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by Mj Williamz


  Ronda Meyers plays cornerback for the Texas Stars. She’s the league MVP, and she plays hard both on and off the field. Ronda’s life is going great until she gets a devastating injury in the second game of the new season.

  Gayla Adkins is Ronda’s assistant and part-time lover. She takes care of Ronda after her injury and does her best to nurse her back to health. In the process, they discover love. They’re very happy until Gayla suspects Ronda of becoming addicted to her pain pills. She gives Ronda an ultimatum—get off the pills or lose her.

  Is Ronda strong enough to kick her addiction? Or will she choose the easy way out and lose Gayla?

  What Reviewers Say About MJ Williamz’s Work

  Shots Fired

  “MJ Williamz, in her first romantic thriller has done an impressive job of building up the tension and suspense. Williamz has a firm grasp of keeping the reader guessing and quickly turning the pages to get to the bottom of the mystery. Shots Fired clearly shows the author’s ability to spin an engaging tale and is sure to be just the beginning of great things to follow as the author matures.”—Lambda Literary

  “Williamz tells her story in the voices of Kyla, Echo, and Detective Pat Silverton. She does a great job with the twists and turns of the story, along with the secondary plot. The police procedure is first rate, as are the scenes between Kyla and Echo, as they try to keep their relationship alive through the stress and mistrust.”—Just About Write

  Forbidden Passions

  “Forbidden Passions is 192 pages of bodice ripping antebellum erotica not so gently wrapped in the moistest, muskiest pantalets of lesbian horn dog high jinks ever written. While the book is joyfully and unabashedly smut, the love story is well written and the characters are multi-dimensional. …Forbidden Passions is the very model of modern major erotica, but hidden within the sweet swells and trembling clefts of that erotica is a beautiful May–September romance between two wonderful and memorable characters.”—The Rainbow Reader


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  © 2018 By MJ Williamz. All Rights Reserved.

  ISBN 13:978-1-62639-808-5

  This Electronic Book is published by

  Bold Strokes Books, Inc.

  P.O. Box 249

  Valley Falls, NY 12185

  First Edition: March 2018

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.


  Editor: Cindy Cresap

  Production Design: Susan Ramundo

  Cover Design by Sheri ([email protected])

  By the Author

  Shots Fired

  Forbidden Passions

  Initiation by Desire



  Sheltered Love

  Summer Passion


  Love on Liberty

  Love Down Under


  Lessons In Desire

  Hookin’ Up



  There are many people I want to thank, but first and foremost, I wish to thank my wife, Laydin, for the unwavering support and love she gives me, not just in my writing, but in every aspect of my life. I also wish to thank Sarah for the endless supply of help and feedback she gives me as my first reader.

  I also want to thank Rad, Sandy, Cindy, Stacia, and all the folks at Bold Strokes Books for letting my voice be heard. And for their undying work to make me a better author.

  Of course, I thank all of you, the readers, who keep me writing.

  And finally, I’d like to acknowledge anyone who is battling or has ever battled an addiction. May you find the strength to overcome.


  As always, I dedicate this book, and my life, to Laydin Michaels

  Chapter One

  Ronda Meyers was sore and tired. And bored. She hated fundraisers and the like. She’d put on a good front and done her part. She’d allowed herself to be pawed and prodded like a piece of prime beef. But now she was ready to go home. She searched the room for Gayla, who was in her element, unfortunately. Gayla loved the crowds. She loved to press the flesh. If she could eke out one more dollar of support, she would.

  Finally, Ronda spotted Gayla. Their gazes met across the crowded room. Gayla’s pleaded for one more minute, just as Ronda’s pleaded for them to leave right then. Gayla gave in and crossed the room to where Ronda stood waiting for her.

  “Baby.” Gayla ran her hand over Ronda’s jacket and down her arm. “Things are going great here. Do we have to leave now?”

  “You’re not the one who had practice today. I’m wiped out. Besides, this isn’t your gig. You’re not putting it on. So, you’ve already done enough.”

  “Still, any penny we can use to raise the awareness of you women, we need to do it. We need fans in those seats. The bigger the American Women’s Football Association gets, the more money you get.”

  “I get that. Believe me. But right now, I’m tired of being one of the poster girls for the sport. I want to get out of here.”

  They made their way to the Goldens who were throwing this particular fundraiser. They thanked them for their hard work and said their good-byes.

  Ronda could feel the tension leaving her body as she sat in their hired car.

  “Man, I hate those things,” she said.

  “You shouldn’t. People pay top dollar to come and see you.”

  It was true. Ronda not only played for the championship team, she was the reigning league MVP. People did pay whatever was asked to rub shoulders with her, feel her biceps, and some even tried to squeeze a hamstring or quad.

  That was going too far, and Ronda would have to play it off when all she wanted to do was punch those people in the face. She was a human being, after all, not just a piece of meat.

