Guarded by a SEAL

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Guarded by a SEAL Page 6

by Julie Morgan

  She gasped and playfully slapped his arm. “Whatever.”

  He chuckled. “This, actually, is the biggest assignment I’ve received.” He flipped the steaks and looked to her with a thoughtful gaze.

  She smiled and tilted her head. “What is it?”

  He smiled. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “Coming to us for help.”

  “Oh,” she lowered her gaze and nodded. “You’re welcome.”

  She watched his movements when he turned back to the grill.

  What was he thinking? Did he like her in the same way she liked him? From the kiss the other night, she would suspect so. She took a chance and slipped her free hand into his inner elbow, just as she did earlier today.

  A moment passed and Jax did not say anything. He pulled the steaks off onto the plate, then looked down at her.

  “Are you all right?”

  She nodded. “Yes. Earlier today, when I took your arm?”

  He smiled. “It’s fine.”

  “No, it’s not that.” She squeezed his inner elbow and continued. “You give me this security. I feel safe with you. I mean, I know it’s your job to guard me, but being guarded and actually feeling protected? Well, to me, it’s two very distinct things.”

  He sat the plate down and took her hand. He held onto it and smiled. “I’m happy to hear that. Truly.”

  “But?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “No buts. It just makes me happy to know you feel safe with me.”

  She smiled and felt a faint blush touch her cheeks. She took a sip of wine to mask it. Sometimes wine flushed her skin. When Jax did not let go of her hand, she decided she needed to make a move. Andria interlaced her fingers with his. His hand felt massive next to hers. She wanted to know what it would feel like to have his hands on her body, so much so, she took a step forward.

  She was pleased to see he followed her lead. He brought a hand up and touched her cheek, allowing his knuckle to graze her jawline. She stared into his eyes, feeling lost in the most remarkable way. She imagined him on top of her, looking into her eyes while they made love. She bit her lower lip and stepped closer.

  Jax lowered his head as if he was coming in to kiss her. Excitement and heat flooded her body. She tilted her head up and began to close her eyes.

  Then his phone rang. He sighed and took a step back.

  She released his hand. The moment passed. She smiled and left his side to return inside the house. Andria turned back to look at him while he talked on his phone. Pacing, one hand moved in the air as he talked, the other holding the phone. His profile appeared concerned, maybe worried.

  Her stomach knotted that bad news was being reported. He nodded and hung up his phone. Andria took a sip of wine and turned to face the dining room table.

  The call he took did not last long. They ate mostly in silence, the atmosphere thick. Andria poked at her food and nibbled on her steak.

  When they finished, Jax stood and left the room. She waited at the table and felt the nerves in her stomach threaten to show her what she just ate. Closing her eyes, she inhaled a deep breath, then let it go.

  If it was important, he would let her know. That’s what he promised her.

  She made her way to the kitchen sink and washed the plates. She dried her hands, leaned against the counter, and sipped her wine. She replayed the scene on her back porch over in her head.

  He leaned in to kiss her, then his phone rang.

  I wonder if it was GAPS who called.

  Did they spot Draven?

  Oh hell, what if they found him?

  Is he in the area?

  Should I call Suzy?

  Should I go demand answers in his room?

  No, he’ll come back out soon.

  He almost kissed me.

  The last one caused her to blush.

  She reviewed the other scenarios in her head repeatedly. She wanted to know who called, but was it her place to ask? As much as she wanted to know, a part of her put the stop on her aggressive actions.

  Don’t need to play the victim here. When he’s done, he’ll come out and tell you what’s happened.

  Wow, do I play the victim?

  She thought about that for a moment and shook her head. No, she didn’t. And she wouldn’t start now. She could not stand for anyone to constantly play the victim, or use their circumstance to their advantage. Andria was raised better than that.

  She tapped her fingers on the counter, then brought her nails up to look at them. Recently manicured, her fingers looked just fine.

