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Capri's Fate

Page 19

by Devoré, Daryl

  "Now come and get your prize." Her voice was as smooth and sultry as the July evening.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Thall lifted his head off the sand. Capri stood on her clothes, which she'd spread over the sand like a mini-makeshift blanket. The sight of her dimly lit body hit Thall right in the gut. It was like the dance of the seven veils. He caught glimpses of her body as the shadows shifted with the changes in the light. In his mind's eye, he imagined what he desired.

  He scrambled up, brushed off the sand off the seat of his pants, pulled his shirt over his head. In two steps, he stood in front of Capri. He undressed and placed his clothes beside her, increasing the size of their makeshift blanket.

  "You are so beautiful." He rested his hands on her hips. "I am beguiled by you."

  Capri lowered her eyes for a brief moment then raised her gaze to meet his.

  Thall smiled. "The sight of you is building a hunger in me."

  He trickled his fingers from her shoulder down her elbow. A cloud drifted away from the moon. The faint rays highlighted the curves of her breasts and the erectness of her nipples. He lifted his hands and circled his palms on the tips of her cherry like nipples. They were firm and hot. Grasping them between his thumbs and fingers, he rolled the pink marbles. His touch brought forth a groan from Capri's throat.

  "Your kisses taste like ambrosia." He leaned his face closer, parted his lips and pressed his mouth on hers. Capri's tongue darted in and out of Thall's mouth. Each insertion caused a shock of lust to pulse through him.

  He sought the end of her tongue and flicked his against it. Capri circled hers around his while dragging her nails along his bare back. His erection throbbed. "Lay down. Close your eyes."

  Thall waited until Capri settled herself, then shifted to his natural state. Hovering above her, he stroked her body, adjusting the sensation of his touch. One moment his fingers were cold as ice, the next as abrasive like sandpaper. Her skin reacted to each touch as she shivered, squealed or moaned. Each sound heightened Thall's arousal.

  He added the stimulation of four more hands. Two caressing her thighs and the other duet massaging her breasts, while Thall reached between her legs and fondled her labia. Continuing, he switched from hot, to rough, to cold, to feathery. Each new touch also changed intensity, and no pair of hands matched another.

  Capri writhed on the blanket. Her moans rumbled out of the back of her throat. Her hands flit through the air as she searched to grasp Thall. She arched her back, pressing her breasts up into the hands that clawed at her flesh then stroked her like cold silk. Her eyelids fluttered open and her pupils dilated.

  "Is that the real you? You're beautiful. All shimmery."

  "Ssh." He brushed across her lips.

  Thall adjusted his essence to give Capri the experience of warm liquid oozing over every inch of her body. He dribbled down the mounds of her breasts and dripped onto her belly. He rolled between the lips of her labia, changing temperatures from toasty to icy to scorching.

  Capri moaned and thrust her hips up. "Thall. I…I need to…I need…"

  "I'll give you everything you need."

  He drew small circles on each of Capri's temples and savored the reactions of her body as he sent erotic images and sensations to the arousal centers of her brain.

  There was no warning. Capri arched and screamed as the orgasm exploded deep inside her. Thall wrapped her in warmth until the convulsions and shudders settled, then she drifted off into la petite morte.

  Assuming his human form, Thall snuggled against Capri and listened to the calmness of her breathing and the hypnotic lap of the lake water against the shore. A kiss on his chest pulled him from his reverie. He glanced at Capri's smiling face.

  "My turn." She waggled her eyebrows, sat up and pushed him onto his back. "I want to drive you to that same place. That total mind-fuck you gave me."

  Starting with small kisses on his neck, she moved her mouth lower and suckled each nipple. Thall closed his eyes and reveled in her exploration of his body. Even though she was only human, she still had the ability to burn his flesh with the touch of her lips. The tip of her tongue flicked his aroused nipples drawing a hiss from him.

  "Like that?"

  He groaned and raked his fingers through his hair.

  "Want more?"

  "Don't stop."

  He reached out to clasp her to his body, but she pushed his hands away. "You gave me nothing to hold."

