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Capri's Fate

Page 2

by Devoré, Daryl

  Quieter was not what it was. She led us into the darkened room. The screams of a woman made my feet freeze to the floor. Kat pushed past me, but I remained in the doorway until someone shoved me aside and shut the door. As my eyes adjusted to the muted light, my butt found the safety of the back wall. I pressed up against it only inches from the door.

  In front of me were rows of chairs filled with people whose attention was focused on the area where the screams originated. I hadn't managed to get the courage to look. What my eyes refused to see, my ears had no choice but to hear.

  The screaming would stop and a knee-melting, male voice would ask, "More?"

  A breathless female voice would answer, "Yes, Master!" and the scream would begin again.

  "Look up." It was his voice. "Experience with your eyes what you enjoy with your ears."

  Enjoying? My head snapped so I could debate that issue, but my focus was distracted by the scene in front of me. A woman stood tied spread-eagled to a free-standing frame. She was naked except for a blindfold and shiny with sweat. The male, dressed in black leather pants and a sleeveless vest, placed the end of gleaming metal rod on her belly. There was a loud crack of an electric shock and a scream erupted from her throat. He placed the rod next to her nipple. "More?"

  "Yes, Master!"




  I am so out of here!

  The door wouldn't budge. I pushed again. Still it resisted. I shook it. Let me out of here.

  P-U-L-L. Four letters on a sign, which spelled freedom. I pulled the door and stepped outside. Trembling and a tad nauseous, I sat on a bench. Three deep breaths later, I felt my heartbeat slow and my blood pressure drop out of imminent stroke level.

  "Too much?"

  Yes. He was hurting her.

  "But she loves pain. You do not?"

  No. I cry if I stub my toe.

  "Let us move to another room."

  Don't know why, but I looked around to see where the voice came from. What about Tee and Kat?

  "They will find you."

  May I ask something?


  Who are you? And where the hell are you?

  "When the time is right, I will answer."

  Great, just what I needed right now. The voice in my head goes all Zen on me.

  The door to the next conference room opened…by itself. With great hesitancy, I walked inside. A lot of moaning and slurping confronted me when I looked toward the stage area and saw seven…no, make that eight naked people engaged in a mass sex event.

  I think the starting point was the girl on her hands and knees, with the male doing her from behind and her giving a blowjob to the male in front of her. Underneath her, sucking on one breast, was a female who was being eaten out by another female, and on the other breast was a female who was being fucked by a female with a strap on. That one was busy giving a blowjob to the male who was fondling whatever body part on whomever he could get his hands on.

  As I watched, another male walked up on stage rapidly working his penis erect. He slid a condom over his cock, pulled up the hips of the prone female who was licking the other female's clit, who was sucking the other female's breast, who was…I think I'm getting a headache.

  He thrust himself into her, increasing the number to nine. A female stripped as she walked around the group trying to figure out where or how to join in. I stepped out of the room.

  "Still not right?"

  My heart pounded in my chest. Ten people? No. I...uh...

  "Try the door on the left. Much tamer. Maybe more your style."

  Okay, that was just embarrassing. My style is tame. Tame means boring, which makes me boring. But, come on…ten people?

  I pushed open the door and as I entered, the male grunted out his orgasm and lowered himself onto the bed next to the woman he'd been enjoying.

  It was a bedroom scene, softly lit, quiet music in the background and two - count them - two people finishing what appeared to be a romantic night of love.

  I checked my watch. Time to go home. I have a conference call in the morning, meetings most of the afternoon and I can't miss yoga class. I went in search of Tee and Kat. I found Tee teaching a couple of women the joys of using a strap-on dildo. She finished tightening the buckle then positioned herself between the legs of a very willing female.

  "Best to use lots of lube. Yes, we know she's wet, but drenched is better. More enjoyable for both." Tee picked up a bottle and poured the lube onto her false penis, spread it about and then did the same to the awaiting genitals. "I like to grab my partner here and pull up and then thrust. In and out. See. Oh, hi Capri. Want to join us?"

