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Cuff Master

Page 15

by Frances Stockton

  Her education as his submissive had been going well. There was still much to learn. She was fortunate to have such a patient teacher who wasn’t willing to scare her off just to tie her up and whip her senseless. Not once had he hurt her or struck her or left more than a suck mark on her neck or a warm hand print on her ass to correct her.

  Back outside after lunch, they made their way to Phalen and Cassie’s house a few blocks away. It was still crowded with tourists, which was good. Crowds equaled good business.

  It was definitely a good day. Being with Ethan made it great.

  Chapter Six

  On the way back to Cassie and Phalen’s house, Ethan insisted on stopping at a temporary Halloween costume store. Morgan went inside with him, although he told her to stay at the front.

  Despite her curious nature demanding she follow him to find out what he was about, she resisted. Besides, looking around the front of a costume shop was fun and Morgan was entertained by the various masks and scary décor.

  When Ethan came back with a big yellow plastic bag, he deliberately kept her from being able to see the purchase. “What did you get?” she asked.

  “You’ll have to wait. Patience, honey, you’ll find out sometime.”


  He shrugged, giving nothing away.

  “If you bought fake handcuffs, Detective, I will get you back.”

  “I’d never buy fake cuffs,” he countered confidently, placing his right hand over his heart. “There are no cuffs in this bag.”

  Morgan eyed him suspiciously a second longer. He was up to something all right, even if there weren’t costume-inspired cuffs in there.

  She tried to give him what she hoped was a pleading look, but he gave nothing away as he tucked the bag behind his back and put his other arm around her to guide her outside. They weren’t that far from the house, so it was a matter of five minutes to the front door.

  Ethan juggled his purchase in order to unlock the door. As soon as they entered, two big kitties came bolting into the foyer. Their glares warned that they were not happy to have been left alone.

  “Hello, gorgeous babies,” Morgan greeted sweetly. The kitties continued to glare.

  “They hold grudges,” Ethan said as he hung the bag on his wrist and helped Morgan out of her coat and placed it on a coatrack to the left of the door.

  Once hers was on a hook, he switched the bag from wrist to wrist to remove his coat and placed it on the rack.

  “They just missed us,” she remarked. “Big as they are, they’re really babies.”

  “Ha, they’re little monsters with great big claws,” he countered, though the love he felt for the two gigantic kittens was evident.

  He knelt down and offered his hand, waiting patiently for the more laid-back of the brother-sister duo to come forward, Samson. As soon as he neared, Ethan patted his head and swept him up into his arms.

  Morgan watched as Ethan nuzzled Samson’s neck, whispering something confidential. Delilah, not one to be ignored, imposed herself upon her uncle’s good graces by weaving in and out of his legs.

  Gently handing Samson over to Morgan, Ethan picked up his feline niece and gave her some attention. As he’d done to the gray tabby, he whispered to Delilah, then set her on the floor.

  Samson kicked a bit to get down as soon as he saw Delilah was free. Morgan placed him on the entryway rug.

  Delilah flicked her tail and took off, her brother fast behind.

  “He is a Maddox. He is devoted to his sister no matter what mischief she gets into,” Morgan stated, grinning as she heard the kitties scamper around the house.

  “They both are. Don’t let Samson’s easygoing demeanor fool you. When he’s full-grown, he’ll challenge Delilah as the Alpha cat and be in charge.”

  “You trying to say Samson’s going to turn into a grizzly someday?”

  “Yep. See, what he’s doing is charming the ladies. He’s got you and his mama wrapped around his big paw and knows it. Bet if you put a camera on them during the day, he’s the one who sets up Delilah for trouble.”

  “Careful, I might take you up on that.”

  Ethan turned suddenly and faced her. “I’m going to head on upstairs to put this away. You are not to go into this bag. You do, trouble will follow.”

  “What kind of trouble?”

  “The kind that will keep you from finding out firsthand what’s in the bag,” he told her.

