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Cuff Master

Page 38

by Frances Stockton

  Instead of sneakers or shit kickers, Sam wore strappy black stilettos. She was six feet tall. In those shoes, she’d added four inches. His partner was a knockout. He’d never tell her that. She’d deck him and take names another day.

  “Hell,” Taran muttered. “Samantha’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  All three attendants wore black dresses. Ethan figured it was easiest on short notice.

  Phalen tightened his hold on Guinness’ leash. “One thing, Taran, don’t try to own Sam and she’ll be yours. Be patient, and for god’s sake, learn to switch sometimes.”

  “Phalen’s right,” Ethan advised. “Sam’s the best. Treat her well. She deserves it.”

  “I’ll be damned. Her badass act’s got you both fooled. Don’t worry. I know what I need to do to have Samantha. She’ll be mine, wait and see.”

  Morgan stepped into view. Ryan and Alex went to stand on either side of her and took her by the arms.

  Ethan’s brain short-circuited right to his groin. His bride was stunning. She wore a simple ivory dress that fell to her calves and ankles in a zigzag pattern.

  Her auburn hair had been trimmed a couple of inches. The slightly shorter style remained true to Morgan’s personality, but also gave her hair a little more bounce and wave. What he loved the most was the way her stylist had encircled the top of her head with a crown of her own gorgeous hair.

  She wore simple emerald earrings, gold jewelry and he caught a flash of the blue and white garter that Cassie had worn.

  Watching Morgan walk down the aisle, he felt primal and virile because the woman he loved and made a baby with was marrying him. Phalen nudged Ethan in the ribs and he remembered to breathe.

  Alex put Morgan’s hand in his. “I’m sorry we were a little late,” she said. “We got sidetracked by a last-minute change at the spa.”

  “It’s okay. You’re here. You look beautiful.” Squeezing her hand gently, he grinned as they turned to face the minister.

  Fifteen minutes, a ring exchange and a kiss later, Ethan kissed the lips of his wife.

  From that time on, his focus was on her. They partied, danced and enjoyed an excellent dinner that Alex’s chef had prepared. After dinner, they danced some more.

  Even Guinness joined in. Taran, Phalen and Ryan took turns taking care of Guinness during slow dances. There may have been a cake after that. Ethan was pretty sure he’d thrown the garter and Morgan tossed her small bouquet of mixed flowers.

  In all honesty, the wedding was a great big blur. But the ring on his finger reminded him of the commitment they’d made to each other. To love and obey, in sickness and in health, ’til death they do part, Morgan was his, as he was hers.

  “Ethan, your honeymoon suite’s all set when you’re ready,” Alex told him, pulling him aside.

  “Thanks, bro,” Ethan said, shaking his hand.

  “No problem. Listen, what happened between the four of us upstairs hasn’t changed the friendship Ryan and I share with you and Morgan, but if you break her heart, I will break you, understood?”

  “Morgan’s my wife. I love her. I’d never treat her with anything less than respect.”

  “Glad to hear it. That warning was from my husband too.”

  “Figured as much. I appreciate his help in agreeing to keep Guinness for us over the weekend. Phalen’s going to take him for the remainder of the honeymoon.”

  “Just remember, anything you two need, call us. We’ll help.”

  “Thanks, I’ve got it covered.”

  Morgan was talking to Cassie and Sam. She looked over at him and smiled, the look in her eyes making him hard in an instant. If he didn’t fuck his wife soon, he’d get blue balls. Thank God for his suit coat. It hid his rampant cock.

  Walking up to her slowly, he took her left hand and drew her to him. “Excuse us, ladies. It’s time for the honeymoon to begin.”

  “Have fun,” Sam replied.

  “We will,” Morgan said.

  “Where are you two going anyway?” Cassie asked.

  “Wherever Morgan wants to go.”

  “Nice answer,” Cassie said. “Be safe, you two. Love you.” She hugged them both and got all teary.

  “Was it something I said?” Ethan asked Morgan after Cassie walked away.

  “No. Pregnancy hormones. I cry at toilet paper commercials lately.”

  “I’m proud of you, know that?”

  “Thank you, but what did I do to earn such praise?”

  “Let’s see…you became my wife, you’re the mother of our child, love our dog…you name it.”

