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Monroe, Marla - Finding Her Men [Men of the Border Lands 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Marla Monroe

  “Would you like some tea or coffee?”

  April spoke up. “There’s no need to go to any trouble, Valerie.”

  “It’s no trouble. I’m going to fix some for the men anyway. Grant will need some when he returns from caring for the animals.” She hurried around making the coffee using two boilers so there would be enough for everyone.

  “How are you doing? Luke told us a little about what happened. I can’t imagine how scared you must have been.”

  “I’m doing fine. I, um, have nightmares sometimes, but other than that, I’m healing fine.”

  “That’s good. I wish they would have come and gotten me,” April said. “I’m sure you could have used another woman to help you.”

  “Thanks, April. That’s really kind of you.”

  “Valerie, Ronnie has been living out here a long time. She has taught me quite a few things about how to take care of myself. Maybe once you’re feeling 100 percent, she can teach you, too.”

  “Oh, that would be wonderful! Anything to help me not feel so helpless. Thanks, Ronnie.”

  “I know how it feels to nearly be torn away from the men you love. It almost happened to me when Garrett and Brice and I first met. Only my papers kept me with them. You do have papers, right? If not, I can make them for you.”

  “I appreciate the offer, but I have some. Well, Grant has them.” Valerie poured up several cups of coffee, and the women carried them in to the men.

  When they had returned, Grant walked in and flashed the other women a questioning look.

  “Ladies. How are you doing?”

  “Grant, this is Ronnie. She’s here with her husbands, Brice and Garrett. They’re in the living room with Luke and April’s husbands.”

  “Think I’ll go mingle with the men, then.”

  “Here’s some coffee.” She handed him a mug.

  He dropped a kiss on her cheek and took the coffee as he walked toward the other room.

  “You have very nice husbands,” Ronnie said.

  “Thanks. What are you doing over here? Not that it matters. I love having you.”

  Ronnie started off. “The men have noticed some strange men in the area. They could be the ones that kidnapped you, but I don’t know what they looked like. Brice and Garrett tend to be overprotective.”

  “I guess there’s a reason for it, now.” April sighed. “So much for a little more freedom.”

  “Right now, they hardly let me walk out of the room alone.” Valerie sighed.

  “I guess I can’t blame them,” Ronnie said. “You were taken from them. They’re scared they might lose you again.”

  “I know you’re right, but it’s hard to deal with always having them underfoot. I mean, I can’t even take a bath alone anymore.”

  “Oh, I don’t know if that’s such a bad thing.” April wiggled her brows.

  The three of them dissolved into laughter. Valerie missed this from the old days, the time before the disasters. She hoped that maybe they could visit more in the future. She could see herself visiting with them and exchanging ideas on cooking, canning, and just living. She wondered how the men were doing. Would they enjoy the company so much that they would go and see their neighbors more often? Loud chuckles could be heard drifting into the room from the other one. She smiled. She figured she could talk them into it without too much trouble.

  * * * *

  “I appreciate your coming over and telling us this.” Grant looked over at Luke. “It doesn’t sound like the men we dealt with before. I don’t know if those other men are still in the area or not. If they are, you need to watch out for them as well. They were bold enough to knock down our door to get to Valerie. There’s no telling what they will do next.”

  “I agree with you. We’ll watch for them as well.” Brice stood up. “We’d better gather our women and get back. It will be dark before long.”

  Everyone stood up and shook hands.

  “Think about what we said, guys. I think forming a group is our best bet against the wolves and any strangers that move in.” David shook Grant’s hand and headed for the kitchen.

  Grant looked over at Luke and his brother nodded, following the other man to the kitchen. He knew he could trust them, but it wouldn’t hurt for Luke to go along anyway. No matter what, Valerie came first.

  David and Luke soon had the women walking into the room and making a beeline for their men. Grant smiled when Valerie walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. They all walked the group to the door and watched as they drove away.

