Book Read Free

Cuff Master

Page 8

by Frances Stockton

  “Anything else I should look into?” Ethan asked.

  “The apple orchard owned by Alisa Bailey’s family, she told me her family name is Andrews.”

  “Why is the orchard important?”

  “Each time I’ve seen Jenna, I smelled two things very clearly, apples and smoke. Apples were more prominent, leading me to think you’ll find more clues to what really happened to her there.”

  “And the smoke?”

  “The smoke smells similar to a charcoal barbeque that’s been doused by a sudden storm. Mrs. Bailey said the bodies that were found had been burnt.”

  Ethan grew very still. Morgan studied him, using the low-level lighting to her advantage. He felt responsible for Jenna’s death and she wanted to reassure him that it wasn’t his fault.

  “Yes, beyond recognition. DNA and dental records established that one of those eight was Jennifer. Autopsies also showed that the girls were all executed before the fire. Boston Fire Department had to put out the fire before we could get the bodies out. It’s not a scene I’d want to witness again.”

  “Ethan, I know you think you made mistakes in her case. But you’re not to blame for what happened to her.”

  “I’m not sure about that, sweetie. Sam and I followed the wrong clues because she’d been missing for more than a week. After forty-eight hours, the chances of finding a missing person alive decreases substantially. Jennifer Bailey was my first case where I was partnered with Samantha. I didn’t want to fuck up.”

  “Don’t you see? I think Erica was right. Maybe Jenna’s killer used Erica as a means to have enough time to create an alibi. How’d you find Erica anyway? Did she offer help out of nowhere?”

  “Alisa Bailey requested for us to talk to Erica. Erica had been the family’s psychic advisor and Bailey didn’t object to us talking to her. He did call her a fraud after she accused him.”

  “It’s possible Spencer Bailey didn’t think Erica was real or that she’d turn whistleblower. Truth be told, Ethan, I’m worried about Erica White. What happened to her since then?”

  “Sam investigated Erica shortly after the Bailey case was closed. Erica was wanted in three states for fraud. She’d swindled hundreds of thousands of dollars out of innocent folks who simply wanted to reconnect with loved ones.”

  “It’s important to remember psychic gifts vary. My Grandma Everhart taught me all about psychometry and the past, but her gift was foresight. It’s not mine. Erica may have believed in her gift or misused it.”

  “You do have an amazing gift. I still have trouble comprehending it. But if I don’t try, I’m going to lose you. I fucked up with you once. I won’t do that again, ever.”

  “I was hurt when you questioned me about Enid. You were so firm and bossy and more than a little skeptical.”

  “I’m sorry. I can’t say it enough. There’s no excuse, but I was worried.”

  “I know now that you didn’t mean to hurt me. I’ve some experience with cops. They tend to think in black and white, not the shades of gray in between.”

  “What kind of experience are we talking about?”

  “My stepfather’s the chief of police of Billings, New York, a small town neighboring Oswego. Admittedly, we don’t communicate much. After he sent me to a shrink because he’d overheard me talking to ghosts, I retreated from a lot of things, life, school and my friends because I was labeled as the weird witchy chick.”

  Ethan sat up some, turning to prop himself up on his elbow. “What happened to your dad, honey? Did your parents divorce?”

  Morgan shook her head. “He died in a freak accident while on a dig. He was an archaeologist.”

  “Morgan, I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I was twelve when it happened. My daddy always believed in me. He bought me my first Tarot cards. He encouraged me to touch things he’d bring home, claiming it was my gift to solve the puzzles and mysteries of the past.”

  “Your father was a wise man,” Ethan said. “But it’s not okay, is it? I saw your eyes when you spoke of him. You miss him the way I miss my mom and dad.”

  “You must think I’m a selfish bitch.”

  “Why the hell would you say that?”

  “I’ve never told you any of this, never held you or kissed you to make the pain of your loss go away. But…I’ve been so scared. Most of the men in my life leave or turn away because they can’t handle what I do. My daddy died. My stepfather sent me packing at eighteen. Boys fucked me and bolted as soon as the novelty wore off.”

