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Kate's Happily Ever After

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by Tessie Bradford

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Book Description

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  About the Author

  Dear Readers...

  Gems of Romantic Fiction

  Kate’s Happily Ever After

  By Tessie Bradford

  Resplendence Publishing


  Gems of Romantic Fiction

  Kate’s Happily Ever After

  Copyright © 2016, Tessie Bradford

  Edited by Michele Paulin and Liza Green

  Cover Art by Tiffany Mason

  Published by Resplendence Publishing, LLC

  1093 A1A Beach Blvd, #146

  St. Augustine, FL 32080

  Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-963-0

  Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Electronic Release: September 2016

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

  What happens when a forty-seven year old sexually unfulfilled woman with an active imagination finds herself in a secluded cottage with a deliciously hunky co-worker who wants nothing more than to bring her deepest secret fantasies to life? She gets over the fact that he is almost twelve years her junior, hauls her hang-ups to the curb, and joyfully discovers that it’s never too late to learn new things!

  Chapter One

  Kate Allen tried to focus on what he was saying; she really did! A normally well-functioning woman shouldn’t have such trouble processing the English language, but the tiny flash of metal she kept catching sight of when he formed a word just so was beyond mesmerizing. It wasn’t as if it was a new addition or anything. He’d had it for years. Kate had known him for years. Nothing had changed. Nothing except, last night, that particular piercing had played a prominent role in their marathon session of lovemaking. Too bad it had only been in her dreams.

  “Katie, you need to be careful when you look at a guy that way. He might get ideas, you know?” Bryan Phillips adjusted his denim-clad legs that were propped comfortably across his desk and laughed. Kate felt the blush run right up her neck.

  “Sorry, Bryan, I was thinking about something. What were you saying?”

  “I was attempting to talk about the seminar, but I’d rather know about the ‘something’ on your mind.”

  In a vain attempt to stall for time, Kate ran her hands down her thighs and acted as if her skirt needed fixing. At forty-seven years old, her days of butterflies in the stomach and jittery sexual energy should be long gone. At least, that’s what she’d been telling herself. But as her heart rate continued to increase and her palms became damp, she had to admit all control was lost when it came to her wayward thoughts concerning this friend and coworker, who also happened to be almost twelve years her junior.

  “Get your mind out of the gutter,” she chuckled. “I was riveted by whatever you were saying.”

  In reality, she hadn’t heard much of anything past the “I’m looking forward to a few days away, aren’t you” part. Ever since she found out they were going up north together for a seminar that required a two night stay, she’d been daydreaming like a schoolgirl. Getting down and dirty with him in the privacy of her mind was invigorating, but the reality of traveling with him when her libido was in overdrive was just plain nerve-racking.

  “Well, the drive up should be beautiful,” she commented as naturally as she could muster. “Even with living in Michigan my whole life, I still love looking at the fall colors. I remember going to our family cottage when most of the trip was two-lane roads and there was no civilization for as far as the eye could see.”

  Oh that was marvelous, Kate inwardly moaned. Maybe, I should chat about 8-track tapes and drive-in theaters, too.

  “Why a company is putting on software demos at a sportsman’s resort in the Upper Peninsula in October is beyond me.” Bryan folded his arms behind his head, quite effectively pulling the fabric of his dress shirt tightly across his muscular chest.

  “Maybe, it was organized by computer-loving hunters?” Kate offered with a grin. “‘Tis the season, you know.”

  “All I know is the company is paying our way, and there are only two training sessions that have anything to do with our clients’ needs. We’ll have plenty of time to commune with nature.” His lazy smile warmed Kate to the soles of her feet.

  “That’s just it, Bryan. I can’t figure out why we’re going in the first place. Seems like a bit of a waste of time and more than a bit of a waste of money.”

  “Beth made all of the arrangements. You two must have discussed the details and reasons for going?”

  “The exact opposite,” Kate said with a slight roll of her eyes. “Beth was running late for a meeting. There were a few minutes of conversation followed by her dropping the materials on my desk and rushing out of the office.” She had no intention of relating how truly weird their interaction had been.

  “Well, I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth,” Bryan announced as he bounded out from behind his desk. In a hot second, he stood next to her. Kate couldn’t help but notice that, with Bryan at a bit over six feet and the height of her chair, she was at a perfect level to…

  Oh good Lord! She rolled back quickly and stood up.

  “See you bright and early then.” Kate tried not to run from his office. She wasn’t sure she succeeded.

  “You can count on it,” Bryan drawled as she scurried out the door.

  Her pulse was still racing when she sat behind her desk and started her Friday afternoon paper organizing. The weekly task was far more difficult than usual due to her wandering thoughts. When had she started thinking about Bryan differently? Being honest with herself, she admitted it hadn’t started just last night, but boy, had her subconscious been super naughty! The change in the dynamic between them had been building slowly over the last several months. They’d taken lunch together more often and joined co-workers on bar nights more than usual, but Bryan had always acted the perfect gentleman.