  “What did you think about the women, baby?” Luke pulled her into his arms once they’d closed and locked the door.

  “I really enjoyed talking with them. I hope you’ll let me see them more often.”

  Grant winced when she turned her gray eyes his way. She knew he was the harder of the two to convince about things. When she looked at him like that, he almost always gave in. This wasn’t such a bad request to cave to, though.

  He was beginning to feel like they needed the help of everyone that had a stake in surviving and keeping their wives safe. Gary and David bringing Brice and Garret over had been a good idea. They had a lot of things to suggest that they could use. She was probably right that they would all benefit by becoming more neighborly.

  He needed to talk to Luke about it and be sure his brother felt the same way. They had to be in 100 percent agreement in bringing others into their life. Once they opened that door, there would be no going back.

  “We’ll see, honey.” He kissed and tugged on her hair.

  “I’m going to get the bread ready for dinner. It will be ready in another thirty minutes or so.” She left them in the living room and disappeared into the kitchen.

  “What do you think?” Luke asked.

  “I’m leaning toward giving it a try. They’ve been hunting the wolves for some time now, and we’ve benefited without helping.”

  “I’m with you on it. I see nothing but potential in combining our efforts. I’m not sure about actually hunting down the men, though.”

  “That is a little extreme, but it may be necessary, Luke. We almost lost Valerie. I don’t want to go through that again.”

  “Let’s think about that. Otherwise, I’m all for it. I know that Valerie is.” He grinned. “She looked really happy about having had time with the other women. I like seeing her that way.”

  “Yeah, me, too. I think we can take her to see them occasionally.”

  They discussed more about the meeting and the concerns of the other men. When Valerie walked in and announced that dinner was on the table, Grant looked outside and noticed that it was full dark. He was glad he had already checked the animals.

  He followed Luke into the kitchen and sat at the table. She ladled up their soup and passed them the bread. He could tell she was a lot more relaxed, and that made him smile.

  “So, you enjoyed visiting with April and Ronnie.”

  “It was great to actually talk to another woman again. Plus, they have some great ideas on canning and cooking.”

  “That’s good, baby. Maybe we can get you over to their house again sometime.”

  “That would be great. Oh, and once spring gets here and we’ve all got our gardens in the ground, they are planning on having a big picnic lunch one day. I can’t wait for that. There will be several other families there. Oh, and there are more children!”

  “Sounds like you three made some big plans.” Grant hoped they could participate. It would break Valerie’s heart if they decided they didn’t want to risk becoming part of the group.

  “Grant? You do want to be friends with the other families, don’t you?”

  He was amazed that she always knew what he was thinking. He drew in a deep breath.

  “I do, honey, but we want to make sure that it’s right for us before we jump up and join in.”

  “There’s strength in numbers, Grant.” She frowned at him.

  “I know. Just give me and Luke some time to t
hink about it.”

  She nodded, but he could tell she wasn’t happy anymore. It tore at his heart. He almost gave in, but he knew he was right. They really needed to consider all the angles. It was a big deal.

  After dinner, they helped clean up the kitchen, and then sat in the living room to talk. Valerie had come to tell them that she was taking a bath and she did not want them to watch her like they always did. She could do it on her own just fine. He knew she was angry with him, but she would get over it.

  “What are we going to do about Valerie?” Luke asked.

  “She’ll get over it. I don’t want to jump into anything.”

  “I can appreciate that. I’m not all that wild about hunting the men.”

  “Maybe they will decide against going that far. I do like the idea of figuring out some way to get our neighbor’s attention if we need help.” He leaned back in the recliner and shoved his hands beneath his head.

  “That would come in handy. We could have used their help when we went after Valerie.” Luke looked up toward the stairs.

  His brother still felt guilty over not being able to have stopped them from taking her. He’d ended up with three stitches in his head, but it didn’t matter to him.