  Ethan reached out with his free hand, gently stroking her cheek with his thumb. “I’m not like any man you’ve ever known. I’m not afraid of your psychometry or ghosts and I’ll certainly never let anything chase me away. Not even you. Got that?”

  Morgan wanted to believe him. She did. Doing so would open her up to more pain than any migraine she’d ever suffered.

  Being with Ethan would be an all-or-nothing deal. If she gave in to him, she’d give him her heart and soul. If she didn’t, she’d lose. It was time to take a chance and fall in love with the only man she’d ever want.

  “All you have to do to keep me with you is say you want me to stay. You have the power to destroy me if you wanted. It’s a chance I’m willing to take. I’m yours, Morgan.”

  “Mine?” she whispered, genuinely touched by his sense of compassion and honesty. It’d been there all along. She’d just been too scared of being hurt to see it.

  His hand shifted, his fingers curling about her cheek. “Yes, but giving myself to you comes with a price.”

  “You want sex. Lots of sex and bondage,” she guessed, seeing the truth in his warm gray eyes. Normally, she’d think gray eyes would be cool. Ethan’s reminded her of melted pewter, hot, intense and tempting.

  “There’s no denying that. You accept me, there’s going to be a whole lot of fucking, lovemaking, submission, discipline, the whole shebang. I can’t turn off being a Dominant. And you are most definitely submissive. But that’s not what I meant.”

  “I’m not sure I understand.”

  “The price I’d ask from you is your loyalty and trust. If I’m yours, you’re mine. I’ll never cheat, never walk away or let you down. I expect the same in return.”

  “That’s a mighty big promise, Detective. You’ve no idea how much I want to grab hold of you and kiss you senseless right now.”

  “Then you accept?”

  How could she not? The devotion he’d displayed since she’d met him couldn’t be ignored. No one would love her as much as Ethan Maddox did.

  “Yes, Ethan Maddox. I want to stay with you. I want everything you do.”

  His brow rose, the look on his face absolutely priceless as he took in her words.

  Then he smiled. His teeth were even and white, except for his right canine that overlapped his lateral incisor just a hair. It was an adorable trait and made him more approachable and much more attractive.

  “I do have one question, baby,” he said. “Are you on birth control pills or something else to prevent pregnancy? I’m clean and we’ll use condoms for now, but I need to make sure you’re protected.”

  “I’m on low-dose birth control, to regulate my period,” she answered, thinking it wise for them to discuss protection. “And I’m clean too. I’ve even been tested, regardless of how long ago it’s been since I was sexually active.”

  “That’s good to know, thank you,” he said. “I’ve been tested as part of my annual physical. I had to make sure that I didn’t bring anything into our relationship once I convinced you that I’m a nice guy.”

  “You are nice. You ever think of modeling?” she asked, thinking that a guy as handsome as Ethan Maddox, with his sharp cheekbones, strong jaw, gray eyes and full masculine mouth, would look good on the cover of a magazine.

  He was one hundred percent natural and all male. Nothing artificial had been used to brighten his teeth. Although he was confident and could be a bit bossy, he wasn’t conceited. He was who he was and Morgan
was willing to admit the bossiness was a turn-on.

  With the simplest of touches, Ethan made her want him. Her pussy was dripping wet. Her pulse raced. A curiously pleasant tightening of the muscles deep in her belly drew sharper, vibrating, the sensation shimmering through her and making her gasp.

  She’d never experienced that sensation before. If she didn’t know better, she’d say she’d had a mini-orgasm.

  “Actually, in college I did some photo shoots for a fitness magazine doing a spread on martial artists. Didn’t pay a huge amount, but I was able to afford beer because of it.”

  “Ah, the nectar of the college boy crowd,” she teased. “You’re a handsome devil, Detective. There’s no denying that.”

  “Thanks. That being said, how about we seal the deal?”

  Pretending she didn’t understand or notice the tightening of his hand and the way he leaned in, she grinned and asked, “Seal the deal?”

  “Um-hmm, like this,” he encouraged, his subtle movements enticing her to shift closer to him.

