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Angel of Ash

Page 32

by Law, Josephine

  They were both strangely dry eyed, perhaps the tears of earlier had been enough, a release. She nodded. “I believe you, Asher, but I know it is for the best for us to begin fresh, anew. Therefore, I request we not lay as man and wife, not yet.”

  “Yes, my Angel,” he stated, squeezing her hand gently.

  She smiled. “I had the guest bedroom prepared. I would be honored if you did stay here, with us, through the New Year. Glory and I are to travel to your parents estate tomorrow for Christmas Eve, will you attend with us.”

  “It will be my honor,” he stated.

  She smiled. “Well, a biddable husband you have become.”

  He laughed, catching her unaware, Asher laughed so rarely, the sound glided over her body and she felt her insides tightening, her womanly places. Maybe it was her who would have to stay out of his bed and not the other way around.

  “Shall I place Glory in her bed?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said, standing to attend to the dying fire while he himself stood, holding the sleeping child in his arms before following behind his wife’s curvy form, feeling his face heat as he avoided the perfect curve of her bottom. He settled his daughter in her bed, wrapping the covers around her and stood, watching as Angel kissed the top of her silky black hair, closing her eyes and whispering against her cheek a small prayer.

  She then escorted him to his own bedroom and he thanked her, he’d have to bring his clothes in from the saddle bag left in the barn. “Thank you,” he said and she nodded, feeling nervous, hurriedly moving around his room to light some candles, start the fire place while he stood still and calm, a slightly bemused smile upon the perfect lines of his lips. She flitted around like a small hummingbird, before finally she stopped, there was nothing more to do, she’d pulled back the covers, fluffed his pillows, straightened the cotton sheets, set the lamps just right, made sure the water closet was clean and stocked with fresh towels and the earthy smell of pine, ivy and mistletoe, checked the fire twice and pulled back the curtains before thinking better of it and pulling them closed.

  “Do you want something to drink?” She asked. “We have the perfect well; the water is crystal, pristine. Or milk? Wine?”

  “No, thank you, Angel, you have been a perfect hostess,” he said.

  But I’m not a hostess, I’m your wife, she wanted to cry out, feeling nervous and filled with trepidation. Take me in your arms, she thought to herself, make me forget the lonely nights, make me forget.

  “Angel,” he said.

  “Asher,” she said.

  They stood.

  Pulling her to him, he sat down on the bed, with her on his lap and kissed her gently, longingly. “I love you Angel,” he said.

  They did not make love that night, but they laid in each other’s arms, kissing, soft touches, whispered words. It was well into the morning before the two fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

  Asher woke to the sounds of the door opening, small feet scurrying to the bed, he turned, rolling over and was met with the wide golden eyes of his daughter. “Hey, baby,” he said, reaching out to her as she gladly was pulled up into bed with her parents.

  Burrowing her way between her parents, she held tightly to her teddy bear, her feet on Angel’s waist who’d not stirred, and her head on her father’s arm, within moments she was asleep.

  Asher stared at this wife and child in the dim light, he would remember this moment forever, the feel of their warmth, the love they had showered upon an undeserving prodigal man, their laughter, their touch, their hope and prayers. And for the first time in months he did not care about falling asleep, there was no shaking of his limbs, no worry as to the day, the season. He simply trusted and he fell.

  He ordered a carriage to take the family to his parents for the two hour trip instead of the hired hackney Angel had previously scheduled, she was grateful for the comfort, she was extremely frugal with the money Asher had proportioned to them, true indeed she would be considered to be rich to most of England but she budgeted carefully, not spoiling herself or Glory with undue trinkets or a lavish lifestyle.

  They sat upon the same carriage row, often holding hands, often talking, Glory shifting between bouncing excitedly around or talking incessantly or hopping on the seats to see the passing countryside.

  “Jon Ryan?” She asked her mother.

  “Yes, dear, Jon Ryan will be there,” Angel said, trying in futile to straighten Glory’s mass of curls. Asher laughed at her attempt.

  “Dimitri and Love are in attendance?” He asked, Dimitri a business partner of his.

  “Yes, my lord,” she said. “Glory has grown a fondness for Jon Ryan, their new son, I fear they will marry by the time they turn of age, along with Jade, his twin sister and the young Ethan, the four of them together is a cause for great concern, they keep up such a ruckus,” she said bemusedly.

  “The thought of her marrying,” Asher began, his words trailing off, it boggled his mind.

  “Mark my words, my lord,” she said. “Wait until you see how they interact, but a kinder child you would not meet, Jon Ryan is like Love, everyone flocks to him, open, infectious, while his twin, Jade is quiet like Dimitri, Ethan is their leader.”

  Smiling he thought of the children’s play, glad that Glory’s childhood was filled with light and adventure and friends. “As you say, Angel,” he said. “I did send notice to my parents when I landed yesterday that I would be in attendance, I just did not know as to when, it shall still be a surprise to them that we will arrive together.”

  “I’m sure it will shock more grays into your dear sweet mother,” she said, smiling impishly.

  “How do they fair? Do you visit with them often?” He asked.

  “Very often, as to your brothers and their respective families, Hunter and Gabe and the children, they are but a short distance, often we spend a couple of days with Glory or Gabe and Dimitri and Love, we have all become fast friends.”

  “Forgive me,” he said, squeezing her hand.

  She knew why, everyone else was married, coupled, and yet she’d been alone, to stare in longing at the couples. To wish that her husband would look at her with such love as Dimitri did to Love, or comfort her with such tenderness as Gabe did for Hunter. Her throat caught, she nodded, turning away, battling tears and fearing to speak.

  Glory did not notice the thoughtful and sad quietness as she kept up a running conversation with her teddy bear as the two stared out the carriage window. It was long moments before Angel was able to speak. “I fear to bring your mind sadness, Asher, but Glory,” she said quietly, not wanting the girl to overhear their conversation. “Glory sometimes falls into…the darkness.”

