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My Baby Is A West Coast King 4

Page 10

by Shvonne Latrice

  I nodded to her as she got up and started talking to our lawyer, Oliver. If it weren’t for him and his pull, Kordell’s ass would probably still be in jail for assault and on trial. Oliver was a Steve Urkel looking ass nigga but he got the job done and that’s all we needed. I assumed he’d be a little punk bitch, and he kind of was socially, but when it came to the law and him having to get some shit done, he was like a whole new person.

  As soon as Quinn, Heather, and Oliver left the room, I asked, “Now what do you mean Cassie is hiring hoes?”

  “She randomly got some bitch I didn’t approve of to homeschool Melody. I trust Cassie’s judgment, especially when it has something to do with my baby girl, but that bitch’s eyes were saying something.”

  Silence lingered over the room for a few, and then Ishmael and I started to laugh loudly as fuck. This nigga was being extra as hell right now.

  “You know you need to get in the studio and record the song for that movie soundtrack, right?” Ishmael smiled at Kordell, still chuckling lightly.

  “So,” Kordell shrugged. “What the fuck does that have to with what the hell I just said nigga?”

  “He means you have better shit to do. Quit acting like a bored housewife my nigga. You said it yourself, you trust Cassie’s judgment. Do you honestly believe that she’d let anybody in the house and around Melody?”

  “No but that’s because she didn’t do a hood background check on the bitch. See them corporate ones don’t tell you the real shit like if she had a train ran on her in high school.”

  Chortling loudly along with Ishmael, I inquired, “And what would that have to do with her ability to teach Melody?”

  “The fact that yo’ muthafucking ass has to ask has me worried about my damn niece! In the middle of them addition problems or whatever the fuck they teach in pre-school, she could be telling my baby to bust it open for these fuck niggas once she hits puberty.”

  “And on that note, I’m gone.” Ishmael rose to his feet, chuckling and shaking his head. “Oh Chaz, I got a message the other day in my email from one of your fans. Usually I ignore them because they’re mostly just from hoes trying to suck y’alls dick and shit, but not this one.” He pulled his iPhone from his pocket and began scrolling. “She’s a big fan of y’all, but mainly Chaz, and she has ovarian cancer. She’s twenty years old and she really wants to meet you.”

  “Damn,” Kordell mumbled.

  “Yeah, well did you email her back?” I inquired.

  “No. I was waiting to see if you’d want to meet her.”

  “Well, yeah I do, so hurry up and respond.” I stood up at the same time Kordell did before asking, “What’s her name?”

  “Chanel Irving.”


  Two days later…

  I pulled up to my fan’s home located in Culver City. It was a pretty nice area, with some fire ass houses surrounding. Her neighborhood was quiet which I was thankful for, because I’d told Brick I didn’t need his big ass coming along and scaring the girl. Plus, I wanted this to be sort of intimate and not bring an entourage with me.

  I parked my car out on the street because I felt like parking in the driveway was a little presumptuous. I grabbed the gift bag I brought, out the car, and then made my way up the small hill like driveway until I reached the door.

  “Yes?” some man answered dressed like a butler.

  “Oh, what’s up, my name is Chaz and I’m here to see… Chanel.”

  “Oh move, Vincent. And please handle the laundry, thanks.” Some boisterous woman damn near cut me off and moved old dude out the way. “Chaz, I can’t believe you really came!”

  “Yeah, I’m umm… I’m sorry, who are you?” I frowned, hoping this wasn’t supposed to be bedridden Chanel. This bitch right here didn’t even look like she’d even had a cold… ever. Not to mention she hadn’t been twenty, for twenty years probably.

  “I’m Louise, Chanel’s mother. Come on in. I don’t want to keep you waiting outside. I know you have a busy day ahead.”


  I admired the nice two-story home as she led me to the back where I heard machines beeping. In the email sent to Ishmael, it was explained that Chanel’s mother was taking care of her because they didn’t want her in the hospital. They were sure she’d be dead in maybe a little over a month, so they didn’t want her last days to be spent in an uncomfortable ass hospital bed.