  “Luke, she’s worth everything. Maybe we need to really think about this and ask more questions.”

  “I agree. More questions couldn’t hurt. Now let’s go up and see about Valerie.”

  Grant nodded and pushed his chair back up. They hadn’t made love to her since the kidnapping because of her injuries. Maybe tonight was the night to take care of her. He’d wanted her so badly, but hadn’t wanted to hurt her. She’d been hinting for several days now. He didn’t want her to think that they didn’t want her anymore. Just the opposite was true. They both wanted her with a vengeance.

  Luke took the stairs two at a time, but Grant just shook his head and followed behind him at a more sedate pace. He walked into the bedroom to find Luke removing the T-shirt Valerie had put on to wear to bed.

  “We want to love you, baby. T-shirts get in the way.”

  “It’s cold, Luke. Are you going to keep me warm?”

  Grant walked up and wrapped his arms around her from behind.

  “I’ll keep half of you warm. What about you, Luke? Can you manage the other half?”

  She laughed and leaned back against Grant when Luke ran his hands over her breasts. When she moaned, Grant moved her hair from her neck and nibbled on it. She made little mewing noises that drove him crazy. He sucked at the junction of her neck. Then he bit her lightly on the shoulder.

  Luke was commanding her mouth with his. He had her face between his hands. Grant used the opportunity to run his hands around to her breasts. He squeezed and pulled on her nipples. It turned him on when they pebbled beneath his hands. He wanted to suck on them, but couldn’t get to them with Luke in the way.

  “Move this to the bed, Luke.”

  Luke groaned but pulled back and bent to pick her up. Grant hurried and jerked back the covers so that they could pull them over them later. Right now, he was hot enough to fry an egg. He didn’t need the blankets. He had Valerie.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Valerie moaned as Luke drew a nipple into his mouth and flattened it against the roof. He rubbed at it with his tongue. Then Grant was at her other breast, and she couldn’t concentrate on either one of them. All she could do was run her hands into their hair and hang on.

  Grant left her breast and trailed his mouth down her body to lick over the ticklish spots at her groin before climbing between her legs and spreading them farther apart. He spread kisses along her inner thighs on either side before adding more to the top of her pubic mound. Then he blew across her wet pussy, sending chills along her skin.

  Every draw of Luke’s mouth on the breast pulled at her cunt and sparked at her clit. She couldn’t help lifting her pelvis off the bed in search of something to stimulate her. Grant obliged and ran his tongue all along her pussy lips before drawing them inside to tease with his tongue.

  When he released them and began lapping at her slit, gathering her juices, she groaned. The sensation of his tongue on her there yet not entering her was almost overwhelming. She wanted to grab his head and hold him to her. She needed him to fuck her. She didn’t need all the stimulation. She was already wet and ready.

  “Please, Grant. I need you. Please, I need you inside of me.”

  “Easy, honey. We’ll get there. We want to make you feel good first.”

  “I feel good. God, if I felt any better, I’d die.”

  He chuckled and continued torturing her with his tongue and teeth. Finally, he pushed two fingers inside of her before pulling them out and doing it again. He slowly pumped them in and out of her pussy, driving her higher with each stroke against her cunt walls. When he rasped over her hot spot, she jerked. He chuckled and did it again.

  Luke’s mouth was busy pleasuring her breast with his hand at her other nipple. He twisted and pulled on it, giving her just enough of the pain she liked and craved. When he bit her nipple and pulled on it, she thought she would come unglued.

  They played with her, manipulating her into one great big sexual need. She begged them to let her come, but they held back until she was thrashing on the bed. When she least expected it, Grant sucked her clit between his teeth and rubbed it with the tip of his tongue. Luke pulled on her nipples, sending mixed messages to her pussy where Grant was pumping his fingers in and out of her. She screamed.

  Everything went crazy inside of her. She lost her breath and began to pant as colors exploded behind her eyelids. She grabbed Luke’s head with her hands and dug into his scalp as they both continued to play and tease her. Now she begged for them to stop. She was thoroughly spent.