  Ronda opened an eye and looked over at Gayla. She had on a black cocktail dress that was split high enough to show off her shapely thighs. And Gayla had great thighs. She was Ronda’s assistant and she worked very hard for her. But occasionally, no, often, they crossed that line from professional to personal. Ronda, exhausted though she was, hoped that night would be one of those times. She crossed over to sit next to Gayla and put her arm around her.

  “So, how you doin’? Besides bein’ pissed at me for making you leave the gala early?”

  “Ah. That was cute. Gayla. Gala. You’re a clever one.”

  “I like to think so,” Ronda said. “So, anyway, how you doin’? Are you still pumped from the festivities?”

  “I am.”

  “So, should I have the car drop us off at my place? I’m sure I could find a way to help relax you.”

  “But you’re wiped out.”

  “I think I feel a second wind coming on.”

  “What time is practice tomorrow?”


  “Okay, then,” Gayla said. “We can go back to your place.”

  She rested her hand on Gayla’s thigh and the heat radiated throughout her body. Damn, she was hot. Gayla stood five foot nine in her bare feet, but she was seldom in bare feet. She could normally be found in two- to three-inch heels, which made her almost
the same height as Ronda.

  She kept her blond hair short. It fell just below her jaw. Her green eyes had just the right amount of makeup on them, whether it was for a meeting or a fundraiser. She knew how to do things right. And then there were her lips. Full and always ready with a smile. Unless Ronda had made some egregious error. Then, there was no smile. Not for a long time. But Ronda did her best to be where she was told to be when she was told to be there, whether it was during the season, or in the off-season, when she was a real estate broker. Gayla took good care of her and she was in the mood to take good care of Gayla.

  The car pulled up in front of her house and they climbed out. Ronda slipped the driver a twenty and offered Gayla her elbow. She took it and they strolled up the rock pathway until they came to the porch. It was a wraparound, Southern style porch that Ronda was quite proud of.

  “Did you want something to drink?” Ronda asked.

  “I’d love a scotch,” Gayla said.

  “Would you mind sitting out here?”

  “Not at all.”

  “Great. Have a seat and I’ll get our drinks.”

  Ronda came out with two glasses of scotch. She handed one to Gayla then took a seat across from her at the little table set she had on the porch.

  “You know, like it or not, you were great tonight,” Gayla said.

  “Thank you, but you know I hate those things. I feel like a prized bull on display.”

  “Yes, but you’re this town’s prized bull and they want to see you and take pictures with you so they can tweet them and Instagram them. You’re famous, baby. You have to accept that.”

  “Can’t I be famous far from the madding crowds?”

  “Nope. Sorry good lookin’ you need to literally press the flesh,” Gayla said. “Just pretend you’re in a club with all your girls and everyone wants a piece of you. You never seem to mind that.”

  “That’s different.”

  Gayla laughed, a sound that made Ronda’s clit swell. More than once, people had suggested they become an item. Sometimes it seemed like a good idea. But then she thought about nights in the clubs and she knew there was no way she’d ever settle down.

  Ronda noticed Gayla’s glass was empty.

  “You ready to go inside?” she said.


  Ronda took Gayla’s hand and took her back to the bedroom. She placed her hand behind her neck and pulled her to her.

  “You look especially gorgeous tonight,” Ronda said.

  “Thank you.”

  Ronda leaned forward and claimed Gayla’s lips. The kiss was soft at first, then Ronda ran her tongue along Gayla’s lips and Gayla parted them and welcomed Ronda inside. The familiarity of the kiss did little to downplay it. If anything, it made it hotter. New kisses were always fun, but kissing someone when you knew what they liked and knew what was coming next, could also be arousing as hell.

  Ronda continued to kiss Gayla as she reached around her and unzipped her dress. She stepped back while Gayla stepped out of it. Gayla could have been an athlete, also, with her fine, trim body. Except her body was soft and smooth, where Ronda’s was hard and muscular.

  “Damn, woman. You never cease to take my breath away,” Ronda said.

  She kissed her again and reached around to unhook her bra. She took it off and tossed it to the floor. She brought her hands around to her front and played with her breasts.

  “Man, I love these things.”

  “Good. They love the way you touch them.”

  Ronda dragged her thumbs over Gayla’s nipples and felt them tighten.

  “Mm. Let’s get you on the bed,” Ronda said. She lowered Gayla to the bed and kissed her with a passion that came from deep within her. She kissed down Gayla’s cheek and nibbled on her neck. She kissed down her chest and stopped to suck first on one nipple, then the other. Ronda was getting hotter by the minute. She couldn’t wait to take Gayla as far as she could go.

  She kissed down her soft belly until she was between her legs.

  “How did we manage to leave these on?” she asked as she fingered the waistband of Gayla’s panties.

  “I don’t know, but please take them off.”

  “Are you sure? Maybe they don’t need to come off just yet.”