  “Then let’s go to bed. I’ve missed you. Is your leg okay?”

  “My leg’s fine.” His erection was massive. Taking her hand, he led her out of the ballroom and headed for the small elevator. “Are you okay spending the weekend here? It won’t be too much?”

  “You’re touching me, Ethan. I’m fine. Keep touching me when I need it and we’ll be even better.”

  “Always,” he promised.

  The elevator took them to the suite he’d reserved for them over Samhain. Since that plan was shot to hell, literally, he had to be more inventive.

  Inside, Alex and Ryan had set the scene perfectly. Jasmine-scented incense had recently been burned, filling the air with seductive fragrance. Everything, the bed, the windows, the tapestries and furniture was draped in black silk.

  Across the room that was normally B&B quaint was the bondage chair and bondage table that he’d arranged for Doc to go retrieve from the brownstone dungeon.

  Druid Creek Castle had every conceivable device anyone in the lifestyle desired. Ethan could have requested anything. But he wanted his own gear. Inside the many drawers of that table, he had all the supplies he’d need for a weekend of wild fucking, bondage, discipline and lovemaking.

  If Morgan wanted him to chain himself up to that chair, he’d do it. If she chose to be cuffed to the table, he’d make sure she enjoyed the brush of feather-whips, paint brushes and edible body paint.

  Whatever fantasy scene Morgan wanted, he would do. But this first time as husband and wife was his to create.

  Overhead lights were off and red candles set strategically about the room flickered. Blood-red long-stemmed roses were everywhere, in vases, on tables, on the windowsills and all over the king-sized bed.

  “Morgan, honey, on the bed is a box. Take it to the bathroom and prepare yourself for me.”

  “Will you kiss me first?”

  “You know what you must do for that to happen.”

  Morgan inclined her head submissively, reached up and began unraveling her crown. Slowly, she let it fall. When she was done, she reached behind herself, wiggled around and her wedding dress slid to the floor.

  She wore only a pretty off-white teddy and panties beneath. The panties joined the dress. She stepped out of her shoes, shrugged out of the teddy and stood there.

  “May I present myself to you as my offering, Master?” Morgan requested, falling gracefully to her knees before him, parting her thighs wide and revealing that her quim was completely nude.

  “Morgan, holy fuck, you’re hot.” Damn, she was smoking hot and irresistible. Reminding himself to be careful with her, he touched his hand to her chin and tilted her head back. “I love you, sub. Your offering is accepted.”

  “I didn’t orgasm,” she objected.

  “You will be soon enough. You will. Stand and take your kiss.”

  Bringing her to her feet, he wrapped his arms around her, loving that he could hold her with the strength she needed and deserved. Morgan’s mouth covered his, her tongue slipped inside and twirled, teasing him mercilessly.

  When she had her fill, he let her step back. “The box,” he reminded.

  Morgan went to the bed, took her gift and went into the bathroom. Ethan had about five minutes to get ready.

  Rushing to the bondage table and opening a drawer, he took out the vampire cape and fangs he’d purchased in October. He donned the cape and put
in the fangs, silently glad that they weren’t plastic. The teeth fitted like caps over his incisors, lengthening them to be more realistic.

  He’d debated getting a black wig, but that wasn’t him. Morgan had a thing for vampires. She’d have to accept a short-haired blond one.

  Five minutes later, Morgan stepped out of the bathroom. Ethan’s heart went pitter-pat.

  His sweet little submissive wore a white shoulder-to-floor negligee that could almost be virginal, except it was so sheer that he could see her bare quim and pert breasts. Her breasts were already bigger, swelling in preparation for nursing their child.

  Her hair was long. Her earrings were off. Thankfully, she wouldn’t miss them for long.

  “Is that what you bought from the Halloween store?” she asked with a cute little hitch to her voice.

  “Yes, do you like the look?” He smiled, revealing his fangs. He hoped to God he didn’t sound or look ridiculous.

  Morgan laughed. “I love it. I am imagining all sorts of ways to enjoy that cape.”

  “Tsk, tsk, wife of mine. First, you must step into my lair.” Holding his hand out, he waited for her to accept.

  Boldly, she came toward him on bare feet. She was so damn pretty.

