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ASH: Westside Skulls Motorcycle Club: (Westside Skulls MC Romance Book 4)

Page 17

by Cooke, Jessie

  “Hi, Ash.”

  Ash shook his head slightly to make sure he wasn’t imagining things. Mack was still there, still looking at him with her pretty hazel eyes. Her soft hair lay straight across her shoulders and down her back. She was wearing a light-colored peach sundress and sandals and looking much younger than her twenty-eight years. “What are you doing here?”

  She stepped back, pulled the door open wider, and said, “Come in and I’ll tell you.”

  “What if I don’t want to come in?” he asked. He was stalling, because he did want to go inside with her, close out the rest of the world, rip off all of her clothes, and fuck her against whatever surface they made it to first. At the same time, however, he didn’t want any of that to happen. He meant what he told Charlie earlier...his life was so much easier without Mack in it.

  “Then don’t. I’d really like to tell you what happened back then...but if you don’t want to hear it...”

  He sighed. He didn’t want to hear it. He didn’t want to relive that terrible day. As he had that thought, however, he found himself following her in through the door. “What is this about, Mack?”

  “You still have no patience at all, do you? Can you sit with me, just for a few minutes?” Ash looked at the little booth-like table. A tray full of Mack’s enchiladas sat in the center of it along with a bowlful of Spanish rice...and all the trimmings for both. There were two place settings...and a candle in the center of the table.

  “What is all this?”

  “Remember our first real date?” They were friends for most of their lives, and it in middle school that Ash started realizing his feelings toward her were changing. Unofficially from the time they were thirteen until they were sixteen, they were already a couple. But the day Ash got his driver’s license and didn’t have to rely on one of his dad’s chauffeurs or his dad himself to drive them, he took her out on a “real” date. They went to a little Mexican restaurant in the Village. It was the only one in New York City and it was Ash’s favorite place. He looked down at the candle again. It was in a little red-and-black glass vase...just like the ones they put on the tables at Rosa’s in New York. They had both ordered the enchiladas and Spanish rice...and iced tea, which he now noticed was on the table as well.

  “Yeah,” he said. “It was a long time ago.” Mack’s already anxious smile faltered, and he felt bad...but what was she trying to do?

  “Yes,” she said, sitting down at the table. “It was a lifetime ago.”

  Ash sat down across from her. “Mack...what is all this about?”

  “I’ve been trying to reach you. I realized that you’re right. I should have told you five years ago...six years ago...what was going on, but I was afraid. Please don’t take this as me trying to blame you for my shortcomings, but I was so afraid of how you would react.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  She absently stirred the glass of tea in front of her and said, “Do you remember Bobby Landon?”

  He rolled his eyes. He was exhausted, annoyed, and in no mood for a trip down memory lane. He just wished she’d get to the point. “Yeah, the little asshole that grabbed your ass our junior year. I defended you and got expelled from school. Dad had to make some big-ass donation before they’d let me come back to finish out my last year.”

  “Yeah,” she said. “You defended me. Ash, you put him in the hospital. You broke three of his ribs. You knocked out his two front teeth...”

  “So, you’re complaining about me defending you?”

  “No. I’m just saying that you always acted with your heart and not your head, and I knew if I told you the truth about why I didn’t show up for the wedding, you might end up...killing someone.”

  “What? Why? Fuck, Mack, just spit it out already.”

  “Okay, but it’s not that easy. Phil was touching me inappropriately and making gestures that made me uncomfortable for a long time...”

  “What the fuck? He was sexually harassing you and I’m just now hearing about it?”

  “Please, Ash...this is hard for me. Please let me finish.”

  Once again he felt like his insides were burning. It was like the anger was poison and he could feel it eating him up from the inside out. “Go on,” he said, too harshly. “Finish.”

