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All I Want Is You

Page 2

by Diamond

  “Monroe, leave them alone! They’re trying to enjoy their lunch.”

  “I’m doing fine, Monroe. Thanks for asking,” Blu spoke up and looked at me. “Hi to you too, Skie. My name is Blu by the way. I was kind of rude last night, sorry about that.”

  “I know who you are, remember?” I rolled my eyes and went to look at the menu. Monroe kicked me under the table. “Ouch, bitch what the hell that was for?”

  “Uh, your crush right there and you being rude no wonder why your ass gonna be single for the rest of your life,” Monroe was cracking the fuck up and turned to Blu.

  “You like girls don’t you? Why don’t you and Skie go on to the movies or something with me and Anika when she gets back in town?” she smirked.

  I was sinking down in my seat, blushing and trying to hide my face. I was so embarrassed that Monroe just put me on blast like that. Ryder was in his seat dying while looking back and forth between all of us. He had tears in his eyes, as Blu looked over at Monroe and blushed.

  “I do like girls, but honestly I’m not looking to date anyone at the moment,” She quickly paid her bill and left. If looks could kill Monroe would have been six feet under.

  “How could you do that Monroe? We’ve only talked what, two times? Now you over here putting me on full blast!” I was still embarrassed.

  “Sorry Skie, I just thought you needed a little push and besides you can tell the girl gets hot and bothered when you’re around,” She reasoned. That might have been true, but it’s not for her to call us out on.

  After eating our food we left. I dropped Monroe off at her house and drove to the beach; it was my thinking place. I had been coming here for years whenever I needed to get away. I was kind of sad that Blu didn’t want to go to the movies with me, even though she was embarrassed.



  I got into Ryder’s Range Rover, feeling so embarrassed about the run in with Monroe and Skie. I couldn’t believe she really put me and Skie on blast. Here I am once again being mean to Skie after I just apologized for being rude last night. I had a hot and steamy dream about her last night and ended up Cumming in my sleep. I should’ve said yes to the movies, but I didn’t know if that was Monroe being a jerk or not. I was still mad that she won the battle and had the nerve to dance all up on me afterward.

  “Blu, you okay? You look like you’re in deep thought.” Ryder took his eyes off the road to look at me with a worried expression on his face.

  “I’m fine; I just feel so embarrassed about what just happened and on top of that I keep being rude to her. Can you just take me home? I wanna go get into bed and watch movies the rest of the day,” I sighed.

  “You wanna come over to my house and we can watch movies in my home movie theater?” Ryder asked.

  “Sure, why not? It beats being at home all by myself, and I haven’t been over to your place in a long time.”

  We drove the rest of the way to Ryder’s house in silence. Ryder looked as if he was in deep thought too. My mind was on calling Anika to get Skie’s number. I really wanted to make it up to her for being rude each time we ran into each other. I took my phone out of my pocket and sent Anika a text message.

  Me: Hey Nika, can I ask you a favor?

  Anika: Yeah, What’s up?

  Me: Can I get Skie number from you?

  Anika: someone has a crush on the famous Skie. Sure I’ll give it to you.

  I looked at Skies’ number and saved it in my phone. Now, I was scared to call or text her. Maybe, I would just hold on to it for now. Besides what would I even say? I didn’t even realize that we were in front of Ryder’s house. We both jumped out the car and walked into the huge mansion.

  “I swear I love your house, Ryder. I would love to live here,” I laughed.

  I loved coming over because his house was so big. The kitchen had two stainless steel stoves, two fridges and enough room for the two other rooms. They also had six living rooms, ten bathrooms, fifteen bedrooms and three master suites. The biggest one was Ghost’s and his wife, Linda, who were in the backyard drinking wine and laughing. They looked so in love. No one knew he was really in love with another woman. He only married Linda because his father forced him too. If he didn’t, he would have never inherited his father’s cartel

  “Hi mom and dad. Is it okay if Blu is over here right? We were gonna watch a movie in the theater and probably just chill for the rest of the day,” He explained

  “That’s fine, honey. Just make sure you don’t make a mess; the theater just got cleaned from your sister’s movie night last week,” Linda said, as she eyed me down, but no one noticed.