  “Chanel, honey?” Her mother led me into the dimly lit bedroom. “Chanel, guess who’s here.” She shook her lightly.

  Finally, Chanel turned to look over her shoulder, and when she saw me, a big smile spread across her face. I couldn’t help but to smile back as I moved closer to the bed, while her mother helped her sit up.

  “Sup Chanel, is it okay if I hug you?” I asked, and she nodded slowly. I set the gift bag down and lightly hugged her frail body, feeling her reciprocate.

  “You smell so good.” She giggled. “I can’t believe it’s really you.”

  “Well, believe it. I got this for you.” I picked the bag up, and handed it to her mom because she looked like she was too weak to open it.

  “Look, Chanel… an iPad, headphones, a signed CD, and a… candle?” Her mother chuckled at the last item.

  “Umm, yeah, that was my wife’s idea.” I shook my head thinking about how I let Erynne convince me to allow her to put a damn candle in the bag. It didn’t even fucking match with anything else in there.

  “I got the iPad because in the email to my manager, you said she doesn’t really have anything to do other than watch TV. I thought maybe you could play games on this or something. It won’t fuck shit up, will it? I mean mess anything up.”

  “No, it’s fine.” Her mother nodded. “Please, have a seat. I hope you can stay long enough to have some lunch. It’s not often that Chanel gets an appetite, but I think knowing you were coming may have improved her mood a tiny bit.”

  I damn sure hadn’t planned on eating lunch, mainly because my wife cooked every single night and would be suspicious whenever I said I wasn’t hungry. But I felt bad for the girl. She was only twenty years old and on her way out. The least I could do is eat lunch with her, especially if she was willing to eat.

  “Yeah, of course I can stay.” I nodded as I sat down on the comfy relaxer chair.

  “I’m so happy you’re here, Chaz,” Chanel smiled and I gave her one back.

  Jade… Benjamin

  I was at work, looking on my computer to make sure I had pretty much cleared all the claims that had been piling up. I hadn’t been myself lately, so my work seemed to take a backseat. My job at Royalty Insurance didn’t play though, and since I knew they’d be coming to talk to me if I didn’t get my act together, I decided to come in on my day off.

  A message popped up to let me know that I was off work, so I shut down my programs and then clocked out on the computer. After getting my purse and phone, I headed to the break area so I could retrieve the lunch bag I’d brought in. It was rare that I brought my lunch, but last night Hudson had cooked the best enchiladas I’d ever tasted and so I had to bring them to lunch.

  “I didn’t expect to see you here on a Saturday,” I heard a familiar voice say, as I grabbed my things from the fridge.

  “Had to catch up on some work,” I replied to Adrian dryly, and then proceeded to stuff my lunch bag into my bigger workbag.

  Adrian worked a different department in the office, but we were on the same floor so we shared break rooms. That was how we met initially.

  “I see. So, how are you?”

  “Umm, I’m perfect.” Throwing my purse onto my shoulder I asked, “Is there something I can help you with?”

  “Jade, why does it have to be—”

  “Didn’t think so.”

  Brushing past her, I tried to keep walking, but she gripped my arm and pulled me back in. She closed the door, locked it, and then leaned up against it with her arms folded. I could have screamed to have someone help, but on Saturdays it was lik
e a dead zone in the office. No one came in unless they were basic phone agents, and even most of them had weekends off. By saying that, me yelling for help would fall on deaf ears. Plus, Adrian and I were about what for what in size and height so I could whoop her ass if I really wanted to go… but maybe I didn’t.

  “Jade, you don’t get to be mad.”

  “I get to be whatever the fuck I want. And right now, I have to get home to my child and husband, so if you’ll excuse me.”

  Adrian let out an irritated laugh before saying, “And I actually thought that if I left, you would come looking for me. Yeah, it’s only been a couple of weeks but you don’t miss me at all?”

  “No, I would never miss anyone that would leave me. That’s what dumb weak bitches do, and as you know that’s not me.”