  “I was afraid of what you would do to him if I told you. I was just afraid in general. I didn’t know what to do. Finally, and stupidly, I decided to tell his wife. She listened to what I had to say, told me she’d handle it, and basically dismissed me. I didn’t find out until later...the night before our wedding...that she filed for divorce over it, and she was threatening to take everything from him. He blamed me. He came to my apartment after you left that night and...” She stopped. The tears in her eyes and the look on her face told him the rest of the story, and he was choking on the anger. He opened his mouth, and she shook her head and gave him a pleading look. Wiping a tear off her face she said, “He raped me.”

  That was it. Ash slammed his fist down so hard on the table that iced tea splashed over the sides of glasses, the enchilada plate rose about two inches and slammed down, and rice splattered everywhere. He stood up, growling about how he was going to kill the motherfucker, and Mack softly said, “Ash, this is why I couldn’t tell you.” Everything Ash had thought, felt, and done over the past week suddenly flashed through his mind. He had watched the way Wolf handled the douchebags they’d had to deal with and he’d promised himself that he was going to work on being more patient and thinking before he acted. But, even after thinking it through, he’d still chosen to exterminate the vermin who killed his friend. How could he ignore the fact that some lowlife had raped his fiancée?

  “I don’t see how you would expect me to react any other way. How would you react, Mack?” Mack pulled out her phone and she laid it on the table in front of her. She swiped her thumb a few times and brought up a video. The picture on the screen looked like porn. Some bleach-blonde bimbo with big boobs and naked as the day she was born was sitting on top of some dude. Mack pressed play and Ash watched as the blonde bounced up and down and tossed her hair back over her shoulder. Something about the tattoos on the guy looked familiar...but he couldn’t see his face. When the video panned over and he saw who it was, he actually felt the blood drain from his face. “What the fuck is that? That’s not me...Mack...that’s not fucking me!”

  “It was taken that same night. He showed it to me. He said she gave you X and you wouldn’t remember...”

  “Oh fuck!” Ash grabbed his head in his hands. “No! No, no, no! Oh God, should have come to me. You should have trusted me. Baby, this isn’t real.”

  She looked down at the video. It was right on his face and he was obviously in ecstasy. Then it went back to the blonde...and then him again. He watched Mack’s face for a second as it dawned on her...they never showed both of their faces at the same time. “Oh my God! Ash...I thought...Oh God!” Tears were streaming down her face and she was shaking all over.

  “You thought I cheated on you?”

  “No. I mean, yes, but I thought you were drugged...”

  “I was with Sledge all night. We had a few drinks, went to a strip club where he made fun of me for refusing a lap dance...then we went back to the hotel and I went to sleep. I didn’t want to be hung over for our wedding. Jesus, Mack, even drugged I couldn’t have touched another woman. He told you this...and then he raped you?” She nodded, numbly. “Baby, why didn’t you go to the police?”

  “He said I was going to Aruba with him for the weekend and I was going to be his...” she choked out, “sex slave, all weekend. He said if I called anyone, especially you, that he would take this video to the you see the bruises on her neck? He says he has another video of you choking her and he was going to tell the police you raped her and tried to kill her...and she was going to back him up. I’m so stupid. Fuck...I’m so fucking stupid. I believed him. I...”

  Ash dropped back down in the seat and reached for one of her s
haking hands. “You thought I’d kill him, so you went to Aruba with him?” He felt like he was going to be sick. He could taste the bile in his throat...and it burned. “You did what he told you to do...all weekend?”

  She nodded and then, sucking in a big sob, she said, “When I got back, you were gone, and I thought it was better to just leave it alone...he kept saying you’d go to prison either for what you did to her, or what you were going to do to him. Oh God, Ash, I’m sorry.”

  The ice around Ash’s heart melted...instantly. He stood up and pulled Mack to her feet. He pulled her into his chest and held her there, letting her soak the front of his shirt with her tears. His emotions were battling inside of him. What he wanted to do was go find Phil...and do exactly what Mack was afraid he would do back then. He wanted to kill the bastard. But what he needed to do was hold Mack, be there for her...and think this through. He was still going to kill the bastard, but he was going to have a plan before the motherfucker took his last breath.