  “Baby, they need to come off. Take them off. Please.”

  Ronda loved when Gayla begged. Her voice went up an octave, and the sound got Ronda dripping wet. She peeled Gayla’s panties off and tossed them to the floor. She gazed at the beauty before her.

  “I don’t know where to start,” she murmured.

  “Anywhere. Just fucking start,” Gayla said.

  Ronda laughed and lowered her mouth to taste Gayla. She licked around her opening before darting her tongue inside. She relished the familiar flavor and ran her tongue all over. She moved to Gayla’s clit and sucked it in her mouth. She lapped at it as she sucked. She heard Gayla’s breathing getting shallow.

  Ronda reached up and pinched a nipple as she licked and sucked. That’s all it took. Gayla pressed Ronda’s face into her before crying out in ecstasy. Gayla finally released Ronda, who climbed up next to her.

  “How is it you’re still dressed?” Gayla said.

  “I’m not sure how that happened. I guess I was in too much of a hurry to get to you.”

  “Well, get them off now, because I’m in a hurry to get to you.”

  “Fair enough.”

  Ronda took off her suit and carefully laid it over the back of the chair. She undid her cufflinks and shrugged out of her shirt.

  “Damn you and your broad shoulders,” Gayla said.

  Ronda paused and looked at her.

  “Keep going,” Gayla said.

  Ronda took off her sports bra and stepped out of her boxers. She stood naked for Gayla’s approval.

  “You are so fine,” Gayla said. “You’re like a sculpted piece of ebony and I can’t wait to get at you.”

  Ronda lay down on the bed next to Gayla. Gayla propped herself up on an elbow and looked down at Ronda.

  “Do you know how many women in that room tonight would kill to be me right now?”

  “I think most of them were straight, so I doubt this even crossed their minds.”

  “Then they were fools.”

  She lowered her head and kissed Ronda on the mouth. She sucked her bottom lip and ran her tongue over it. She kissed her on the mouth again and slid her tongue inside. Ronda grew dizzy from the kiss. Gayla knew how to use her tongue. There was no doubt about that.

  Gayla moved her mouth to Ronda’s breasts.

  “I love your breasts,” she said.

  “They’re not much more than mosquito bites,” Ronda said.

  “But they go well with the rest of your body.”

  She sucked a nipple into her mouth and ran her tongue over it. Ronda clutched her head and tangled her hands in Gayla’s hair. God, that woman knew what she was doing.

  Gayla continued to suck as she ran her hand down Ronda’s body until it came to rest between her legs. She stroked Ronda’s clit softly before plunging her fingers inside. She rubbed the satin walls until Ronda was writhing on the bed, begging for release. Gayla moved back to her clit and pressed it into Ronda’s pubis until Ronda arched off the bed and then collapsed as wave after wave of orgasm cascaded over her.

  It took Ronda a moment to catch her breath.

  “Damn, woman. You sure know what you’re doing

  “I should by now. You’re easy to please, baby.”

  Gayla snuggled against Ronda.

  “I like it when you wrap your arm around me,” Gayla said. “It’s so strong, yet comforting at the same time.”

  Ronda stiffened slightly. She wasn’t sure she wanted Gayla getting too comfortable.

  “Relax, gorgeous,” Gayla said. “I’m not asking you to marry me. Just saying I like cuddling with you after sex. Jeez.”

  Ronda laughed.

  “Sorry. I forget. So many women who share my bed have expectations…”

  “I don’t, baby. The only expectation I have is that you make it to practice tomorrow. And then I believe you have a house showing in the afternoon, but I’ll have to check my calendar for that.”

  “That’s fine, Gayla. Let’s not worry about that right now. For now, let’s just sleep.”

  Ronda woke the next morning and looked at the clock. Eight o’clock. She had two hours until practice. She contemplated waking Gayla, but decided she looked too peaceful sleeping there. Instead she went to the kitchen to make her breakfast. She was still on her first cup of coffee when she heard Gayla padding out to join her.

  She took in the long lines of Gayla’s nude body and was tempted to take her back to bed. But she needed her energy for practice. That sounded so cliché to her, but she knew Gayla would tell her the same thing.

  “You should cover up so I don’t take you back to bed right now,” she said.

  “Uh-uh. You need to conserve your energy. And I don’t want to cover up. You’re not.”

  “No, I’m not. Maybe we both should.”

  “Or not. There’s nothing wrong with being as nature intended us.”

  “Fine,” Ronda said.

  She served them each a plate of bacon and eggs and they sat at the table.

  “So, you have a house to show in Upper Kirby at three o’clock. What time is practice over?”

  “It’s over at one. I’ll have plenty of time to make my appointment.”

  “Good. Then your evening is free.”

  “Most excellent. I’ll enjoy my free time.”

  “Well, you know, hot stuff, if you want some company…”

  “We’ll see. Maybe I will. If so, you’ll be the first to know.”


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