand against him.
We should dare while we have this chance.’

  Bractius shook his head. ‘He won’t have left himself completely unprotected.’

  ‘Of course not. He might be looking for plots and rebellion from the other covens, but he wouldn’t expect Elden to attack him in his own home.’

  ‘You really think you could take on Dryn? After your recent failure against Karinna?’

  Shame burnt the skin of Jorrun’s neck. ‘We could end this war with one stroke. At least let me head to Taurmouth. If you decide against me going to Chem I’ll be in position to meet Adelphy wherever his army sets down.’

  Bractius let out a long, loud breath. ‘I’ll think about it.’ He got up and went to the door. ‘Jorrun, I’m glad that you’re okay.’

  Jorrun’s shoulders sagged as Bractius’s footsteps moved away down the stairwell. Moments later a very light knock was followed by Rosa’s anxious face.

  ‘May I come in?’

  He forced a smile and nodded.

  ‘You won’t turn me into a raven or anything?’ she asked as she made her way over to the fireplace.

  The reminder of Azrael’s absence stung, but he laughed anyway. ‘No, Rosa, I won’t.’ With a groan he lay down.

  ‘How do you feel?’ She swung the kettle over the flames and then kneeling beside the bed, tentatively took his wrist to feel for his pulse.

  ‘Not good.’ He grinned, closing his eyes.

  ‘Catya has been demanding to see you.’

  ‘Not yet!’ He placed his free hand over Rosa’s. His nightmares nipped at the edges of his mind. ‘Not yet.’

  Rosa nodded and got up to make him some tea, adding what he guessed to be willow bark. ‘Do you think you could eat?’

  He grimaced. ‘I’m not hungry.’

  ‘Would you try?’

  He sighed. ‘I suppose I should.’

  ‘I …’ Rosa approached him slowly, carrying the tea. He opened his aching eyes to see the worry and fear on her face. He couldn’t help but think that Bractius would be pleased; everyone was supposed to be afraid of the Dark Man.

  ‘It’s okay, Rosa.’

  She glanced at him and then sat in the chair the king had recently vacated.

  ‘I didn’t mean to pry, but I heard you mention that you had spoken with Kesta?’

  He realised that she must have been waiting outside the door and had heard everything that had passed; he turned away, placing a hand over his eyes. ‘Yes. Her blood in that cylinder allowed me to speak to her.’

  ‘She is safe?’

  He wanted to say yes, but in truth he didn’t know. ‘I hope so, Rosa. I commanded her to get to safety in Taurmouth.’

  ‘You commanded her?’ Amusement lit her soft brown eyes.

  Jorrun chuckled. ‘Yes.’

  Rosa stood and placed the tea down on the chair. ‘Please try to drink this, you’re very dehydrated. I’ll go and make you some soup and be back shortly. If you’re going to go and meet Kesta you’ll need to get your strength back.’

  He nodded but couldn’t find the energy to reply.

  Kesta. Raven hair, forest eyes. Kesta.


  He awoke to find light streaming into the tower. Above, the ravens were scratching about on their perches and glancing up he saw that two of them were eyeing him from the open window.

  ‘I threw food out for them, but they seem intent on watching you.’

  ‘Rosa.’ He turned over in the bed to face her. ‘How long have I been asleep? Is it still today?’

  ‘Just a few hours.’ She crept closer to peer at him. ‘You’re still very dehydrated. How’s your head?’

  ‘Unfortunately, still on my shoulders. Ow!’ He clutched at his stomach.


  ‘That or I swallowed a live raven and that’s why they’re glaring at me.’

  She snorted at him, trying to remain serious and not laugh. ‘Raven or no, I need you to try to eat some more.’

  ‘And I thought Kesta was the nag.’

  ‘Kesta cares about you.’

  He couldn’t reply to that. Kesta and Tantony had gone racing across Elden to face the Chem army alone to save him. She was supposed to hate him. She had to go back to the Fulmers.

  ‘Thane?’ Rosa needled gently. ‘Eat something?’

  He looked around himself and, realising his dilemma, Rosa spotted a shirt and handed it to him. It was wonderfully clean and smelt of his favourite jasmine and cinnamon. As he slipped the shirt on he paid attention to his room for the first time, realising that Rosa had carefully cleaned it, preserving all of his things in their places as much as she could. He didn’t deserve such kindness.

  ‘Is the king still here?’

  Rosa scowled as she handed him a bowl and spoon, a cloth beneath it to protect him from the heat. ‘Yes, he is still here.’

  Of course, she’d seen a side to Bractius that he rarely showed in public. ‘He is just worried about his people; he was right to be angry with me.’

  She didn’t reply, diplomatically keeping her thoughts to herself.