  Kate let out a loud sigh. His friendship was extremely important to her, and she’d be damned if she’d ruin it because, apparently, she was sex starved.

  She stopped the futile attempt to finish her work and allowed herself to rehash the strange conversation she and Beth had recently shared. Beth had strolled into Kate’s office and dropped herself casually into a chair. They were best friends first; business partners second. Beth had slid some papers across the desk, without saying a word. Kate had done a quick scan through the documents.

  “And I care about this seminar why?” she’d asked.

  “Because you’re going.”

  “What would ever give you that idea?”

  “The fact that, thanks to me, you’re a fully registered participant,” Beth responded with a broad smile.

  Kate took a closer look at the information. Granted, the subject matter seemed partially relevant to a few of their clients but Beth knew Kate didn’t like to travel for business. It was one of the numerous reasons why, after her divorce three years ago, she’d sold her part of the company back to Beth.
She didn’t want to be in the professional fast lane anymore. Now, she worked as a consultant only. Kate picked her own clients and definitely was in charge of her own schedule. Curiosity, however, made her read on.

  “The Upper Peninsula? You’ve got to be kidding, right? I’m absolutely not making that long-ass drive to attend a one-day seminar! I’d have to go a day early, spend the night, go to the stupid thing, spend the night again then drive all those hours back home. Are you crazy?” Kate shook her head in utter disbelief.

  “Oh, did I forget to mention that you aren’t attending alone?” Beth paused dramatically before continuing. “Want to know who’s going with you?”

  “Were you drinking at lunch today?” Kate asked as she picked up her coffee cup. She finished the last of the now tepid liquid.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I only do that with you.”

  “Okay, I’ll bite. Who’s going to this event without me?”

  “Bryan Phillips.” Beth stared at her with an intensely serious expression, but Kate didn’t miss the slight upward twitch at the corners of her lips.

  The cup slipped from Kate’s fingers to clatter loudly on the wooden desktop. With shaking hands, she set it upright as quickly as possible. Absolutely not, no way, no how, her brain screamed frantically. Hours and hours in a car, a hotel stay, meals, and nights, and…

  Oh God she felt dizzy.

  “Bryan will pick you up Monday morning at six a.m. You kids have fun.” Beth stood up.

  “Don’t you dare walk out of here, Beth,” Kate practically shrieked. “You do realize you can’t force me to go.”

  “My name has the CEO after it, so let’s see… Yes, I think I can.” And with that, she’d left Kate’s office.

  “I’ll look like an idiot if I try to back out,” Kate mumbled while turning off her computer and forcing her thoughts back to the present. She knew that somehow, over the next two days, she’d better get her mind off Bryan’s overall yumminess and securely onto all things computer or there could be real trouble on the way.

  * * * *

  Bryan glanced over at his passenger. God she was beautiful. Wavy auburn hair framed her round face which was dominated by gorgeously large hazel eyes. She wore a lavender sweater he imagined to be extremely soft. It accentuated her curves, and he had to concentrate on not reaching over to touch her. His cock had been rock hard since the moment she’d bounded down her front steps, thrown her suitcase and a cooler into the backseat and hopped into his car. Though it was so not chivalrous, he was relieved she’d obviously been watching for him and had gotten into his car before he could get out and help. His jeans definitely didn’t hide his condition, and he sure as hell didn’t want to scare her off in the first three minutes of the trip. Hopefully, by the time they got to the lodge, he would have himself under some kind of control. Bryan wanted to seduce her, not jump her bones—at least, in the beginning.

  Kate finally seemed to relax about an hour into the seven-hour drive. The morning had dawned clear and crisp, and they’d left early enough to get out of the city long before rush hour began. Now, cruising up northbound I-75, they’d settled into a comfortable mix of friendly chatter and companionable silences. The fall colors were in full swing, making the scenery spectacular.

  “Okay, I’m starving,” Kate declared. She unbuckled her seatbelt, turned and got into a kneeling position then leaned over into the backseat. “Please don’t crash into anything while I’m unbuckled.”

  Bryan swallowed hard and fought not to groan aloud. Her unbelievable ass, tightly encased in dark-blue denim, was lifted mere inches away. How was he supposed to concentrate on the road or anything else for that matter?

  “So what have you got in that cooler, Katie?” His voice sounded almost normal.

  “There’s fruit, ham and cheese croissants, pop, chips and a few other things. What sounds good to you?”

  “Got a restaurant phobia I’m unaware of?” he asked.

  “Of course not,” she chuckled. He listened to the ice clink as she dug around in the cooler. She came up with two sandwiches and sodas. “I just figured if we didn’t have to stop for food we’d get up north sooner.” Kate righted herself in her seat.

  Hmm, wanting to get to our destination ASAP could be a good sign, Bryan considered hopefully as he cast a sideways glance at her. “It almost sounds like you’re excited to go on this, what did you call it, a waste of time trip? Could it be the prospect of spending quality time with your favorite computer programmer changed your initial, and may I add, poor attitude?”

