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Unbroken (Unarmed Trilogy #2)

Page 24

by Nina Monroe

  "You were months old, Will!" Tamzin exclaimed as she reached across the table and took his hand. "There is absolutely no reason in the world to blame yourself. You cannot protect everyone, especially when you were unable to defend yourself. But you can do something about it now."

  "What is that?" Will asked.

  "Stand up for yourself. You will never be free until you untie the binds yourself. I will stand up by you forever and be strong when you can't, but I can't do this for you. Go to your Uncle, your Grandfather, and Willem and form a plan. I will write a letter to my father and tell him of our plans. He will send more men and supplies. My father will accept you as the King," Tamzin said as the door opened and she covered herself more completely with the robe on her shoulders.

  Ethan stood in the doorway and looked like he had something to say. Katya appeared behind him and pushed her way through, carrying a new set of dresses and fresh linens. Will watched as Tamzin smiled at his little sister.


  That was a word that he had never used before and it felt odd on his tongue. Katya regarded him with a slight smile as Will watched Tamzin and his sister began to discuss the fabrics of the new dresses. For a brief moment, he felt happy. Nothing bad had happened in his life and he sat, eating breakfast with the people who should have been closest to him.

  "Will?" Ethan said as he approached his brother with a slightly panicked look on his face. "I was wondering if I could talk to you about something? In private?"

  "Okay," Will said as he stood from his chair and began to dress quickly. He kissed Tamzin goodbye and gave her belly a final touch before he and Ethan left the room. They were on their way to the training yard and were nearly there before Ethan finally began to speak.

  "Hanna is making me do this. I don't know why I'm asking this and this sounds odd, but Hanna saw you and Tamzin last night..." Ethan trailed off as he turned a bright scarlet color that extended from his cheeks to his neck. "In the library...on the floor..."

  "Oh," Will replied as his hand immediately went to his neck and looked around the room. He looked anywhere but Ethan's face as Ethan continued.

  "She had been in the library and she said that you two literally just clawed each other and went to the floor..."

  "I was there," Will replied with exasperation as he continued to avoid Ethan's gaze. "What exactly are you asking me?"

  "How you do it?" Ethan asked.

  "Do 'it?' You don't know how to have sex with a woman? I mean, it's not complicated," Will quirked his eyebrow at him in genuine confusion.

  "I know how to have sex with Hanna," Ethan said with mild annoyance. "But she said that Tamzin enjoyed it much more than she does with me. She wants you to give me tips."

  "Do you have any idea how uncomfortable this conversation is?" Will asked as the brothers began to enter the training grounds. "It's not tips. You have to know your wife, know what she likes. It comes with marriage, I suppose. How long have you two been married?"

  "Almost three years," Ethan replied.

  "You were fourteen?" Will was taken aback for a moment. "I had no idea. You two don't seem particularly close."

  "Lying with Hanna isn't awful, obviously, but I'm aware that she doesn't like it as much as I do. You know what you're doing. We have all heard the noises that come out of your chambers late at night," Ethan said as he looked to the men congregating around the training yard. "The men make fun of me because Hanna hasn't become with child yet and it's because she refuses to lie with me most times I ask her. I don't want to force her, but..."

  "You never force a woman. As for Hanna, I cannot give you advice. Ask her what she likes?" Will said questioningly and felt his stomach churn from how uncomfortable the conversation was. "I can't believe I'm asking this, but what do you do when you lie with Hanna?"

  "Kiss her sometimes, mount her, do what other couples do. Isn't that what you do? It doesn't last long," Ethan said as he dug his sandal into the dirt. "That's not what you do, is it?"

  "You can't just mount a woman. You shouldn't want to mount your wife. Women need tending to; don't you always stretch your muscles before you begin to train? It's the same way with women. You need to make them want it, to want you, and when they do, they will lie with you and it will feel good for them too," Will explained and felt a slight bit of pride as he was able to explain the mysteries of women, at least passably. "All women have a sweet spot between their legs. If you massage that spot and use your fingers or your mouth..."

  "Mouth?" Ethan questioned.

  "Oh, yes. Women love it when you put your mouth between their legs. If Tamzin wasn't so swollen with child, she would thrash against me and I would have to stop her thighs from crushing my head. She melts when I do that to her," Will smirked at the memory and relished the control he exuded over Tamzin when he did that to her. There was nothing more satisfying than knowing, as a husband, no one could make Tamzin feel as good as he could.

  He enjoyed the equality in other aspects of their relationship, but she allowed him to dominate her in their chambers and Will never felt more like a man than listening to her moans when he pleasured her. "You think sex feels good? Listening to her moan my name and her fluttery breaths and seeing how good she feels after I have made her come feels better than anything else. You take the time to make Hanna feel good and it will improve everything."

  "That's all I have to do?" Ethan asked as he watched Garrett approached Will. "Kiss her between her legs?"

  "Teaching the little one how to make his lady moan?" Garrett asked in a slight condescending tone as he eyed Ethan up and down. "Southern men don't pleasure their ladies, or so I've heard."

