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Mary had a little harem

Page 8

by Arizona Tape

  “Hah, Sam tried in the beginning. But he’s not my type.”

  “The three of them are very different though. None of them your type?” How neither Sam, Louis, or Noel could be anyone’s type, Mary would never understand. All three of them were so distinctly different, she couldn’t imagine a girl wouldn’t find something about them attractive.

  “Oh no, they all have a bit too much…” Nico replied, waving her hands in front of her legs.

  “A bit too much?” Mary frowned, studying the brunette in front of her. Why did she follow her again? To check up on her or to murder her?

  “Too much cock,” the short-haired woman clarified, chuckling to herself.

  “Ooh… So you like smaller dicks?” As best as she could, Mary made sure to keep any judgement out of her voice. Everyone had their own preference and not all women liked their men hung as a horse.

  “Hahaha, oh no.” Nico’s laugh filled the bathroom and Mary would’ve been offended, if she hadn’t really liked her smile.

  “Then what?”

  “I’m gay,” Nico added, running her hand through her short hair as she watched Mary’s reaction carefully. The moment right after she outed herself was always telling. It would usually reveal just how homophobic people were.

  “You’re.... Gay,” Mary slowly repeated, the light suddenly flicking on. Now it all made sense. Nico was gay.

  “Yes. You got a problem with that?”

  “No, no, not at all. It’s fine,” Mary quickly said, eliminating unfamiliar thoughts from her mind. Thoughts of soft legs and cheeks with dimples, gentle hands and hastened breaths. Where those images came from, she wasn’t sure. But Nico was doing something odd to her and Mary wasn’t sure if she liked it. She already had Sam and Louis to satisfy her urges, and she might start something with Noel too. She really had no time to mess around with Nico too.

  At least, that was what she was telling herself.

  “Anyway, so no worries that I’ll steal your men. They’re just friends,” Nico noted again, hoping she wouldn’t create any tension between her and the newest girl of the group. All three of her friends seemed to be fawning over her and she wanted to do her best to befriend Mary.

  “Thanks for telling me,” Mary smiled, briefly touching Nico’s shoulder. A spark jumped between the two women and for a moment, they just stared at each other. Wondering if the other felt it too.

  Quickly, Nico stepped back and refused to meet Mary’s gaze. She was clearly into the three men downstairs and that was complicated enough as it was. Yes, she wouldn’t let herself act on any urges she felt towards the beautiful brunette with her luscious curls.

  “They’re waiting,” Nico muttered, deciding to remove herself from the equation. It took her friends long enough to recover from the Valerie fiasco, she didn’t want to do anything to disturb the fragile peace.

  “Riiiiight,” Mary trailed off, a little embarrassed about her thoughts about Nico. She wasn’t sure what had come over her, but recently her head seemed to be clouded with thoughts of not one, not two, but four people.

  “Calm your tits,” she scolded herself silently, not understanding where all those desires came from. When she was with Kurt, it had been easy enough just to be with him. But then again, he used to be all absorbing, and not in a healthy way.

  “What was that?” Nico asked, turning around in confusion and staring at the beautiful woman. She seemed to do a lot of talking to herself, but it was all murmurs and muttering.

  “Nothing. Let’s go.” Mary brushed past the pixie and ignored the scent of lavender. She didn’t want any more temptation and somehow, this house seemed to be filled with just that. For her sake, she probably should get out of here as fast as possible and avoid getting herself hurt.


  Chapter 9: Blow My Bong

  Three days. Mary managed to resist seeing the four gamers for three days. But as soon as Noel invited her for dinner at the house, she buckled. The frozen meal for one in her freezer wasn’t exactly competition for Noel’s delicious pasta.

  She straightened out her dress and rung the doorbell, wondering which of the three housemates would invite her in. Which one she’d get to kiss first.

  “Well, hello there,” Noel smiled, welcoming her into the house. Mary could tell he was a little nervous, but he seemed a bit more relaxed than the last time. She did wonder why he was the one who texted her and not Sam or Louis, but she didn’t really break her head over it. As long as she got to see them. She briefly wondered if Nico would be present, but wasn’t sure whether she wanted her to be here or not.