  Morgan’s chocolate-brown eyes leveled on his groin. His erection got impossibly heavier. “My, my, Master, you’ve got a hard-on. It’s so big and tempting. Would you like me to take care of it for you?”

  “Later you can suck me off, Mrs. Maddox.”

  Ethan took her hand, drew it to his lips and kissed her. Sweeping her up against him, he brushed her hair away from her neck, exposing the vulnerable slope of her throat.

  Teasingly, he nibbled all along her chin and jaw, skimming her throat. Morgan hissed and bucked, apparently loving whenever he used fangs on her delicate skin. He bit harder, leaving a mark when he sucked on her pulse.

  Working his way up to her earlobe, he nipped her, releasing her to speak softly but firmly. “Now that you’re my wife, know that I’ll never let you down, never disappoint you or go to bed angry. Can’t promise I won’t make mistakes, but I will be the best husband to you.”

  “I can only promise the same thing. I’m honored to be your wife.”

  “You’re feeling all right? The baby’s okay?”

  “I’m feeling wonderfully horny and can’t wait to fuck. Before we leave on our honeymoon, I want to see my OB-GYN and begin prenatal vitamins.”

  “We’ll do that Monday. Where would you like to go? I’ve got two weeks before reporting to desk duty.”

  “We could drive up to Vermont and enjoy the mountains.”

  “Vermont sounds perfect,” Ethan agreed. “We’d have to stop in at Ben and Jerry’s.”

  “Considering its late fall, it might be difficult to get a room. If we don’t leave for a few days, that’s okay. We can always stay here.”

  It was Friday. They had the weekend in their private honeymoon dungeon. A few more days at Druid Creek Castle were perfectly fine with Ethan.

  “Sounds perfect,” he said, pressing his mouth to Morgan’s.

  French kissing took some adjustment due to the vampire teeth, but they managed it and she got wild from it. She even licked the fangs. Damn, now that was sexy right there.

  Easing back a little, Ethan kept her close and kissed his way to her pulse, playfully clamping down to keep her from pulling away. From the jacket of his coat, he took out a packet of edible cinnamon body oil, squeezing it until it popped open and oil spilled down her throat at the point of his bite.

  Sneaking his knee between her thighs, he used the pressure of his leg and the silken glide of her negligee to work her bare pussy.

  “Oh god, oh Master, coming, I’m coming,” Morgan murmured, humping him and getting off on it without much more than a bite, clitoral contact and fake vampire teeth.

  Licking away the oil, Ethan loved the taste of Morgan’s skin and cinnamon. “How does it feel to come for your vampire lover?”

  “Amazing, surreal, tempting,” she answered.

  “Then you’ve earned your wedding gift, gorgeous.”

  “I thought Guinness was my gift. Where is he? I should have said good night.”

  “Alex and Ryan are taking care of him over the weekend. Phalen’s got it covered the rest of the time we’re away.”

  “Can we walk him tomorrow? I want to reassure him that we’re coming home.”

  “We can do that. Stay with me, sub, please.”

  “Sorry. Yes, I’d like to see the gift. Thank you, Master.”

  Ethan drew back, looking down at his beautiful bride. She was flushed and aroused and one hundred percent his. He stuck his hand in his jacket pocket and drew out her gift.

  “I made these for you while recovering. I had something else in mind, but the idea of piercing your nipples lost its appeal when I knew you were having a baby.”

  Morgan frowned. “You knew?”

  “Don’t fret, honey. Ma told me. You sent her to me and she sent me back to you and our child. Even if she hadn’t, I’d have figured it out. Morning sickness, pregnancy test kits in the bathroom closet, sleeping a lot and no period or calls for me to pick up tampons for you.”

  “I’m so glad you’re happy about the baby,” she said, flinging herself into his arms. “Thank you. I love you so much.”

  “I love you. Will you accept my collar, Morgan Maddox?” Offering the box, he opened it for her, revealing earrings made from two sets of finger-sized handcuffs.

  “These are beautiful! Yes, yes, I will wear your collar, Ethan Maddox. Every day, I will wear these.” Ethan took them from the box, tossed the packaging and gestured for her to lift her hair off her neck.

  “The cool part is they work,” he told her. “It’s amazing what you can’t do when your thumbs are cuffed together. Imagine the possibilities.”