  "Lying together is supposed to be for procreation only, but it's not enforced. No one cares, especially with my uncle being the way he is," Ethan defended lightly, but his shoulders became rigid. "We don't have whores so readily available as they are up North."

  "That is certainly a loss," Garrett laughed. "In honor of me, your closest friend, you should bring all the Northern girls down South when you become King."

  "It will be the very first thing I do," Will said with a good natured eye roll before he placed his hand on Ethan's shoulder. "There's no shame in not knowing what to do. But I think you should talk to Garrett. He has much more experience with women."

  "And I have never had an unhappy woman leave my chambers, if I do say so myself," Garrett grinned as the men began to come forward for their training lessons.

  "Any other questions?" Will asked as Garrett tossed him a wooden sword.

  "No, just thank you for not mocking me. My mother said you weren't as cold as you come off," Ethan said with a meek smile as Will handed him the sword. His words warmed the thawing ice in Will's heart for a moment. It was nice to be accepted.

  Inside the palace, Tamzin and Katya walked up and down the hallways on each of the different floors.

  "My mother told me walking can make the labor start. It is definitely time for this little one to come out," Tamzin said as she massaged her belly. In her daily meetings with Jacque, she told him how the pressure above her groin had increased, which made Jacque smile. He said the babe was moving and it was her body's way of preparing for birth. It was a comforting thought, but also fearful. She wished her mother were here.

  "Are you nervous?" Katya asked.

  "Only about the unknown. My mother told me my body will know what to do when it's time for me to go to the birthing bed. I wish I was home, though," Tamzin said as she tried to hide her frown. "Where is Hanna?"

  "She helps my mother ready before she joins us. My mother told me that she told Will what happened when he was a baby," Katya said as she stroked Tamzin's arm. "Does Will still hate us?"

  "Will has never hated you," Tamzin soothed as she reached out and cupped Katya's cheek like she were a child. "He has never had siblings before and he certainly never knew his mother was still alive. It was a lot for him to take in."

  "The scar on my mother's chest used to frighten me as a ch
ild, but now it just makes me sad. I thought all Northern men would be like that," Katya said as the women began to leave the palace and step out into the sunlight. "I'm afraid to be married."

  "If you have a kind husband, then being married is quite nice. But if you don't, it isn't so. Your father loves you; he would never marry you off to a man who he didn't think would treat you with love and kindness. You're still too young to be married, anyways," Tamzin tried to soothe, but Katya still seemed apprehensive about something. "If you do not believe having a husband and children would make you happy, then you should not have them. Perhaps you want adventures?"

  "I don't know what I want," Katya said. "I never really had crushes on boys. They are all the same here, but now that you have brought new people, I don't feel the same."

  "You have a crush?" Tamzin laughed as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the sunlight. "You must tell me!"

  "No! No! You would mock me," Katya smiled until she began to blush as they came across the men in the training yard.

  "He is one of Will's soldiers?!" Tamzin exclaimed as she bit the inside of her cheek to try and hide her squeal of excitement. "Tell me who he is and I will introduce you promptly."

  "He's not a Thurston man. He's one of your archers," Katya said as she continued to watch the men. "We haven't spoken yet, but he is very handsome."

  "Do you know his name?" Tamzin asked.

  "I'm not sure, but I can point him out," Katya said as her finger pointed in the direction of Will. He was, once again, having a seemingly terrible conversation with Rolf. Though they were whispering, Will had his hands moving in a threatening motion, when it dawned on Tamzin.

  "Rolf? You like Rolf?" Tamzin asked and tried, in vain, to hide her surprise. "The man arguing with Will?"

  "Rolf? That is a very handsome name, indeed," Katya continued to blush crimson as she looked away from the men. "Is that a problem? Is he engaged?"

  "No, he's not engaged, but it is surprising that you like Rolf. You have never formally met him?" Tamzin asked as she watched Rolf stomp his foot and return to his position as Will began to train with a new man.

  "I have tried to speak to him, but he's not the most receptive man. Did you know him well when you were home?" Katya asked.

  "Yes, he and I used to be friends when I was growing up. There was a point in time where I thought I would become engaged to him," Tamzin said as she felt the bitter taste in her mouth. She was thankful everyday she never had to marry Rolf. How did a sweet girl like Katya decide that he was the proper husband for her?

  "Engaged? Princess, I am so sorry! I had no idea!" Katya exclaimed as she brought her hand to her mouth.

  "No harm done, Katya. I never had any true romantic feelings for Rolf. He was just part of my growing up. If you feel that you care for him, please pursue him," Tamzin smiled before she winced slightly. She rarely felt comfortable these days and had never looked more forward than birth. She used to love feeling the baby move, but now it was nothing but pain and pressure when he moved even the slightest.

  "Are you well, Tamzin?" Katya asked as she placed her hand on Tamzin's arm.

  "Wait until you are much older to have a child, Katya. It is not a favorable feeling when you are our age," Tamzin gritted her teeth again as she felt the tensing pass. "And to think I thought my monthly bleeds were terrible before this."