  She sighed and looked toward the hallway. She heard him talking and she stood straighter. “Yeah, thanks for the call,” she heard Jax say. “Yeah, later. Bye.” He came back into the room. “Sorry about that. Important call I needed to make.”

  She nodded and kept her gaze down. She stood in silence, not sure what to ask or say.

  “Andria?” he asked and approached her. “Listen, outside a while ago, I’m sorry about that.”

  “About what exactly?” she asked and kept her gaze on the floor.

  “Getting interrupted.”

  She looked up with raised brows. Her gut clenched again. She opened her mouth to say something when Jax continued.

  “The moment was ruined and I don’t know what to say other than I’m sorry. I can’t say it won’t happen again, because it might. But what I can do is offer you this.” He smiled and held out his hand. She took it and stepped closer. He pulled out his phone and she watched him press a few buttons, then set it down. Jazz music played through his speaker and she smiled.

  “Dance with me?”

  “You can dance?” she asked.

  “Well, I can sway.”

  She grinned. “Works for me.” She placed her hand on his shoulder and stepped close. “Is it okay to ask who was on the phone? I don’t want to invade your privacy, but you left in such a rush after dinner to call them back.”

  “It’s fine,” he said and swayed with her in his arms.

  She felt his hand on her lower back pull her closer.

  “It was GAPS, calling me with an update.”

  She stopped moving and her eyes widened. “Oh God,” she whispered.

  He shook his head. “I’m sorry, no, it’s nothing about him. They were giving me an update on intel, the area, stuff I need to do my job for you.”

  She sighed and felt herself sink with realization. Nothing had changed. No Draven. “Wow, I thought that maybe…you know…”

  He nodded. “You would be first to know if there was a situation.” He held onto her and pulled her even closer, then dipped her. She squealed and laughed, holding onto his arms.

  “Not so bad, huh?” he asked.

  She smiled, “Not at all.”

  He pulled her upright and continued to sway. She let go of his hand and placed it on his chest, then moved it up around his neck. Jax did not back away. Their gazes locked on one another’s as the first song ended, and the next one began.

  She had not realized they’d stopped dancing. She stood on her toes and touched his cheeks. “Kiss me,” she whispered. She needed to feel his touch, his lips on hers again. She wanted more from this man, needed more.

  He closed his eyes and his breathing came out almost like a growl. His forehead rested against hers.

  She tilted her head just enough, their lips were a breath’s distance from one another’s. “Kiss me,” she whispered again.

  Jax’s lips opened and his breathing was heavier, along with that growl. It was sexy as hell.

  She moved her fingers into his hair and gripped his head, holding him to her. His strength would overpower hers easy enough if he decided to pull back, but he didn’t. He stayed with her, breathing her in.

  “Jax,” she whispered again and his lips found hers in a heat so wild, so full of desire, he scooped her up in his arms. She hugged him close to her, holding on while his arms secured her waist. He walked her across the room to a wall and pressed he
r against it.

  She gasped and wrapped her legs around his waist. He moved his mouth from hers to her jaw, her ear, her neck. Her head rested on the wall as he nibbled on her skin. The heat ignited at the apex of her core and she needed him inside her.

  “Jax,” she groaned his name. He moved his hips against her body and she felt his full length against her. He was hard and wanted her as much as she wanted him. “Jax, please,” she whispered.

  Then, he stopped. He panted against her neck and sat her on her feet. “I can’t…we shouldn’t…Andria, I…we shouldn’t.”

  She pulled away from him and adjusted her shirt. Her lips stung from the force of his kiss, and she wanted him to do it again. Her eyes burned from the threat of tears.

  He was rejecting her.


  She turned away from him and took two steps.

  “Andria,” he started.

  “It’s fine. Thank you for dinner. I’m,” she hesitated for a moment, then sighed. “I’m going to bed.” She left the room and headed to her bedroom. When she closed the door, she sagged against it and tears escaped from her eyes in a mad dash.