  On the one hand, the pixie fascinated her. On the other, she also made her nervous. And Mary didn’t particularly like being on edge.

  “Hi, Noel. Thank you for the invitation,” Mary smiled, amused by her polite manners. It was a little ironic given she almost shagged Louis on the kitchen island last time she was here.

  “You’re welcome. I’m glad you could make it! The boys have been squabbling about you for days and I figured having you over would just be easier.”

  “Oh.” Mary’s face fell a little as she followed Noel through the hallway. “Is that why you invited me?”

  Noel hid his blush, contemplating whether he wanted to admit his own motives. Whether it was actually okay for him to want Mary or if that would just complicate things even more. Sam and Louis were already turning the house into a battlefield, he really didn’t want to add another zone of war. He liked having his attic as a neutral zone, but maybe it was unavoidable.

  He glanced into Mary’s eyes and his stomach tightened. It was definitely unavoidable.

  “Well?” Mary asked, hoping that he wanted to see her as well. Even if she hadn’t spent a lot of time with him yet, there was something about him that she wanted to explore. He certainly seemed the opposite of Kurt and it intrigued her. Noel intrigued her.

  “No, I wanted to see you too,” Noel admitted, deciding there was no use in lying or hiding. Maybe he would balance out the Sam-Louis dynamic and make everything a little more tolerable. Well, at least, if she wanted him. His ears turned red as he wondered if he was being presumptuous. “Is that okay?”

  Mary chuckled, briefly touching his wrist. “Yes, more than okay. I wanted to see you too.”

  “You did?” he asked, surprise colouring his warm voice.

  “I did.” She brushed her lips against his cheek, wondering if she’d always been this forward. She almost couldn’t remember, not after being smothered by Kurt for years.

  “Oh.” Noel averted his gaze and pushed open the doors to the kitchen. He would’ve liked spending more time with her, but his two friends were waiting and so was the pasta.

  The brunette briefly wondered if she said something wrong, but had no time to worry. Sam and Louis rushed to their feet and surrounded her.

  “Good evening, Mary,” Sam purred, placing his hand on her hip and tilting her head towards him. Before he could kiss her, Louis pushed his mate out of the way and took Mary’s hand.

  “Good to see you again,” Louis smiled, stealing the first kiss from her lips. She briefly wondered if she needed to worry about being fought over like a commodity, but in all honesty, she loved the attention.

  Sam yanked Louis back by his collar and put himself and his broad shoulders between the two of them. “Can I escort you to your seat?” he asked, pushing her chin up with his index finger. Mary grinned and instead of waiting for him to kiss her, she pushed herself up and pressed her lips against his. The testosterone hanging between the two men was exhilarating and exciting, but she’d be damned if she let the two of them think they were in control. With a devious smile, she patted his chest and twirled out from between the two men.

  “I can find my seat myself. Noel?”

  “Right here,” he grinned, placing his hand against the small of her back and guiding her to the table. While two dogs fight over a bone, the third one took it home. At least, that was the lesson he would teach his friends. An
d then maybe they’d stop being such alphas and just share Mary properly, like they once used to with Val.

  “Thank you,” Mary smiled, curling her hand into his shirt and tugging him towards her. With a sly grin, she kissed Noel again. Properly, this time. She brushed her tongue against his bottom lip, hitting only the slightest of resistance. Noel was surprised of her forwardness, but not for long. Eagerly, he opened his mouth and met her tongue with his own. It had been a good while since he kissed a girl, and it was slightly awkward in front of his two best mates, but the longer Mary kissed him, the more he forgot what else was happening. There was just her. Mary, the vanilla scent that seemed to encompass her, and the softness of her tongue.

  She pulled back, a thread of spittle weaving between her parted lips. A little dazed, they stared at each other and a smile curled up their mouths. Whatever there was between them, it was surely something.

  Mary turned around, expecting the two testy men to glare at her. Instead, they were grinning from ear to ear.

  “Dude, well done,” Sam laughed, patting Noel hard on his back.