  No sooner than she’d murmured something she hoped was intelligible, his mouth was on hers, taking her heart by storm and kicking her world right out of its orbit.

  Completely beholden to the taste and feel of his kiss, Morgan parted her lips for the plunder of his tongue. Strong, masculine and consummately gentle, Ethan guided her into a kiss so intimate and pure, it stole her heart.

  She really, really wanted a shower, a change of clothes and some food, but she’d far rather stay right where she was. Her tummy had different plans. Even as Ethan’s hand began to slowly comb through her tangled hair, growls of hunger became louder than the two cats purring nearby.

  Chuckling out loud as Ethan drew back, she couldn’t hide the rush of heat that swarmed into her cheeks. “Sorry, guess I’m hungrier than I’d realized.”

  “It’s all good,” he assured. “I’ll go make something to eat.”

  “No meat,” she warned.

  “Yeah, learned that when we met. Are you okay if I have it? I’m not sure I can give up my carnivorous habits, but I can confine it to work or at Cassie’s diner.”

  “I feel healthier being a vegetarian. You can eat whatever pleases you, Sir.”

  Again his left brow shot up, his lips parted and his tongue slipped out as if he hadn’t had a meal in days. “If you knew what I want to eat right now, you’d know that’s a dangerous thing to offer.”

  “What would that be?”

  “You.” Ethan sat up and moved off the bed. “You mentioned not having clothes. I had Sam go by your place and pick up a few things. Remy’s been watching over your shop until you’re ready to return. Plants are watered.”

  “That was nice of them,” Morgan said, grateful to hear her store was in good hands.

  “I’m risking a whole lot of hassle from my partner if I don’t take care of you properly. Sam can kick ass and holds a grudge. I’ve witnessed her temper in action. I pity Taran sometimes. God help him when he finally breaks through her armor.”

  “Sam wants Taran. But there are times when his dominance and arrogance scare her. She’s sure she’s too old for him regardless and doesn’t see herself as submissive. She’d prefer Taran view her as a Dominant.”

  “When you work stakeouts and cases and put creeps behind bars with a partner, you find out a lot about that person. I’d trust Sam with my life. But the one thing I’ve come to suspect, she’s a lot like Alex Grant, if you know what I mean.”

  “Not sure that I do. She’s spent years projecting a tough-as-nails image around her male counterparts, including you, Ethan.”

  “Sam wants men to see her as a Dominant. Is she? I think she’s a switch with a tendency to be submissive. Whether Taran can submit is another story,” Ethan explained.

  “You think Phalen’s a badass? He taught Taran and I everything there is to know about the D/s lifestyle, but Taran’s the most dominant of the three of us. He makes most of the furniture and leather gear we sell online.”

  “Maybe he wants you and Phalen to think that,” Morgan suggested, glad that Cassie had confided in her once about the internet-based company the Maddox brothers started several months ago.

  “Guess Sam’s the one who’ll find out for sure,” Ethan conceded.

  “Can I take a shower?”

  “Yes. Ryan used disposable sutures to close the wound on your forehead. You’re to keep the small bandage on while showering and change it when you’re done. Bandages, antibiotic cream and meds are in the guest bathroom. Do you need help?”

  “I can handle it, thank you.”

  “Spoil sport. If you need me, I’ll be in the kitchen. Word of warning, if you’re not back or I don’t hear you walking around up here in fifteen minutes, I’m coming to check on you.”

  “I’ll be fine.” She brushed the blankets off, upsetting the cats enough that they scrambled to the foot of the bed, each a little miffed at losing another resting spot. “Sorry, loves. I’ll make it up to you later. You can sleep with me.”

  “Nope,” Ethan denied. “I don’t wear anything in bed. Not risking the claw marks in the middle of the night.”

  “You can’t sleep here,” she said, her heart racing madly. “I don’t need a nursemaid, Ethan. There are other rooms in this house. You can bar the cats from that room if you want to.”

  “Let me be clear, Morgan. You’re mine. I’ll be careful with you due to the stitches and bruising, but we share a bed from now on.”

  “What if I’m not ready to make love? Being with you is new to me.”