  “So, you’re perfectly fine with Hudson and Hudson alone.”

  “I married him, didn’t I? I married him and not you.” I grinned widely, seeing that I was getting to her. Her glossy eyes did make me feel a little bad, but if she wanted me to care, she wouldn’t have left.

  “You married him because you want to seem ‘normal’ or what you think is normal. You didn’t marry him because you love him.”

  “Say whatever makes you feel better, Adrian. Now are we done here because I have to go?”

  She started towards me and for some reason, I began backing up as if I were actually afraid of her. She hemmed me up against the counter by the microwave, and reached under my dress to move my panties to the side.

  “Adrian, stop it,” I mumbled, feeling her fingers brush against my clit which was now tingling.

  Her soft lips pressed against the side of my neck and I almost cried at the feeling. The soft touch of a woman was something that could never be performed by a man.

  “Ah,” I gasped lowly, feeling her fingers plunge up inside of me.

  I gripped her small shoulders as she lifted me onto the counter for more access. Pressing herself between my legs, she never lost her pace with her fingers. Our lips crushed together, and our tongues began to dance around themselves as she moved her fingers in and out of me, curving them just right to stroke my g-spot.

  “Adrian, shit,” I whimpered against her lips, legs already starting to tremble as I felt my orgasm rise like a damn volcano.

  My hands ran through her long dark hair as she bit down on my lip, speeding up her hand motions while thumbing my clit. A few seconds later, I was calling out and shivering heavily from such a powerful explosion. I’d been fantasizing about her ever since she left, and what just happened brought out a bigger reaction than ever before because of it.

  She removed her fingers from inside of me and licked the remnants off slowly with her sexy lips. I watched closely as I tried to catch my breath, before I grabbed a few paper towels to clean myself. Hopping down off the counter, I wiped it with a Clorox wipe while Adrian washed her hands. As soon as she dried them, I started on mine, and she hugged my body from behind.

  “I love you, Jade, and if you love me, you’ll prove it. But I can’t be with you while you’re with him. Plus, you don’t even want to be.”

  Shaking my hands to get some of the water off, I nudged her from me, and quickly grabbed my purse with my wet hands, before darting out of the break room and down to my car. When I got inside, I took a few deep breaths, before speeding off towards my home.

  By the time I got there it was around 4 p.m., and my feet were hurting so badly. As soon as I walked through the door, I checked on my baby who was napping, paid my next-door neighbor, this old lady named Gemma, and then hopped into the shower to finally clean up after that work sex.

  Once out, I went into the kitchen to start on some dinner and all I could think about was Adrian. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could go on playing house with Hudson. It was like Chaz and I all over again except at least I was actually in love with Chaz, I just didn’t love him like I should have because of my feelings. With Hudson, I guess I forced things for my baby and because like Adrian said, I wanted to seem… normal.

  “Hey.” Hudson walked through the door smiling and looking as handsome as the day I met him.

  “Hi, I’m making spaghetti, so I hope you’re hungry.”

  “I am.” He sat at the table and watched me for a little bit, so I looked him over briefly, before starting on my garlic bread that I make from scratch. “So tonight, my show, are you coming?”

  Another thing, how did I end up with another entertainer?

  “Umm, probably not, babe. I’m pretty tired and I know Jayde will be up in a little bit to wear me out. But good luck.”

  Hudson had come a long way from doing shows at the Comedy Store. Now he got paid a lot of money to perform, and later this year, over the summer in particular, he would be going on a tour. He asked me to come and I pretended I’d think about it, but I definitely wasn’t going. Plus, I had my own career, and I’ll be damned if I risk it all to be the next Torrei Hart. I’m sure there were plenty of women willing to sacrifice all of their limbs and organs just to be his rock, but that wasn’t me and I’d never been the type; ask Chaz.

  That was another reason I liked women, outside of their physical. Women were strong and didn’t need validation like men did. A man wanted an applause just for taking out the trash or watching the kids all day, when that was what they were supposed to do. Women didn’t need that. We did what we had to do, and even when it was out of what was expected of us, we didn’t require recognition and awards like men.