  “Exactly how long do I have to wait to find out the surprise?”

  “When I decide the time’s right, that’s all you need to know at the moment.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  “Why is it unfair? It’s my aim as your Master to please you. Trust me. Don’t go into the bag.”

  “I won’t,” she agreed, as much as it tempted her to sneak a look. If she did, then she’d never know what he had in mind. “What would you like to do this afternoon? We ate. We went for a walk. We had a lovely encounter with Grandma.”

  “Yes, we did. It was an honor to meet her.”

  “You believe she was with us,” Morgan said.

  Ethan glanced at his coat. “Yes. Maybe there’s another explanation for what I got on my recorder. But I’m not going to spend unnecessary time looking for the answer. Grandma Everhart spoke. I heard her. That’s what I know.”

  “Thank you for your show of faith, Ethan. After having my digital voice recorder stolen, I wasn’t sure how I’d prove that I’d spoken to Jenna.”

  “I believe you because you’ve told me, Morgan. Do I think all psychics are real? No. Do I think there are fake ghost hunters out there creating illusions and scary moments for television ratings, you bet.”

  “But you believe in me…and Remy, to an extent.”

  “You are first in everything,” Ethan said, strolling up nice and close. Taking her hand, he drew her into his body. “Remy seems okay. But when I first saw him at Druid Creek Castle and heard his explanation of running out to his car to get something when you were in the ladies room, I didn’t believe him.”


  “Jealousy. He was with you. I was still mad about that and didn’t see any such box in his hand.”

  “He’d have tucked it in his pocket for safekeeping. You trusted him enough to give him the keys to Enchanted Treasures, Ethan. You must know that it’s not displaced.”

  “After the way he put you first when you were hurt, I came to trust him enough with the keys. There was no faking how much he cares about you. He better not do anything to ruin that. I will hurt him if it turns out I was wrong.”

  Morgan was really glad he shared how he felt about Remy. “As long as you trust that you’re number one in my heart, in my soul, Ethan, I am glad to be your woman. I love you.”

  “I don’t doubt you at all. Not long ago, Taran and I thought Phalen would go ballistic because Cassie met up with another guy. Even though that sonofabitch turned out to be a psychopath, he’d fooled her whole family, even Phalen, into trusting him.”

  “You’re not insinuating that Remy is psycho, are you?”

  “No. But what happened to Cassie caused me to be suspicious of Remy. Then I remembered Phalen telling us that even though he loved Cassie, he didn’t own her. That’s how I feel about you. Loving you doesn’t mean you’re enslaved to me or vice versa.”

  “I sure hope you’re not going to treat me with kid gloves from now on, Detective. Some aspects of slavery seem rather…seductive.”

  “I’d never suggest that.” He touched his hand to her chin, smoothing his thumb over her lips. “Here’s what’s going to happen this afternoon if you wish it, sub. While I’m upstairs putting my bag away, you’re to hide.”

  “Hide and seek?”

  “That’s right. Go anywhere in the house except Cassie and Phalen’s bedroom. No matter where you are or how well you think you can hide, I will find you.”

  “Then what happens?”

  Ethan leaned forward, touching his forehead to hers. “The
only way you’ll find out is if you agree to our adventure. Do you?”

  “Yes, Detective,” she said, understanding that they were negotiating a scene right here, right now.

  “Very good, as soon as I give you the signal, bolt. I’ll go through to the kitchen and take the back stairs to our room.”

  “What’s the signal?” she asked.

  Ethan didn’t answer directly. He dropped the bag that had been dangling from his wrist, freeing her. Before he knelt, Morgan took off toward the doorway leading to the basement.

  Down she went…and stopped cold.

  She’d always been fast. She’d spent more time in this house than Ethan did. She could elude him. For how long was the real question.

  He was a detective. When he was good and ready, he’d find her. And Morgan looked forward to getting caught.