  "Argh." He ran his ringers through his hair. "But I get so hot touching you."

  She planted a kiss in the middle of his stomach. "Well, you'll just have to get all hot by my touch."

  "I am." He lifted his head off the sand and met her gaze. "Your touch is fire hot. Fates don't feel, but when I'm human, I can. I want more. Suck me. Place your lips on my cock."

  Capri moved then lowered her head and dragged the tip of her tongue along the side of his engorged penis.

  "Ah!" He dropped his head back onto the blanket.


  "Oh, fuck, yes."

  Using her full tongue, in one long, slow lap, she moved from the base of his shaft to the tip. His groan rumbled from his throat as his erection flinched.

  She opened her lips and lowered her head, inserting his cock into her mouth. Squeezing her lips close, she vice-gripped him, then she slid her wet lips along his shaft, urging his arousal to the breaking point. Not forgetting the rest of his body, she moved her hands between cuddling and rolling his testicles to dragging her nails along his inner thighs.

  Each movement elicited a moan or groan or a hiss from Thall. Perspiration trickled down his belly. Colors swirled in his mind, each intensifying as Capri forced his lust to deepen.

  With a leisurely motion, she glided her mouth up and down his penis. Gripping with her lips then releasing him with a soft touch, Capri wrapped her hand around him. She pressed her lips tight and slid as low as she could then continued the movement with her hand. Pulling her hand back to her mouth, she slid back to the engorged head of his cock and repeated her movement. Within a few strokes, she developed a rhythm.

  "Capri. Stop. No, don't. Jeez, yes." He reached toward her and tried to push Capri away. Fumbling and failing at that, he struggled to sit up. Resting on his elbows, his gaze locked onto the vision of his cock disappearing into the heaven that was Capri's mouth.

  He bucked his hips into her mouth. "St-stop."

  Speaking was difficult. His breaths were deep and fast. "Mount me. I want to come inside you."

  Capri pulled up and released him from her mouth. Moving closer to his hips, she positioned her wet pussy over his erection and lowered herself until her butt hit his hips.

  Thall placed his hands on her hips, repositioned himself and thrust upward. "Ah. You feel so good. Can you make yourself come for me?"

  She reached between her legs and pressed her finger against her swollen clit. Matching her strokes with Thall's thrusts, Capri groaned. "Fuck me, Thall. Drive yourself."

  The sight of her breasts jiggling with each jostle and the moans emanating from her throat, drove Thall to pound into her. Nothing he'd ever experienced prepared him for this moment. A wave of bliss followed by an explosion of energy surged through him. "Come. Now."

  Capri's moan mingled with his hiss as they savored the erotic delight that overwhelmed them. She collapsed forward and nested her cheek on his chest.

  Thall groped around on the sand until he touched his shirt. Placing it over Capri's back, he settled his head back onto the sand, closed his eyes and sighed. Humans have a major advantage over Fates. To experience such passion. To feed such a carnal lust. How had he existed for six thousand years without experiencing this?

  With languid strokes, he caressed her back and listened to the sounds of the night. He could never go back to being just a Fate. His existence depended on being with Capri.

  He inhaled and released a long contented sigh. "I love you."

  His gut clenched. He'd forgotten. He lifted h
is head. Had she heard him?

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Capri lifted her head from Thall's chest. She'd fallen asleep partially from the euphoria that enveloped her and from listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat. "What did you say?"

  "I think we should get up and go to your parents' place. You know, sleep in an actual bed."

  She blinked. "What's wrong? Your voice sounded funny."

  "Nothing's wrong." He smiled and kissed the top of her head. "Nothing at all."

  Heaving a large sigh, Capri snuggled back against his warm chest. "I don't think I could possibly walk home. I am blissed out. My muscles are soggy noodles."

  Thall chuckled and wiggled out from underneath her. After dressing, he struggled with getting Capri into her clothes. "I'm much better at getting your clothes off you. This bra thing is…mind boggling."

  He shook the last of the sand off her top, slipped it onto Capri. "There. All dressed and presentable. Give me your hand."

