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by Mj Williamz

Chapter Two

  Practice was intense, as usual. The Houston Stars were expected to repeat that year, and Coach Hindley was doing everything in her power to get her defense ready for the opening game, which was less than a month away. And she wasn’t taking it easy on her star.

  “Meyers!” she called to Ronda. “Lift those knees higher. Be lighter on your feet. Come on. We’ve got games to win.”

  Ronda went through calisthenics with the rest of the team, doing her best to be the leader she was expected to be. She didn’t like being the leader. She just wanted to play football. But she knew she was lying to herself. She loved being the leader. She got first shot at the rookies. She had first choice of the ladies at the clubs. Being the leader had its perks, so she tried to run faster and jump higher and tackle harder.

  When she was off the field for a few plays, she kept her focus on the girl who’d just started with the team. She’d been traded from New Orleans. She was a looker. She was a running back, so she was shorter than Ronda and compact, like a little muscle machine. All Ronda knew about her was her last name was O’Reilly. And she had short dark hair. She was cute from a distance. Ronda was thinking about walking over to her when her friend Donna Spencer walked up.

  “I see you checking out the new blood,” Donna said. “You gonna say something to her?”

  “I was getting ready to make my move when you walked up.”

  “Don’t let me stand in your way.”

  “O’Reilly!” Coach Poehl, the head coach, said. “You’re in.”

  “Well, hell,” Ronda said. “There goes that opportunity.”

  “You’ll be able to catch her in the locker room, I’m sure. And she might be just what you need after a long, hot shower.”

  “Meyers.” Coach Hindley walked up. “Go soak in the tub. You played hard today.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Ronda didn’t have to be asked twice to soak. Even though it was an ice bath, it still felt good after playing as hard as she had.

  She soaked until her trainers told her her time was up. Then she joined the others in the locker room. She stripped and headed for the showers. Fortunately for her, O’Reilly was showering at the same time. Ronda knew it would be awkward to approach her while they were both naked, so she quickly showered and dried. She was dressed when she looked over and saw O’Reilly leaving. She quickened her step to catch up.

  “O’Reilly, right?” Ronda said as they walked to their cars.

  “Yep. Meyers, right?”


  O’Reilly laughed.

  “I’d have to be an idiot not to know the league MVP.”

  Ronda stopped and put out her hand.

  “I’m Ronda,” she said.

  “I’m Mallory.”

  “Mallory. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “You, too.”

  “So, Mallory, can I take you to dinner tonight?” Ronda said.

  “I’ve heard about you,” Mallory said with a smile.

  “So that’s a no?”

  “Actually, I think I’ll take my chances. What time?”


  “Sounds good.”

  “Where can I pick you up?”

  Mallory gave Ronda the address where she was staying and they said their good-byes. Ronda checked her watch. Damn. She had a half an hour before she was supposed to meet the Logans who were looking at the house. She stepped on it and arrived with twenty minutes to spare.

  “You know I hate it when you don’t get here a half hour early,” Gayla said. “Come on. Let’s go over everything.”

  Gayla handed her the flyer of information. Ronda looked over it and was ready when the Logans showed up five minutes early.

  “And this is why you get here a half hour before the appointment,” Gayla said.

  “Relax, I’m ready. I’m going out to greet them. You just chill.”

  Ronda stepped out into the spring heat and waited as Oliver and Nadine Logan got out of the car.

  “Hello again,” Ronda said as she shook their hands. “I think we’ve found the perfect spot for you.”

  “I love it so far,” Nadine said. “I love this yard.”

  “Well, it sits on a sixty-five hundred square foot lot,” Ronda said. “And I know you love your gardening.”

  “I do.”

  Ronda guided them into the house itself.

  “Now it’s a two-bedroom, one-bath, just like you’re looking for,” she said.

  “And the square footage?” Oliver said.

  “It’s fourteen hundred. So it’s not too big for just the two of you.”