  Ash held her for a long time until her tears dried up and she was finally spent. He was so sweet, stroking her hair and the side of her face. She quickly started feeling the old familiar feelings stirring inside of her. She felt stupid, for wanting him so badly in the midst of all the trauma they’d just talked over, but he had that effect on her, always. Just being in the same room with him made her panties wet. She pulled back slightly and looked up at his handsome face. His eyes looked so sad and she hated that she’d done that to him. “I’m sorry, Ash,” she whispered.

  He shook his head and without saying a word he leaned down and covered her mouth with his. He pressed his tongue against her lips and she opened up for him, and they kissed—long, slow, wet, and deep. God, he can kiss. She’d been kissed by other men...a few, anyway... but never the way that Ash kissed her. He made love to her mouth with his tongue, and his full lips massaged hers as he did. It was always so passionate, and sexy. It sent shivers down her spine and liquefied everything inside of her. Her panties were soaked by the time he pulled out of the kiss and when he looked into her eyes she knew that they were thinking the same thoughts, and none of them had anything to do with the agony they’d both been feeling only moments earlier.

  She smiled at him and reached up to stroke his cheek. He had a couple of days’ growth of beard on his face...just enough to give him an edgy, sexy look. She rose up on her toes and kissed him again, this time with more fever, but even slower. They sucked at each other’s tongues and lips like they were trying to consume each other. Her hands moved down his shoulders and forearms sliding his shirt up a few inches so she could satisfy the urge to touch his skin. It was hot and soft and hard at the same time. She stroked his belly with her fingers and he pulled her in even tighter so the bulge in the front of his pants practically dug into her. They continued the long, hot kiss as his big hands slid down her back to her butt. Grasping her cheeks with both hands, he squeezed and began to massage, grinding his hips into her as he did.

  Her fingers dipped down further, underneath his jeans and the waistband of his shorts. She could feel the path of hair there that she knew led to the treasure she so badly wanted. She stroked the soft hair as she continued walking her fingers down lower. He took one hand off her butt and hastily unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, giving her room to explore. She let her hand wrap around his hard cock, and through his shorts she began to stroke and massage it lightly. He moaned into her mouth, sending shockwaves shooting through her body, and in her imagination out her fingers and her toes.

  She kept teasing him, moving her fingers lightly all over him, dancing them up and down without actually touching his skin. He was losing his concentration and the kiss was becoming more of a place for him to rest his open mouth as he moaned and groaned. When she lightly played her fingers across the top of his balls, his breathing quickened and he grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand off him. Still holding her wrist he led her to the back of the fifth-wheel and the bed. He picked her up and tossed her back down onto it and then he climbed down practically on top of her, kissing her again, this time so hard that it almost hurt. He was not just sucking on her lips, he was biting at them. She arched her back up and rubbed her pussy against him. Her dress had ridden up and her soaking-wet panties were exposed. She wrapped her legs around one of his and began to rub herself up and down, pressing in hard enough to tantalize her swollen clit.

  Meanwhile, she’d worked her hand down into his shorts and finally taken hold of his bare, hard, throbbing cock. The wild noises he was making as he now kissed and sucked at her neck were driving her crazy. It made her squeeze his cock harder and stroke it faster. She let her fingers find the silky bead of fluid across the tip and used it to lubricate his shaft. “Ash, look at me.” He removed his lips from her neck and looked up into her eyes. The pure lust in his eyes nearly pushed her over the edge. She was ready to go screaming and clawing into an earth-shattering orgasm already and he hadn’t even touched her pussy yet.

  She needed him inside of her. She wanted to come on that big cock. She needed him to stretch her open...fill her up...and tickle her insides the way only Ash could. When he was inside her, she felt like they were two parts of the same whole. She felt safe and loved. She wasn’t sure if loved was something she should be feeling. She’d never stopped loving him, but she was sure that he’d put aside the love he felt for her long ago. But, she still felt it, and she was going to savor it. She was going to drown in it.