  She sobbed and pushed off the door. She removed her blouse, bra, pants, and panties and put them in her clothes bin. She put on a nighty and pulled her sheets back. She wanted to escape into a dreamless sleep and forget tonight ever happened.

  As she laid her head down, the tears continued to come.

  Had she read the signs wrong? He kissed her and wanted her as much, if not more. What went wrong?

  You’re paying him to guard you.

  She wiped her eyes and when a knock at her door sounded, she held her breath. He knocked again. She released her breath and gritted her teeth. Anger rose inside her. “Go away,” she warned.

  Another knock.

  “I said go away!”

  The door opened and Jax stood in the doorway in only his boxer briefs. Her eyes widened and she sat up. Anger, rage, and sexual frustration skyrocketed.

  “Who the hell do you think you are? You kiss me, pin me against the wall, then reject me, all to come back in your fucking underwear expecting it to be okay? Well, it’s NOT okay! Leave! I don’t want you in here!”

  She got out from her bed when Jax entered her room. She made her way toward him and pushed on his chest. “I said get out!”

  “No,” he growled.

  “What?” she asked and looked up to him.

  “No. I’m not leaving.” He reached for her before she had a chance to realize what he was doing. He pulled her abruptly against him, slamming her body into his. She gasped and had her hands on his chest. She gasped once more when he fisted a handful of her hair and tugged her head back. “I’m sorry, I am not rejecting you. I’ve wanted you since the moment I first saw you. I don’t want to wait anymore.”


  Andria did not wait. She grabbed him by the back of his neck and pulled him to her. Their lips met in a heated, angry kiss. He lifted her in his arms and carried her to her bed. She kissed him and wanted more. She moved her legs apart and accepted his body on top of hers.

  She groaned when he pressed his erection against her. The friction could bring her to orgasm and she welcomed it.

  “I need you,” she whispered against his lips.

  “I want you,” he told her.

  He kissed her neck and squeezed her breasts together. Her back arched, pushing her mounds harder against his thick hands. He pinched her nipples and through the material of her gown, he sucked on her tips.

  “Oh God,” she whispered and held onto his arms. Her body burned for a desire that only he brought out in her. She needed to feel his skin against her own. “I have too much on.”

  He chuckled and sat up long enough to strip her of her gown. “Mmm, much better.” He leaned over her once more and kissed her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and felt the grind of material.

  “You need to lose those.”

  He growled against her neck and moved down to her breasts. He sucked on her pebbled mound and squeezed the other. She moaned and arched her back once more.

  She felt Jax move to the other breast and he paused. He lifted his head and she looked down.

  “What’s wrong?” she whispered. Please don’t let him have a moment of self-control and doubt. Please, no.

  His finger traced lightly over the scar on her chest. He met her gaze and held it. A truth passed between them unspoken. Her eyes burned once more at the onslaught he may cause.

  Her scar.

  The scar.

  He leaned down and kissed it with a softness that melted her heart. She squeezed her eyes closed and prayed no tears would fall.

  She felt his hand cup the back of her head and she looked up to Jax above her. “Your scars are your stories of battle, of wars. They do not define you. They tell your story and Andria, yours is beautiful.”

  She felt a tear slip into her hair. She smiled and offered a nod. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He leaned down and kissed her, caressing her cheek down to her breast. When he moved against her, she gasped against his lips and the heat ignited once more.

  Jax moved to her neck and kissed down between her breasts. He slid a hand down her body to between her legs. “Gods, woman, you’re so fucking wet.”

  “Yes,” she groaned when one of his fingers pushed inside her. She gasped at the sensation and when his thumb pressed against the bundle of nerves, her back arched with a whimper. “Oh yes, more.”

  She looked to him and found him watching her. In the past, this would have bothered her, but right now, with Jax, she found it completely erotic. She smirked and moved her hips against the movement of his fingers.