  She took them on a tour and showed them the bedrooms and the bath. It really was the perfect place for a young couple such as the Logans.

  “I love it,” Nadine said. “And it only took you three tries to find the perfect fit. You’re wonderful, Ronda.”

  “Thanks. But it was all you two. You let me know exactly what you were looking for.”

  They discussed the asking price and then made an offer that Ronda thought was legitimate. She shook hands again with both of them before they got in their car and drove off.

  Ronda walked into the kitchen where Gayle was sitting.

  “So, this looks like a slam dunk,” Ronda said.

  “Great. Shall we go out and celebrate?”

  Ronda checked her watch. It was five.

  “Sure. Let’s go grab a drink.”

  “You have plans?” Gayla said.

  “Yeah, but not until seven, so we’re good.”

  “Are you sure? I can take a rain check.”

  “No, come on. Let’s go to Brownie’s. I’ll meet you there.”

  Gayla was somewhat somber.

  “What gives?” Ronda said. “We’re celebrating here. I just sold a seven-hundred-thousand-dollar house. And you look like you lost your best friend.”

  “I’m sorry. I am happy. Honest.”

  “Good. So let’s drink.”

  Ronda ordered two margaritas and they found a seat in the bar area.

  “So, what’s happening at seven?” Gayla said.

  “I’m taking a rookie to dinner.”

  “Oh? Who’s the lucky lady?”

  “Her name’s Mallory O’Reilly. We just picked her up yesterday from New Orleans.”

  “And you’re going to treat her to the ol’ Meyers’ hospitality, huh?”

  “We’ll see. Apparently, my reputation precedes me.” She laughed.

  “Oh, it does, huh? Well then, you may be sleeping alone after all.”

  “Maybe. But she agreed to dinner, so we’ll just see what happens.”

  They finished their drinks and walked out to their cars.

  “Good luck tonight,” Gayla said.


  Ronda got back to her house and changed into something less formal for dinner. She chose gray slacks and a black golf shirt. She looked good and she knew it. She sprayed on a touch of her favorite cologne and called for a car.

  She directed the car to the address Mallory had given her. It was a nice apartment complex not far from where she lived in River Oaks. She climbed the stairs and knocked on her door.

  Mallory opened the door looking absolutely adorable in slacks and a green golf shirt. There would be no doubt they were lesbians wherever they went that night. Ronda smiled.

  “So, I guess we’re wearing our dyke uniforms tonight, huh?” she said.

  “I guess so.”

  “You ready for some good Tex-Mex?”

  “I guess I need to try it sometime. Now is as good a time as any.”

  Ronda gave the driver the address for the restaurant and settled in the back with Mallory.

  “So, how are you feeling today after practice?”

  “I didn’t get many reps, so I’m not as worn out as you must be. Dang, they use you almost every down.”

  “Still, the calisthenics are a bitch.”

  “Yeah, but I’ve been doing them with New Orleans, so at least I’m in shape.�

  “You certainly are,” Ronda said.

  Mallory blushed.

  “You don’t even try to hide that you’re a predator, do you?”

  “Nope. And it’s true. You’re in great shape. That’s from one player to another.”

  “Where on earth did you get the idea I’m a player?” Mallory said.

  “No! Not that kind of player. Football player.”

  “Okay.” Mallory laughed. “Okay. Fair enough.”

  The car pulled up in front of the restaurant. Ronda stepped out and let Mallory slide out before she closed the door.

  “You’re going to love it here,” she said. “Do you like fajitas? They’re known for fajitas.”

  “I have to admit I’ve never had good fajitas.”

  “Well, may I recommend that change tonight?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  They went inside and Ronda started moving to the groove of Tex-Mex music that was playing.

  Mallory smiled but said nothing.

  The hostess seated them outside, as it was a warm evening.

  “Do I need to look at a menu?” Mallory said.

  “Nope. We’ll have margaritas to drink and steak fajitas to eat. Unless you’re a vegetarian or something?”