  She took hold of his pants with both her hands and he rose up, pushing himself up with his hands. She pushed his pants and boxers down as far as she could and finally, reluctantly, he stood up and pushed them the rest of the way down. She watched as he struggled out of his boots and kicked off the jeans and shorts, and then she leaned forward and surprised him with a lick...just one little lick to the tip of that delicious, hard cock. He let out an almost animalistic sound and she had to do it again, and again. Then she circled the head of his cock with the tip of her tongue, and he growled and took two fistfuls of her hair in his hands. She sucked lightly, just taking in the head, and she felt his body shiver. She smiled around his flesh before flattening her tongue against his shaft and sucking the rest of him into her mouth...slowly.

  “Fuck, Mack,” he breathed out in his sexy voice. Vibrations raced up and down her body as she began to lick and suck his big, hard cock and listen to his sexy, encouraging words and sounds while he flexed his hips forward and backward and occasionally said “Fuck” and her name and even called out to God.

  All that only made her want to suck him more and harder. She tightened her lips around him and inch by inch she’d suck him into the back of her throat. He’d tighten his grip on her hair and push her face down, trying to shove himself further and deeper into her until, at last, he used the grip on her hair to pull her off him and he said, “Jesus, Mack...fuck, you’re good at that.”

  She smiled up at him and he shook his head slowly, smiling back. He let go of her hair and moved his right hand to her breasts. They were still covered with her dress and bra, but her nipples were so hard that he had no trouble finding them. He wrapped his thumb and finger around them, pinched and squeezed, pulled and tweaked. Even through her clothes it felt amazing. While he did that, his left hand was pulling at her dress. When she finally realized there was something else to concentrate on beyond how good his fingers felt on her nipples, she helped him out and pulled the dress over her head. One flick of his wrist unhooked the strapless bra she was wearing and her breasts were free...and his hot fingers were touching her bare skin.

  She moaned as he used one hand to squeeze one of her breasts before sliding down in front of her on his knees, wrapping his arms around her body and pulling her to the edge of the bed. He put his tongue out and lightly licked her hard nipples as he moved his head back and forth. Mack was breathing hard and heavy, using her hands to guide his head back and forth until suddenly he clamped his lips together around one of her nipples and sucked it in
to his mouth. She cried out and tossed her head back, pushing her chest forward even more while he devoured her breasts. He practically sent her through the roof with his next move, sliding one hand down between her legs and beginning to rub up and down her slit, coating his fingers with her juices. She lay back on her elbows and opened her legs wider, signaling to Ash that her pussy needed even more attention. He didn’t need any more hint than that. He put his fingers in the elastic band of her panties and pulled them down. She lifted her butt and let him take them off her and then his face was between her legs and she was on her way to heaven.

  Ash let his tongue glide up and down along her slit, tickling, teasing, and driving her to the brink of madness. At last he touched her clit with the tip of his tongue, and she let out a little cry and bucked her hips up two feet off the bed. Ash put his hands on her hips to hold her steady and buried his face even deeper between her legs, now concentrating on her sensitive clit, causing her body to convulse all over. He licked it, sucked it, teased and tantalized until she had to grip his head with her hands and try to pull him up.

  “Please,’s too much, too sensitive,” she said, breathlessly. “I can’t take any more.”

  He lifted his head and the look in his eyes might have frightened her if he’d been anyone else. It was a look of dark nothing was going to stop him from having her. He stood up, pulled his vest off and then his shirt, tossed them both aside, and reached down to position her in the center of the bed. He used both hands, putting them on either side of her waist and then flipping her over. He slapped her butt lightly and she lifted it up, and suddenly his fingers were pressed against the opening of her pussy from behind. He slid two of them up inside of her, causing her to gasp and wriggle her butt into his hand. He moved them around as she contracted her muscles around them and he crooked one up and down, striking her G-spot and making her body quiver each time. She pressed her face into the pillow to keep from screaming out loud and alerting the entire club as he fucked her furiously with his fingers. She rocked back and forth and occasionally he’d let one of his fingers touch her ultrasensitive clit until she couldn’t stand it any longer.


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