  "Tam?" She heard Will's voice in front of her as she opened her eyes. He was standing in front of her with no shirt and sweat covered his pale skin. He was breathing heavily and she could see the heat spreading from his face to his neck and chest. The same heat on his skin made her feel warm and prickly and Tamzin clenched her thighs together.

  She was uncomfortable, so large and swollen, but she was in constant want and need for her husband. To see him how he was now sent a primal shock through her body and all she wanted was to feel his lips on her skin, his bearded cheek scrape against her inner thigh, and the warmth of his body pressed against her.

  "Is it the baby?"

  "It's nothing, sweetheart," Tamzin said as she tried to hide her pain as another cramp began deep in her belly. "Jacque says it's my body preparing for the birth."

  At the mention of the birth, Will's shoulders squared out and for a moment, he seemed uncomfortable to be talking about the baby in front of his sister. The truth was that Will acted like her pregnancy was something that should have been kept in their chambers. It was beyond personal for him and it was something that Tamzin couldn't understand.

  In many ways, Will viewed this child as his only family, though both his parents still breathed. His father was betraying him, his mother was found to be alive, as well as other family but Will knew, from the second he found out Tamzin was with child, that he would do everything in his power to protect his child and wife. Other than Garrett, Tamzin was the one who stuck by him through everything. The thought of losing her in the birthing bed would be a loss that he would never be able to recoup; she was beyond irreplaceable. She was everything.

  "Would you like me to escort you back to our chambers?" Will asked as his fingers curled gently around her arm. Tamzin was taking deep breaths and he felt her arm muscles tense up and relax for a few moments before she smiled at him and shook his head.

  "I'm fine. I promise," Tamzin said as his hand sunk down her arm and took her hand in his. "I miss the sunlight, so I want to enjoy it before I am confined to a bed."

  Will nodded before he pressed a kiss to her hand and returned to his men. Katya and Tamzin had just taken a seat on the steps when a commotion began behind the gates. Tamzin strained to see what was happening, but saw Will as he threw on chain mail over his chest and gripped his sword tightly in his hand. One could hope that the people behind the gate were friends, as they knew about the secret passageway but no one could be sure.

  Suddenly, there was yelling and the sound of hooves beating against the path and Tamzin watched Quincy and a rash of Roth men enter the compound. She tried to sit up straighter but the pain in her back was becoming too great. The pain was returning with a greater frequency and it was slowly building to be an extreme feeling. Her eyes watered as she watched the Roth men dismount from their horses, with their bows around their backs and the carts they brought were beginning to be unpacked.

  "Who is this?" Tamzin heard Aidan Bradford bark from behind her as he hobbled down the stairs. "More Roth men?"

  "We have been sent by King Turner Roth to offer our services and protection for Her Royal Highness, Princess Tamzin. The King has reason to believe that the Johansson Territory is no longer being controlled by the Johanssons. We also have reason to believe that Gregory Thurston is going to declare war on the North," Quincy said as his men began to bring the supplies into the palace. "And this site is going to be ground zero."

  "What word have you received?" Will asked as he appeared next to Quincy and was flanked by Garrett and Willem. His blue eyes were filled with urgent worry as he reached forward and had Tamzin stand up. He tucked her into his side and it took all Tamzin had to muffle her cries of pain as the pain from her back stretched around her body and radiated from her thighs to her stomach.

  "What was left of your people is now gone, Your Highness," Quincy said bluntly and kept his eyes locked with Will. "Your aunt has provided proof that your father has been conspiring with the Johanssons and that is why they invaded. When your father married you to the Princess, it set off a chain of events. The chain of succession, with the right deaths, would leave you as heir to the entire North. But if you die and she does not have your child, the only way succession can go is to name Gregory. A good number of your Thurston soldiers were not fond of the idea of murdering you and they were either put to the sword or escaped and took refuge with your aunt or Turner Roth. These are dangerous times."

  With those last words, a large explosion was heard in the distance and over the walls and above the mountains, black smoke could be seen rising high into the sky. Tamzin watched Will's mouth set into a grimace as he looked to
his grandfather.

  "What is in that direction?" Will asked, though he already knew the answer.

  "Johansson Territory."

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The explosion sent the territory into disarray as the people outside ran into the castle to escape the falling debris. Tamzin felt Will pick her up by the arms and dragged her inside. He pressed her body against the wall as his advisors, Roth, Thurston, and Bradford, all swarmed him, demanded action and a council meeting. The pain she felt made her stomach harden and her head ached from the screams of the people and the orders of the men. Will's fingers loosened on her arms and Tamzin hoped he would continue to hold her up; if he were to let go of her arms, she would slither to the floor.

  "We need to do something now!" One advisor yelled.

  "If we make a stand now, he won't invade!" The second joined in as Will laced their fingers together and nearly dragged her down the hallway. Tamzin heard nothing but chaos around her as she, Will, and the other men entered Aidan Bradford's study and instantly walked to the battle strategy table. Will sat her down on the lounge and watched as she stretched out. He gently placed a hand on her face as he looked at her with concerned eyes.


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