  His hands shook; he shook his head in denial. “How…what happens?”

  “She will withdraw…not want to be touched, hide, will stare off into space for long hours.”

  She spoke as if she talked of Asher’s’ past, he could not imagine his daughter going through the blackness as he himself had. “God…God,” he said quietly, his thoughts ravaged. “How long will she stay in the state?”

  “At the longest twelve hours, the shortest one.”

  He felt the hope quiver, his fists clenched, as he breathed in deeply, refusing to let the tears drop. “I should have been here with you, with her during those times. I will not allow you to go through this alone.”

  “Thank you, Asher,” she said.

  They held each other’s hand, forging a new bond, deeper.

  Finally they arrived at his parents estate as he ushered Angel out and held his daughter in his hands and despite the news that Glory had inherited his disorder he still would not allow his hope to diminish he would help and protect her as best as he could, her and his wife, it was his duty and want as husband and father.

  They rang the heavy ornate doorbell and it swung open, revealing the butler who’d been with his parents well before he himself had been born and was met with an excited smile, the hallway filled with running children as G
lory scrambled to get down, meeting her small friends: Jade, Ethan and Jon Ryan and instantly taking Jon Ryan’s hand as the four scrambled to another room leaving a trail of excited chatter and laughter, he stared at his wife, she stared back with a knowing smile and he shook his head.

  “My lord, my lady!” The butler cried, “welcome home!” he exclaimed taking coats and presents brought by Angel, bobbing up and down, his bald head gleaming in the lit hallway. “Oh but your parents will have a tizzy, the entire family is in the great room, everyone, come, come, the children will be alright, the older children having charge over the young ones and my wife having charge of all them along with two maids! Come, come!” He said, bouncing excitedly as Asher and Angel followed, their smiles widened.

  The butler flung open the doors to the great room in a most unbutler fashion and the crowded room quieted as everyone stared with shocked eyes at the vision of Angel and Asher, his wife’s hand in the crook of his arm, his face healthy, lined, he now was different from his brothers with his mane of perfect glossy white curls, but his skin no less golden, his eyes no less feline. A shocked gasp came from the middle of the room, his mother who rushed to him although nearing sixty followed closely by his father as they embraced him in a hug so fierce he thought he’d nearly suffocate.

  “Son, son,” they cried over him, much as they’d done to Hunter, his sister, who had returned to them after seven long years of forced absence. “You have returned, you have returned,” she cried, before pulling back but only to pull Angel into their embrace as the numerous family including all of Asher’s brothers and sisters, nephews, nieces, aunts, uncles, cousins and dear friends erupted into mad and welcoming shouts, laughter, the women wiping tears. Asher was passed around and for the first time in his life enjoyed the chaos the crowd of people, ruffling dark haired heads, talking to his brothers and sister, their spouses, young ones, aunts, uncles, Dimitri and Love, Anthony, other close and personal friends. Yet in all this, he kept Angel close to his side, often touching her hand, the small of her back, sharing lingering kisses upon her cheek. She deserved to be treated like a queen and to him, she was, the only one who existed for him, would ever exist. The family finally had dinner in a buffet style, standing or sitting, their plates laden with food, children stealing sweets before the night grew to young and they began to sing chorales and it was Asher who urged his wife.

  “My wife,” he said. “Did you resume your play upon the piano?” He asked, sitting with his wife on a small settee, as he lazily circled his hand on the small of her back, caressingly and in comfort.

  “Yes my lord.” She said, enjoying his touch, content.

  “Would you honor me and play? I will assist as your page turner.”

  Would that these tears stop, she thought to herself, every second the pain of the past with Asher washing away, meltingly, beautiful memories built upon the broken past of prior painful ones.

  “Yes my lord,” she said and it was Asher who quieted the room. “Ladies and gentleman,” he said. “May I have your attention?” Angel blushed, not knowing he’d introduce her to the entire crowd, she thought they’d just settle upon the piano and she’d began playing.

  “Oh, no Asher,” she tried to interrupt, but it was too late, Asher’s deep voice, one who rarely spoke in social functions had captured the attention of the nearly one hundred family members.

  “My wife, Angel, stated she will honor us with her music. However, I wish for you all to become my witness,” he began and pulled her to the front of the room, in front of the large, grand piano.

  He held her hand, before falling to one knee and her eyes widened, tears forming as Glory excitedly hopped around them, not quite sure what was occurring but happy nonetheless.

  “Angel, I ask your forgiveness. I ask that you allow me to increase your happiness, your joy for each and every single day of your life until I breathe my last breath and then until I find you again in heaven. You are my love, you are my life, you are mine, and you are my wife. This I will never forget, this I will never abuse, this I will never take for granted I swear this upon my life. Please allow me the chance to love you all the days of my life unto and beyond eternity, as God wills, my love,” he said.

  The room erupted in cheers, women crying steadily as Angel nodded her head, smiling, crying as Asher stood hugging her so fiercely, kissing her while Glory tried to erupt pulling on her mother’s dress and her father’s pants until her father picker her up and kissed her cheeks, not caring the tears that fell down his cheeks.

  This then was freedom, this then was redemption, he thought to himself, a release of yester year lifting from his shoulders, he looked up and just for one brief instance he saw the sorrowful gaze of Deborah and the small forms of his dead children, the pain of his past, the hurt of his childhood, the horror of Hunters abduction, he saw the darkness, the guilt, the anger, the hatred far, far away and he whispered, “I release you…go in peace, Deborah, I release you, be at peace. I forgive you and I forgive myself, go in peace, my childhood love, and let your soul rest.”

  And he blinked and he saw the face of his wife and his child.




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