Guarded by a SEAL

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Guarded by a SEAL Page 7

by Julie Morgan

  She was not experienced in long relationships where the give and take were mutual. And respect was given, as well as received. This was new territory for her.

  She smiled to herself. Don’t get all caught up in this. It was one night.

  And he lives here now.

  She frowned. Crap.

  Jax’s eyes moved behind his lids. She leaned in closer. He smelled good, a musk mixed with soap. Clean. She would find a way to bottle it if the relationship continued.

  She touched his cheek, a soft touch to not wake him. Jax stirred and she hesitated, bringing her hand back.

  “Andria?” he groaned and stretched.

  She pretended to yawn and stretch. “Yeah?” she said through what she hoped to sound like a moan. “Good morning.”

  He opened one eye and peered at her.

  She grinned. He was adorable. “Do you need coffee?”

  He nodded. “Lots.”

  “Will do.” She sat up and pulled the covers back, then squealed when Jax yanked her back to the bed.

  “But first, come here.”

  She laughed and turned into him. She wrapped her arm around his body and could barely reach his mid-back. He had a scar on his torso by his left shoulder and a few tattoos scattered.

  She touched the scar. “Can I ask what this is from?”

  He nodded. “Bullet wound.”

  She met his gaze. “Oh my God,” she whispered. “How long ago?”

  “A few years. It was during one of my deployments. Overwatch had our backs, but there was a sniper unseen. He fired and the bullet hit me.”

  She leaned in and kissed he scar. “What is overwatch?”

  “Snipers were on the rooftops taking out any hostiles as we approached.”

  She leaned back, eyes wide. “You went in front, in the heat of the fight?”

  He nodded. “It’s what we do.”

  She closed her eyes and thought of the movies she had watched in the past. Hollywood came close to replicating war, from what she had been told, but to be on the front lines…she shook her head. “I have no words for this, Jax. Nothing.”

  “We are trained for this, Andria. It hit me but did not take me down.”

  She felt like an ant under the heat of a magnifying glass. She was a single person trying to escape the torment of one man. Jax faced war from thousands of men who wanted him dead, for no other reason than not fighting on the same side.

  She wrapped her arm around him and laid her head on his chest. She held on as if letting go would mean he would be back on the lines.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  She waited for a moment before answering, afraid if she did, she may cry. When she knew she could answer, she spoke. “You tell me I’m brave for facing the demons of my past.”


  “But Jax, you have faced much worse from thousands. I’m only one person.”

  He tapped on her arm and she sat up. He moved to his side. “One person’s fear does not mean it is less than the fear of war. We are trained to face what we went into. What happened to you, you had no idea that was coming. You were not prepared or ready. You had no way to defend yourself. Now tell me, how is that fair?”

  She lowered her gaze and remained silent. He was right, it wasn’t fair. As soon as Draven showed his true colors, she tried to leave. She tried time after time, but he always managed to find her, until he tried to kill her.

  A light touch on her chin lifted her head up. She met Jax’s gaze and he smiled.

  “One day you will see the strength I see in you.”

  A tear slipped from her eye and she wiped it away. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “You’re welcome.”

  The mood in the room shifted when Jax moved toward her. She smiled and laid on her back. He moved over her and kissed her. “Before coffee, before we get up for the day, I want you.”

  Butterflies in her stomach made her smile. She pulled him close and wrapped her legs around his waist. “Yes, please?”

  He chuckled and adjusted himself above her. He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, then her neck. She reached between them and grasped his cock. He groaned in her ear while she stroked him.

  “You like that?” she whispered.

  “Yes,” he growled and nibbled on her lobe. “Let me fuck you.”

  “Oh God,” she whispered and positioned him at her entrance. He teased her with his head, barely pushing inside her. She pressed her nails into his back and lightly bit his shoulder. “Stop teasing!”

  He chuckled and thrust hard inside her. She gasped and her back arched. She moaned with each movement he made, each thrust, each push and pull. He sat up on his heels and grabbing her legs, pulling her body toward him. Jax pulled her legs to his chest and thrust hard as she reached for her mattress and held on.

  She kept her eyes on his, smirking. “Harder.”

  He lifted a brow and slowed his movements. “You want more?”

  She nodded with a wicked grin. “Yes, please.”

  He grinned and pushed her legs down, cupping the back of her knees. He positioned himself on top of her and thrust hard. She yelled out a moan and grabbed his arms. “Yes, harder.”

  He pushed and pulled and she matched his rhythm. The desire in her body burned with a need that called for him. The building of an orgasm shattered her. Her neck arched as did her back. “Harder!”

  His body moved hard and fast, sweat building on his brow. She gasped and held his gaze as he moved harder, faster.

  “Fuck, baby, I won’t last much longer.”

  “Yes,” she growled. “Yes! Fuck me!”

  He groaned and his head thrust back. “Andria, fuck!” He pulled out and came on her body. He let out a harsh breath and panted, head still tilted back.

  She smiled and reached for him, touching his chest. “I have never talked during sex before,” she admitted.

  He looked down and met her gaze with a smile. “It’s sexy as hell.”