  Capri stretched out her arm, offering him her hand. With a swift move, Thall pulled her to a standing position and with a swipe of his arm on her thighs he lifted her.

  Giggling, she wrapped her arm around his back. "Wow, you're a lot stronger than you look."

  "Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound."

  She rested her head on his shoulder. "My own personal Superman."

  "Where to madam?"

  "To bed, sir. To bed."

  The cadence of Thall's progress toward the cottage and the warmth of being held so close lulled Capri into a light sleep. Being placed onto the bed woke her. She groaned.

  "Here." Something light landed on her.

  She opened one eyelid and peered at her canary yellow, silk pajamas. "Too much work to put these on." She closed her eye and lay back as Thall removed her clothes. His hands trickling from her neck to her belly made her smile.

  "Do you know how beautiful you are?" His voice was soft.

  "I know how beautiful you make me feel. Come here." She tapped the bed next to her. "Snuggle in. I want to be held by you all night. Listening to you breathe."

  Thall dropped his clothes and climbed onto the bed. He nestled up behind her and wrapped his arm over her waist. He kissed the back of her neck. "Good night."

  "Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite."

  Thall chuckled. "I don't think I want to know what that means."

  She wiggled her butt against his belly. "Go to sleep."

  ~ * * ~

  Late in the afternoon, Capri and her mother sat on two bright red Adirondack chairs at the edge of the dock. A slight breeze cooled them in the mid-July heat.

  "Your father really likes him, you know." Capri's mother sipped her second Margarita as she watched a puffball of a cloud float across the horizon. The boat creaked against the side of the dock.

  Capri gulped the last of her drink and poured her third. "He's not real, Mom."

  Her mother twisted her neck to gaze at her daughter. "What do you mean? Not real. We heard you two last night?" She swallowed another mouthful. "Actually, I'd say the whole lake heard you."

  Kill me now! Capri dropped her head and shook it. "I'll never ever be able to go into town again."

  Her mother raised her glass and held it out to her daughter. "What happens at the lake…"

  "Stays at the lake." Capri tapped her glass against her mother's and chuckled.

  "Now back to the conversation at hand. Is he a fake boyfriend? Like someone you hired for the weekend? Because if he is, your dad will be crushed. They painted the front porch this morning, drank beer all afternoon while pretending to be fishing, and now they're burning steaks." She waved at her husband.

  "Dad's got a bromance."

  Their laughter floated on the cool evening breeze. "Let's go set up the table and you can tell me all about this." Tiffany swallowed the last of her drink, stood and returned to the cottage.

  As Capri settled in beside her mother on the path, she took a large courage building breath. "I know you're going to think I'm crazy, but he's not human. Well, not completely human."

  "I thought you outgrew your imaginary friend when you were four."

  "No, he's real, just not human."

  "Oh, you need another margarita. You're making no sense." Tiffany pulled open the cottage door. "Or maybe I do. I do believe you're one ahead of me."

  Capri stepped into the cottage and her mother released the door. It swung closed with a gentle click. Capri turned. "Let me try it this way. He's a child of the Fates."

  "The Fates?" She led her daughter to the kitchen. "You mean the three women who control our destiny. Tree of Life and all that."

  Capri nodded and opened a cupboard to get out the dishes and glasses for the meal.

  Tiffany snorted. "Those are legends. Myths. Fairy tales." She grabbed some silverware and napkins.

  "Thought so too." Capri followed her mother to the back deck where she set the picnic table while her mother returned to get the salad and wine.

  Tiffany uncorked the bottle and nodded her head in the direction of the men. "While I'm dying to know what you're talking about and I'm sure this is a margarita induced hallucination, the guys are coming with the steaks, so let's leave this conversation until after dinner."

  "Don't want to rain on Dad's bromance?"

  "Don't want to rain on my what?" Her father put a platter of steaks on the table.

  "Nothing Dad. Just a little private joke." Capri kissed her father's cheek.

  Bud and Capri slipped onto their seats while Tiffany did a quick check that everything was ready. "Steaks, salad, wine, dessert, plates, glasses. Thall, you can sit next to Capri." As she sat, she indicated the spot with her hand. "Thall?"