  “That’s fine son. Just make sure you come talk to me, once Blu leaves. I have some important things to go over with you.” He gave Ryder a serious look.

  Ryder and I walked into the house. Whenever I was around ghost, I got this weird feeling. Not because of the rumors about him or the fact that everyone got chills from hearing his name. I just felt like he did a lot of extra stuff for me. He basically treated me like I was his own child. So, he was a father figure to me, since I had never met my biological father. I sat down on the big ass couch that occupied the movie room. It was just like a movie theater, but the seats were recliner chairs and there was a really big couch in the first row. They also had an indoor basketball court and a full exercise room, as well as a bowling alley and a mini pool down stairs as well. It was a three story house. They had a second house that you had to ride a car to get too. I honestly didn’t understand why Ryder wanted to leave this house, if it was me, I would never want to leave. This house was amazing and he had both parents. Some people didn’t know how good they had it.

  “Ryder, why do you wanna leave here so bad? You always complaining or saying you just can’t wait to go pro?” I looked at him, waiting for an answer with a sweet look on my face.

  “I really don’t wanna talk about it, Blu. Just know this might look all great from the outside but it’s not all what it’s cracked up to be.” He walked over to the movies, changing the subject. “What do you wanna watch?”

  “I wanna watch something scary. Why don’t we watch sinister? I haven’t seen that in a while. Can we have some popcorn too?” I got comfortable on the couch.

  Ryder walked over to the phone and called the kitchen. He told the maid to bring some popcorn down. Then he put the movie in and came to sit next to me. We sat and watched the movie and ate popcorn while talking about relationships and everything else under the sun.

  “Ryder, I sent Anika a text message, asking for Skie’s number. I’m scared to text her though, like what would I say? I was rude to her more than once. I just want to show her that I’m not that rude once you get to know me,” I looked down at my lap.

  “Start off by saying you’re sorry and that you would like to start over. Ask if you can take her out to the movies or something,” He looked at me with a straight face. Whatever that was bothering him, must have been serious.

  “Okay, I will.” I took my phone out and scrolled to skies’ number.

  Me: Heyy, this is Blu, I got your number from, Anika. I hope you don’t mind, but I wanted to apologize or the way I acted, you know, being rude once again. I sent the message and waited for a reply.

  “Okay there I sent her a text. I’m kind of nervous now,” I started biting on my nails.

  “Please stop, Blu. What’s the worst that could happen? She doesn’t reply?” He screwed his face up, giving me a funny look.

  “You’re right, let’s watch another movie. This time you pick,” I leaned into the fluffy pillows and looked at my phone again. I still didn’t get a reply, the longer it took the more nervous I got. We were watching love and basketball when my phone buzzed.

  “Ryder she texted back!” I exclaimed.

  Skie: It’s cool man, don’t sweat it.

  Me: Can we go out to dinner or a movie or something? Just so I feel better? I feel like we got off on the wrong foot?

  Skie: Sure, w
e can go get coffee tomorrow morning, if that’s cool. I’ll meet you at the Starbucks on 47th W Flagler at twelve.

  “Tomorrow Skie and I are going out for coffee!” I was jumping up and down. Ryder was cracking up over my reaction.

  “Man, you just got too happy. let’s finish this movie so I can take your ass home.”

  Chapter Four


  I had just dropped Blu off at her house. Now, I was heading to the basketball court to think. That was where I let out all my stress that was building up. My dad wanted me to take over his empire, but that’s not what I wanted to do. Just because his father, my grandfather, handed him the business, doesn’t mean I am the same. I didn’t want to involve myself with that life, and as a father, why would he want me to be? I’ve seen so many people lose their lives once they joined the streets. Yes, it may be easy money, but what is easy money when you have to look over your shoulder your entire life. People who you thought was family end up becoming snitches, or worst, get that green monster on their back. It’s the devil at its best and I don’t want anything to do with it.