  “You are the Master of cuffs,” Morgan said. “It’s only fair that my collar reflects our love of bondage. I do love it, you know? When you had me bound to that table, I was in heaven.”

  “Then I’ll bind you to it later.”

  Placing first the right earring, then the left gently in her ears, he stared down at the woman he loved. She lowered her hands, letting her hair fall around her face and shoulders. The earrings were made of silver and gleamed prettily, dangling right to her jaw.

  She was beautiful, his everything, his reason for being.

  “Thank you for collaring me and for this lovely day, Ethan,” she said again. “Now how about you put those silly teeth to good use on my pussy?”

  “Getting bossy with me?”

  “Only when you pussy-foot around and I’ve got an orgasm with your name on it.”

  “My wife wants an orgasm. It’s up to me, her husband, to give her one.”

  Ethan took Morgan into his keeping, picking her up with ease. He hesitated once when his healing leg felt a little stiff. Other than that, he had no problem carrying her to the rose-covered bed made up with black sheets and pillows.

  Brushing the roses aside before laying her upon them and risking the thorns pricking her tender skin, he lowered himself on top of her. Their mouths fused, their arms entwined.

  With vampire teeth and clever manipulation of her negligee and cinnamon-flavored oil drizzled all over her throat and chest, Ethan licked and nibbled at her luscious, vibrant skin and tender nipples, slowly making his way to her pussy as she’d demanded.

  “I love that you’re bare,” he murmured, rubbing his face against her, finding her precious and beautiful and tempting. Hell, he just wanted to eat her up. So he did.

  Morgan bucked and cried out each time he fanged her clit. Squeezing out the last of the oil all over her nude quim and tossing the package, he sucked it from her intimate lips, drank it from her slit.

  Taking his time to work her right, he made her shout his name as he nibbled and sucked her clit right into orgasm. He gave her another by fucking her with his tongue, yet another with his fingers.

  Not until
she was hoarse from shouting, “Fuck me, Master Ethan, please, please!” did he stop.

  Without haste, he sat up, stripped and worked on getting her naked. The damn negligee got stuck briefly, so he tore it off her. Finally, he crawled up his wife’s body, finding her lovely and stunning.

  There was never any doubt that she loved him. He saw it whenever he looked into her beautiful eyes or saw her smile. He loved her just the same and was honored to know she wore his ring and his collar. Even now, the small handcuffs dangled, catching the flickering candle light.

  “Make love to me, Ethan. Make me your wife in every way,” she begged.

  “Take me into you, my love.” Kissing her kiss-swollen mouth, he parted her thighs and shifted himself into place.

  Morgan’s hand sneaked between their bodies, finding his cock to stroke him rhythmically, expertly, her manicured fingernails teasing his helmet. When she was ready, she took his cock head into her body, welcoming him home.

  Sealing their marriage with another French kiss and deep thrust, Ethan gave a silent halleluiah for having this right for the next, oh, eighty years.

  Deliberately thrusting deep, he felt Morgan’s pussy grip him in orgasmic spasms, the snugness and massaging driving him crazy. Ethan growled, setting up a pace that took them both to the heavens and beyond.

  They had an entire night to make love and use the devious devices he’d brought to their suite for the weekend. Come midnight, he planned to send his wife into subspace. As her Master, he’d join her on the trip.

  When she came back down, he’d make love to her again, reminding her with every touch and kiss that he’d never tire of loving her.

  He may not be a real vampire, but their love was eternal. The baby growing inside her was proof that life continued and miracles really did happen every day.

  About Frances Stockton

  My love for storytelling began when I created my first fictional characters in kindergarten, convincing my family and friends that Red Henry and Green Henry were identical twin brothers in my school. They were mischievous, rarely did their homework, and even had girlfriends! Years later, I started to write, completing my first manuscript in middle school. I confess the heroine was a cross between a contemporary Laura Ingalls Wilder and Nancy Drew, who’d been dating one of the Hardy Boys, but when I wrote “the end” I’d known I had more stories to tell. Of course, life intervened, but whether I was in high school, working as a Veterinary Technician, earning a degree in history and secondary education, or teaching, I was always writing and reading romances.


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