  “Man, that was nice!” Louis added, knuckling his friend against the shoulder. The shortest of the three grinned sheepishly, not sure how to react to his two friends congratulating him. That surely wasn’t what he expected.

  “Ahem?” Mary coughed loudly, glaring at the trio. As much as she enjoyed dancing between all of them, she didn’t appreciate being passed around like a bong. Well, it sounded quite fun if she was the one doing the blowing… But no. She didn’t want to be part of a weird score they were trying to settle.

  “Sorry, we’re just happy for Noel. He’s usually too shy to talk to girls,” Louis clarified, nodding at Sam.

  “Yup, and he usually ignores anyone we bring home for him to meet”, Sam added.

  “Wait, so did you two bring me home for him?” Mary asked, staring at the three guys in front of her. If this was some odd ritual where they brought women home for Noel, she’d back out and leave right away. That was just some weird shit and she wasn’t there for that.

  “Haha, no, that was never my intention,” Louis clarified, turning to kiss Mary possessively. “Don’t tell Sam, but I wasn’t going to share you with him either.”

  “Dude, I’m standing right here,” Sam laughed, placing his hands on Mary’s waist and kissing her neck from behind. “And I don’t think you have a say in that matter. Mary doesn’t seem like a girl who lets men decide who she can and can’t date.”

  A memory of Kurt flashed through her head and Mary pushed the two men away. They were wrong, she was a girl who let men decide those kind of things. Kurt decided she was his and his alone, and that no men or women could touch her. And she had complied.

  “What’s wrong?” Noel asked, detecting the discomfort on her face.

  “It’s just…” Mary stared at the three men and wondered whether she should actually admit just how much Kurt had dominated her and how she had let him like an idiot.

  “You don’t have to tell us,” Sam smiled, uncharacteristically gentle for him. He motioned to the table and pulled the chair out for her. “How about some food first?”

  “That’d be nice,” Mary smiled, pushing the memories of Kurt back. She didn’t want to waste any space in her head on this dickhead. No, instead, she had three new men to focus her attention on. And Nico.

  No, not Nico. Mary shook the thoughts of the pixie out of her head. She’d have her hands full with the three, quite literally, she hoped. She didn’t need to venture into unknown territory, although she certainly wanted to explore something unknown. Explore it until no part of Nico’s body was foreign anymore.

  No, bad Mary, she scolded herself, clutching the silver fork and distracting her appetite with the steaming pasta. She had no business thinking about Nico like this, hell, she didn’t even know if the woman was interested. No, she should just sort out whatever was going on with the three before she even touched Nico. Before she laid a finger on her, and then a hand… And then her mouth, and perhaps…


  Sam’s voice snapped her out of her daydream and she quickly stuffed her mouth with the penne, hoping to hide her naughty thoughts.


  “You okay there? You got really quiet for a bit.”

  “Sorry.” She quickly swallowed and shot the men an apologetic glance.

  “Is the food okay?” Noel asked, concern swirling across his handsome face. He certainly didn’t want to invite a guest and then have her not enjoy his dinner. The thought alone filled him with anxiety.

  “Noel, it’s delicious.”

  “Thanks, I always wanted to be a chef,” he admitted, avoiding her gaze. It was a silly dream, one he’d never accomplish. He was far too self-conscious to actually cook for strangers and expose himself to that kind of critique.

  “You’d make a great chef!” Mary smiled, shoveling the pesto-covered penne in her mouth. If everything from Noel was this mouthwatering, she was in for a real treat. And she couldn’t wait to find out what hid underneath that reserved and shy mask of him. Maybe a gentle lover. Maybe a beast. Who knew. But she was ready to find out.

  Chapter 10: Play My Piccolo

  “Knock knock, anyone home?” A familiar face peeked around the kitchen door and Mary found herself staring into Nico’s radiant eyes. Without being able to stop herself, she wondered how those eyes would look in the early morning. Or right after an orgasm.

  No, stop it. She wasn’t here to flirt with Nico. She patted Sam next to her and pointed at their guest. “Guys, you got company.

  “Nico! Come in!” Noel spoke, a genuine smile stretching across his face. He and Nico were clearly close and it was sweet to see.