  Her smile grew. “Good. You seemed to like it.”

  He nodded and moved from the bed. “Let me grab you a towel.”

  “And a shower,” she added. He nodded and left the room. She remained on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a moment. She tilted her head toward her dresser and looked at herself in the mirror. She smiled and closed her eyes.

  A softness draped over her as well as large hands. Jax wiped off her body as she looked up at him. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Come on, let’s get moving for another round at self-defense.”

  She sat up with a grin. She ran through the different positions he could hold her in and wondered if she would try to get out of it, or if him pinning her down would lead to something else. She grinned and looked forward to finding out.


  If anyone would have told Andria she could take down a man twice her size by simply punching him in the groin, she would have never believed them. But there she stood, behind Ryan, the other SEAL she met the other day.

  He groaned and held his hands over his balls.

  Andria bit down on her lower lip. “Ryan, are you all right?” She held her fingers close to her mouth to cover any evidence of a smile or laugh. She did not take humor in hurting anyone, but the fact he was so large made her appreciate it that much more.

  “Yeah,” he groaned. “I’ll be all right.” He rolled to his back and Andria watched him push himself upright.

  “Get up, you pussy,” Jax teased.

  “You take her down then,” Ryan protested.

  Andria lifted a brow and looked to Jax and smiled. “Come take me down, like he said, if you can.”

  Jax grinned. “If you get cocky about any ability you build, it will work anything you know against you.” His grin grew wicked and Andria’s smile faded. “I can and will take you down, woman.”

  She pursed her lips. Andria wanted to swoon, moan, taunt him to pin her on the ground and rub his cock against her. She wanted to do things to him
that would make his toes curl.

  Instead, she stepped out onto the floor mat and waved Jax over. He approached and stood over her. She smiled, she could not help it.

  “So, how are we doing this one today?” she asked.

  Jax stepped close to her. She smiled up at him and he touched her cheeks. She closed her eyes and imagined him leaning in to kiss her. She felt his hands move from her face to rest on her hips. Well, if this is training, I’m down with it. She felt him move closer and his breath next to her ear.

  “Are you ready?” he whispered.

  She nodded and she felt the most pleasant sensation between her legs. She wanted his hands on her, to memorize her shape. Instead, she felt him lean into her and she braced herself to not fall backward.

  Then Andria screamed. Without warning, Jax put one of his legs behind her and laid her on her back. He held her hands above her head and sat on her legs.

  “How do you free yourself?” he asked.

  She stared up at him, in shock and awe, as she’d heard others say. His show of force was something to admire. He was sexy and his presence commanded the room. She wanted his hands on her again.

  “Andria?” he asked and leaned in. “How will you free yourself?”

  She thought on his question. How would she free herself? She perked a brow. I wouldn’t. I want you to strip me and do things to me like you did last night.

  Instead, she bent her legs and tried to pusher her hips up. Nothing. She jerked at her restrained arms. She could not budge. She pursed her lips together and tried to think on what to do. “Anything I try, you’ll be able to beat me. I cannot break loose and you’re weight on me will keep me down.”

  “Right.” He opened his mouth to speak again when someone stepped over.

  Andria looked up to Ryan standing over them. She smiled up at him.

  “What say you, Ryan? How would I get out of this?”

  “Oh, I know what you should do, but the question is, what would you do?” Ryan answered.

  She frowned. “Well, this isn’t very fair.”

  “I don’t imagine anyone attacking someone else would take into consideration what is fair,” Jax told her. “Think, Andria. What would you do to get out of this? What can you do? Use your body. Use what is right in front of you.”

  She sighed and stared up at Jax. He held her still, but his grip was not too tight. She could probably pull her arms free if she wanted to. That was not the point though. The point here was what would she do in this predicament?

  She thought of Draven and the many times he held her down.

  You did this to yourself.

  You wore that outfit.

  You looked at that guy.

  Her personal favorite, You can never leave me. I’m going to fuck up your face so bad no one will want to look at you.

  Rage climbed inside her. Small tendrils of anger ascended on the thorns of pain left from the memories of Draven. Andria closed her eyes and focused on how she felt.

  “Andria?” Jax asked.

  “Give me just a minute,” she said through gritted teeth.

  “Oh, brother, I think she found something. I would be careful,” Ryan teased.

  Ryan teased her. Draven beat her. Jax held her down. In that moment, everything circled around her freedom. She needed space and to get Jax off her.

  But Jax was not Draven.

  It doesn’t matter, she told herself. Right now, he is.

  With a deep breath, she opened her eyes. Jax was just above her. She could feel his breath on her. She scowled and felt a rumble in her chest. The sound grew louder.

  “Are you growling?” Jax asked.

  Her growl became close to a yell. Andria head-butted Jax on the nose. He yelled and let her go and sat up. She punched him in the balls and he fell to his side. She scrambled away and quickly jumped to her feet.

  “You will never hold me down again! Never!” Andria panted and held her fists up. She was ready to engage as the fuel of rage powered through her body.

  “Holy shit,” Ryan exclaimed. “Jax, you all right, man?”