  “No worries there. I’m a meat eater.”

  “That’s what I was hoping to hear.” Ronda winked.

  “You’re plain evil.” Mallory laughed. “Haven’t you ever heard of playing coy?”

  “Aw, come on. I’m just havin’ some fun with you. It’s all good.”

  “You are pretty funny. I’ll give you that.”

  The waitress came by and Ronda ordered for both of them.

  “So, how long have you been with the Stars?” Mallory asked.

  “This is my seventh season.”

  “That’s a whole career for most people.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m not most people.”

  “No, you’re not,” Mallory said.

  Dinner was filled with quiet conversation about practices and all the new people Mallory was having to get to know and coordinate with out on the field.

  “So, what’s Canfield’s story?” she asked.

  Rebecca Canfield was their quarterback. And one of the best in the league.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I swear she was trying to make me look bad today. I’d think we’d all be working together, but she’d call a play for me to go right and she’d turn left, so I’d look like an idiot.”

  “Look,” Ronda said. “Her girlfriend was our starting running back last year. She got traded last month. Maybe Canfield can’t handle a replacement.”

  “Well, someone’s gotta be her replacement, right? We need a running back. And we have barely a month before the season starts.”

  “I’ll talk to her,” Ronda said.

  “No! You can’t. I mean, I’d look like a total whiner.”

  “No. I won’t ask about you. I’ll just tell her she looks a little rusty and see if she wants to talk. I’ll tell her to shake it off one way or another,” Ronda said.

  “Okay, but I won’t be mentioned?”

  “Not at all.”


  “I swear,” Ronda said.


  They finished their dinner and their drinks. Ronda had a full stomach and was in a mellow mood. She was also sitting with a hot little number, so her hormones were burning just under the surface.

  “So,” Ronda said. “I guess my next question is pretty obvious, huh?”

  “If I’ll want to see you again?”

  It was like a blow to the gut. She could almost feel her ego deflating. She recovered quickly.

  “Yes. I’d like to see you again.”

  “That wasn’t what you were asking and you know it.” Mallory laughed. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

  Ronda stood and followed Mallory out of the restaurant. Or tried to. She was stopped three times and asked for her autograph. She tried to be gracious, but just wanted to tell the guys asking that she was just about to get laid. She knew better and had a good chuckle over the thought.

  “What’s so funny?” Mallory asked when Ronda finally made it out.

  “Nothing. Nothing at all.”

  They sat together in the back of the car.

  “You know, we have practice at ten tomorrow.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t keep you up too late.”

  “You don’t know that,” Mallory said. “I may be one of those women who takes forever.”

  “Are you?”



  They got out of the car and headed for the house.

  “Which would you prefer first? The bed or the Jacuzzi tub?” Ronda asked.

  “Oh, a tub sounds wonderful,” Mallory said.

  Ronda led her back to the master bathroom. She turned the tub on and set the bubbles churning. Then she turned to Mallory. She pulled her shirt off and then removed her bra.

  “Your uniform doesn’t do you justice,” Ronda said. “You’re all woman under those pads.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  Ronda held one breast in both hands. She bent and took Mallory’s nipple in her mouth. She sucked it hard. It responded by growing in her mouth and pressing against the roof of her mouth.

  “Damn, woman,” Ronda said, but Mallory didn’t respond. She was holding on to Ronda’s shoulders, her eyes shut tight. “You’ve got some fine titties on you.”

  Ronda unbuttoned Mallory’s slacks. She unzipped them and they dropped to the floor.

  “You want to get those shoes off so I can see you naked?” Ronda said.

  Mallory kicked off her shoes and stepped out of her pants.

  “Oh, yeah,” Ronda said. “That’s what I call a body.”

  Mallory was much curvier than Gayla, but her curves were right where they needed to be.

  “Your turn,” Mallory said. “Let me get a look at what all the fuss is about.”