  “We’ll sleep. We’ll talk. And we’ll sleep some more.” He wore a pair of boxers and nothing else. Wow! Talk about six-pack abs, a woman could do laundry on Ethan’s stomach.

  For a man who co-owned a Boston tattoo shop and worked at Phalen’s Salem shop whenever he wasn’t doing his detective gig, he didn’t have too much ink. What he had was high-quality artistic work.

  On his right biceps was a detective’s shield. A Celtic cross with his parents’ names surrounding it in green and black ink was on his left bicep. He half turned and she saw a pair of hockey sticks and a growling bear underneath representing the Boston Bruins on his right shoulder blade.

  His legs were long. His shoulders broad and his muscles were splendidly defined. He held a second-degree black belt in Taekwondo and was studying Kung Fu with Alex Grant as his teacher. He was lean, fit and undeniably hot.

  No wonder he’d modeled for a magazine. The publication must have made a fortune off the ladies who’d purchased that issue.

  “I’ve never been with a man like you, Ethan Maddox. You’re incredibly gorgeous. What if I don’t measure up to who you’ve been with in the past?”

  As hot as he looked, it was his confidence that attracted her the most. “Don’t doubt yourself with me, ever. When you’re ready, we’ll become lovers.”

  He came up to her, offering his hand as she began to rise. His concern touched her heart. He didn’t let go until he was sure she wasn’t going to crumble onto the floor. She was a little weak, but not unsteady.

  And it wasn’t her recent illness that left her breathless. It was looking down and seeing for herself that the front of Ethan’s boxers was significantly tented.

  “You all right, sweetie?” he asked, moving his hand from her fingers to her waist and holding tight.

  “I’m good,” she assured.

  “Okay, fifteen minutes. I will come back by then.”

  “I believe you.”

  He dropped his hand and headed across the room to a suitcase, where he scrambled through his things for a pair of jeans. Shrugging them on quickly, he carefully zipped the front.

  “You sure you don’t want help in the shower?”

  “I’ll be fine. Go.”

  Ethan continued to grumble about her being a spoil sport and left the room. Samson and Delilah used the opportunity to soak up some attention.

  Petting both cats gently, Morgan giggled at them. “So what do you think? H
e’s been your babysitter for a couple days now. Is he daddy material or what?”

  Two pairs of amber eyes stared at her from orange and gray tabby faces. The biggest, Samson, stretched and stood up to request more scratches.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” she said to the tabby. “You both look well fed and happy. Of course, it’s hard to upset Maine Coons.”

  Delilah wasn’t one to sit back and let her brother take center stage. She crossed the bed, nudging the gray tabby aside. “I love you too, sweetheart.” She gave Delilah some scratches and moved on.

  A little more hurried, she found a small suitcase next to Ethan’s and grabbed some panties, a bra, a burgundy and dark blue paisley print skirt and a burgundy sweater. She also found an overnight bag stuffed with toiletries and her favorite hairbrush and carefully slung it over her shoulder.

  The guestroom was decorated with dark cherry wood furniture, rich forest colors of light, emerald and medium greens and a queen-sized sleigh bed with pale green sheets and a dark-green bedspread. Green and burgundy throw rugs complemented the rich cherry wood tones of the floor.

  It was a lovely room, big and homey at the same time. It was at least twice as big as the master bedroom in her apartment and had a small alcove with a picture window, two wing-back chairs and a round coffee table with a reading lamp in the center.

  Morgan wasn’t sure how long she would stay here with Ethan. She didn’t even know when he’d have to return to work. He’d mentioned on the phone the other day that he’d taken a couple weeks off to house-sit for Phalen and Cassie. She certainly couldn’t expect him to ignore his cases and his duties to the police department.

  There was plenty of time to ask, so she gathered her things up close and walked to the big bathroom. There was no bathtub, but the shower was spacious. The fixtures were polished brass. The vanity was made of white marble and light cherry wood. Small white rugs kept the tiled floor from being cold.

  She’d spent enough time in the house while helping to plan the wedding that she was used to the environment. She could touch most objects and separate her mind from the memories or was familiar enough with them that she wasn’t overwhelmed.


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