  Fuck no. "Looks great, but I was looking for Kat. Time to go, you know. Busy day at work tomorrow."

  Without missing a stroke, Tee said, "Across the hall."

  Remember the group of ten; well it was now three and Kat was the center of attention. She was on her back, hips propped up with a pillow while some guy was banging her as she gave some intense attention to another female's clit. A newly arrived, naked and fully erect male positioned himself behind the other male and began to prep the male's anus for some up-close and personal attention.

  "Join in."


  "No one here will judge you."

  I can't.

  "Just stand next to Kat and rub her clit. I'll help you."

  My feet moved across the floor. I swear it wasn't me that made me walk over to the group. My hand reached out and I touched her. She flinched. I picked up the nearby bottle of lube and squirted her clit. The excess slid down her lips and around the swollen cock thrusting into her. His eyes were closed; way too busy enjoying what he was doing and what was being done to him from behind. I touched her again. Her pink flesh was hot. I ran my fingers up and down between her lips, trying to avoid interfering with the man's rhythm.

  The room grew uncomfortably warm and as I fondled Kat, I wondered why someone didn't turn up the air conditioning.

  The norm being rub this, squeeze that, then fuck, I take time to give attention to my labia, so I thought the same consideration should be given to my best friend. Hers was soft, warm and plump from excitement. I stroked and gently pinched her flesh, working my way up to her aroused clit. Soft moans emanated from her throat. I circled my finger around her button while my other hand grabbed the lube lotion and poured more on.

  The slick liquid added a musky scent, which triggered a heat deep inside me.

  With tiny flicks of my fingers and pressure strokes from my thumb, it didn't take long for her body to react. She let out a low, long moan and I guessed she was having an orgasm. I softened my stroke, but he kept pounding her. Two of the other participants came at the same time. Their grunts and moans filled the air. I stepped away, grabbed a tissue, wiped my hand and sat in a seat in the back row.

  Kat wiggled her way of out the group. Another female hurried across the floor to find a spot while people rearranged themselves. As Kat dressed, she spotted me and walked over. "That was so…." She tucked her blouse into her slacks. "Somebody came along and played with my clit and it made me explode."

  I tapped my watch. "Time to go home." I stood and led her to the lounge.

  I don't know why I paused, but just before exiting the Convention Center, I glanced around the entrance. Nothing attracted my attention, but a shiver scuttled between my shoulder blades.

  Kat stepped by me and whistled for a cab.

  As I settled next to her, my gaze drifted back to the brightly lit building.

  I wondered if the voice was going to follow me home. Can you be stalked by a voice in your head?

  Chapter Two

  I tossed my Erotic Notions' purchases onto the high back chair in the corner, kicked off my shoes and dropped my clothes in a trail to the bathroom. What a weird night. What I need is a long, hot bath. I lit the scented candles on the ledge surrounding my tub, turned on the water and poured in some chamomile bath oil.
br />   Clicking on the sound system, I selected Bach in the Bath and turned the volume to low. Settling into the warm liquid luxury, I rested my head on my seashell shaped headrest and closed my eyes. "Ahhhh!"

  After my self-indulgent soak, I slipped into my pajama bottoms when my so-not-me purchases caught my attention. I bought a bustier. What was I thinking? A giggle threatened to escape my mouth. Removing it from bag, I skimmed my fingers over the ruby-colored silk feeling the firmness of the stiffening rods in the bodice. I traced my finger along the pattern of the black lace trim. Yikes. Look at all those hooks and clasps. The garters clinked as they swung together.

  Forget it. There's no way I can put this thing on. I poked a finger through each peek-a-boo hole. Oh, this is just too embarrassing. What was I thinking? I wasn't thinking. I was drunk.

  I tossed it onto the bed then stepped toward my dresser. Something red caught my attention in the mirror. I turned my head and watched the bustier slip off the bed.

  Hmph. Must have missed. I picked it up and dropped it on the duvet, then turned to get to my pajama top. The mirror's reflection arrested my gaze as again the rubicund, silk teaser slid over the edge of the bed and tumbled to the floor.