  “I want to taste you,” he told her and licked her nipple.

  “Then do it.”

  He growled and she felt her body release her first orgasm of the night. She wanted more, needed more. He moved down her body and pushed her legs apart. She lifted her head and watched him as he grinned at his prize.

  He leaned in and with a swipe of his tongue, he licked her from ass to clit. She groaned and her head fell back. He sucked on her, fingered her, lashed his tongue against her in an onslaught of ravaging she could hardly handle. Another orgasm exploded from her and her body shook.

  “Jax,” she cried. “Jax, I need you.”

  He pulled away from her and swiped across his mouth. She met his gaze when he stood to full height. His erection pushed out of his boxer briefs and she caught sight of his head. She wanted to lick it, suck it, do for him what he did for her.

  He pushed down his underwear and stepped closer to the bed. He took her first leg and kissed her from the ankle up to her knee.

  She met his gaze and smiled. She reached for him and pulled him close, his hands pressing onto the bed on either side of her body. He leaned in and kissed her and she tasted herself.

  He ground his cock against her. The wetness from her orgasm and her need of him inside her engulfed her in a way she had never experienced. She reached down between them and palmed his length. He was thick. She stroked him as he moved against her.

  “Woman, you make me want to do bad things with you.”

  She grinned and licked his lips. “I hope you will.”

  She lined his head up to her entrance and he pushed. She groaned and her back arched. Jax cupped her shoulders and thrust inside her.

  “Is it too much?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No, I’m okay. You didn’t hurt me.”

  He kissed her and she smiled. He pulled back and thrust again. Andria groaned and held onto Jax. She did not want this night to end.

  “I’m yours,” she whispered and their lips met again.

  Jax groaned and he inhaled with a growl. “Andria, I’m going to cum soon. Fuck, baby.”

  “Please, do it on me.”

  Their gaze met and a hunger was in Jax’s eyes. She held onto his gaze as he thrust once, twice more. He moaned out loud and pulled out, then came on her b
ody. It was warm and in a way, felt heavy.

  He sagged some and met her gaze once more. “Let me grab a towel. I’ll be right back.”

  She nodded and didn’t move, except to look down. She was surprised at the amount he left then let her head rest back down. It made her laugh to look. The last time she had sex like this was…well, never. She laughed once more when Jax entered the room.

  “Wow, was I that bad?”

  She looked up to him and smiled. “Oh my God, no. You were amazing. How about that towel?”

  He came closer and Andria took in his full physique. The man was like a walking sculpture. Perfect chest and abs, amazing ass. He wiped the evidence of his orgasm off her belly, then tossed the towel aside.

  He rubbed the scruff on his cheeks and looked as if he were lost.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked him.

  “Well?” He motioned between her bed and outside the room.

  She smiled and scooted across the bed, then patted the mattress. “Get in here.”

  He chuckled and crawled in to bed next to her. He opened his arm and she laid her head on his chest.

  Her eyes felt heavy and with the warmth of his body next to hers, it wasn’t long before sleep began to tease her into a dream world.

  “Andria?” he whispered.


  “It’s nothing. See you in the morning.”

  She felt him kiss her forehead and she smiled, then fell asleep.


  Warmth, like a personal heater, warmed Andria’s side in a pleasant, and erotic way. She smiled and turned toward Jax. She opened her eyes and saw he was still sleeping. His face relaxed made him look peaceful, calm, and not the aggressive, confident man she had invited into her life.

  Andria had not let anyone in since Draven. No one made it through her fortress wall and she made sure no one stayed around long enough to attempt to penetrate it.

  Until Jax.

  Draven took so much from her. She felt like a void in the world, waiting to be filled. As soon as something attempted to fill the crevasse, she would move, or change, or do something to throw the effort off course.

  One-night stands were fun, and came with no strings. She could handle that, but did not care for it. One never knew who they brought home when someone like Draven was forced from your life.


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