  “I, uh, well, I haven’t had time off in a while and I, uh…” Katie seemed to be having great difficulty re-fastening her seatbelt. Bryan attempted not to swerve out of his lane when his arousal amped up another notch. Hope slammed into him with the force of a tsunami. He’d never seen Kate act like this, unsure, even nervous, but it was in the good, good way. Any chance of waiting to start his full-on seduction ended as his second brain took over.

  “Katie, did you have an extra cup of coffee this morning? You seem really jumpy for some reason.” Bryan brushed his hand across her thigh on the way to grab his sandwich. He swore he heard a little gasp escape her lips.

  The air in the car suddenly seemed to be too thick to draw into her lungs. Kate looked down to where he had touched her to make sure the sparks she’d felt weren’t visible. Unable to stop herself, her eyes darted to his crotch before she looked up at his face. Damn if it didn’t appear he was happy to be here.

  “See anything you like, Kate?” His voice was barely above a whisper, but in the confined area, his words were clearly audible.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Kate answered immediately. She took a healthy bite of her sandwich then turned her attention to the beautiful scenery flying by her window.

  “Like hell you don’t, lady. You’re making me as horny as a teenager, and at the risk of sounding like an arrogant bastard, I’m thinking you might be having some of the same kind of thoughts.”

  Kate turned her head to gape at him in open-mouthed shock. This would be a good time for a snappy retort, but none was forthcoming. She hadn’t played this game in so, so long. She’d married her first love right after graduating high school, had her daughter the following year, and had stuck it out with her cheating hubby for more time than she should have. Since her divorce three years ago, she could count the dates she’d had on one hand. The only sexual events in her life were wet dreams and the special relationship she shared with two impressive dildos she’d ordered from a catalog a while back. Her mind raced in a million directions, searching for the correct next move. Not a damn one came to mind.

  “I guess silence is better than ‘go to hell, Bryan’,” he said with an exaggerated sigh.

  Kate fidgeted in her seat. When she’d fantasized about Bryan she’d always been so seductive and alluring, always known exactly the right things to say and do. Now, faced with the stunning reality that this incredible man was attracted to her, Kate was at a loss.

  “Tell me I’m out of line, Katie. Tell me something isn’t different between us. Tell me I’m just imagining it all, and I’ll shut up.”

  “You and I have been friends for years,” she started desperately. “Whatever is going on is making me extremely uncomfortable and more than a tad embarrassed. Let’s just ignore it, okay? Eat your food. I’m too old for this level of stress.” There, remind him of her advanced years and superior maturity; that should handle things.

  “Jesus, you’ve got to be kidding!” He laughed uproariously. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Ignore it…” Bryan’s voice trailed off as he put his hand on her knee then slowly dragged it up her leg. He stopped when he reached the juncture of her thigh. “Last time I checked, you’ve got a few good years left before you check into the retirement home and you’re one very sexy lady.”

  “Bryan, seriously,” she said haltingly as she covered his fingers with hers. Her intent was to firmly remove his hand from her pe
rson. The outcome was her hesitating, savoring the warmth of his skin under her palm. He gave her a gentle squeeze before moving their hands together to rest on his thigh. He held her startled gaze as long as was safe at the speed they were driving before he turned back to the freeway ahead.

  Kate delighted in his touch for a few more seconds before her common sense kicked in. She retrieved her digits and crossed her arms underneath her breasts. “Both hands on the wheel, mister; at the ten and two o’clock position please.”

  “There are a couple other positions we could try,” Bryan suggested with a devilish leer.


  “There’s the kissing until breathless position, the rolling around naked position, the various licking positions and my favorite,”

  “Bryan, I’m begging,” Kate pleaded.

  “Oh yeah, I almost forgot about all the begging positions, thanks.”

  “That wasn’t meant to encourage this line of conversation, and you damn well know it.” Kate shook her head. The sexy banter was great fun, in a nerve-shattering way. “You’re certainly full of yourself today,” she noted with a smile.

  “I’d rather you were full of me.”

  Utterly shocked, Kate let out a noise that was somewhere between a squeal and a gasp.

  “That was too easy, hon. I couldn’t resist.”

  “Could we please change the subject? I’m really not up to this.” She lifted a warning finger when she saw he was poised and ready to utter another snappy reply. “If you’re going to sex up everything I say, this is going to be a very long trip. So I’ll admit something weird is happening with us. There, I said it. No need for us to talk about it anymore.”

  “You’re so cute when you’re flustered,” Bryan said with a wink. “Okay, it’s a deal. For the next few hours, we won’t say a word about how we’re both so turned on we can’t think straight. We’ll pretend my cock isn’t so damn hard it’s painful, and we’ll definitely pretend I can’t see your beautiful breasts rising and falling with every labored breath you take. Oh and let’s also pretend I’m not thinking about how wet you are already and about what I intend to do to help you with that. Yep, sure seems like an adult solution to our situation.”


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