  As much as they claim women are needy, it’s actually men who are needy. They’re like children. They need rules to keep them from cheating and doing dumb shit, and then they need rewards and pats on the back for every little thing their asses accomplish. I rolled my eyes at my thoughts.

  I wasn’t a very emotional person and I couldn’t deal with people who were. Chaz needed too much from me, and I would have loved to give it to him, but I just couldn’t. He was always crying too much about every little thing I did, instead of just dealing with it. Then he wanted to flip the script occasionally and go crazy on me. I guess that was what made the dick so damn good. That was one psycho ass nigga, but he was Erynne’s problem now.

  “Hello!” Hudson yanked me from my thoughts.

  “Sorry, what?” I frowned.

  “I asked why don’t you seem interested in coming to my shows anymore. The shit is low-key embarrassing.”

  “Embarrassing how? No one even pays attention to whether I’m there or not, Hudson.”

  “Yeah they do! You’re famous from being married to Chaz, and then I’m famous for my comedy shit. The first thing they say about my shows these days is how you’re nowhere to be found.”

  “You’re a grown ass man worried about blogs and gossip?” I scoffed and shook my head as I pulled open the fridge to grab cheese for the bread.

  “The problem is I’m starting to wonder why you’re not there as well.”

  “Because I am busy! I work, I cook, I keep the house together and I also have a little girl that belongs to you as well! I cannot be there all the time when you want me to!”

  See this is what I meant. He’s really in here bugging me because I don’t want to take time out of my precious day and sit in the audience, listening to jokes I’ve heard one million times already?

  “Is that really why or is it because you’re in love with Chaz still?”

  “Oh my gosh seriously,” I chuckled as I began to spread garlic butter on top of the dough. He was so far off.

  “Yes seriously! You went to his show close as hell to Valentine’s Day and—”

  “Yes, because I wanted to see the show, and truthfully, I did want to see him but only because I wanted to be friends and get some things off my chest!”

  I went to see Chaz, but only because I wanted to be honest about the abortion I’d had the last time I got pregnant. Also, because before Chaz and I were anything, we were good friends, and I guess I foolishly thought we still could be. At the end of the day, I h
ad no interest in being with Chaz again. Getting some dick here and there? Yeah maybe, because it was that good, but a relationship? Hell fucking no! He was just as whiny and needy as this muthafucka sitting here.

  “Friends?” Hudson frowned up his handsome face. “Friends for what, Jade? Y’all shouldn’t have shit to talk about for you to need to get something off of your chest.”

  “Well like I said, I don’t want him like that.”

  “You better not.”

  I watched him get up from the table, and shook my head when he turned his back.

  This relationship wouldn’t last too much longer if he kept this bullshit up, and if Adrian kept interrupting me trying to leave work the way she did…

  Chapter Three: Cassie

  Melody’s school schedule wasn’t regular because I didn’t want to leave her with Orchid yet. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust her, but I didn’t feel comfortable with her being in my home alone and with my baby. I’d done too much to protect Melody, and I’ll be damned if some random bitch fucks all that up by doing something to her. That would mess me up good, so it was best that I just took precautions to prevent it.

  Right now, I was at a photo shoot for this swimsuit line that was up and coming. They had their own store opening soon, and I was gonna be the face of it. I was excited and the money was really good despite them being new. I think it was because the girl who owned it, Leya, was some twenty-five-year-old with rich parents who would pay anything to make sure their daughter was successful. Sometimes I wished to have been brought up that way, but then again had I not been living the way I was, I wouldn’t have gotten Melody.

  That’s not to say my mom wasn’t great because she was, but being a single mother and having to work a lot to take care of me, she couldn’t exactly keep me under a watchful eye.

  “That was great, Cassie, I really appreciate you for doing this. And for bringing your cute little assistant,” Leya beamed.

  “Say thank you, Mel,” I looked down at her.


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