  Thankfully, the cats were still chasing each other, creating enough thunder to distract the sound of her retreating back up the basement stairs. She couldn’t be sure Ethan went upstairs yet. The kitties kept her from knowing where he was.

  She had to trust her footing and headed up two stories to the attic. It was a good thing that the attic had a carpeted staircase and an open door at the top.

  Morgan was super quiet as she went up the steps, being careful not to close the door when she went inside. The lights weren’t on. She kept them off, using the natural daylight coming in from a very small half-oval window on the far side of the attic to see well enough.

  Half of the attic was for storage. The other half had been converted into a big reading nook. Cassie was a huge reader and it made sense that she would have shelves of her favorite books in a place where she could get away from the daily grind and stress of owning Book Haven Diner.

  There was a comfy lounge chair that’d been Phalen’s when he lived in Boston, wall-to-wall carpeting, reading lamps and a cozy loveseat. Morgan maneuvered behind the lounge chair and ducked down so as not to be seen.

  The problem was she’d positioned herself where she couldn’t quite see the doorway. She was stuck. If she moved, she might give herself away.

  There was no doubt that somewhere between leaving the costume store and now, her easygoing boyfriend had become a grizzly bear. He was on the hunt. When he found her was simply a matter of time.

  Remaining as still as possible, she waited for Ethan to make his move.

  The cats had stopped scampering downstairs. He was a tall man with a very confident stride. If she listened closely, it was possible to hear a squeak of a floorboard or stair.

  She heard nothing. It was so quiet, she wondered if Ethan had parked his gorgeous ass in their guest bedroom and was waiting for her to flinch first.

  As a little kid, she’d always been able to find her friends when they were playing hide-and-seek or she’d know when they were about to find her and she’d move to a new spot before getting caught.

  Knowing she couldn’t do that with Ethan was both fascinating and frustrating.

  Frustrating because she wanted to be found so they could get to some wild and crazy fucking, which she knew was Ethan’s endgame this afternoon.

  Fascinating because the longer she waited, the wetter she became. Anticipation had taken hold, making her sizzle all over with awareness, with need.

  Waiting continued. The house was so quiet that she was half tempted to drop something just to make the standoff end.

  Where the hell was Ethan?

  The slightest noise came to Morgan’s right. As carefully as possible, she turned her body and head so she could get a better view of what was to her right, subtly shifting the lounge chair that could swivel on a wide base.

  A dark figure walked into her line of sight. Samson had tracked her down.

  “Oh damn,” she whispered, placing her finger over her mouth in an attempt to keep him quiet.

  Samson looked at her quizzically, then lowered his head as he crept forward and oh so slowly stalked her. Belatedly realizing her crouched position caused her unbound hair to sweep the floor, creating a target for Samson’s attack, she stayed very still.

  He pounced anyway, catching some of her hair just as two hands snagged her about the shoulders and hefted her right off the floor!

  Holy Moses, Ethan was strong. And big! And silent and, whoa, he’d caught her and she’d never heard a word.

  “Hold it right there, ma’am! What are you doing creeping around these parts?”

  “You…you told me to hide.”

  “Wrong answer,” he charged, maneuvering her about until she was draped over the back of the lounge chair. He kicked out, spreading her legs wide. “You’re under arrest.”

  “On what charge?” she demanded, fighting with little avail. All it did was get her pushed farther down over the comfy chair and her arms pulled back.

  Still wearing boots, she had to go up on tiptoe, keeping her completely off balance.

  Another kick of Ethan’s foot set off a loud click. He’d locked the chair in place.

  Something cold slid over one wrist, then the other. “Hey! Ethan, what are you doing?”

  A heavy-handed palm swiped her square on the ass, leaving a sharp, insistent sting that wasn’t blunted by her panties and skirt.

  “That’s Detective Maddox. You are my prisoner. You will remember to obey my authority or you can expect a night of absolutely no orgasms and a red ass to boot!”

  “Police brutality! See if I don’t call your superiors and turn your gorgeous ass in.”