  When he said he wanted to talk, I knew it was about the cartel. That was all he ever wanted to talk about. He didn’t want me to go pro because he claimed basketball was my hobby. He claimed it was time for real life, and time to put the hobby aside and conduct business like a man. I drove up to my favorite basketball court; it was right on the water. I liked hearing the waves while I was shooting hoops; it’s relaxing. I got my basketball out the trunk, took off my shirt and walked on the court. I started making three pointers left and right. I was on roll right now, which meant I was really stressed. My mind went blank when I played, which is why I loved this game so much. I could be going through a lot, and get on the court and my mind resets to zero and I play my best. I went to do a layup, and felt people walking up behind me. I turned around and sure enough it was some of my some of my dad’s men in the cartel.

  “What’s good, Ryder?” Lil Tim said, as we dapped hands. He snatched the ball, and shot a three pointer into the hoop.

  “What up, Lil Tim? What you doing out this late?” I looked at Midnight and the other guys that I had never saw before.

  Lil Tim was only sixteen years old, and been on the block before he hit fourteen. I tried to watch out for him and got him what he needed. My dad took him under his wing, when we found him beat badly outside one of my dad’s trap houses. He was like a little brother to me, but I don’t know why my dad brought him on to his popular trap. Lil Tim’s mother was a crack head, and did a disappearing act. He had been on his own since he was twelve. Now, he lives with my uncle, big Ron, who is my father’s right hand man. He always wanted a son, but never wanted to settle down with no bitch.

  “I saw you out here playing ball. I was at the trap house and decided to come over and see if I can join you. We can play some two on two?” Lil Tim said, then shot the ball in the net with a perfect swish.

  “Y’all down?” I asked Midnight and the mystery guy. I had a really bad feeling since I noticed him standing there.

  “Let’s get it then.” Midnight said, and looked at his right hand man, Jordan.

  I had a bad feeling about Midnight, I had hear rumors that he couldn’t stand my father, and wanted to kill him. He stayed trying to be close to me, but after he did Blu wrong, I didn’t trust that nigga. We played ball for the next hour, before I decided to head home and face my father. It was time to go see what he wanted from me. I drove home blasting ‘often’ but the weekend, I drove into the garage and got out my range rover. I walked into the kitchen my mom was sitting with her face in her hands.

  “Mom you okay?” I looked at her worried. She got into these moods, where she would get very depressed.

  “Ryder you scared me,” she jumped a little. “Yes, I’m fine.” she stood up with a blank look on her face and walked over to the sink.

  “Do you know where dad is? He said he wanted to talk earlier,” I took a deep breath, hoping he wasn’t at home.

  “He’s in his office talking to your uncle. Just make sure to knock, okay? I’m going to bed, I love you, Ryder. Never forget that, baby.”

  “I love you too mom.” I watched her walked up the stairs. I was really starting to worry about her. She looked a little off to me. She usually possessed a smile that would brighten up the day.

  I walked down stairs where my dad’s office was and the door was open a little. I stood to the side and listened.

  “If you don’t Handle that now, I will kill you my brother or not!” My dad slammed his hands on the desk and was looking his brother in the eyes.

  “Someone is messing with my money and that is the trap house that you’re in charge of! Now get the fuck out my face!”

  I walked over to the door as soon as my uncle swung it open.

  “What’s up nephew?” He looked pissed off and switch his emotion when he saw me.

  “I’m good, my dad wanted to talk to me. Hope you have a good rest of the night unk.” I walked into my father’s office. I liked it in here; he had a big black office desk and a bunch of family photos on the wall.

  “Please sit down, Ryder. We have a lot to discuss. I want you to start looking over my biggest trap house. Money has been coming up missing and I wanna know who it is. Do you understand?” He looked at me with no emotions.

  “Dad, its basketball session. I don’t have the time between classes, practice and games. This year I’m busy and have too many things to do. Can’t you find someone else to do it?”