  “Hello, boys. I see the house is still standing,” she teased, kissing Noel on his cheek. He scratched his nape and pointed at the two other housemates.

  “Not if it depended on them. They were fighting all week over Mary.”

  Nico tilted her head and stared at the other brunette. “Oh, hi. I didn’t see you there.”

  “Hi, nice to see you again,” Mary smiled politely, managing to keep the glare off her face. Didn’t see her there? How was that possible? Nico stared straight at her, she must’ve seen her.

  The pixie smiled shallowly and turned her attention back to the guys. “Want to raid a couple of villages?”

  “Umm… We’re kind of on a date with Mary,” Noel muttered.

  “All of you?” Nico inquired, frowning at the three men.

  “I certainly am,” Sam grinned, wrapping his arm around Mary’s shoulder.

  “Well, so am I,” Louis added, placing his hand on her thigh.

  “Hey, neither of you asked me here. I’m here with Noel,” Mary protested, shrugging the two men away and squeezing herself out of the tight spot on the couch. She curled herself around Noel and threaded her fingers in his hair. “Right, Noel?”

  “Umm… Sure?” He frowned, not exactly sure what just happened, but he wasn’t about to protest.

  “Why don’t we go somewhere quiet?” she flirted, hoping to steal Noel away from Nico. Even if she was a lesbian, she didn’t particularly like her touching him. Or him touching her. Wow, this was going to get complicated…

  “I can show you the attic?” Noel suggested, scratching his nape uncomfortably. He hadn’t had a girl up there in a years and it was very much a man cave. He sure hoped he wouldn’t scare off Mary with his sword collection.

  “I would love to see it,” Mary smiled, pointing at Sam and Louis. She turned to Nico, ignoring the flutters the girl was eliciting from her. “You can have those two knuckleheads.”

  Without granting her a second look, she turned her back and followed Noel to the attic. He was so kind to show her the way and damn, his ass looked good as he climbed the stairs. Mary could only imagine how it would look without his pants. Well, she hoped she wouldn’t need to imagine it much longer. She wanted to find out what he hid in his loose pants and she could only hope
there was a good reason his trousers weren’t very tight.

  “Welcome to my world,” Noel smiled, pushing open the blue door to his room. The gentleman he was, he stepped to the side to let Mary pass through and admire the sway of her hips as she did.

  “This is a cool place,” Mary admired, sitting down in the leather sofa and making herself comfortable. The fabric was cold against her skin, but the goosebumps dancing over her leg came from Noel’s leg against hers.

  “You okay?” he asked, subtly kicking a dirty sock under the couch. He didn’t want Mary to think he was a slob.

  “Yes, I’m good,” she breathed, putting her hand on his leg. He was a little twitchy and nervous, so she wanted to comfort him.

  “Are you sure?” He shifted under her touch, not sure whether she intended to touch him like this. No girl had touched him for a good while and Mary smelt so nice, and she was so warm against him. If she kept drawing circles on his leg, he’d be flagging a pole in no time.

  “Very,” she reassured him, refraining from licking her lips. That would just look ridiculous.

  “So…” Noel muttered, shifting back and forth, not entirely sure what to do now. Sam and Louis had told him many times how they sealed the deal with a girl when they were alone, and he always figured he’d know what to do when he actually found himself in the situation. But now that Mary was sitting so close to him he could smell the vanilla on her skin, he wasn’t too sure anymore.

  “So?” Mary smiled, pushing her hair behind her ear and perking up her chest. If Noel was too shy to make the first move, she’d make it so he didn’t have to. With a glimmer dancing in her eyes, she curled her fingers in Noel’s hair and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek. “Is that okay?”

  Noel gulped, hoping to subtly adjust his pants so Mary didn’t see the effect she had on him.

  “Here, let me help with that,” Mary grinned, nudging his hand away and tugging on his belt buckle. From the tightness of his pants, she could tell she was having the desired effect on him. And she couldn’t be more thrilled or smug. After Kurt, she hadn’t been too sure of her own looks and him leaving her had knocked her confidence down a couple of pegs. Having the men react to her was definitely a good boost for her ego.


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