  What the…?

  I glanced down at the crimson pile. "Are you trying to tell me to put you on? Oh crap, now I'm talking to my clothes."

  What the hell, why not? Nobody's going to see me. And I've always wanted to try one on.

  I let it dangle off my fingertips for a few moments while I pondered how I was going to fasten it. I didn't think yoga class made me flexible enough to reach behind and attach each hook. In a flash of brilliance, I put it on backward, hooked up the clasps and jerked it around until the back was in the back.

  Next, I adjusted, what were at the moment, my squished boobs to get them comfortably into the push-up cups. Then, I wiggled my hand into a very crowded space and manipulated my nipples into the peek-a-boo holes.

  When I glanced at my reflection in the full-length mirror, I giggled. My sexy red bustier with the peek-a-boo bra looked adorable with my sleeping kitten, flannel pajama bottoms. Hey, gotta like flannel pjs. They keep me warm on cold winter nights.

  "Take your pants off."

  I spun around. "What the…?"

  "Take your pants off. Put this on." My drawer slid open and a black lace thong floated over to my bed.

  Okay, I'm way drunker than I thought.

  "I followed you home."

  "There are stalker laws." Listen to me. I'm threatening a voice. A voice that can move underwear.

  "Change, get a glass of wine and I'll explain."

  Not that I jump when ordered around by an invisible voice, but the idea of a large glass of a very good wine sounded appealing. After returning from the kitchen, I hauled off my flannel bottoms and stepped into my black thong. I tugged at the back strap and shifted my butt. I'd like to meet the person who thought sticking a string up your butt crack was a good idea.

  Settling back onto my bed, I sipped my 2006 Zaca Mesa Viognier. My favorite little wine with peachy undertones. I get all giggly when I say that – peachy undertones.

  I looked about the room, took another sip and waited. Nothing happened. No voice echoed in my head. No more thongs floated across the room. I'm never going to tell Kat about this.

  As I put my glass down, the lights dimmed, music played—from somewhere—and the bed covers pulled back — even though I was sitting on them. A warm breath drifted across the back of my neck. Goose bumps ran up my spine and, embarrassingly, my nipples stood at attention. Flattering myself that I was handling this all very well, I picked up my wine glass, took a big gulp and decided to grab the bull by the horns – metaphorically speaking. "Are you a ghost? Because I don't believe in ghosts."

  "No, I'm a Fate."

  "You mean like, let the Fates decide?"

  "Yes, that would be the best interpretation for you."

  I tilted my head from side to side trying to figure out where his voice was coming from. "But the Fates are women. I know my Roman? Greek? mythology."

  "That is mythology. This is reality."

  Lifting one eyebrow, I snorted. "I'm talking to the air and you're calling it reality?"

  "The three Fates were children of the original power."

  I took another sip of wine. "So you're a child of the Fates?"

  "Go forth and multiply."

  "You're just full of one-liners."

  "Humans do not believe in us and yet they call upon us to make decisions for them. 'Fate made me do it'. 'Let the Fates decide.' 'May the force be with you.'"

  "That's Star Wars." Great, I've got a stalker Fate with a sense of humor.

  "I heard that."

  Shivers slither through me as tiny sparklike feelings tickled my neck.

  "We're real. We've been around since time began. That first monkey who jumped out of a tree and walked on the ground, Fate made him do it. A cousin of mine, actually."

  "You're kidding!"

  "Yes, I am. You humans are so gullible."

  I waved my arm about. "Can I touch you? See you?"

  "You would not understand our form, but I can touch you." A wave of heat slid up my leg and rippled through my belly.

  "Oooh!" When my breath returned, I asked the most logical question I could think of. "Why are you here?"

  "Earlier tonight you said, 'Let's see what the Fates have in store'. Well the Fates have nothing in store for your friend, but for you…"

  I picked up my wine glass and took a couple of good gulps.

  "Lay back and relax. I promise I won't hurt you. I cannot. I can only provide pleasure." Something—for simplicity's sake, call it his hand —caressed my right shin.