  “Brutality? Ah, little sub, if you want brutal, keep defying me. Confess and maybe I will grant you the fucking you’ve been craving the last thirty minutes. Think I couldn’t smell the scent of your arousal? Your panties are soaked with it.”

  “If you don’t allow me to orgasm, you can’t come either. You’ll be as miserable as me.”

  “Now see, I never said I wouldn’t come. I will and you’ll lick it up.”

  Using his body to trap her in place, he wedged one leg between her spread thighs. Ethan showed no sign of give. The bad cop routine was wickedly tempting.

  Sudden, unexpected orgasm rocked her to the core with nothing more than a nudge of Ethan’s knee right against her clitoris…through her clothes. It was so fucking exciting to be trapped and know that he wasn’t going to truly hurt her.

  “Oh fuck, I came,” she confessed.

  “Not the confession I want to hear, sub.”

  “What have I done, Detective? I’ve the right to know the charges against me. Why have you cuffed me?”

  “What have you done?” He laughed, darkly, seductively. His free hand stroked her ass, squeezing where he’d spanked her and then smacking her again. A thousand shimmers spread from the imprint of his palm on her ass all over her skin, waking up her inner vixen.

  “You’ve stolen from me. You’ve challenged me. You’ve denied me access to your tight little cunt for more than four hours. Four. Fucking. Hours!”

  “I’m allowed some recovery time.”

  “Only if I say so,” her Master replied.

  Right at that moment, Morgan understood that she was entirely at his mercy. If she called a halt, he’d stop, they’d make love and all would be normal. But she didn’t go into her relationship with Ethan Maddox expecting sex to be vanilla or ordinary.

  She knew what he was. She knew what she was. Finally accepting her submissiveness was eye opening.

  Of course, she’d known it. She’d submitted before. Understanding the power within her to remain cuffed and unable to do much more than put up a meager defense was better than any drug or artificial high.

  Already a buzz of desire coursed up and down her spine, sliding over her skin enticingly, increasing the tension on the harp’s chord that vibrated deep within her core.

  “What do you want, Detective?” she asked, lowering her head so that it brushed the seat cushion.

  “Everything, including your fine ass.”

  “You…you’re going to fuck me in the ass?”

��Prepare you for it, yes. Take you, not until you beg for it. And you will, my sub, you will beg me to fuck your ass. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. First you must pay for stealing my heart.”

  “I didn’t mean to,” she defended meekly.

  “Liar,” he barked, his palm rising and falling in quick succession. “You knew what would happen if you came into my world. Didn’t you?”

  “Yes, Detective.”

  “You knew that the second I put my cock in your pussy, we were committed to each other.”

  “What’s wrong with that?”

  “Nothing, but the fact that you left me hanging and miserable for months,” he answered. “Do you know how often I jacked myself off thinking about fucking you?”

  “About as often as I thought about you? The only difference was that I didn’t touch myself. I was too afraid I’d fail you.”

  Ethan smoothed his hand over her ass. He snagged her long skirt, jerking it up until it covered her cuffed wrists.

  The cuffs were real. No bargain store imitations. They were cold hard steel and disconcerting because no human being could wiggle out of them. The little chain cementing the cuffs together tickled the bare skin of her lower back.

  Due to her position, gravity caused her blouse to slip to her shoulders, exposing her back.

  “You can never fail me, sub. You’re my lover, the woman I intend to grow old with. Failure isn’t an option.”

  “What’s the price I must pay for freedom, Detective?”

  “Promise to guard my heart since there’s no getting it back.”

  “With all my heart and all that I am, I will,” she vowed.

  Her response didn’t free her from the cuffs. She didn’t expect it to.

  “Then you’ve earned the right to fly.” There was a change behind her. She didn’t move, but the pressure of his body and leg let up.

  Morgan wanted to look to find out what was going on. She didn’t. To look would spoil whatever Ethan planned to do next.


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