  Jax? Andria blinked and stared at the man before her. He held his face and gave a quick nod.

  “She didn’t break my nose but the effect was sufficient. Then my balls. Holy fuck, I need ice for them.”

  Ryan chuckled. Andria turned to him and frowned. He looked to her and winked, then took off in a sprint.

  She turned back to Jax. “Jax?”

  “Yeah?” he asked and looked up to her.

  “Oh my God, are you all right? I didn’t mean to…dammit, I’m sorry!” She sat down on her knees in front of him and pulled his hands away. She gasped. “Oh no, you’re bleeding.” She smiled and let out a laugh that sounded maniacal.

  “Why are you laughing?” he asked.

  “I made your nose bleed!”

  “Why is that funny?” he asked.

  “I’ve never done anything like this and my first try, I took you down!” She fisted her hands and pushed them in the air. “Yay me!”

  “You did good, baby, you did good.”

  She stood and reached for Jax. He took her hand and she helped him stand. “Baby?” She smiled. “I like that.”

  “Here, man,” Ryan called. The pair turned to him and Ryan brought napkins and an ice pack.

  “What made you decide to head butt me and punch my junk?” Jax asked her.

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Well, you told me to use my body and what may be right in front of me. So I used my head. You sat up and opened yourself up for attack. I hit your balls. I wasn’t sure what you’d do, but when you fell over, I took the opportunity to get loose and run.”

  “Very good,” Jax told her. “Something happened, though. Where did you go in your mind?”

  She lowered her gaze to his feet. She studied the black runners for a moment, then answered. “I thought of Draven and all the excuses he would give on why he felt the need to beat me.” She looked up and met his gaze. “I felt that and held onto it.”

  He smiled. “Well done.”

  “Are we done? Or are there other positions you want to show me?”

  Jax smirked. “I still have a few up my sleeve.” He stepped closer.

  “Here?” she said in a softer voice. She wanted to play nurse and stroke him, make up for putting bruises on his groin.

  “Umm, guys?” Ryan interrupted. “I’m going to take off. You two look like you need to be alone.”

  Jax chuckled and nodded. “See you, man.” He never looked away from Andria.

  She smiled. The anger left her and was quickly replaced by arousal. “Let’s go home. I want to play Nurse Andria.”


  When someone has been paid to guard you, it would not be wise to avert directions and go off course. Andria thought about this when the reminder for the bachelorette party popped up on her calendar.

  And Facebook invite.

  And email reminder.

  “Andria?” Jax asked. “Will you explain what this is?”

  She put down the book she was reading in bed. She slipped off the covers and stepped over to his chair, then bent over his shoulder, biting her lip. “I forgot about this.”

  “Where is it?” he looked at her. “This isn’t somewhere I have on my list of places.”

  She went back to the bed and sat down. “It’s a local pub not too far from here. One of my friends is getting married. She’s having a party and I want to go.”

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “Why? Because you haven’t checked it out?”

  “Yeah, that’s exactly why. I can’t stop you from going, but I will advise against it. Here, I have every exit covered. The neighborhood has been scouted. We know all the ins and outs of everyone on this block and the adjoining ones. No one comes or goes without our knowledge. Well, except for the occasional family visitor. I would know Draven is coming within ten to fifteen minutes of his arrival. This pub? I’m out, Andria. I would not be a
ble to guarantee protection.”

  “I had no idea you had the neighborhood scouted.” She thought about that and tapped her chin. “Do the neighbors even know?”

  He shook his head. “Remember, I told you we would set this up and no one would be the wiser.”

  She nodded. “Yeah, I remember that. But Jax, I do really want to go.”

  “It’s not a good idea.”

  She huffed and left the room. She did not want to act like a child, but this was ridiculous. There was no way Draven would show up this one night of all nights and attack her. She was going, with or without Jax.

  The car ride over to the pub was silent. Jax was upset, but he would deal with it. She demanded to go, and threatened to go without him.

  That got his panties in a twist.

  Well yeah, because he’s being paid to guard you and you just threw a wrench in all the planning he’s done.

  He pulled up to a light and she heard him sigh.

  “Andria, look. We can do this. Just please, stay in my line of sight the entire night. Don’t leave my side.”

  She lifted a brow and felt like she was pushing his buttons with her next question. “Fine, but what if I have to pee? Will you follow me into the restroom?”

  He looked at her and the expression on his face was not the one she had grown accustomed to. The face staring at her now was angry…and disappointed.

  She hated to disappoint anyone, but she had. Guilt riddled her insides and she looked away from him. “I’m sorry,” she said in a softer voice. “I don’t mean to be this way, but I’m used to being on my own for so long, not having to report to anyone. It’s nothing personal.” She thought of the look on his face when she walked out after getting dressed for tonight.

  She wore a mid-thigh black fitted dress with spaghetti straps. She paired it with a black cashmere shrug. The smile he wore, the way he undressed her with his eyes…

  She looked back at him and tried to smile. “If I must use the bathroom, I’ll tell you.”

  He nodded. “If I can see you, this will work.”


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