  I reacted as if my flesh had been burned–-but in a good way. It wasn't pain. Curiously, maybe a little bizarrely, but there was definitely a hint of wicked in the touch.

  The same sensation scorched my left shin. Part of me needed to check if my flesh was flushed and blistered, but I couldn't move. I thought if I did, I would somehow break a spell. A bead of sweat dribbled down my neck.

  With a movement as soft as the brush of a feather, both hands travelled up my thighs and stopped at my hips.


  With a swift sweep, he skimmed my body, engulfing me in his touch. My flesh tingled as goose bumps speckled my arms. The only sound I could hear was my breath as the pants escaped my lips. I opened my eyes. My body glowed from the heat.

  An icy snake-touch slithered from my hips to neck. As fast as the coolness touched my body, heat filled its place.

  A feverish fondle on my breast preceded a frosty streak across my neck, followed by a sizzling trail along my spine and an icy tap on my inner thigh. I couldn't focus. My heart pounded in my chest. My breath caught in my throat only to be snatched away by the next gasp. A blissful wave surged through me as I slipped into relaxed darkness.

  ~ * * ~

  My five-thirty a.m. alarm sliced through the silence in the room. I slapped at it until it was quiet. I tried to open my eyes. I really did. I rolled over and yawned. Just five more minutes.

  When my eyelids flitted open, I focused on the clock, blinked then swore. Throwing back the covers, I started to jump out of bed, but some kind of force pushed me back down. I tried again. "What's going on?"

  A breakfast tray of coffee, toast, bowl of strawberries and the morning edition floated into the room, settling itself beside my bed.

  I rubbed my face then checked if the tray was still there. It was. "You still here?"


  You mean last night was real? I started to get up again but couldn't move. There were no ropes or chains, or anything delightfully kinky like that, securing me to the bed. There was just nothing. And it wouldn't let me get up.

  I looked at the ceiling. "I have to get to work. I'm - like - three hours late. Christ! I had a meeting at—"

  Was that a finger pressing on my lips to silence me? It had better be his finger and not somethi
ng else.

  Stifling the urge to swear or scream, I slapped at it. "Look, I really have to pee! Let me up."

  The nothingness which held me in place vanished into thin air? I slipped one foot over the edge of the bed, reaching for the floor. The bare wood was cool against the sole of my foot. I scurried across the room, stopping at the doorway. "You aren't going to follow me into the bathroom, are you?"

  He chuckled. I took that to mean no.

  When I returned, I jerked open my closet door. Having a notion the bustier and black thong were not proper board meeting attire, I reached for my blue power suit. I was going to have to kiss ass for being late.

  A hand rested on my shoulder and directed me to turn around. "Your assistant has been informed you are sick. Something you ate at dinner last night. He will deal with your schedule. Your afternoon appointments have all called to cancel. So, it seems you're free for the day."

  "I still have the Booker account to deal with and my desk is just a mess. I need to get to work." Pushing against the restraint, I failed miserably at returning to my closet. I stood next to my bed and the floating breakfast tray. Coffee does smell good.

  "A dark roast blend. Beans from the sun-drenched soil of the Hawaiian Islands."

  I slipped my fingers into the coffee mug handle and lifted it off the tray. The aroma tickled my nose. One sip of the java brew made my eyelids close and sent a jolt of happiness through me. "So, you say all my afternoon appointments happened to cancel?"


  "You did that?"

  "The Fates can do almost anything."

  I settled onto the bed while pulling the tray next to me. Picking up a strawberry, I inhaled its sweet scent. "Do you have a name? If you're going to hang around and I want to talk to you, shouting 'Hey you!' would be rude." I sunk my teeth into the seed-covered, rosy flesh.

  "I am called Thall by the humans I've guided."

  Swallowing the bite of strawberry, I asked, as casually as I could, "What do you mean the humans you guided?" I popped the rest of the berry into my mouth.

  "I'm here to guide you sexually."

  Yes, I almost spit the strawberry across the room.


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