  ‘Would you do something for me?’ he asked. ‘I need to take a ship to Taurmouth; tomorrow if possible. Did Kesta and Tantony take my ship?’

  ‘No, Kurghan took them.’


  ‘Oh!’ She stood up so suddenly he thought she’d burnt herself. Reaching into a pocket in her skirt she pulled out a tiny scroll. ‘Kurghan sent a message addressed to me. Um, Kesta left me in charge. Kurghan wrote to say he is staying at the Green Inn and hopes that Kesta and Tantony will rejoin him there.’

  ‘Nothing else?’

  She shook her head.

  ‘All right. Thank you. Get my ship ready with a small crew and I’ll eat this soup. Would you let Catya know I would love to see her this evening?’

  ‘Of course.’ Rosa gave a small curtsy as she took her dismissal. She looked at the bowl.

  ‘I’m eating it!’ He laughed, putting the spoon in his mouth.

  She smiled back and quietly left the room.


  His stomach seemed to settle after he ate the soup and he soon found that he was ravenous. He heated up another bowlful while selecting a few things to put into a travel bag. He picked up two books, one on dream-walking and the other on necromancy, and put them in his bag. When he finished the soup, he took them back out again and sat looking at them. There was every chance they would become lost or damaged if he took them to Chem. He laughed at his own foolishness; he would risk his own life but not his precious books! He put them back in the bag. He could always leave them in the cabin of his ship when he’d finished studying them again.

  He managed to get a little more sleep before the light creak of the floorboards woke him. It was quite jarring to have all the coming and going in his once private tower. However, when he saw who it was he couldn’t help but smile.


  ‘Jorrun!’ She ran over and threw her arms around him in a hug.

  Physical contact was such a rare thing for him, the Dark Man of the Raven Tower. Like the invasion of his rooms it was both disturbing and comforting.

  ‘I thought you would die!’

  The girl was crying.

  ‘No, Catya, I was just in a deep sleep.’ The muscles of his chest squeezed inward and dark images whispered at the edges of his mind. He stroked Catya’s hair and swallowed against the tightening of his throat.

  ‘Rosa said you were trapped in bad dreams.’

  He tucked a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear and took a moment to compose his reply. Nightmares were something Catya could definitely relate to. It had taken him months to turn her dreams to more pleasant things. It had been her dreams as a tiny child that had warned him of what her uncle was doing to her.

  ‘Yes, I was trapped in bad dreams, but we know how to beat them.’

  She nodded. Oh, how he wished it had been true. Would he ever have the courage to dream-walk again? His heart pounded even at the thought of it.r />
  ‘Rosa says you’re leaving tomorrow.’

  He nodded. ‘I’m going to find Kesta and Merkis Tantony.’

  ‘I should come, then; I’m Kesta’s bodyguard.’

  ‘Hmmm.’ He tried not to smile, not wanting to seem to mock or doubt her in any way. ‘Well, the problem is, I need someone to protect Rosa and help her look after the hold while I’m gone. And there are the ravens. Someone needs to feed them and look after messages. Only you and Rosa are allowed in the tower.’ He watched her as she thought it over.

  ‘I want to go and help you and Kesta.’

  ‘I know. But it would be a huge help to me to know the ravens are being looked after and that I don’t need to worry about the hold.’

  ‘All right.’ Her shoulders rose in a sigh. ‘I’ll guard the tower.’

  ‘Thank you. There’s one other thing I need you to help me with. Will you help me eat all that food you brought up, so Rosa doesn’t tell me off?’

  She laughed. ‘Okay!’


  Bractius came up just before darkness set in. Catya scampered out of the room, her face hidden under her hair. The king looked somewhat contrite, although Jorrun didn’t believe it for a moment.

  ‘You look better.’ He went to stand by the window, looking out rather than at Jorrun. ‘I thought about what you proposed. With the Icante and her walkers coming here I think I can spare you for your reckless plan. One more magic user here probably won’t make much difference; but if you take out Dunham it certainly will. Head to Taurmouth. If there are no different instructions from me waiting for you when you get there, go on with your plan.’ He turned around to regard Jorrun. ‘Do you need me to leave someone here to take charge of Northold?’

  ‘No, Merkis Tantony and Kesta will come back to do so.’

  ‘You intend to go to Chem alone?’

  ‘With Azrael. If he can bear to cross the sea.’

  Bractius grunted. ‘Well.’ He crossed the room and offered his hand to Jorrun who took it quickly. ‘Be careful.’

  Jorrun nodded.

  ‘I’ll be leaving for Taurmaline in just a moment.’ Genuine concern seemed to crinkle the corners of his eyes for a moment as he looked Jorrun over. ‘I hope that I’ll see you again.’


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