  Finally, they pulled back and held her close to them. Then Luke pulled her over on top of him. She grinned. This was what she wanted, her men inside of her.

  “Ride me, baby. I want to feel that tight pussy around my cock.” He held up his hands to help steady her as she positioned herself over his hard dick.

  Valerie slowly lowered herself onto Luke’s throbbing cock. She loved the sound he made when she slowly consumed him with her cunt. His hissed-out breath was music to her ears. She moved up and down on him as he filled her. Once he was all the way inside, she squeezed her muscles around him. He cursed.

  “Stop that, baby. I won’t last long enough for you.”

  Grant chuckled. “She’s a naughty girl, isn’t she?”

  His hands slowly pushed her over Luke’s body until she was lying on his chest. She could hear his heart racing already. Then Grant was covering her back hole with lube. He entered her with two fingers. The slick jelly eased their passage through the tight resistant ring. She breathed through the pinch and burn. When he added more lube and another finger, she had to push out and bite her lower lip to keep from crying out. He pumped them slowly in and out of her, twisting them as he did.

  Finally, he removed them and the next thing she felt was his slickened cockhead pressing into her dark hole. The tiny rosette opened for him as he pressed forward. She moaned and pushed out so that he could pass through her tender tissues.

  “Aw, fuck. Valerie, your ass is so freaking hot and tight. I’m not sure I can get all the way inside you without coming. Hell, honey.”

  She panted as he pulled out and tunneled in once again. This time he made it all the way inside of her. She hissed out a breath. The burn was growing, but it soon changed into a warm pleasure as both men began to move. Grant’s cock rasped over nerve endings that normally remained untouched. They sent dark thrills down her spine as Luke thrust up into her, hitting her sweet spot with each rub of his thick dick.

  “Yes! Oh, God! Yes!” She couldn’t help but shout at the feel of them inside of her.

  She couldn’t move between them. She had to let them do all the work. She was just a vessel that they were filling over and over again. Nothing could ever feel better than them working their way insid
e her. The pleasure she got from this was impossible to explain.

  Then the pleasure-pain began to fill her until she was overflowing. Her pussy wept, spilling juice on Luke while her ass clenched over and over around Grant. She squeezed down on both of them as her orgasm grew closer. She wanted them with her. They both cursed.

  “Aw, holy hell, baby.”

  “Hell, yeah!” Grant’s voice was raspy as he chanted her name over and over again.

  Just when she thought she would never make it over the top, Luke reached up and squeezed her nipples, throwing her into a climax so brilliant it was blinding. Her mouth opened but nothing could make it past the silent scream in her throat. Her ears rang while fireworks burst behind her eyes. Valerie collapsed on top of Luke, spasming around him.

  She heard Grant curse and felt him lean over her back with his hands holding her shoulders. Luke slammed into her twice more then emptied his cum into her body. She wasn’t sure how, but somehow, they all ended up on their sides, still attached.

  Grant was the first one to move. He gently pulled from her body and left them. When he returned, he had Luke pull out so he could clean her up. She shivered at the stimulation of oversensitive nerve endings.

  They curled up around each other without talking as each struggled to regain their ability to breathe normally. As close as they were, she felt Luke’s heart against her cheek and Grant’s against her back. Hers was still pumping in her throat. She smiled. She would remember this night for the rest of her life. It was the first time that they all made love together. Before, it had only been sex with Grant, but he loved her now. They loved her and she them. She’d found her men.

  * * * *

  Valerie carried another platter to the table. They had plenty of food, but not enough room for everyone to eat together. She was looking forward to their spring lunch where they would be outside and have extra tables.

  Today, Gary, David, April, Ronnie, Brice, Sonya, and Garret all gathered around the table to bless the food before the men retired into the living room to eat on TV trays. The women would have the table.


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