  Ronda laughed.

  “The fuss?”

  “Sure. The body that’s worth however much they insure you for.”

  “Oh, please. As far as I know, that’s just a rumor.” Ronda took her shirt off.

  “I’m sure it’s not.”

  Ronda finished stripping and turned off the water. She stood naked for Mallory’s inspection.

  “Shit, woman, there’s not an ounce of fat on you,” Mallory said.

  Ronda closed the distance between them and lifted Mallory’s chin. She gazed into her blue eyes, dark with passion. She lowered her mouth and tasted Mallory’s. Her lips were soft and tender. And Ronda needed more.

  “Let’s get in the water,” she said. They sat next to each other and Ronda placed her arm around Mallory and pulled her close. She closed her mouth on Mallory’s again. This time she ran her tongue along her lower lip until Mallory opened her mouth for her. Ronda slid her tongue inside and found her warm and moist. Her desire soared as their tongues met and danced together. She never wanted the kiss to end, but eventually, Mallory broke it.

  “Damn, you sure know how to kiss,” Mallory said.

  “I’d say we do pretty good together.”

  She ran her hand along the water until it was under one of Mallory’s breasts. She bent to take her nipple in her mouth again. She sucked hard and ran her tongue all over it.

  “Oh, shit, Ronda.”

  It was so much fun playing with her breast. She wanted to spend the whole night right there, but knew there was more to explore. She dropped the breast and ran her hand down her body to between her legs. She found her clit swollen and her lips wet.

  “Oh, yeah, you’re ready for me, aren’t you?” Ronda said.

  She kissed her again. A deep, passionate kiss that made her toes curl. Ronda slid her fingers inside Mallory, as deep as they would go. She pulled them out, then thrust them back in. She made sure to keep the palm of her hand on Mallory’s clit as she plunged her fingers in an
d out until Mallory grabbed her wrist and held it still.

  “Jesus, oh Jesus,” Mallory said. “Oh, Jesus, yes. Oh, God, yes. Oh, yes.”

  Ronda kept her hand where it was until Mallory relaxed back against the wall of the tub.

  “So I guess we got there?” she said.

  “Hell yes.”

  Ronda smiled a big smile.

  “Right on.” Then she said, “Let’s hit the bed.”

  They got out and toweled off. Ronda led the way to the bed. She lay down and pulled Mallory on top of her.

  “Easy, there, Ronda. I weigh more than I look like I do.”

  “I’m not worried.”

  “Well, I am. I don’t want to have to explain a boudoir injury to Coach Hindley.” She laughed.

  “Fair enough. But you didn’t hurt me.”

  Mallory rolled off Ronda and lay there running her hand up and down her body.

  “I love your body,” she said.

  “Like you admire it or you want it?”

  “A little of both, I suppose. It’s natural to admire it, but damn, I want it, too.”

  “Then take me, Mal. Fuck me senseless.”

  Mallory sucked one of Ronda’s nipples into her mouth and took half her breast with it. She teased the other with her fingers while she sucked the one.

  “Oh, yeah. Now we’re talkin’,” Ronda said.

  Mallory let loose of the nipple and kissed down Ronda’s belly until she was between her legs. She pried her legs wide and got comfortable. She licked and nipped at Ronda’s hard clit before lapping at the juices flowing inside her.

  Ronda had her hand on Mallory’s head, tangling in her dark hair. Mallory moved back to Ronda’s clit and sucked it between her lips. She flicked the tip of it with her tongue until Ronda cried out as she came.

  Chapter Three

  The next day, as the team left the locker room for the field, Ronda made her way to Canfield.

  “You doin’ okay, Canfield?” she said.

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “You look a little rusty out there. I’d hate to see you lose your starting position just because you miss your girl.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I’m just sayin’ your girl isn’t coming back. One of these running backs has to be a starter. And you’re not making them look bad out there. You’re making it look like you don’t know the playbook. So get it together, huh?”


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