  “If I wanted someone else to do it, why would I be wasting my time asking you? Now that I’ve asked, you have no choice. I expect you to go every day and do the pickup. Now, I have important work to handle so if you will excuse me.” He walked out of his office, and headed out the house.

  My dad pissed me the hell off. I grabbed the pen holder and threw it at the wall. Then stormed out the office and up to my room. I couldn’t believe this shit, I didn’t want to be dragged into this life. I wished I could just pack my mom and myself up and leave. I knew she wasn’t happy and right now I want to leave more than ever before. My sister is never home, she got married last year to a football player on the Florida Gators team. I was happy for her, and missed her too. When she was here, I could actually stand to be here, but now I just wanted to leave like she did. I don’t think I could actually leave my mother though.

  My mom was very beautiful, being Mexican, she had fair skin with light hazel eyes, and a body that most females wanted. She moved here from Mexico when she was thirteen. She didn’t speak a lick of English, but now she spoke English fluently. You would have never thought it wasn’t her first language. She met my father in high school, and they both fell head over heels with each other.

  I decided to take a shower to cool down, because I was so mad. He used to give me a choice, but now he was basically forcing me. If he only knew that he wasn’t going to get what he wanted. I would not be takin over his empire, and I would be going pro and moving my mother away from this lifestyle. She deserved way more than being the wife of a king pin.

  Chapter five


  I was in my Camaro sitting outside of Starbucks when I saw Blu walk in. Just a few minutes ago, I was really nervous. Even though she was rude, there had to be some reason why. She seemed nice when she interacted with other people. Maybe it was just me? I got out my car and put my shades over my head. I was wearing boyfriend jeans with a lot of rips them, and a crop top that said classy. I walked in and looked around. I saw Blu on her phone sitting at a table. I walked over and sat down.

  “Hi Blu, how are you?” I looked her up and down. She was wearing booty shorts with an off the shoulder top and some converse. She looked really sexy right now. Even though she was wearing something so simple she gave me butterflies.

  “Hi Skie, I wanted you to come so we could start over. I know I came off rude but that’s not me. So would you mind starting over?” She looked at me with an intense look.
br />   “Yes, we can start over. My name is Skie.” I smiled at her. I felt so corny, but this was a part of starting over.

  “Hi, my name is Blu,” she smiled back and shook my hand. “You ready to order some coffee?” She got up and walked to the counter I followed, while staring at her ass.

  We both ordered an ice coffee and walked to a table outside. It was a beautiful day, the sun was high in the sky and there wasn’t any clouds in sight. We were both drinking coffee, but not saying anything. I ad butterflies in my stomach, and she kept biting her nails.

  “So what do you do, besides dance?” I asked her while looking dead in her eyes. She had the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. It’s like you could get lost into them.

  “I do a lot of shopping, I have a blog that I talk about topics of the world and dance of course.” She blushed a little, from the intense look I was giving her.

  “What do you do besides dance?” She asked giving me the same look. It was like we were the only ones around.

  “I dance. I really only been focusing on that. I have my YouTube channel and I’ve had a few additions to be a backup dancer.” I looked away. I had to break our eye contact.

  “Oh really have you got offered anything? I mean I wanna be a dance choreographer so if you ever need any help you have my number.” She smiled showing all her teeth. I defiantly will be taking her up on that offer. I wanted to spend more time with her.

  “I will definitely take you up on that offer. I do wanna at least have a friendship even if you’re not looking for a relationship,” I blushed. Did that really just come out my mouth?

  She looked at me and laughed. It kind of pissed me off, so I grabbed my stuff to prepare to leave.

  “No don’t go,” She pleaded, and followed behind me.

  “I wasn’t laughing at you I was just surprised that you remembered that. I didn’t mean to say that. I just felt like I was put on the spot when Monroe asked. I’m not looking for a relationship, but if one happens, I wont stop it. You wanna chill with me at the dance studio now? She looked at me, pushing her bottom lip out.


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