  He blinked. "Oh, sorry. Uh, just had a déjà vu moment."

  "That's the second one today." Bud glanced at him. "You had one when we were fishing this afternoon."

  Thall shrugged, and slid onto the picnic table bench next to Capri.

  "Don't sit."

  He paused, knees half bent and looked at Capri's mother.

  "Sorry." She smiled and patted his arm. "Steak sauce. I forgot it. In the fridge door, second shelf. If you'd be a dear."

  A few minutes later, Thall placed the bottle on the table and sat next to Capri.

  "What took you so long? Couldn't find the fridge?"

  He raised his hands. "Thought I might just wash up. We painted all morning and handled bait this afternoon."

  "You're forgiven." Capri kissed his cheek. "Now let's eat. I'm famished."

  When the last of the cherry pie and ice cream had been devoured, Bud had to run to the Bradfords' cottage to check everything was secure with them being away for a week.

  Thall looked at Capri, who smiled and nodded. He jumped up and followed Bud.

  Tiffany suggested they clear up the meal, and then they could sit by the lake and chat. When they'd finished the cleanup, Tiffany grabbed a bottle of wine, glasses, and they headed for the pier. The cloudless sky darkened as the sun set for the day. Settling into the chair beside her, Capri accepted a glass of wine and waited for her mother to speak.

  "I'll just dive right in here before I burst with curiosity. You said he wasn't real. I touched his arm. He feels real."

  Capri swallowed her wine. "He is human. Sort of."

  "Okay, twenty questions is over. Come on. Spill it. Tell me everything. I have a full bottle of Pinot Noir here, and the guys will be gone for a bit."

  "We really did meet at a sex toy convention." The words embarrassingly spewed out of Capri's mouth.

  Her mother shook with laughter. "That is so Kat. She dragged you there didn't she?"

  "Yes. We went out for dinner, and she asked if I trusted her and the next thing I knew, I was standing in the middle of…of… the most awkward place I've ever been. I kept expecting Aunt Maddie or Reverend Penn to be there."

  "Reverend Penn?"

  "Yes, he'd have a horrified look on his face and shake his finger at me. Bad Capri.
Bad, bad Capri."

  Her mother chuckled as she filled both glasses. "You have an overactive imagination."

  "I get that from you." Capri smirked, slapping at a pesky mosquito. "Anyway, I'm walking along, trying really hard not to look at anything, and this voice says, Buy something fun, something erotic and something dangerous."

  Her mother peered at Capri over the top of her wine glass. "So did you?"

  "Did I what?"

  "Buy something fun, erotic and dangerous?"

  "Mom!" Capri's stomach did a backflip at the thought of her mother even thinking of such things.

  "Oh, come on. You're thirty-two. You've been married."

  Capri gulped several mouthfuls of Pinot Noir. "Yes. Actually, I bought something I've always wanted. A red bustier. It's gorgeous."

  "Good for you. Now, on with your story."

  "Well, he, the voice, followed me home and we had some great sex." Did I just say that out loud? She swallowed hard and held out her glass. "More wine."

  Capri's mother held the bottle over the empty glass. "You had sex with a voice?"

  "Yes and don't ask me to explain it. Long story short, I got promoted, and needed to fly to this remote place in Indonesia. Thall, who it seems has been interested in me for a long time, can take corporeal form. Human."

  "Completely human?" Her mother giggled.

  "Yes, completely human and well-endowed too." Both women snickered into their wine glasses. "I must say Mom. You're taking this rather well. Not what I expected."

  "I've had three margaritas and two, maybe three glasses of wine." She swallowed a mouthful of fermented grape nectar. "My daughter is dating. He's handsome and well endowed. What else could I ask for?"

  "He's six thousand years old."

  "Looks good for his age. And can still perform. I'm hoping your dad can still get it up at eighty-five."

  "Mother!" Both women shook with laughter.

  "I'd say they're talking about us." Capri's father's voice floated across the darkness.

  Capri shivered when Thall rested his hand on her shoulder and gave her a gentle squeeze. She tilted her head to the side and brushed her cheek against it.


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